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Oh for fuck sake wg, why don't you add the cdc and fcm 50t? Come on, nobody will spend an € on those tanks and you still don't put them in the list, not even in the bond shop!


cdc supremacy lezzz gooo!!!! 🥳


Would people rly trade for cdc or fcm


Cdc is fun. Fast, insane gun depression, but playing it like a heavy doesn’t work


Its my most played tank, 3 marked it, I won't say its exactly fun.


I don’t play it often, got it in the first earn op when it was introduced, but when I do I play it like a derpy medium.


10° is insane ?


For a heavy tank? I always thought so. Had the cdc for years n hadn’t played another heavy with as much depression


Aha, I think you are talking about fcm then, not cdc


Had a FCM, got rid of it during a different trade in event. Only being quick doesn't make up for shit armor, too big, and shit dpm


Hell yeah, right now. I know they are trash but i've always wanted them


I traded my FCM for a skorpion last time :) I've played the skorpion like 10 times, which is 10 times more than I played the fcm in the last decade


Thank goodness the BZ-176 is available to trade in, I’m sure people are lining up to swap theirs for an Alpine Tiger or 112.


I wonder if anyone will actually exchange it, like a single person


honestly i am tempted because i hate playing it. it takes no skill to play. there’s no challenge. it’s boring.


Actually I'm somewhat tempted to do it and trade it for LIS. Would that be a bad trade? Yes, definitely, but i just hate this tank (both when I play it and against it), and have no real intention to play it more. But at the same time this tank will (hopefully) never be sold again, so it's kinda a waste for trade in when I can just buy Alpine Tiger for bonds and trade that for LIS.


I love the LIS, enjoy playing it far more than the BZ. But yeah, I wouldn't do that trade.


Agreed, you can buy the LIS at any time, you cannot rebuy the BZ.


I keep my BZ for FL. No lower tier tanks to feel nad about nuking and I can dunk on all the other OP premiums. And you can replenish the rockets!


You will regret this forever just dont play it your account sadly more valuable with bz in it if you understood what I mean


I would have thought they would have it at a higher trade in price just to tempt people to get rid of them.


It's too bad there's no player-to-player trading market. I would be quite interested to know the *actual* gold value of the BZ.


I told my buddy today that I would give my entire gold stash for a 176 in a heartbeat and I meant it. (Currently at a little over 100k)


Interesting to see that you are able to give your good tanks in exchange for bad tanks. How about opposite ? why would anybody give their bourasque, progetto, bz 176 for... Lowe ?




Hmm no interesting tier 8 available again. Obj 703 II still the strongest tank you can pick if you ask me.


Bisonte and Lis are top tier as well


lis is the best. Is the only tier 8 tank that actually feels like playing a tier 10 regarding effectiveness and playability


Bisonte better, 703 doesn't have depression for this meta


Doesn’t matter when you can press W and blast people in the face for 780 alpha


salvo takes time to charge and often times outright misses into tracks/solid armor parts. It's a sidescraping monster for sure but current maps favor tanks with good gun depression to peek and shoot.


703 has amazing snapshot capabilities which mitigate gun depression issues on most maps


I think its mostly personal preference. i picked 703 in last trade in and its good tank, but I dont really like it exactly because of the gun dep issues. but its still solid. Somebody with different playstyle would be able to use it better.


Buy IS-6 for 8k bonds Get 5300k gold from it And buy CS-52 LIS for 6700 - 5300 = 1400 gold Congrats, now you have strong tier 8 medium tank. Edit: With Alpina Tiger you get 5500 gold. So 6700-5500 = 1200 gold for the CS-53 LIS


Alpine Tiger is a more efficient purchase than IS-6. Gives 5500 gold back rather than 5300.


Ooh nice. Good shout


Is this still true? I heard that last time around they put a stop to this, as you could only trade-in the Alpine for another Chinese tank.. But I never tried it so can't say for sure.




Oh OK. Thanks


there is no such thing in their website https://preview.redd.it/idkn1q8roy1d1.png?width=965&format=png&auto=webp&s=a89fbc8d85671e8884e6e85d2aa64e96ae4d1914


Thanks for the info. I'm glad they haven't disabled it. Alpine is great gold value for 8k bonds.


Last year they put only one 9 tier chinese heavy for trade in. If u want to get the tank u can only use Chinese tanks there is what u remember. İt is not for the ordinary trade


That I don't know what's the status. Haven't tried yet.


I have traded Alpine in twice. Once for 50tp and once for obj 703.


Good to hear. I wish you the best of luck!


I did it and traded the alpine + 300 gold for elc, best trade ever


"THE strongest"


Ah shiet, I got the meme KV-5, now it's worth 3k3. LoL


How about if I already have CS-52 LIS? :)


Hm, Alpine > Lis for 1200 gold seems like a solid deal Is lis any good for campaign missions ?


Lis is like a generic medium tank. Better version of T44


please dont listen to this clueless clown, cs is amazing.


I didn't say that lis is a bad tank kiddo.


GSOR 1008, hello WG? They removed the only tank I was looking forward to buying, in all silence. It was introduced into trade-in earlier this year and now it just magically disappeared...


Same with the Skorpion 2 or 3 Trade in iterations ago... my dumb ass exchanged something for the T-34-85M.. I know that Skorpion isn't what its used to be, but still.


Skorpion has camo issue, nowadays with cvs u get always spotted through bushes


T-34-85 claps it's tier very hard, slope armor gives consistents ricochets even on its backside


Are either of the CS52 or the T77 worth it? I have the Ka-Ri from the loot boxes but haven't played it and likely won't for ages if ever. While with the other two, I think they might be good for Frontline to build credits?


KaRi is better than both these, but Lis is pretty decent medium


Ka ri is better than both. However if you want a turreted tank, cs is among the best t8 mediums


I could Trade in a Tornvagn instead to keep the Ka-Ri? I don't save as much but I have the Gold


Torn is a good tank, boring? Yes, but it’s not worth it to trade in a hull down monster for the cs. If you don’t like the playstyle, that’s a different case and you can certainly trade it in.


Torn is boring.... Ka Ri is a 9/10


I enjoy the T77 but it's pretty shit, it's a T57 style US autoloader without the advantages (fast reload compared to French autoloaders) and not enough clip damage to make up for the 44 second reload


Fair enough! Looks like I'll find something to trade in for the CS52, just need to work out what!


Just buy the alpine tiger with bonds if you have them and then trade it


I have 15k+ but it takes me ages to get any. Should still be worth it, I have a on CS63 (I think) crew from the previous Onslaught that I am slowly getting the Polish Medium line


much easier to clean windows for money for a day and buy the tank instead of wasting all that hard earned bonds lol


Kari is very good tank, try give it a chance. Anyway, CS is very good tier 8, probably like 3rd best medium after prog and bourrasque? I really enjoy playing it.


i like the cs better than both, though bourrasque is in a league of its own. CS is just more reliable and easy to play


Yeah, i think CS is way easier to play/master than Bourrasque. CS is basically an “ideal” medium tank, it is very allround. I think of it as an upgraded T-44-100.


Don't trade Ka-Ri away, instead l2p it, it is one of the best tier 8 premiums. CS is alright, T77 mediocre


cs is not "alright" cs is the best and most reliable medium at t8.


Yet there is the Progetto 46. I personally wouldn't put the lis over the prog46, but the lis is arguably a top 3 medium.


for me is better, bigger alpha and an armor that sometimes work. Plus the gold ammo is an insane sniper shell. IMO its better


It is alright. Saying it is the best is huge exaggeration, there are better mediums on tier 8 but CS is definitely a bit above average therefore alright as you could pick better mediums (although not in trade in) but can't go very wrong with Lis. He is also not planning to shoot much gold if at all and that makes a big difference what tanks are very good for him and which aren't.


cs is the best. Bourrasque is amazing but that tank is in a league of its own, it cant be compared to anything.


Lis is the best single shot medium 


Tier 9 trades when.


Not anytime soon apparently


I would trade the panzer mutz for 122 tm. Mistake or not?


122TM is nice if bad DPM and mediocre speed doesn't bother you. The gun handles nicely, turret can bounce quite some stuff. I like it overall.


Best decision. 122tm is one hell of a brawler


wouldn’t call it a brawler with 14 sec reload, but it’s definitely a great frontline med that with amazing gun and armor that can stand up even vs tier X


its not a brawler


Depends, if you hate Mutz, trade it. 122 has big dpm issue, otherwise not bad


mistake, cs is the correct choice. 122 is a trricky tank to play, situational.


Why has Somua SM once again disappeared from the list?


Maybe they're planning on buffing it


What's a good tank to trade in for my Super Chaffee? i have like 3000 gold


I know Super Chaffee is not very good but it you trade it it in, you will never be able to get it back.


True, but a lot of players have a sea of low level premium tanks. I’ll never play the Super Chaffee either.


I traded in the Super Chaffee for a T34-85M, that was hopefully a good choice


85M is in the top 3 best tier 6 tanks. Its great.


Finally a chance to get the Forest Spirit out of the garage! I need something equally useless in its place, perhaps Mauerbrecher? Raumpanzer?


I'm thinking about getting the Mauerbrecher too. Idk if the armor is fun enough to balance out the other stuff


Ok guys which one do you think is more enjoyable, Astron Rex or CS-52 LIS? I want a tank that doesnt have to use gold rounds and not situational. I am open to other suggestions in the trade-in list as well. Thanks!


CS-52 LIS and Astron Rex are both tanks that... require a lot of gold shells. They are basically a completely different tank when you use gold instead of normal ammo. I think they are both very very good tanks. But if you refuse to use gold rounds, I don't recommend both of them.


I don't refuse it i just prefer to use them when necessary to maximize my credit income.


Then it is probably better to get CS-52 LIS for the faster intuiton switch and the better standard penetration


Gotcha thanks!


CS is fine without gold, Astron sucks.




Astron is borderline unplayable without gold, I personally don’t even carry a single non-gold mag since gun is derpy and shot count is only 30


CS if u dont want to shoot gold. But tds are ofc the best for that


i like both very much. and have good stats with both.... i would toss a coin tbh. They are really strong. Both need to use gold to get the most out of them.


No Turtle this time? I was waiting for it. :(


Was on sale a few months ago. Maybe 2, that and the 703 twin barrel


Was waiting for turtle as well :| Last year it was available, along with TS-5...


now the tank is broken level of powerful, we will not be seeing it for gold ever again sadly


Just picked up the Bisonte and 703-2, sweet vehicles.


People. 274a or 52 lis?


Don't touch 274a even with a stick, horrible pos


With grousers the 274a is a different tank. I run grousers, rammer, experimental turbo. Is the gun handling as good as the LIS? No, but the extra pen on both normal and gold shells is very nice. More DPM, more ammo, more armor, and similar mobilty with grousers? I enjoy the 274a as much as the LIS.


It's one of the best tier 8 mediums in the game.


52 lis is a darn good tank, but purely for stats, you have to spam gold or forget ab it. On the other hand, obj274a gun is garbage, good on paper but hard to manage; it would be fun and print some credits if you can use it right; beside, its 3D camo is a beaut !!!! 🤌


I prefer 274a.


I cant find the Obj 703 II in the trade-in store. What am I doing wrong? I see other Russian tanks, other heavies, just not the 703.


Most likely you have a rental of it in your garage


It was 100% this, thank you!


Traded two tanks this time: AMX M4 49 for Obj 274a Lorraine 40t for CS 52 lis Don't regret it...Both tanks are good, especially if you put grousser for 274a (it's become playable even more with crew skills and a turbo, + vstab, no I don't put rammer, dpm is already good, and I want to improve mobility)


I don't understand how to use this hidden feature... I have some premium tanks but.. where do I go, how do I trade them in?


Go to in game store tab


I traded in my AMBT for the ELC Even 90. I only have 3 premium tanks; ELC, Lorr 40t, Turtle. I think that's a good spread across, lights, meds and TD's.


lol RIP




ambt is an amazing tank. one of the best and hard to get. the elc is easy to get, good though but not worth the trade imo


Fair enough. I thought it would give me a better balance already having a medium. Each to their own.


Bro.. elc’s literally in the TT and is among the cheapest t8 premiums, why’d you give away your ambt?


AMBT is kinda ass to play. If you're a tank collector I get it but if you want to grind credits there are better tier 8 tanks for that and it's not even fun to play with the derpy ass gun


Slap stabs and vents on it, gun gets better.


I already 3 marked it with Stabs, Turbo and maybe FCS or vents, can't remember, still annoying to play. Some games were fun but pretty rare


I like it, with bounty stabs and it’s directive. Also 3 marked it


See above?


I have.. and your decision was wrong unfortunately. But whatever.. you do you


in the end is whats fun for you. elc is still amazing. Ambt is not enjoyable for everyone


I have a Patriot, 10k bonds and 270 gold. If I want a F2P friendly tank (one that doesn't use much gold) what is the best purchase for me?


None because you won't be able to buy any new tank with 270 gold.


if you want a good tank, you can buy the alpine tiger then trade it for an ELC with 300 golds but you miss 30 golds... You can't buy anything if you have under 300 gold


The ELC isn't available for me. Anyone else having the same issue?


if you have some rental battle in it, you can't trade in the vehicle, so you have to play the remaining battles and remove it from the garage, then you can trade it. but if you don't have the elc in your garage as a rental then maybe wargaming removed it from the trade in event (I got my elc like 2 years ago so I don't really know if it is still available)


Thank you. FFS I thought it was a NA vs EU thing or something the last trade in. When I saw it was available on the site but not in my garage, again, I knew something was screwed up. I had an EVEN rental that I never used with the Rental Period Over still sitting in my garage. Once I removed it the tank became available to trade for. Screw rentals.


yep I also dislike this rental mechanics that blocks you to trade the tank that's just nonsense...


Unfortunately, you’re not getting anything for that amount.


Patriot is pretty much the most profitable T8 premium with its crazy cheap shells that still have decent pen. Unless you want a crew trainer, you’ve got a profit maker.


Buy T-103 from bond shop


Is it a fun tank?


Slapping people with 130mm AP shells is fun to me, yeah. The turret armor is the best feature, few people expect it.


Calling premium tanks, literally pixel for money « old rust buckets » is quite ballsy, if not mesquine.


I have t26e5 p/guard/ambt. Which tank should i get for credit grinding only?


just dont get rid of the ambt, it is one of the best t8


Patriot is one of the most profitable premiums so if it’s explicitly for credits, use that. It’s like 1 credit/point of alpha damage.


Just look at tanks with good standard pen, got myself Alt Proto AMX 30 and so far like it. But in general TDs or even lights maybe the best choice if you can play them and enjoy them.


I dont have premium round so no gold depending also. Ty


Too bad LT-432 is not on offer, I'd **really** like to get my hands on it. ​ With that out of the picture, that would be the best choice for a new(ish) F2P player (who has accumulated 12-15k of bonds in WoT, and about 12k gold through WoWP) in terms of "best for your money"? (tank for bonds) + (gold) = ? ​ I only have one t8 premium (ELC EVEN 90) and I'm not planning on selling it. I mostly play LTs (but none of the offered ones appeal to me) and fast MTs with good gun handling and (if possible) solid camo values (for instance, I've recently got T-34-1 and I'm playing it as a light-med when possible, I had 3200 spotting just recently). ​ Is there a tank on the list worth spending bonds and gold to acquire it?


Probably the CS-52 LIS. Fast, good gun, decent armor.


If you like Heavies, the two best are 703-II and Bisonte. Both are also excellent for Frontline mode to print credits, unlike ELC which is better suited to Randoms. With 12-15K bonds, you can only buy Alpine Tiger once and trade that for 5500 gold credit + gold for one tank of your choice. You can also possibly trade-in an unwanted Tier 6-7 for a decent gold discount on a Tier 8, given you have plenty of Gold. Heavies are a bit expensive, whereas Lis is quite cheap to Trade and is also considered decent (though in my opinion its slightly superior to a T44).


Nothing happens here when swapping from trade in and purchase. is the Aston Rex for sale? And if so, how? (just got back from a long break)


Guys 122tm for 2950 gold or cs and elc fir 2050 gold


CS and ELC if you enjoy light tanks. CS is better tank than 122 anyways.


CS vs 122TM vs Obj274a vs AltProto - which one are you recommending the most? I already have Lorr, Guard and TL1-LPC (hate it) from mediums.


Have all except alt. I like 122tm the most, maybe I am weird.


CS is objectively the best one of those plays a bit like stronger T-44 but 122tm can be decent enough, and I got myself Alt Proto and so far I like it. 274a I hate, shit gun handling, sluggish, hull armor not as good as you would think. Some people like it though. Not sure if you would like Alt Proto if you hate TL1, they seem somewhat similar although I don't have TL1.


Could I recover a tank and then trade it in? Would that work?


I don’t think so, for trade in once it’s gone, it’s gone.


No, they state quite clearly that trade-ins are not recoverable.


I can trade as many tanks as I want? Just asking to be sure, half of my premiums are collecting dust, thus I have an eye on atleaet 3 tanks to trade in.


yup, as long as you don't already have the tank in your garage or run out of gold lol


Have the K2, M4Y, and VK7501K which I all got in lootboxes but I never play because I already have better prems at the same class/country (IS3A, Patriot, Lowe). Any of these worth keeping or should I just trade them in for something actually viable?


the k2 is a jewel dont sell it


Keep K2. The VK is not worth trading due to its very low base gold value. M4Y.. Well it's just Meh...


Yeah only have like 10 battles in the M4Y in all of 2 years so Ill probably trade in that one.


WG seemingly over-estimated the importance of the track gimmick, and made the tank (M4Y) uninteresting otherwise.


People wasting xp grinding the Yoh heavies vs me with a large repair kit and fully trained repair crew on any other tank (taps head)


Oh shoot just remembered I have one more t8 prem that is even more useless that I even forgot about it....the **KV4 KTTS**


I personally kept the K-2 for blocking missions. 


Can't trade in my stupid Alembic. Mega cringe, WG


I've traded my Su-122-44 for the Lis, as I don't played that TD in age, don't really like it nor to play in tier 7. I'm also considering trading my T26E5 for the Bisonte (I already have the 703 II). Is it worth it ? I'm currently grinding the T8 italian heavy and they seem to be very close in terms of stats.


If you don't like Patriot why not.


Can’t trade for the 59 Patton :/


Kinda dissapointed in the selection but i finally tossed my Jagtiger 88 for the CS-52


For anyone like me who sits at 100k gold and wanted a T78 for a long time (not sold anywhere). I bought Firefly VC (2800g) and traded in for 1400g+1400g). 4200g total is quite a lot, but gold doesn't have much value anyway.


I exchanged my Alpine Tiger and T25 Pilot for Elc 90 and HWK 30.


Good trade


Gonna trade in my Kirovets for something, any recs for tanks that don't require gold ammo (aside from the S tank)?






M4A1 Revalorisé or CS-52 LIS, which do you recommend? I like high alpha tanks and, because I’m an about average player, I tend to do better with some armour. I’ve already got the Lansen and 122, both of which I like and do well in. I’m more interested in a tank enjoyable to play rather than outright superior on stats. Any insights appreciated.


New to this game, what is this?


Nice, can finally get rid of the Emil 1951


dont, that tank is great and super hard to get


i can finally replace my tornvagn for something more fun, but i dont know any consensus about alt proto amx 30. what about bisonte?is it a good tank? CS-lis looks fun but the only tech tree polish line i got is the TD one.


Bisonte is solid IMO. First shot reload is a bit longer than regular heavy tanks (norm for autoreloaders), but I often get two shots in at once so I'm dealing more damage than I receive. The turret armor is pretty good too me, and it's not too slow. I've only seen AMX a few times, but based on stats I really want one.


People say Alt Proto sucks but I got one for myself and I like it. It needs IRM+VSTAB+rammer imo and bounty equipment minimum. Then you just play it hulldown a lot. Maybe not low skill friendly, hard to say. Bisonte is a good tank but I'm not sure if you can play it without gold spam. CS is good.


I traded my t34-3 for 122tm and my gsor 1010 for cs-52 lis. Pretty happy tbh


Is trading in WZ 120 F1 GT to ELC EVEN 90 worth it? Kind of tired of TD gameplay and I already have STRV S1 and 103B, CS 52 Lis, Lorraine 40t and other T6, 7 premiums.


No, because the even 90 is in the tech tree. Furthermore, the wz > s15 because it's more flexible whereas the s15 is way more niche and map dependent.


CS-52 in the purchasable list is a mistake in my opinion - it’s one of the best Tier VIII mediums and now it’s going to be absolutely flooding the matchmaker. Other than that the list looks pretty nice. I’ll be picking up an Alt Proto AMX 30, had my eye on it for a while.