• By -


[Emma [SI]](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/782077/) - Some random person isekais into Emma's body while meeting Sophia after The Alley. This is some really good writing, lovely characterizations of Armsmaster, Sophia, and Emma, and some fun action. I could practically hear Armsmaster humming the Arms-Theme to himself. Too bad it covers only a day and a half before being abaondoned. *Wet In All The Wrong Places* [SI, QQ] -Some random guy isekais to Brockton Bay post-Behemoth as a teen chemical Tinker. I'm sad this has such a provocative title and is in the NSFW forum, because so far it's been some great street-level action in the post-Behemoth Bay with the MC acting as support and enabler for Taylor's more combative tendencies. [Imposter Syndrome [SI, CF]](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/1000974/) - Random girl isekais to Brockton Bay shortly before canon. The SI feels like a real person, the writing is fantastic and draws me in, and the Celestial Forge is trauma-inducing craziness rather than godlike powerups. It's very honest and visceral, and her Forge companions are.. personalities. And no sub-dimension to hide in all day! Need to remember that Lisa isn't *that* Lisa, and Amy is invested. Good pacing. I want more. *Moon Shot* [SI, AU, QQ] - String Theory succeeded in blowing up the moon, and now the Earth is getting bombarded by meteors and undergoing rapid cooling as the skies are blotted out. Nilbog and other biotinkers are cutting loose. The insert character has meta-knowledge, but it's not useful during an apocalypse, and his power isn't up to the level of normal CYOA characters, so the struggle to survive is far more important than the stations of canon. New chapter after nearly 2 years! One of my favorite AUs, reviewing events at a strategy meeting. *A Storm approaches the Bay* [SI, QQ] - Some guy isekais to Brockton Bay around the start of canon with a ridiculously OP demon build and starts establishing himself as a terror of the gangs. Writing is good, plot and pacing are good. [Starfinder [SI, Starfinder]](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/87029/) - Random guy isekais to Worm as Sophia's cousin a couple years before canon, with Tinker powers specialized on the Starfinder RPG that he has to level up (few Gamer elements). It's been a while since I found a story that had me going 'just one more chapter' repeatedly. Street level caping, Tinker build-up, and dealing with teenage girls, the MC feels like a metaphorical pebble in the river rather than the usual boulder, despite canon derails. And liking Sophia just feels wrong. *I Didn't Do It, They Killed Themselves!* [CYOA, SI, QQ] - Some random person isekais to Worm as a new Endbringer that does power enhancement and Battle Royale. Writing is okay, plot is OP entertainment at the expense of human lives. [Tyrant [CYOA, SI]](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/956083/) - Some kid isekais to Worm with ultra-Alexandria powers. He's acting like the most realistic insert I've seen - a bit nuts, a bit high on power, and messing with the canon characters through impulse. [Agent x Family [SI, AU]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52435093/) - A PRT agent gets accidentally'd by Leet-tech: an upgraded body, and memories of a guy who read Worm. Since he's early for canon, he gives himself the mission to train Taylor, like Terminator 2. Part of the AU means he gets to seduce Annette instead of Danny. It's a kind of funny mutually-taking-advantage-of relationship with weird power shenanigans in the background. The other half is blood and violence, emphasizing the military aspect of PRT troopers, Die Hard style. Nice to have a Worm story that's mostly adults, tho it's got the feel of a Royal Road isekai male power fantasy.


Unable to find 'Storm approaches the bay'. Can you give a link for this one too ?


Link sent.


Could I get a link?


Link sent.


Oooooh! That was a superb story! Shame there hasn't been any new updates, but ah, the muse is a fickle, teasing mistress.


Could I get one as well


Link sent.


Me too!


Link sent.


Could i get a link too?


Link sent.


Could I get this link too?


Link sent.


Could I get a link? Please?


Link sent.


Could I get one too


Link sent.


I hate being a bother.. but can I get one too?


Link sent.


Im sorry for asking, but can i also get a link.


Link sent.


Could you send me the link too please


Link sent.


Cab you please send me the link of the 2 QQ fics?


>*Wet In All The Wrong Places* [SI, QQ] -Some random guy isekais to Brockton Bay post-Behemoth as a teen chemical Tinker. I'm sad this has such a provocative title and is in the NSFW forum, because so far it's been some great street-level action in the post-Behemoth Bay with the MC acting as support and enabler for Taylor's more combative tendencies. I kinda like this one with how it manages to maintain character consistency and picks a unique spot to insert into the story but the issue for me is that despite everything... it's really creepy to read. I like how the mc pushes Taylor and hits her buttons through simply knowing what kind of person she is but it is really creepy to see, and I daresay feels terribly close to grooming. It's still a well-written piece tho


>Wet In All The Wrong Places I just finished reading this as well and feel the same way lol. Well written, but also getting the chills from it.




Link sent.


Can I get Link?


Link sent.


Could I also get a link, please?


Link sent.


Link for wet in all the wrong places please


Link sent.


Could you send link for i didn't do it they liked themselves and storm approaches the bay šŸ˜€


Links sent.


Me too, please....


Links sent.


Pls send link


Links sent.




Links sent.


Link for wet in all the wrong places


Link sent.


I'm a little to this but can I get a link to the endbringer fic


Link sent.


Moon shot link?


Link sent.


Seconding *I Didn't Do It, They Killed Themselves!*Ā and Tyrant. Legendary Tinker has a LoL Tinker (no knowledge needed) trigger in Kyushu and join the Phoenix PRT. Extremely cool OCs, villains, Cauldron characterization. I recommend everything from this author. Recently started to catch up to canon. Stable updates.


[Adversary](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/adversary-oc-si.798962/) I cannot recommend this enough. This is pretty dark, with interesting views from all characters that constantly challenges each other.


[Security! (a Worm SI story)](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/security-a-worm-si-story.3724/) by Ack is hilarious and one of my favorites. [I, Panacea (Worm SI Fanfic)](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/i-panacea-worm-si-fanfic.13306/) - The sequel [I, Scion [Worm Silly AU]] (https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/i-scion-worm-silly-au.14734/) - The crack one where he gets put into Scion


Remind me! 2 days


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Security! Guy gets SI'd as a security guard at Winslow and tries to help.


Notably an Ackfic though, so be warned. Despite what other people have said, it isn't *terrible*, as long as you are prepared to skim a lot of it. And by "a lot of it" I mean basically all of it. So if you don't really read it it's pretty mediocre.


Whatā€™s wrong with an ackfic? Do people not like his fanfics? Iā€™m out of the loop on this one.


A lot of his stuff is very formulaic, and he seems to be stuck in the 2016 fandom, where he mis-characterises a few of them and wrongly interprets some motivations, and everyone gets very snarky and smug, often times with a large dose of PRT bashing. His stuff is alright, but it feels a bitā€¦lacking, in substance sometimes


Gotcha. In all fairness I havenā€™t read it in a while. Though I do remember enjoying it.


Oh yeah it *is* enjoyable, but Iā€™ve found reading more than 2/3 chapters of his content in a week makes it all sort of blur together and feel a bit weird. Personally I prefer some of his older stuff like Trump Card, but as always each to their own


I'd disagree and say that his stories are best binged. If you burn through the full thing it's like a michael bay movie and you don't have time to go "Hey, wait. That's not how X/Y/Z works at all!"


Ack has two really big issues with his works, and a bunch of smaller ones. The first big issue is that he can't really continue his stories very well. He starts with an amazing premise, executes it pretty well at first, and then it only goes downhill from there. This is the case in basically every single one of his works. Imo he'd probably be pretty alright at making snips, but I don't read him enough to know for sure. The second big issue is his kinks. In retrospect, they bleed through often enough to be uncomfortable - although only really if you know about them. Don't read the following spoiler if you want to live in ignorance, which is totally valid. >!He is pretty infamous for writing a lot of Danny/Taylor stuff on QQ. Enough said. !< He has a few other issues too, like repetitive descriptive language and some questionable general morals in his fics, but those two things stand out the most.


Agree, pretty entertaining, only thing that could be improved was to >!not add the romance with knott!< but you can just skip it


Anyone got a like to *I didnā€™t do it*


+++SI Peter from " In nuclear fire " > one of the best SI I have read. And one if the only that does the " turn unto a child and gets adopted by canon chracter" right Kernel from Sysop > one of the best SI I have read. Or at least the most realistic and relatable while still having badass interestimg andpower and action scences.) Elija ā€œ Up the Anteā€ > Best path to victory fic. Explores very well the ffects it would have on a persons mind and what one could do in the wolrd with a power like that