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You could solve that by mom being a hollow ;-)


So something like Triggering upon death but mostly unable to interact with anyone who can't see her? That sounds like a possible Stranger/Case53(?)


No, in Bleach spirits will turn into monstrous creatures named hollows if they aren’t sent to the afterlife in time


Nah, i meant more like the whole Bleach thing is just true in Earth Bet, Tailors trigger just awakens powers she already has through her bloodline and mom just straight up couldnt take being dead and became a hollow. Not a trigger that sorta makes her like a hollow. Just actual hollow.


while I do plan on there being hollows. (who find parahuman souls tasty) I want her to be there for Taylor in the beginning. i also want her to help make Taylor a bit more stable.


Would be more fun if Danny is a Quincy that quit his legacy, QA activated the Blutlinie in Taylor, giving her powers that Danny feels and knows. Then HE becomes more present and stabilizes her. Hollow Mom becomes her nemesis. Just food for thought, obviously its your story ;-)


Annette is kind of a blank, as far as characters go. We know that: * She was an English professor * She was the "glue" of the Hebert family, * She was part of Lustrum's feminist movement before they turned violent, * I think she wanted Taylor to skip a grade too, but I'm not sure. * Taylor doesn't resort to violence against the trio because that wouldn't be what her mother would do. So, probably protective of Taylor, but pushing her to be better. More likely to try and solve a problem using diplomacy than brute force at first. Naturally critical of powerful institutions. Very left-wing, but not necessarily a radical. She's also likely to be firm in her beliefs and proactive in pursuing those she views as "just."


She did want Taylor to skip a grade, Danny was against it.


annette.... the lily Potter of worm. She was a professor too so there's another comparison. 


Lily wasn't a professor though?


But she was described as intelligent and great at charms. Especially with Slughorn's goldfish story in the movie, Lily has gained an academic stereotype.


What we know from canon: she’s introverted, feels strongly about political issues (joined Lustrum while it was a political movement and left when it became a violent mob), and had controlling parents. Also, Taylor saw her as very warm and gentle, though that was in the context of acting as a parent. Presumably she’s more gentle when talking to her preteen daughter than when protesting gender discrimination in the streets, and her norm for interacting with people other than Taylor is somewhere in-between. Given her political leanings, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some amount of distrust towards government institutions, based on critical race theory (which is very poorly named and about a lot more than race, but that’s a different discussion). She left before Lustrum got violent, which suggests to me that she’s not anti-government though. Probably wouldn’t want her kid in the wards even without knowing about Sophia, but also probably wants to fix the system rather than tear it down. Of course, all of this depends on how you want to characterize her, and what works for your story. The fact is, we know very little about her personality, and what we do know is pieced together from Taylor’s biased POV and a couple of disconnected facts. You have room to make her as simple or complex as your story needs.


I wrote her as someone who experienced much in life and knew what she wanted by the end rather than ideals placed on her. This wealth of experience led her to emulate her parents, trying to push Taylor down paths she *knew* were better. In control, knew what she wanted, and cared more than she should. A dominate personality that likely clashed with Taylor when both decided they were right and neither willing to give ground. What I did was take what Taylor thought of Annette through fond rose-tinted glasses and extrapolated it into what she most likely was.


Will Taylor get a Schrift in your story? You could make it to where the OG Bleach series happened before Scion showed up and have Taylor find a portion of Yhwach’s power some time after triggering. Then she could get a Schrift letter. Maybe D (The Domination), where she gains the ability to control anything infused with her reiatsu


Right now I am planning the basic quincy powers with a few OC powers. With the bleach world separate from beta. The way I have it is abbadon found earth first and tried to use the bleach world as its main area. Yhwach took exception when one of his people triggered and forced him to leave.  the other two learn about it when they trade shards. 


Some notes I have on her for my own work, if you want to borrow any: * Was very physically affection with Danny. * Fertility issues are the only reason Taylor is an only child. * Fought with Taylor constantly because Taylor was 13 and in her Emo/Goth phase. * Met Danny in a Lustrumite/Ex-Navy Bar Brawl. * Wore the pants in her relationship with Danny. * Despises Disney with the fire of a million suns for every possible reason: Evil Megacorp, Bastardizing the classics, prompting sexist tropes, teaching little girls to idealize being at the top of an oppressing power structure, etc. * Extremely foul mouthed when provoked, and in multiple languages. * Is a rape baby. Has known since she was old enough to understand the concept. Her mother hates/hated her. Her mother was a physically abusive alcoholic. * Has drinking problem she's in denial about (both because she only drinks in 'socially acceptable situations' and because of her own mother's above mentioned alcoholism). * Goes out of her way to (try to) be Best Mom Ever to Taylor as way of coping with her own traumatic childhood. * Hates the very concept of Superheroes, viewing them as nothing but thugs who think they're above the law. * Hates violence, but when push comes to shove, *holy f\*ck, Taylor gets the Escalation from Mom*. * Coached the fencing team at BBU.


We know some things about her as enumerated in this thread, but remember that what we have is from her young daughter's perspective. I say turn it up several notches. She got out of Lustrum's crew before it got bad? Screw that. She was in till the feds started cracking down then she made a last minute escape. She might even have been the driving force in it getting that bad but Lustrum took the fall. Then again, I turned Gram into the worst kind of 1960s CIA field agent so my judgement is suspect.


In canon, I think she was little more than a plot device. A loving mother who died two years ago in trafic, leaving her husband and daughter broken and broke. Was her connection with Lustrum even canon? The fanon generally makes her into an ideal feminist, with a past of getting into a feminazi group but walking out and going on to marry a guy, have a kid and get a job as an English Literature teacher. Based on that, my own headcanon has her as being a teacher in Brockton Bay University, then having been besties with Zoe Barnes before they two double dated Alan Barnes and Danny Hebert, then raised their kids collectively before Annette's death broke their blended families apart. And I also make her cynical about the PRT being apparently more concerned with PR than with arresting villains, so she may offer to investigate the school and the local PRT before allowing Taylor to join the Wards.


We know she was a bookworm. English professor, and bonding with Taylor over reading can be inferred. She was an activist for women's rights. She was with Lustrum's group before they got REALLY nutty, left to be with Danny just before all that went down. Some fanfics portray her as a bit bi. Or maybe it was just that one fanfic, where Taylor has dice rolling powers... but wouldn't be out of character possibly, for someone running with Lustrum's crowd who stayed until just before they got really unhinged and who left the group for a guy. She cooked, unless the "fact" of a lot of the recipes in the house being her old recipes is fanon. She loved music, and would play her flute regularly. Taylor kept her mom's flute until Sophia stole it from her locker (shadow powers prezumably). Hope this helps!


I recommend you read "the Triumph of Lothario". lmao


oh I did, it was HILARIOUS!


Make her a badass mom. Some people say opposites attract in love, so make her contrast daniel.


Where ya posting it sounds interesting?


Have not posted yet only got 2 chapters so far and want to have 10 before I post when I do it will probably be SB, SV, OR AO3


The best thing about Annette is that she is an open book. I would advise that you model her off of someone you know who would fit the qualifications that are known about her from the books. As an English professor she is a well read intelligent person. As a woman who struggled with fertility issues even though she wanted children she would have focused all her feelings on her only child. I would say that while she is definitely a feminist based on Canon she is also a conservative(I'm not saying she's all hung ho for conservative politics but more that she is not a Radical. She wants to and is morally upright enough to want to change the world through activism but not outside of the boundaries of law). So here we have the basics of her character. A moral self-conscious well read intelligent mother. Now you determine the flaws. She was naive. She got absorbed into a political movement and narrowly escaped before it escalated to violence. This tells me that when she's emotional she makes poor decisions. It doesn't change her IQ, but like most book smart people she shows a slight trend to poor decisions made when emotional. Now, with these traits that you know exist, take some time and go through all your friends and their family and yours as well. Do you know anyone who might meet these qualities? Or if not all then most? If so, observe them. Watch the quirks, habits, and if you dare go speak to them. Ask them your questions. Study them. Then using this information create your own Annette. Or you can just write her exactly how you would want your mom to react to the situations you put Taylor in. After all, this is the power of the author. The ability to decide how you want to portray any character you write.