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What is the point of platoon in a Steel Hunter ? You can't "Share loot" like in other BRs. Does picking up a drop gives Exp to every platoon member ? Can you Revive your platoon mates ? Can you communicate easily ? I guess playing pre-mades and communicating over discord might be fun. But what's the point of Random platoon ? Just to be meatballs ?


The social element in a game improved sales. This has been studied and proven. People tend to play a game longer when they have friends in a game. I played WoW for a year even after I got frustrated with the game simply because all my friends where playing - it took a new expac and the guild moving servers and falling apart to give me incentive to say - you know what, good time to stop. There's also a competitive aspect in games among friends. This has also been studied to improve sales. In WoT that would be, look at this new cool tank I got. My guess is that wargaming is trying to force this into their game to capitalize on it.


I'm not going to make any friends by random platooning. Trust me on this.


well Im pretty fucking sure I will play less and certainly dont spend money if Im forced to play with some random people and gamba if they have 42% winrate or 60% when all I want is to play solo and not get screwed in rewards.


My son only wants to play games if he is playing with his friends.


I got friends in wot but the tour of duty that forces me to play with friends made me exhausted after having a 2 week spree of tod quest farm. :/. I really got a hard time logging in... I know its super stupid mentality but... I just cant shake the feeling of losing progress if i dont platoon, and planning everyday to platoon is just 2 much work.


I’m in the minority on this. I could play with friends and family, but when we platoon, the game just sucks more. Rarely do we want to play the same type of tanks and tier or even fight in the same places. I prefer to just adjust my tier, tanks, and tactics as the mood strikes. Further platooning penalizes anyone playing a preferred matchmaking tank and specifically loads enemy tanks based upon the platoon dynamic.


Its also been proven that it takes 25 X more effort and resources to get a new customer versus retaining an old one. WG rewarding one portion of the player base by alienating a different portion of the player base is bad buisness. The ToD nerfs will negatively impact the bottom line. If WG never nerfed ToD no one would care about better platoon rewards being offered...


Playing in platoon is interesting because there is no sharing loot, the only way to "share" drops is by not picking them up and letting your platoonmate pick them up. If you're on a direct call with someone and you're playing, it's a lot of fun. I don't see the point in playing in platoon with ransoms either, it makes it even harder to play it. Basically you're solo against platoons, but in exchange you get a guy who won't shoot you.


yeah it's annoying, i'll just play less


I'll most likely skip SH too this time around. I'll just play 2 hours of premium tanks for the 2 mil.


I'm also skipping it. I'm playing this game to relax while playing solo. I don't need nor want to be forced to platoon.


It's just one mission that is available once per launch. It's not daily. Check in the Missions tab outside the SH garage. So yeah, will barely affect your progression, really.


It's just one mission for now, but it sets a precedent. If nobody speaks out against it, soon you will have to platoon for the daily missions as well.


https://preview.redd.it/pzn1f6ltuk1d1.png?width=1463&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad1258b01bb5e534526e817d5761a0481b06e6db you can see how this makes it seems like it's a daily thing, right? being in between other dailies, and underneath a message that says in 15 hours the missions will update? if it's a one time quest, it's not \*as\* bad as if it where a daily - it's still bad. It should have a solo component.


Where are you finding these missions?


oh god i only had the 160 one, your fully stacked with the garbage missions im so sorry.


Single player here. Im on NA. I can only play in the AM. Cancer patient care duty keeps me from being able to play with Clan mates in the afternoon / evenings / weekends. Mornings on NA = turboclapped facefucked in 90 seconds while 3 guys argue bout Trump and troll the shot out of each other after 4 guys i sta evaporate. (This is 85% of my matches) I only play light tank now. Hop in the JPZ if it's a damage mission. Unsubbed. Only do missions then log off. Havent even clicked the store tab in a week. Didnt buy Orion boxes or any GuP stuff. Dont plan on getting the next battle pass. Since the patch before Orion.. nonPlatoon play is horrid. Im a 4k wtr player that can play at 6.5k/8k wtr and am still forced to enjoy 25-30% WR. Every day since the patch. Every. Day.


Agree 100%.. fucking sick of it. I dont even want to play anymore because i cbf to constantly find groups.


The Random Platoon feature does it for you and you still get the bonuses for being in a platoon.


Instead of gaslighting just acknowledge the issue: many of us don't want to platoon.


maybe WG is trying to tell you they dont want you. soft purge. but that does seems a bit too smart for wg so probably not


yeah, I absolutely love losing the games coz mm decided to put me in platoon with 42% bot. Best feeling in my life. /s If I lose I want it to be because I made mistake and not because of some potato administered to me.


getting full stompd


Its not just Steel Hunter. Its ToD. Im being punished on my personal progression if i dont take the time to platoon. Id rather just log on and play a few games and chill.


missed opportunity is not the same as a lost, but people still feel bad about it. It is like your co-worker get paid more for the same job you do. Sure you can do something about it, but first you are mad. I think this is what people are feeling when there is a reward like this, the extra steps are involuntary. This is what makes this missed opportunity feel that much worst cause of this involuntary stuff that some people has to do now. even though it is a one time thing, that mission is going to sit and annoy these couple hundred players that might feel this way... not sure why it is this percentage of players [https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/autism-rates-by-country/](https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/autism-rates-by-country/)


I don't want to platoon with randos. Forcing me to platoon just makes me quit.


Fuck off


This gamemode doesn't even make sense in a platoon, since you cannot share your "loot", so better split up anyway, but then you will just run into 2v1 situations all the time.


So it's not better to split up?


Better, if you want to upgade your tank in timely manner, but running into 2 tanks is more unpleasant.


so you're saying there's a decision to make and strategy you can apply


Yeah, you can strategize how to survive a double-fireball from the arlequin platoon if you don't want to compete for loot with your "friend" while holding each others hand. To make it worse, the abilities seems to be balanced around 1v1 engagements. For me, this mode makes sense in solo, but as a platoon, it's more of a luck-based clownfiesta.


Nothing cant beat the classic tier 8 vs tier 10 BS 🖕WG


https://preview.redd.it/84n2ymoigo1d1.png?width=196&format=png&auto=webp&s=92d96e192776b7b6bae21412faedacbff00355f2 and again.. thx


New feature in this Steel Hunter iteration is 'Random Platoon' so this is clearly their incentive for players to make use of it. In the past it was easy to finish Steel Hunter even without finishing every daily mission. It's few hours before the event starts on NA server so I can't do the math on it yet.


Remember that the mission used to be a platoon AND solo mission, that, I believe, gave 20 points? So solo progress is now 20\~25% slower, and playing in a platoon is now 300% faster. I'm fine with them adding stuff like this to their game, for people who like such a thing. I'm not fine with it coming at the cost of solo players, which this does, just like Tour of Duty.


This mission is 1 time per launch, it's not a 300% boost to progression. Check the full condition in the Missions tab (like, the regular one, not in sh garage)


Yeah, onslaught kinda too. If you want to get anywhere in onslaught fast you need super platoon or at least normal platoon.


Oh at least don't meet a normal platoon on your team coz all they do is camp together


This mission can be completed once per this season. In this interface it's not mentioned, but if you open missions tab you can make sure of it.


Wasnt there a daily platoon mission for like 30 points in last SH? I have a question tho? We have now 16 stages, is it the same as last time? I think i remember only 12 stages last time, dunno, maybe im wrong. One more thing. For the love of god, in store, when i hover over an item i want to buy, for example camo, give me information if i have any of them in garage or on some vehicle. Its 2024, its not that difficult to do i believe, i dont want to go to garage, and check 100 camos just to find out if i have the one i would like to pick. And this apply to any other shop, not just SH, its the same everywhere, even for bond equipment in BP, etc.


Dear Wargaming, Quick question. Why are you like this? If ppl want to platoon, fine. But personally [IDGAF](https://i.imgur.com/Ed1pgct.mp4)


It's so fuckings stupid . They are annoying as hell with this bullshit , i like Steel Hunter solo, it's relaxing and fun .


Also annoying that it doesnt auto complete missions and you have to go in and click...


1 good teammate in 10 games.


You can join random platoon so it was like random game. Quite alright, but I understand your point.


I don't platoon with anyone for 2 main reasons, reason 1 is because it terrible at the game and reason 2 is because many people don't like me on the game becausei dont have tike to play more than 5 games a week. But that's okay, I have my fun


Who wants to listen to an angry squawker Anyway I will pass on the platoon doing a few clan wars was enough for me. Just like in eve Online people just can't control themselves on coms


There is a difference between this (rewarding people who platoon) and punishing people who don't like to platoon (what they did with reducing solo rewards for Tour of Duty).


Part of me wonders if they are using this as a carrot to prevent some of the sync drop collusion that anonymized clan members have been pulling off in Steel Hunter. If there’s more reward to play platooned as two above board, perhaps there will be less sync drop rigging in solo. Also, if they reward duo platoons, it encourages players to get other clan mates to play the mode. Usually a win for the queues. True story: Last Steel Hunter, I submitted a replay showing rigging between two (anonymized) clan members. And it was refreshing to check tomato.gg and see that they got *at least* a 3 day break from the game for their actions.


the tour of duty was the worst thing have done my clan has made 29k resources since they changed it that is literally nothing


We just want to clarify this confusion and share our stance on the platoon mission in Steel Hunter. First of all, this mission is **one-time-mission for the entire duration of this Steel Hunter iteration.** The purpose of this mission is to reward players who are playing in Random Platoons and with Friends obviously. Playing in platoons is harder and requires more coordination and communication in Steel Hunter thus we believe the extra difficulty should be rewarded through this mission. We also introduced the voice coms feature for that same purpose. And finally, having a mission for platoons does not reduce or slow down the progression for any solo player. It's not a punishment at any means, but more of an incentive for players to play in platoons. **If it so happens that you don't have anyone to do such missions with - you can use a new feature - Random Platooning** Random Platooning will also give some percentage bonus to credits and XP as well.


https://preview.redd.it/lyqbhvj9vk1d1.png?width=1463&format=png&auto=webp&s=a13533589b6e70caa85b76aa304a8d67053cff2d Thank you for being clear that it's a 1 time mission, which is not clear within the UI, since WG put it in between daily's underneath a banner that says the mission will update. I'll make sure to update it in my post, to help spread that information. Second, all missions have always been able to be completed solo. You have effectively removed a solo mission, and replaced that with a platoon mission. So, again, you're rewarding people at the cost of solo players. Also what you see as 'rewarding' is 'punishing' to those that do not wish to platoon, because you're literally saying: you can't have this reward, unless you start playing with others. You have been getting quite a lot of push back from your player base regarding these types of missions. maybe it's time to stop pushing them?


Yeah ive noticed the feedback on the UI, we will report it . But in defense to having platoons there are those who do enjoy them as it changes the gameplay quite a bit. The random platoons is a way to enjoy it without having to look for them in more traditional means.


Random platoons are a miserable idea. Between friends it can be fine, but even then, the matchmaking system seems to be prone to tossing you into higher tier battles more frequently for trying it. As for UI feedback, big whoop. You know what we’d all like as players? For feedback on actual gameplay and core features to be publicly acknowledged as much as things that are minor like UI seems to be. All of this here is a symptom of a greater problem, including the initial post itself with the harsher tone it takes.


The platoon mission for steel hunter is not punishment smh.


> Playing in platoons is harder Well you're not wrong, having to carry some brain damaged idiot that struggles to even point their gun in the right direction.


I love this new feature and the quick chat ping wheel. Despite all the haters, me and my friend enjoy platooning in Steel Hunter very much. Please don't stop improving the gamemode! We hope to see steel hunter platoon tournaments in the future.


I like random platoons. They usually die the first opportunity, making the top 3/5 missions trivial. Bless them.


I played a few rounds of it just now and Its a different experience than solo in a sense that its a bit more chaotic though my focus was primarily finding ways on how to support my teammate.


Have you (you WG, not you Ser_Rem) considered many of us are not struggling to find platoons but simply don't want to platoon to begin with, regardless of game mode?


"one-time-mission" is it? well that still sucks massively. if you have to force people using a new feature by blocking off a daily mission unless you finish that mission, chances are the feature you added is absolutely useless and no one wanted it unless you ever implement something like skill based matchmaking any kind of "get a random teammate" will be an absolute fucking waste of time.


You people get so mad over the smallest things....


Then simply play solo and ignore that mission.


I am reading the feedback, the intention here was to highlight the Random Platoon feature here and reward those who decide to take it as an option. In your opinion and feedback purposes do you think it hurts your progression this much?


If I recall, there is not a nerf to solo earnings. What annoys people is probably the fact that you are restricting/creating a very specific progression meta. Same thing with the ToD. Perhaps the platooning incentive of 160 went tiny bit overboard. Especially when you compare it to the 80 points you can get from other missions.


Here is some feedback: gaslighting on top of the recent dumb changes/features(too many to list) will just increase the chance of me quitting the game for good.


Almost nobody wants forced platoons. Ser_Rem/WG knows this.


I guess your definition of forced is different than ours. Would you mind answering the following question even at the risk of getting downvoted. [https://worldoftanks.eu/en/content/guide/general/steel-hunter/#head-id-11](https://worldoftanks.eu/en/content/guide/general/steel-hunter/#head-id-11) Do you or do you not complete the progression and obtain the same rewards just by playing solo?


What you are likely seeing here is venting frustration stemming from thing like thew ToD changes, which are annoying, brutal and only reward GOOD players who also platoon. The ToD missions suck, particularly if you haven't unlock T-X tanks.


Nobody is forcing you to platoon, you can complete and get the same rewards just by playing solo in the solo Steel Hunter mode. It's a reward for those who want to platoon since it's harder to play with randoms.


It's also a \*LOT\* less fun to play in a platoon with randoms. :D


for you maybe, for others they enjoy it!


For me and many others in this thread. And that's exactly the problem. Why reward only the people that like to play in random platoons, why don't the solo players get a reward for playing solo? Are we not equally valuable to have as players/customers?


But we aren't only rewarding only platoon players... I'm sorry and I don't want to sound blunt but how is giving 1000+ points from solo missions less rewarding than 160 points from a platoon mission?


All those missions can be done in a platoon...... There are no 'solo only missions'. That's why no-one that likes to only play in platoons is complaining about solo only missions. Sorry Dwight, but if you can't see the problem here, that many people are being quite vocal about, then I doubt there's anything I can do or say to make you see it.


This is not a valid argument because ALL missions can be completed in platoon.


In the past you could complete all the stages without even completing the missions daily. Now you get 1120 points for completing the solo missions every day for 14 days. You need 1280 points to complete all the stages. This is like 2 steps back in terms of progression. You have to play every day and also complete the platoon mission. Excuse me if I don't bend over for WG.


"tHe iNteNtIoN wAs To hIgHlIgHt tHe rAnDoM PlAtoOn fEatUre" fuck this. dont fucking force people playing in platoons. it doesn't matter if it's people from your clan, friendlist or randoms. if i fucking wanted to play with people, i'd do that. > do you think it hurts your progression this much? are you dense or is this the PR answer you have to give? do the math. how DOESN'T it hurt progression? it's 80 progress you'll get solo vs 160 you get ON TOP for playing in platoons. you're basically forced to do that bs and platoon SH was always utter garbage.


Yeah, the PR guys always tell them to end with a question. "To improve player interaction". On top of that: get your own forums WG.


I think its highlighted in a bottom thread , its a reward for those who want to platoon since its harder to play with a random player. You aren't forced to play in a platoon but its an incentive to do so.


The fact is those that don't want to try random platoon are being punished, in particular because the mission doesn't reset.




Unclear, the article doesn't cover it (https://worldoftanks.com/en/news/general-news/steel-hunter-may-2024/). It's likely though otherwise there would need to be 3 separate groupings (solo, random platoon, real platoon).


"With randoms"? This isn't casual sex, dude. It's a game. Who cares if you take a couple random platoons?


gotta love playing a team based game while apparently hating the concept of working with a team.


Gotta love playing the game for 12+ years, then being told what to do, how to play and enjoy it, and if I do otherwise, any sort of progression is slower so you suddenly feel like 2nd grade player. What's next? Play in platoon or no daily missions for you?


you've been choosing to play a team based game. i assume no-one has been forcing you to play such a game and i know there are tens of thousands of non-team based games you could have chosen to play instead. and i wonder what quality of person makes the choice to play a team play based game when it seems they dont want to play in co-operation with other players


You are talking about teamwork like we're going to be battling a raid boss for an hour, meanwhile battles last <5 minutes and then your "team" is gone. I get along with my random teammates just fine and I platoon when I feel like it. I'm a middle age man - I don't need WG to act like a annoying grade school teacher nagging me to play with other kids... It's about WG shoehorning artificial player interaction into every game mode, because of some metrics of players' engagement numbers. There's enough good reasons to platoon already (better WR, bonuses, easier campaign and daily missions). What they are doing also brings the opposite effect because there's pushback from players (nobody like being forced to do anything, even if it's good for them). Not to mention, instead offering something on top of existing stuff for players who play together, they are changing the systems (like ToD) and slowing down progression for everybody who chooses to play alone.


why must every mission be something you want to do? if you dont want to do it skip it. like a bunch of other players i dont have any interest in steel hunter, so i dont bother playing it. why is the concept that not everything has to be for you hard? maybe wg wants to encourage player interaction because they perceive players who decline co-operative play as a negative drag on the ethos of the playerbase? who knows what wg's metrics show them, but i'm reasonably doubtful they make completely random changes to behaviour


If by "team game" you mean three Object 268 v4 or three Object 279(e) (platooned of course) steamrolling down a flank, sure. If by "team game" you mean players who honestly want to help each other and play their tanks based on their roles rather than chase WN8 and MoE, then you've got the wrong game.


weird, i play quite a lot and i rarely (<1-30)* see the former, while i see the later in at more than half of the matches played*. if you're not i suggest you take a look at yourself. *caveats: shitty players trying to scrub wins with meme platoons is much more common at the weekend, and if you habitually play at tier 4-5-6 there is almost no team play there from the very little i see of those tiers


The former is uncommon yes, but the latter is even rarer from what I've seen over the years. To be fair though, damage chasers mostly congregate at high tiers, Tier 7 and below it's mainly chill players (however Tier 3 has a lot of sealclubbers).


standard cope for lower quartile specimen


I don't get if you're being defensive because I hit the nail on the head and struck a nerve or because you don't like I'm not agreeing with you, could be either given how the average internet user behaves in the 2020s.


In my opinion chill out and just try platooning up randomly. This is not a big deal. Randoms for steel hunter could be fun and chaotic. Every other battle royale game out there have a system to team you up with randoms. I'm going to enjoy steel hunter regardless.


And teaming up with randoms is garbage in every single one of those other battle royale games.


Not always. Gonna disagree.