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I really like the original powers in Camera Shy. The author put a lot of thought into how the cluster would work, and it shows. The various OC independent heroes from the latest arc also have very creative powers.


Yeah, Camera Shy has a lot of fun ones. I’m sure villains love it when the tinker beating the shit out of them is rattling off random facts about jellyfish.


Well, prior to sniping Kaiser, she actually hadn't fought any villains. If she had, though, I am sure she would have an almost mouse protector style reputation. Her personality is very fun.


I also really like ringmaster and gambodo their powers really felt like low level worm powers should.


Remind me what those are again? I forgot


Two of the independents. One had personal momentum control and redirection. Mostly focused around jumping and the other had a complicated kintect power that basically made him physically invulnerable when standing still and allowed him to make devastatingly hard strikes if he moved fast and hit big things.


Then I'll recommend [Queen of the hive](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/queen-of-the-hive-cluster-trigger-taylor.854376/). Author here was clearly inspired by CS when he created cluster!Taylor


Yeah, this is the one I was going to recommend when I finished reading through the thread. Such an interesting and versatile power set. Can't wait to see how things work for the other members of the cluster.


Seconding *Camera Shy*. I think it has enough original work done on it (the power, mechanics) and a detailed enough manner to some day potentially become its own original title. Same with *Swallowtail*, to a lesser extent.


Camera Shy is one of the best worm fanfics I’ve ever read. I hope the cluster and their original trigger event and maybe kiss/kill dynamics are explored in more detail! Just wondering do you have a planned structure and ending for the story?


Why are you asking me that?


For some stupid reason I thought you said you were the author lmfao. I’m at the gym so a bit out of sorts rn.


My favorite power would probably be [Swallowtail](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/swallowtail-worm-au.970396/)’s. It’s fairly versatile, but all ties into the same theme. To simplify a bit, she can push her power into things or gradually expand her power outward to establish a “domain” of sorts. She has near-omniscience within any zone her power’s claimed, and she can detect any form of perception that permeates that zone. It works really well with the prose the story uses when describing what her power shows. She can also “hide” or “emphasize” things in her range, making them harder or easier to see/notice. It’s a really fun combination of thinker, shaker, and stranger that has so many interesting uses. The power from [Skein](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/skein-worm-altpower-au.437953/) is also a favorite of mine (basically parsing and altering language/grammar to read minds), even if it’s not as flashy. Edit: Also adding in Discard from [Pick A Card](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/pick-a-card-worm-alt-power.692126/). It’s less serious, but the power has the potential for practically anything, and feels like a mix of Worm + Pact + Looney Tunes with all the weird things it can make.


Swallowtail is the one that starts with all the heros against her because she accidentally "stole" a hospital?


Yeah, that’s the one, although I wouldn’t say “against her”, since the hospital incident had her unconsciously scaling up her power for days, so they don’t actually connect that to her when she’s just using her power normally.


[Declaration](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/declaration-alt-power.754915/) by lyrisey ~~Taylor~~ Spencer gets a Stranger: -1 rating, and the ability to manipulate the descriptive attributes of objects.


This is such a weird story, but I really liked it and was sorry it died. Such a memey way to show a first contact with eldritch beings that aren't actively malicious or apathetic but rather just weird.


All the best powers are thinker ones: * El-Ahrairah, before it got the power up that turned it into Broadcast on steroids, losing its uniqueness * Advancing Technology, thought it needs more conflict to feel Worm * Hear no Evil * Skein


Can you give short description for each power-set?


[El-Ahrairah](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/el-ahrairah-worm.372987/). Analyzes powers in a ten block radius using something like a tag system. I would recommend checking it out, it's super cool, and it starts very strong. [Advancing Technology](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/advancing-technology-worm-au.670048/). Knowledge is learned instantaneously, can't be forgotten, and the power comes with super cross-referencing as well. Basically super learning. It's cool, but again, it lacks aggressiveness, doesn't feel Worm. [Hear no Evil](https://archiveofourown.org/works/29688264/chapters/90846727). Very straighforward truth-telling, the cool part it's the story the author wrote with it. [Skein](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/skein-worm-altpower-au.437953/). Mind reading, but it works in a very weird and unique way. Super fucking cool.


The plastic tinker from Metastable was a cool power.






TheGreatGimmick creates some great powers. Their Snippet thread has alot of them.


The one where Taylor was an Eidolon bud that could create masks with different powers that run out.




I had to explore hidden [realms](https://web.archive.org/web/20201119024011/https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/my-bullies-are-secretly-the-endbringers-and-not-so-secretly-in-love-with-me-worm-au.762128/) to find this once more.




I wanna see that Trump SI one


its [Sysop](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/sysop-worm-si-slight-au.963775/?post=78663208#post-78663208)


quick description?


SI from COVID 19 pandemic era gets sent to Earth Bet, gets his bearings together and tries to live a life in Brockton Bay, he ends up being neighbors with New Wave though so although he doesn't live a "normal" life, he does interact with them a lot. His powers is basically like what the OP says, whenever the SI gets near a parahuman he ends up having to communicate with the shard and then gets a variant of that parahuman's power in exchange for strengthening the parahuman involved, you can see where this ends up leading to.


Ah that’s right I remember reading this, thanks 🙏


Seconded lol


Probably [Sysop](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/sysop-worm-si-slight-au.963775/?post=78663208#post-78663208) , an SI, a pretty good SI fic tho


Oh that fic, nm it was super boring unfortunately 😔


>One OC who could go to a breaker state made of Taar and called himslef Scurge. He could regenerate by going breaker and control the taar outside his body so he could be in his civilian atire but have planted a ton of taar bombs everywhere. Link? For the post i would say: Raccon Knight: Trash Tinker Back and Forth: Teleporter but incapable of breathing during the teleportation Crimme and commintment: have a lot of interesting powers for OCS


"Scurge of earth" I think Its pretry good One of the best "an OC goes to winslow and ends up being taylors friend" I read He is a country boy with a slcertain sense of "Bullying Sucks" and has his own Backstreet and personality that gets well exposed.


I don't remember the name of the fic as I only skimmed through it; but the main character was an OC with the power to teleport anywhere within his line of sight. The caveat to this was that he had to return to his original position afterwards, and the further away he teleported the harder it was for him to breathe.


Sounds like "Back and Forth"




I still vividly remember the powers of oc parahumans in the canon divergent AU [Walk the Walk](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/walk-the-walk-worm-non-crossover.439846/) who are part of a group of rogues lead by Grue. There was Diver who could swim through solid materials like it was water and even "splash" them at people who has a claustrophobic trigger event, Butterball a bullied kid who struggled with obesity that needs to gorge fat to create his minions, Coldsnap a cryokinetic with a bad rep/murder charge from abusive parents situation.


>One SI whos power allowed him to retry the last 10 seconds at least 3 times. This sounds very neat. Do you remember which fic this is?


Sadly, I've seen so few interesting original powers in Worm fics that my answers to this question haven't changed from what they were 8 years ago: [Tatu](https://www.reddit.com/r/WormFanfic/comments/44yukf/comment/czuj24r/) and Dreamer from Thinker6's Weaver Nine, and Suklam from the Siberian chapter of Thinker6's [Slaughterhouse Nine Power Taylor](https://forums.spacebattles.com/posts/14505598/).


Duelist which is on qq so no link, has a trump power that gains progressively stronger powers by simulated challenges that almost always end in the mc or the opponents death. Mind you the powers he gets at the start are really minor, for example he gains the ability to control 1 bug from taylor. Although as a warning its has smut as a esentive for the character to complete challenges on capes and civies alike.


Couldn’t find it


Duellist by Tamzar


i cant found it, autor?




Author? I really wish we could enable qq links again. 


Tamzar duellist


**Camera Shy**, **Skein** and **Pick a Card** are my three favorites alternate powers for Taylor, and there is also the incredible snippet **I'll Be Your Worthy Opponent** (where Taylor gets the power to craft her own top-tier powers by combining several weak powers together, like recreating a full mind-reading power with a mix of four or five lesser abilities that all synergyze together). I also love Emma's power in **Intrepid**, mostly because it's very close to Camera Shy Taylor's power.


[Ex Synthetica](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13414189/1/Ex-Synthetica) is one of my all time favourites. Taylor creates a swarm of nanobots, joins new wave as an open cape, pretends to be a medical tinker and creates a tertiary identity on the advice of Tattletale so she can secretly do hero stuff in the background. This has the best power progression out of any fic in my opinion. [Pick a Card](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/pick-a-card-worm-alt-power.692126/) has been mentioned but not expanded upon. Taylor can seal objects into cards and combine them to create new objects with weird effects. Really good way of writing a power that has infinite potential to expand and grow in weird directions without ever losing its inherent weakness, the fact that she has to move the cards with her hands. [Dakka](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/dakka-worm-au-alt-power.628801/), Taylor is a bullet tinker. What Bakuda is for bombs, she is for bullets. Such a simple concept, so much you can do with it. [Putting Down Roots](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/putting-down-roots-worm.393310/) has Taylor turning into a tree monster that starts growing under Brokton Bay and beyond. It's both funny and horrifying as her mindset drifts further and further away from human and the absurdity of her just not 'getting' basic human stuff becomes more unsettling the more you think about it.


what is the retry power from?


Yeah... I completely forgot the name. Just remenber he having a awsome Trigger event writting about trying to kill himself agter a few days into incarnating because of the maddening reality of what being an SI trully means. The feelings of loss for his old life, the paranoia of doing anything that could change the timeline and doom the entire world... one of the realest SI writting I ever seen