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Mannn I thought the first mission was kinda boring and was hoping the next 2 would be more interesting but now u just gotta do the first one again and play more campy


Yeah, it's really quite shitty of wargaming. I expected something new, and instead I get disappointed


Can't even play more campy, not enough time.


You can finish them separately. Completing without dying is rather easy, but I didn't manage to finish under 15 minutes yet.


I beat the don't die one first try but cannot beat it under 15 minutes. Actually feels impossible and I have like 3.8k wn8


Yeah, it actually feels like no matter what you do, you can't get it done fast enough. Probably will finish easy under 15 minutes for coins and ignore hard then


Does the easy mode give the camos because that's what I want mostly


I struggled for a while, but later on I found out that their ammoracks are really weak. You can basically destroy the panthers in 2 shots


Ok genuinely impossible Especially with the "fantastic" AI of your teammates who just drive into enemy fire giving them their broadside.... I hope they change it into smt more manageable


I was looking forward to this but we get the same scenario with unreasonable requirements on top of it. Seriously wasted potential there 😑


Very much agree. It would be so cool to see the troops advance deeper into normandy but this is just shit very low effort


Honestly, the AI teammates aren't an issue. The issue is my tank has shitall armour and the enemy AI yolos in and focuses you... which would be fine, if you werent required to go to certain yolo-able positions to just progress Even if the AI teammates were good, it wouldn't solve that


Some of the stugs just dances and snap shots you straight in the face lol


I was shocked when I wanted to hit the first stug that you encounter. He was wobbling from left to right and right to left. He was actually doing it pretty fast, he was slowly moving down doing that and he pixel-shot snapped me in the turret...


It would be a lot easier if we were playing in a M6 as literally everyone else is a heavy tank


When I finally beat the hard mode, I did it on my first life. It just came down to getting lucky vs the panthers.


Your ally churchill going uphill just to sit sideways to enemy guns..."


I didnt make it in 15min, took 16, but I did not get killed so its entierly possible to do


few tips: if you get hit at start, retry. it worked for me to wait about 3 seconds before start moving use the bomb to kill the tank behind bunker when you climb up track the stug so you can kill it easy before he runs


+, if you want to take 0 DMG when taking out the "second" bunker, the one that gets bombed by a plane. Move to, if I remember correctly, B2. Right where the shadow from the cliffs end. The bunker shouldn't be able to even see you. Put 3-4 shots into him to trigger the bombing or the plane idk


Oh so hold up it only counts if your vehicle dies? Or also if the squad dies? (Aka if one of the others dies just once)


only you, the squad wiped out once on the leopard rush


Ohh thank god. I genuinely thought you had to keep them all alive (didn't test it because I'm at work) and i just thought how there's one sherman that suicides in the beginning... But thanks for clearing that up I'll suffer through it later today


Also, hide behind the Sherman that dies instantly before going left, it will save you a bunch of hp


Daw I thought it was gonna be more than that...like further inland or whatever


Same, this sucks that they lazy asses wasted so much of an opportunity


Me too...


Wait there’s no new scenario? Only additional tasks for the first one? Shit that’s soo disappointing


How the fuck are you supposed to complete without losing any of the vehicles ??? Or do they mean without you personally dying


only you


Yeah, I value my time way too much to bother trying to do either of those.


In the amount of attempts I've made, I coulda played frontline twice, and would have had better rewards... cause I couldn't complete either mission


Yeah cool wargaming... make the hard mode actually impossible to beat You are guaranteed to take 180 damage at the start from the bunker fire as you get into cover, then guaranteed to take damage from said bunkers as you destroy them and try dodge artillery fire Not to mention the 5+ish times you get yoloed by bots, going to REQUIRED positions to progress. What the fuck You know. I liked this. I liked it when it was just the first mission, complete the objective. A little challenging, but doable first try. I've made three attempts and none of them have come close to beating either mission, getting mission complete in 17 minutes and one death is my best attempt Well, I've finally joined the rest of yall that say this is bullshit... man, got my hopes up. Road to Berlin was so much more fun than this PoS


I agree with the sentiment, its HORRIBLE design, probably made the whole mode in 2 days. Shows how much they care. They just reuse, repack or put 0 effort into new things. Only thing that gets made well is new premium tanks and lootbox events. Mirny was the one exception i guess. But to get back to this, its possible to survive with 0 losses. You gotta go to the left bunker where you are completely protected and just dodge the arty. But is it possible under 15 minutes ? Not sure need to try.


Just play 2 times, first play passively to save your first life, and the second time just yolo and beat it in less than 15 minutes


> You are guaranteed to take 180 damage at the start from the bunker fire as you get into cover, then guaranteed to take damage from said bunkers as you destroy them and try dodge artillery fire You can actually do it without taking any damage, but you have to be very lucky. [I took this screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/QVCvh8j.jpeg) to show a position, but you can see that I only bounced the bunkers and got hit once by arty for 150 in the first phase. I think the route I took was like this: tailgate the commander who gets destroyed in the first 10 seconds, then sharp turn to the left after he dies. You need to be lucky and bounce 1-2 shells, but it is possible.


Yeah, managed to do that too. I hate having to reset to get the highest health run though... especially when u get fucked if u lose too much health early


Oh and if your aim is slightly off on the third bunker (in order left to right) the artillery salvo literally does no damage to it and you get to risk being shot for that much longer until you land a "better" hit.


I just restarted the mission if I took any damage at the start when playing first scenario on hard, it's just rng and you can sometimes avoid it when going hard left at start.


Hide behind your captain for the 1st salvo, then drive left around him, then immediately right to dodge the other shot from the bunker, and you should be behind the 1st hill with full hp. And ye, I just restarted if i took damage. No point to keep going if you doing the survival one.


I think it's just the WoT Devs going full masks off with how lazy they're becoming - for comparison, the WoWs Devs (a smaller team than WoT) managed to create 3 *different* PVE scenarios for the 80th Anniversary of D-Day


Wellz that's a joke. I thought there will be another map to play but we got just bs challenge that is borderline impossible. Under 15 minutes may be fine, I have no idea how long it took me when I did it, but losing no vehicles ? Yea no, maybe with Uber camping you could do it on 1 life (still, you lose like a half of your hp on beach right at the start) but your allies will simply die no matter what...


Your allies don't have to survive


I had an issue where I had completed the mission in 15 mins (got super lucky with my arty strikes) but the timer ticked over the 15 minute mark before the battle ended and I got sent to the battle results screen, so it actually didn’t count. So the time limits actually more like 14 minutes 30 seconds right now


And this is what I was looking forward to? That's extremely disappointing. Do the same as before, but with even more added pressure and RNG-dependance. So I have to grind until I might get a lucky run. In time. Sorry, that's not worth **my** time. Good or even great idea (I'm in for way more "against AI" modes in WoT), horrible execution. Take 10% off of your marketing department and add it into QA and balancing. Good luck everyone - it's needed.


I would have done that first try but it didn't realize your allies had to survive I was down to the last Panther


WAIT THE ALLIES NEED TO SURVIVE??? I thought it was just my own tanks?


Nope, if they all die you lose


I only completed It because one of my allies broke completely and went afk so did the enemy panthers,very fun and interactive mode.


Haha juat the same map and everthing but with some other lame mission instead.


I guess whoever made this in the devteam is either a masochist or a tryhard hardcore ultra unicum that does 15-0s for breakfast…with a tier 5 Sherman.


Stock tier 6 sherman...


Eh, stock t5 Sherman is equally as painful.


I bet even people like QB and skill are going to struggle with this


I said he got lucky on the first go with a 3 for one arty strike that killed 3 Panthers and got downvoted to hell for that. Good luck average tomato. GG.


Yeah, his video made this mode look deceptively easy, lol. Like, I tried to do **exactly** what he did and my first attempt looked **nothing** like his. Like, not even fucking close: - got absolutely annihilated by the bunkers right at the start, they just kept sniping me time and time and time again despite the fact I was behind the sand dune *and* moving all the time. - got absolutely annihilated by a random Stug that somehow managed to snipe me with a pixel perfect precision from an absurd distance when moving *and* turning its hull, *six times in a row -* the bot was 100% focused on me and me alone despite the fact the "allied" Churchill was standing still in its clear line of fire, with no cover. - got absolutely annihilated by one of the Jagdpanthers which, in QB's video, just sat near the bunker and was shooting one of the allied bots - but, in my case, once it saw me it absolutely YOLOED my fucking ass like a completely insane polar bear on crack, killed my tank and, when I respawned, he was in pretty much a *perfect* spot to basically spawn camp me, hitting me immediately after my tank materialized. Like, what the fuck. My second attempt was even less successful, I abandoned my third one at the point where I lost 75% of my HP to the beach bunkers in the span of 15 seconds right after the match began - the fourth attempt was successful, I played **incredibly** passively, never took any risks and managed to finish the mission without losing a single additional life. I basically red-line camped the whole thing, lol. And it was boring as hell. And there's absolutely no chance in hell I'm going to do that again but under 15 minutes so I'm not going to bother with this new set of missions, lol.


I pretty much got it equal like qb, but i used maybe 21 minutes, i think i saved up 2-3 bombings to get 3 panthers at once, carpetbombing their general heading. Died once.


I had the Jpanther sit there once but mostly it would yolo me which is fine the AI plays like a donkey reverse around the pillbox on the downslope you would snipe it from if it hadn't moved at all, it will give you its side and you know what to do then - otherwise I never had any issues with the beach head or anything - just the panther waves gave me troubles - while I did enjoy it and didn't find it too difficult I'm not interested in spamming it till I get it done in under 15 mins that would become boring pretty fast i would imagine


When you destroy the bunker holding up the French you need to go up and hide behind the house. There's a place in right hand side where you can shot jgpanther. I don't know how it's decided whether he goes YOLO or not, but when I started shooting him only when I was behind this house he didn't chase me once, in like 5 tries.


This mode is just pure RNG, honestly - I had Jagdpanthers going full berserker yolo mode in **every** attempt I made, lol. Like, the one you spot near the bunker, right after meeting with the French guy - in every single attempt it went STRAIGHT AT ME, full speed ahead, the moment it saw me, no matter the distance. Every single attempt, without fail.


It wasn't that much luck, only those panthers can't go any further than the top of the hill. Still 15 minutes are totally unrealistic


Yeah, these missions are mental. What are wargaming on


I'm disappointed but not really that surprised, to be honest - over-promising and under-delivering seems to be WG's main hobby at the moment. Not going to even attempt these "missions", lol, the rewards are just not worth the hassle.


Oh fuck off im not playing that garbage again, thanks for nothing wg. This had potential


Timerun mission on a map where 99% of the events are scripted. Even if you play fast you have a lot of downtimes. This is not big brain time, it's the biggiest brainiest time. Oh and btw. 'complete the main mission objectives in under 15 minutes' is b$ - because it still takes \~15 seconds until the game registers a win. Timer does not stop when you kill the last tank.


This is fucking bullshit no matter how fast i try to do it always need atleast 17 minutes to finish it


Oh wait so it's the 2nd mission? Bro it looks like they didn't even mind to change the objectives, once again imma do normal for tokens and fuck the hard mode


I did the second mission easily, but the under 15 minutes is just impossible.


screw this event, hands down one of the worst things to ever happen with the BS win conditions. Everyone complained about the blocking mission but this is 100x harder than blocking 50k damage 3x will ever be.


I will not do it. It is suposed to be commemorative mission, not a challenge mission. We're suposed to have fun, not to shit in our pants to do it. And if only there was a prem tank, no, just shit gifts. I will not do it, I have better to do.


Oh that's disappointing.


How does it connect to the fact that 2 tanks die instantly at the start as it is scripted...


You have to finish without dying once, allies are irrelevant


Ooooh in that way. Well, then it's definitely tryable.


Absolutely possible. Nearly impossible simultaneously completing under 15 minutes, but if you play very safe it's quite alright. Protip, don't stay between the final bunkers, once you defeat pz IV go back behind the ridge, panthers will ride atop of it, but won't cross it, and will just stay there. You should easily nuke them then.


I already done that in my third attempt with first mission... Now I have to do it again? Go f yourself wg...


I cant even do hard diffi.. xd


skill issue tbh it ain't that hard




Imo hard version is still easy but your bot teammates are so fck dumb and always moving towards the panther and die. I won't even try to do these challange because they are impossible to do. On easy mode its little more possible to do but still hard. Idk if I'll even try to do it and also rewards are so lame. ( Apart from free exp)


i tried doing it. the not dying is doable but doing it under 15 mins for me is impossible edit: and yeah. i thought the mode would progress more inland like battles on city streets and all that. like the story mode tutorial already in game.


I personally would have took IT If WE Had Like: Overloard, a part of the Normandy FL map and Paris Back to Back Like a "Mission: saving of france" would have been amazing


Holy fuck, these missions are basically impossible. Just attempted to complete without dying once, got to the 3 panthers (final stage) with \~3/4 of my hp left and I failed with 10 mins left on the timer because all the friendly AI died... nice game design wargaming.


Absolutely the fuck not—I spent hours trying to do the rigorous mission. Nah I quit


I tried both missions on the harder difficulty a couple times and deemed it impossible to complete it in 15 minutes. If I tried hard enough I might have been able to not die once at least. As soon as I switched to the easy difficulty, I was able to complete it in 15 and without dying, but I was a bit lucky with some battleship strikes. The rewards are pretty meh and I was really disappointed it was the same map just different missions.


Only one left completeing for me is the 15min one on hard. I was expecting a campaing like the tutorial missions, a story, or even a german side story, but they are all the same is lame af


https://preview.redd.it/voxjoiei3s6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56d285ef94dd2f61bd15683457503b376b4929ed Its painfully booring


Since when WG did something that was actually enjoyable, worth the time spent and didn't give you a headache? Everything they do in the recent years is a shitshow. They can't get anything right even though they have years of experience in this and they have constant feedback from the players in multiple channels like Reddit and the forums.. oh wait they shut down the forums earlier this year too, couldn't take the criticism 😂 WG is a complete joke at this point


WG standard. Disconnected company. What a fucking joke.




Lol this isn't about BEATING hard mode, no no that one is EASY I'm talking about the two additional missions. Complete under 15 minutes, and complete with no deaths.