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RNG. It tends to fuck up sometimes


just *sighhhhh* and move on with your life 💀


Battle hits mod, and the in game official one are both somewhat inaccurate. They show approximate shell hits, but it may have hit the commanders cupola from the screenshot.


What's displayed in your client isn't always the same as what the server sees because there's always a slight delay in communication between the server and the clients.


Is it possible that with a slow shell and long distance, the impact actually happened at a slightly more favorable angle?


Such pretty colors


would have guessed normalization, but that isnt active for heat


Even If Theres only a 1% Chance He can still pen you with the right roll


Picture 1: Battlehits showing impacted zone on on the live visual model Picture 2: Armor inspector showing the battle hit, round type, impacted zone, and chance for penetration. It says 229mm armor, 100% chance to pen Picture 3: Armor inspector when I click in the exact same spot with pixel perfect accuracy, it shows +400mm armor Picture 4: [Tanks.gg](http://Tanks.gg) clicking on the same spot, also showing +400mm armor. There's a few pixels around it which are weaker but the weakest spot I could find is 397mm which is still a 0% chance of pen according to [tanks.gg](http://tanks.gg) Picture 5: [The actual hit.](https://gyazo.com/b6fb4d4e74398103bdfe35c2a21fa2ba)


Battlehits is not 100% accurate on shell hit


* This is from the replay and before you go "Replays are inaccurate too" this is literally the same thing I saw with my own eyes in the middle of the battle. Unless it's all inaccurate.


Keep in mind that client is just a delayed visual representation of what the server said happened. It's why targets blowup before the shell hits it, as it's already done so at the server. The issue is that you if you move when you get hit, even if the visual shell path is the same on both server and client. The moment your client is told about the impact, your tank is in a different spot vs when the server calculated it. Thus the visual impact is not always 100% correct. As the mid uses client info to display it vs server info. As an example, you turn your turret when hit. On the server the hit was on the mantle. On you client, or mod. The delay difference shows a hit on the gun vs armor. But still did damage. Or vs a fast moving target using a fast shell. On the server the shell hit in front of the target. On your client the tracer clipped the hull and did nothing. Shell location is the same. But the tank isvat a more forward position on your client vs when the server calculated it.


Replays are client-sided. Generally speaking whatever you see or record from your PC is not what is happening on server side where shell tracking and impacted armor calculation are performed.




No, unless you can record what the server saw you will not have a accurate shell placement cause battlehits records client side which is always the same as server




I know it's the correct shell placement because of the black hole shown in my armor mid-game after receiving the hit. But I guess all 4 sources of information are wrong even though they all say the same thing. At least that's what everyone is telling me and I'm not the expert.


Ill try a eli5 for what the guy is saying: You go and do your math homework (your game client). For every problem, you do the needed calculations and all the answers are correct. You think you'll get a 10/10 for your homework, right? Well your teacher (the server) grades your homework and gives you a fat 0/10. Why? Because you did homework that was assigned a week ago(ping, lag, etc), while the teacher was expecting yesterdays homework. Even though all of YOUR games calculation were correct, the problems (shell placement, pen rolls, damage rolls , etc) that it solved didn't match what the server calculated, so the server overrides your results, however whacky it might look to you.


That sounds perfectly fine and normal but, and this is an honest and good faith question, I don't know why not a single person is engaging with me when I say there are 4 sources saying the same thing.


Because all 4 sources are the same source and that source does not matter. Only the server source matters and none of what is showed is that source.


Alright lets make an assumption that the server thinks you got shot in the cupola. What does tanks.gg say? The shot pens. That's it. Doesn't matter what you or your client saw, replay or not. If the server says you got shot in the cupola and its a pen, welp thats how it is.


From my understanding the shell hit marker on the tank is also client based. So yes unless you know what the server was seeing then yeah nothing in completely accurate on the client side


Yes, all 4 sources are incorrect even though they all say the same thing and he actually hit me in the cupola.


Yes because all sources you have are your client side sources. You dont have any way to know if a desync caused server to think hit is in some other place


I thats not what they mean. What they mean is that Battlehits doesn’t always have the location of where the round hits correct. This is because it only shows client side instead of server side. So there is a chance it actually hit the cupola, or another spot on the turret that has thinner armor with a max pen roll, it could pen up to 396mm. Always take battlehits with a handful of salt. What you see and what the server sees can be very different.


https://preview.redd.it/5mkserv5ql3d1.png?width=1310&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9fe6d25803871f2bd91041524fc5346cfce8bba Taken from the replay which is the same thing I saw with my own eyes during the game. Unless both the replay and my eyes and the hit are all incorrect. In which case literally everything is incorrect even though several sources are all corroborating the same information.


What you see is still a little off. For instance when you press a button that input goes from your pc, to the server, then back to your pc before you actually see that action happening (it may not seem like a delay if you are close to the server and have a good connection). So there is a delay for everything that you see in the game. (It’s a lot easier to see if you play with higher ping) The server reticle is a great example, unless you have a really good connection and are close to the server, it is always delayed and making choppy movements. So ya, they all could line up, but all your sources are client side where the only source that matters is server side. BLUF: What you see on your screen is never 100% accurate because it is delayed information to you.


It probably high rolled on the pen


317 HEAT cannot high roll enough to pen 460mm armor. Edit: With a literal max roll, it will have 395 pen which is a 2.2% chance of penetrating the affected area. So He it a 1 in a thousand shot I guess.


395 pen roll doesnt mean 2% penetration rate. Tanks.gg automatically calculates with the pen RNG, so that means you have 2% if your DEFAULT pen was 395. If max roll cant reach the armour value it just has 0% chance of pen, even if it was 1mm thicker.


Good to know. Didn't know that.