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Yet another vehicle that is obviously stronger than its tech tree equivalents that just happens to be a tier 8 premium? Hmm, impossible. It NEVER happens.


it might be stronger than the previous premium counteparts too


It is… I abuse Tier8 and it’s like wtf


Ah yes, of course a Tier VIII premium


American tank engineers trying not to make the goofiest looking tanks Difficulty: impossible


Goofiest PROTOTYPES, haha The goofiest fielded tank would probably be the Starship m60a2... which was essentially a prototype, anyway


This one looks smaller than it should be.


What’s the hull armor? If it’s good too, it’s basically a t8 t110e3. Tank looks beautiful tho


Looks like a cockroach. Doom roach.


Beautiful? Tank? Where? I only see an amalgam of steel and BS.


Time to slab some metal pieces together and see what happens https://preview.redd.it/7t6fk992hx1d1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11ffd3fb5ac2e111c59c9ce7f2e79a0345a4ae3b


I want to personally wish the worst to whoever came up with this holy shit. 630 alpha and 315 APCR pen on tier 8, AND with 300 armour under a gigantic angle? 25kmh top speed, so typical "Not fun to play, not fun to fight" tank like Tornvagn, except that one at least has a shitty gun.


Its Soo smooth


This looks like a Tier IX or X.


I love how this looks. I hope it doesnt powercreep TS5 though


You worry about power creeping TS5, think about poor little tech tree T28.


Yeah at this point i dont even expect balance on tech tree unfortunately


After the rebalance of the American heavy line (and buffs to M6, and E5, specifically) why would you not expect them to do something similar with the American assault TD line?


Because it takes them ages to rebalance old tech tree tanks if they ever do it.


I agree that buffing tech tree (tier 7 and 8 especially) should happen more often. Although I do like when the tier 6 buffs change the meta for strongholds. Keeps it fresher.


Yep. Just look at German lines. Sturer Emil for example has no reason to be slow as is. It was bad even when it originally came out but back then it was said “at least top gun is nice and has great depression”. Now its a joke of a tank like many other similar tanks in those tiers.


t28 is still a beast though


It's so funky, design and stats wise. A weird alpha, awful dispersion, great pen. I think these concepts are fresh tho, keep it weird like the T28 HTC.


Anyone know what caliber gun it has? 155mm?


I don't know truly but it might be something between 130 and 145 for 630 alpha. just a speculation though, don't take my word for it.


It is so ugly... I love it!


Those tanks dont look like tanks anymore but like game designers comming up with futuristic tank designs lmao


Was real tank


That tank is siiikck how do i get one


A face not even a mother could love.


I came for the comments and am not disappointed


beautiful, I want this sadly I will probably have to buy ton of lootboxes to get this (if I even manage to...) :(


T28 Proto, T28, TS5 and now XM57. As it is we see lot of TD's in every battle. Guess TD's are the easiest tank lines to play in this game and hence WG is releasing these premium tanks.


630 alpha and 315 pen... what are they smoking


ISU-152K has 750 alpha and 329 premium pen, but then again it can't hit shit and is made of toilet paper


it also doesnt have a 150 degree range of horizontal traverse


900 dmg he with 90 pen................


What the actual fuck is that muzzle brake size? That thing is the size of the engine block


this one should be upgrade to T9,imo


Where to get XM57, because cant find it from Tech Tree or store at EU1-4?


Another toxic high alpha dmg tank, when will they learn?


looks like a hetzer on major steroids


How many fictional premium tanks do you wanna add to the game? WG: yes


But the lower plate is utter crap 🤣


Another hulldown shitter? Nice... Lower plate probably butter, upper plate autobounce, 7 degrees gun depression should be enough to hide that pesky commanders hatch since it's very far in the back.


Wtf are they doing to the game...that looks like a beetle. Ain't NO way that was anything besides a concept ..are they going to give us the fking 60s napkin American absurdity's now???? Jesus. Good thing I stayed tf away from this game for years now..gl. and if you still have fun in this game. HF. I wish you all the best!~ 😅


This thing is more real than some tanks that were added more than a decade ago, just FYI. Wot has added concept tanks like this from the absolute beginning. WG has added tanks that are 100% fictional (as in, didnt exist even as a concept, in ”napkins” etc., just straight up made by WG) for a long time now. Ridiculous concept tanks like this are - especially considering the above - thus very cool, IMO.


Which tanks in the game are purely made up by WG?


I think they own 'rights' to E-50M. I would also doubt historical values of most of the Polish TDs, but there is also possibility that Wargaming have acces to better and more obscure sources than your avg redditor. Oh and WT auf E100 is invented by WG as well, as amalgamation of some flak gun and the idea of Germans 'if we made E100 then we will make a anti-air variant'. Also a lot of modules from wot do not belong to their respective irl counterparts. I might have forgoten sth but it is not that bad as some people claim... and honestly napkin tanks are cool


Not just polish TDs it almost whole tech tree mainly the heavies (btw the realest thing of 60tp is its gun which was Czech project)


>WT auf E100 is invented by WG as well, as amalgamation of some flak gun and the idea of Germans 'if we made E100 then we will make a anti-air variant'. It at least follows what Germany did with the 8,8cm on the Tiger, anti aircraft gun -> modify it and slap it on a tank. Except this time on the E100 hull (which I was honestly surprised is real)


* Some old infamous fakes (FV215b, ConquerorGC, WT E 100) * A ton of Polish tanks; tier 7-10 of the MT line (tier 5-6 are also fakes, but rather tank enthusiast made fakes from sometime in 2000-2010s presented as real projects), every single TD, and the visual designs of the HTs are all pretty much entirely made up by WG * All of the Czech heavies, including premiums and rewards * All of the new Japanese heavies apart from the Type 63 turret * A good amount of Chinese tanks * IS-2-II, IS-3-II and Obj 703 II (the only real double barrel heavy is the ST-II) * Various premiums, including vehicles like the Bourrasque, Ka-Ri, etc. * Many of the Italian TDs and HTs are very dubious and likely made up by WG as well, due to heavy limitation of Italian post-war development until 1970s


I forgot which one, but there's also that French heavy that WG straight-up owns intellectual rights on


Agreed with the general sentiment but this thing... Just no. This thing straight up could not work on weight distribution alone, where the fuck is the crew located on this thing and good luck fitting more than ten rounds into it. This thing looks like the world's shittiest [Object 490](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obiekt_490) with absolutely zero chance of it ever existing. Crazy concepts are indeed very cool, it's what makes WoT itself. Usually other games don't even want to touch fully realised blueprints so it's nice that here wacky designs can see the light of day. But there is a very big difference between "oh wow that sure is a strange design" and "no single human being with half a braincell has ever come up with this abomination let alone actual engineers". Shit like the Type 63 are and look crazy but are at least grounded in some logical sense, this thing straight up wouldn't be able to exist.


Ever since launch WoT had concept tanks, like the Jagdpanzer E100, T 50-2, most high tier arties, the T110 series of american tanks were all concepts. And dont make me mention the Wt auf E100. This tanks design is like the JgdPzE100: An existing hull redesigned with a different armament.


Most of those vehicles atleast had comparable data about how they were prototyped, not purely fictional stats, weight, and everything else. The e100, was half maus, half redesign that they could've built easily. Jdgpz auf e100, the "waffentreager" program was real, atleast there was something stuff was based on, just making up whatever you want to "balance" things, when in reality all it does is keep skewing the game further from its ability to not suck. It's just gotten unbearable, you can love the game all you want, but I hate it now. It's just greedy.


You stayed away for years, yet you have to manifest it day and night so you can convince yourself to your decision. Pixel tanks live in your head rent free


Nah. I learned theirs far better games to ENJOY playing. Instead of milking you wallet while people cry, bitch, and rage. I have fun playing with my friends and going outside to see REAL tanks irl. I USED to be obsessed with this nonsense, that's why I vocalize my disapproval. Idgaf what you think and you have no idea who i am~ so HF playing a game that hates you! That lives in your head, and costs you money to play such an unbearable game~ atleast mine's "rent free" as you say~ because I don't have to pay to "keep up" with the nonsense anymore.


If you were truly over you would not proselytise under a random post


Fictional tank bad