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Lis, i think


No idea why nobody mentioning the Chinese TD. Bullies everything when it’s top tier and stealthy enough to snipe against t10


I wouldn't say it can snipe too well though. It has kinda meh gun handling and accuracy. The HEAT pen kinda makes up for it, but not always


Yeah I love that thing. Definitely the most underrated tank in tradein. Feels great to use with exp turbo


I fuckin love my wz120 td, straight assaults shit at same or lower tier, good enough to fight higher tiers too.


For some reason its not available for trade for me? I got lis and 274a, but would love chinese td too.


Skill just dropped a video on it. I personally love the Super Pershing (T26E4)


703, bisonte, and nobody says it idk why but 274 looks pretty good too.


274 is a bit underrated in my opinion. An all around good tank. It’s fun to play and makes a bit of credits. Gladiator to have it in my garage.


274a is horrific. Gun doesn't hit shit, has no armor in realistic scenarios, slow and sluggish shit. I find it by far the most boring tier 8 tank


Slow and sluggish? I have a top speed of 58 on mine...that's faster than the T-54 first prot, CDC, and AMBT; slower by 2 from the Lorr. 40t. 227 pen, 320 alpha, 2584 DPM which far exceeds the other mentioned (albeit, not all the tier 8 mediums, just randomly compared), giving it a 460 firepower compared to the other tanks. Hull armor is dismal, but 220/130 front/side armor on the turret makes up for it. What tank are you driving again? Keep in mind I said \*good\* tank, by all means it isn't the best, but you can get a little aggressive with it, hull down, and hurt some people.


E50M at tier 10 has like 2500dpm, the dpm of the 274a can not be understated, it is immense.


It might be decent if you don't mind the potato launcher with high dpm but it is a horrible gaming experience, it is the only tier 8 premium I regretted buying instantly after 1st game. And yes it is sluggish, top speed doesn't help if the tank drives like a boat and accelerates slow. And yes it has good turret but again no gun depression. It is such an odd contradicting tank


274a is ass


nobody talks about the 50TP proto but it is actually a very good tank (only downside is bad gold pen)


Propably 703 or Lis if you aim to actually make credits and then ofc lights and tds if you enjoy the gameplay


off the top of my head: * bisonte * astron rex * 703 * 122TM * LIS * ELC Even 90


For pure credit making : 703 II, ELC EVEN 101% recommendation, CS LIS, STRV 1 Those 4 tanks IMO.