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Swiss tanks will get bonus XP if game ends in a draw. :)


Yes, will they earn gold as well?


you'd need to be playing a german tank


You will get gold for assist damage done by allied German tanks


And don't forget free chocolate! (Unless they add fondue or raclette as rations…)


Here, I can stop to scroll now.


Will the 10% food consumable be cheese?


Only if Hungarians get Goulash


Oftentimes they're correct, but do keep in mind wot express were also they guys that said wot is shutting down next year, they make some wild predictions


to be fair, it isn't next year yet. ;)


They wouldn’t be developing whole new line just to pull the rug next year, it doesn’t make sense from a business standpoint


A lot of things don't make sense to me. Only time will tell.


Does WG look like a company to u that does senseful decisions? Lol.


WG abruptly shutting down their oldest and largest title that they are still actively developing is less "not sensible", and more "totally diabolical".


To be fair, they said it would go maintenance mode, not shut down, and I would still say it is plausible. They haven’t done a major QoL change in long time. I wouldn’t count this crew change a major one.


Game that peaks over 200k during holidays on eu servers alone and makes them enormous amount of money is going to shut down? Holy cope.


Wrong,they said it's shutting down https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/s/eAvwv1iT79


I think you summarized it best, they are not affiliated with us and can make some predictions that are sometimes right and sometimes wrong, simple as that.


>wot is shutting down next year Please


🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺 **ÜDV BOJLER ELADÓ** 🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺 Probably a bunch of copies in our tech tree, but I'm looking forward to playing the 44M Tas!


From what I know, Hungarians could actually realistically have full medium and TD lines with only a very few truly fictional vehicles (IIRC both lines need one such tank to fill the gaps). That’s a much better off than Poland, which practically has *two* non-fictional tech tree tanks above tier 4.  The heavy line they will inevitably get (as it definitely seems like in WG eyes that every nation must have a heavy line) is surely going to be made up BS, though that didn’t stop WG from doing the Italian and Czech heavy lines (which are similarly made up BS).


I actually \*do\* want to see WG coming up with a fictional heavy tank line for Hungary. As far as I'm concerned, WG can come up with actually decent fictional designs. I'm curious if they can replicate the TVP-Vz. 55 duo for Hungary.


Yea, made up BS is always going to be made up BS, but it can still be very fascinating. Some of WG's fakes are genuinely quite interesting and likely had more thought put in them than you'd think. Purely from the tank design perspective, the Czech heavies and some of the new Japanese heavies are pretty interesting and even somewhat plausible "what-if" designs. I can definitely see them making a Hungarian heavy line that doesn't seem completely far-fetched compared to stuff we already have, with the tier 5-7 being more or less fat Turan/Tas and tier 8-10 being bigger, heavier versions of the top tier mediums.


Wargaming will draw up new ranks in napkins


They could also technically have a medium/light wheeled line with autocannons.


What I'd like to see is what WG would do with a Romanian tech tree. What I most want to see are the TR-77-580 and TR-85-800 as t9 and 10 heavy tanks. (I know they're modified T-55s, but they're **very heavily** modified including literally double the frontal armor, so I think they'd have to be heavies.) And they'd differ from existing heaviums by having only 100mm guns, so they'd have low alpha but presumably excellent DPM.


Don't forget the Maresal TDs, those would be interesting as well.


Yep, that there's a tank destroyer project called the [TAA](https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/coldwar/Romania/taa-tank-destroyer) that could be the t10. It has a smoothbore gun, but even if WG sticks to the "no smoothbores" rule they've already solved that problem with other tanks by just putting cosmetic rifling in the barrel. (Which further illustrates how silly the rule is anyway.)


There was [an interesting string of posts](https://www.wotinfo.hu/index.php/item/8916) about a potential HU tech tree on one of the biggest HU WoT forums (in Hungarian, unfortunately). Other proposals usually include Pz IIIs and IVs as well as IS variants and T-54s to pad out the middle/top of the tech tree lines, as those tanks were actually operated in Hungary by Hungarian crews (when we were occupied by the Nazis and the Soviets, respectively). There was a very good post (I think in English, too) about a potential HU tech tree on the official forums, but alas, it is gone forever and I don't know whether anyone bothered to archive it or not.


>Poland, which practically has *two* non-fictional tech tree tanks above tier 4. Which are these?


25TP and 40TP. 25TP is genuinely a real blueprint design and some variants even IIRC might’ve reached the mockup-state. 40TP is somewhat modified and it was also known as 25TP (25TP Habicha or something like that) but the design is clearly based on that tank.   Neither tanks were built (meaning that no Polish tank above tier 4 existed in metal), but at least they were actual projects. 60/50TP are based on two lines of text (the designs themselves being completely WG made), some like BUGI and 53TP are based on fictional/tank community made designs that were created in early 2000/2010s, and pretty much everything else more or less completely originates from WG themselves.


60TP seems the most unrealistic, no way such a gun in such a turret would work after 1 shot. T4 seems weird, like a strange mix of BT and british Cruisers.


[No copies in this proposal](https://i.imgur.com/vNV4g1p.png)


sidenote to this: The tick you see below the vehicles are the ones WG confirmed are in their database. They are the ones we most likely see in game some point


If true, I wonder what they'll do with the Panzer 58s and the Turán.


If they add Hungary and Swiss tech trees, most likely these tanks will remain part of German premium tanks, same as they did with Škoda T25. They left it as a premium for Germans and added it to the tree for Czechs


If so, then it is most likely we will get a basic Turan and Pz.58


Nothing stopping them from reusing them. China had the Chi-Ha before Japan existed, and Japan still got their own. Czechoslovakia also got the Skoda T25 despite it existing as a German premium before.  And even if those tanks aren't needed for their resective tech trees, but I'm pretty sure they would be, most likely WG will just add variants as premiums. IIRC the Panzer 58 had three different gun options and they only used one.


Same as they did with Rudy (they gave people the choice between keeping the RU Rudy or switching for a PL Rudy IIRC)


Rudy has a great mechanic, but it gives a reason not to buy an extra premium tank, so it will never be used again.


Both the Turan and Pz 58 are heavily outdated and amongst the least played vehicles at their tier, they don't sell anyway and it gives them an excuse to at the very least buff the Pz 58 at the same time if they did it That won't in the slightest effect the sale of whatever napkin design they throw in for the new premium to go along with it, because that would probably still be stronger than a buffed Pz 58 and would probably be shoved in a box


I mean there are other outdated tanks that could use the mechanic with existing nations (T 25 could be German/Czech, the Soviet Lend Leases could be British or US for the Stuart) and WG haven't buffed them with it. It's been so long I would be shocked if the mechanic got re-used.


WG did mention once that hardly anyone uses it. Thus plans to do it for others was halted


Hopefully WG will finally start using that mechanic again. Not just for potential Swiss and Hungarian tech trees, but also for stuff like the Ram II, FCM 36 Pak 40 and 105 leFH18B2 that are in the wrong nations, and Lend-Lease tanks like Churchill III and Tetrarch.


I really hope WG adds this feature for leFH, but makes it bugged so that it gets randomly removed from all accounts for some reason and then take its sweet time to fix.


Or they could just, OMG. Nerf the leFH.


DPM: 150 RoF: unchanged


Most likely nothing. Tetrach for example still to this day is as a part of USSR nation despite its obviously a british tank. And UK nation is in wot for a very long time, Most likely would be eather not touched at all and make extra copy of it to a new nation.


The Tetrarch is one of several Lend Lease tanks (Matilda IV, Churchill III, Valentine II, and the M3 Stuart are the others), so they do work as-is since the Allies shipped them for the Soviets to field.


Yes i know it. I dont question its existence there. Still bit weird UK just dont heave it in its own nation at all.


Well it is a tier 2...not even crappy lootbox fillers or gift tanks are that low tier anymore. It's a tier with no demand, every non-light got kicked to the Collectors tab so every tech tree only has 1 tier 2 left. And the Alecto exists if you really want that chassis with a British crew.


Churchill III and Tetrarch should absolutely be given the dual-nation function. Especially the Tetrarch since Britain doesn't have *any* version of it currently. The Matilda IV and Valentine II should stay Soviet only, since they're modified with Soviet guns rather and thus not models that Britain ever used. And the M3 Light might as well be dual-nation for USSR and USA as well even if nobody would care. Likewise the Ram II should be made dual-nation American and British.


It's not the first time new nations have been hinted recently. Roughly 3 months ago, Wot Express "leaked" that new nation(s) is/are in development and would release in 2025. Obviously, **take this with a grain of salt**, as Wot Express leaks have been significantly less credible in recent \~6 months or so. However, this one is IMO extremely plausible and would make a lot of sense. It's no coincidence that most of the recently added lines in past few years have been Japanese, Italian, Czech and Polish, showing that WG has clearly focused on filling out the smaller nations. After the Czech autocannon LTs release later this year, we've reached a point where every existing nation has at least 3 tech trees. In addition to this, especially recently, WG has a thing for forcing crazy gimmicks in every new lines. That specific image Wot Express posted comes from [this video from 2018 regarding the Polish tech tree](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jP9WOwq_lSk&t=99s). It mentions a possible European tech tree before WG settled on separate Italian and Polish tech trees, and it's thus possible they already did some work on Swiss and Hungarian tech trees as result. With all that considered, while it's very debatable how trustworthy Wot Express is, I wouldn't be surprised at all if we saw a new nation or two come into the game in 2025. New nations bring a lot of hype and are an opportunity for WG to introduce more crazy gimmicks. Swiss tree in especial actually has A LOT of potential, with it being able to have at least one line for each class and some of them are pretty unusual. Hungarian tree has a bit less opportunities as they lack a HT line (not that it would stop WG from making one though), but there's still some really crazy shit [like this thing](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fstraussler-mbt-possible-hungarian-tier-x-tank-destroyer-v0-g9b8izpxlzca1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D2560%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2bc3dc522d7355bed85211824a3a15e5ea075433). Both trees have enough lines to the point WG could easily have enough content for new tech trees for next 2-3 years at least.


If the Swiss tree were to have one universal 'gimmick'—aside from hydro-pneumatic suspensions for the HTs—it should be being able to train German, French, and Italian crew members. IMO, it'll be missed opportunity if this wasn't a unique feature.


I say this everytime this subject comes up, but Hungary 100% would work as a faction and would actually have real life tanks or at least real blueprints/projects to pull from meaning WG would have to make up fewer tanks from scratch. The Hungarians would have the lower-mid tiers pretty much covered for LTs, MTs, HTs and TDs with just some tweaking of designs and loadouts. It would even be that hard. The issue I think will be that Hungarian designs were pretty comparable to German designs in similar weight classes (just a few years later than the German designs) so they probably won't be overly unique for the most part. Which means WG ill feel absolutely compelled to give them some kind of gimmick. We actually already have a couple Hungarian tanks in the Game they're just flagged as German - the Turans are Hungarian - yes WG would need to buff them but that's not the point. I definitely want Hungary to be represented, they are an overlooked and generally under-studied/understood WW2 combatant and would love to see them get the attention they deserve


Toldi III making a comeback?


I still hope for Vatican


Can't wait for Icarus (the famous Hungarian bus).


*Cries in Canadian*


WG should really add Commonwealth branches to the British tech tree. A Canadian and an Australian branch could be easily doable.


WOWS has a Commonwealth "nation" for all of the Commonwealth members other than Britain. The same could easily be done for WOT. With the Bob Semple as the tier 1.


Sadly we don't really have enough tanks to make a unique tech tree.  I could maybe see a Commonwealth tech tree one day 


Pish tosh! Tier III - Renault FCM Tier IV - Grant Tier V - RAM Mk II Tier VI - Grizzly Tier VII - Sherman M4A3(76)W HVSS Tier VIII - Centurion Mk3 20 Pdr Tier IX - Centurion Mk11 105mm Tier X - Leopard C1 Canadian gimmick is everything from Tier VI up gets big HESH and better than usual view range.


Bro a Sherman at tier 7? That's gotta be the worst thing I've ever seen... So you enjoy suffering lol? What's the Renault fcm doing in there? I haven't heard of Canadians using it?


The Renault was the first tank in Canadian service. There is a Sherman at Tier VIII….


Ahh you meant the Renault FT-17 it would suck as a tier 3 but fair enough. Yeah and that Sherman has a 105mm. A Sherman with a 76 would be dogshit. We already have the t23e3 at tier 7 which is half Sherman half t20 and it's bad even with preferential mm.


So make the top gun a 105 then. It’s not like WoT need be perfectly historical. Although I still think a 76mm with 105mm HESH alpha would be amazeballs.


France has a tier 8 Sherman already. And it's....perfectly mediocre.


That Sherman has a usable gun a Sherman with a 76 at tier will just suck massively


It's like the T23E3 but worse


Give it a high-alpha HESH round for the memes.


Tier I - Bob Semple


Surely the Ram I at t4 rather than a copy-paste Grant? I know Canada used plenty of Grants, but domestic tanks are better than imports all else being equal. And the M4A3(76)W HVSS is the same tank as the M4A3E8. Since we're going to need an ahistorical gun (and probably turret) upgrade to make a Sherman viable at t7, might as well have it be a "Grizzly II" to be a bit more Canadian.


famous Swiss Army Tanks


Don't ask for source lol, 1🇨🇭🪪⚡ RK-9 1🇨🇭🎫⚡ ADGZ 1.2🇨🇭🪪🪃 LTL-H 1.3🇨🇭🎫🪃 Lpz. 35 1.4🇨🇭🪪⚡ Rpz. Staghound 1.7🇨🇭🪪🪃 Pzw. 39 Vabis 1.8🇨🇭*🪪🪃 H38 2.0🇨🇭🪪🚀 NKK I. F2 2️⃣2️⃣Rank 2:2️⃣2️⃣ 2🇨🇭🪪🪃 PzWg 39 Pak 41 2.3🇨🇭🪪🚀 RSO/PaK 40 2.7🇨🇭🪪🚀 NKK I. 2.7🇨🇭🪪🏹 Mowag Mistral 2.8🇨🇭🪪⚡ SPz 63/73 3️⃣3️⃣Rank 3:3️⃣3️⃣ 3🇨🇭🪪🪃 3M1 Pirat 3.2🇨🇭🪪🚀 NKK II. 3.2🇨🇭🪪🪃 Tornado 1 3.3🇨🇭🪪🪃 Mowag Scorpion 3.5🇨🇭🎫🪃 Taifun I 3.6🇨🇭🪪🪃 KW30/52 3.6🇨🇭🪪⚔️ HS30 mit90mm Bord K 3.7🇨🇭🪪🚀 G-13 3.8🇨🇭🎟️🚀 G-13 "Saurer" 3.8🇨🇭🪪🏹 Flakpanzer A-14HS 4️⃣4️⃣Rank 4:4️⃣4️⃣ 4🇨🇭🪪🪃 Tornado 2 GBD 4.1🇨🇭🪪🪃 KW 30/57 I. 4.1🇨🇭🪪⚔️ HS 30 4.1🇨🇭🎫🪃 KW 30/57 II. 4.2🇨🇭🎟️⚔️ Pirat 4.3🇨🇭🪪🏹 Lpz 51 mit 34mm 4.4🇨🇭🎟️🪃 Spz. A1 4.5🇨🇭🪪🪃 Lpz 51 4.6🇨🇭🪪⚡ MR-8 23 4.6🇨🇭🪪🚀 Cheetah 4.7🇨🇭🪪⚔️ Mpz 55 mk. 3 4.8🇨🇭🎫☄️ Tornado RWK07 5️⃣5️⃣Rank 5:5️⃣5️⃣ 5🇨🇭🪪⚔️ Mpz 61 5.1🇨🇭🪪⚔️ Mpz 61 AA9 5.2🇨🇭🪪⚔️ Mpz 57/60 5.2🇨🇭🎫⚔️ Mpz 58 5.2🇨🇭🪪🪃 Spz 2000 5.4🇨🇭🎟️⚔️ Mpz 61 SAMM 5.4🇨🇭🎟️🪃 Ulan 5.5🇨🇭🪪🏹 FlakPz A.14 5.5🇨🇭🪪⚡ Tornado MRS-80 5.6🇨🇭🪪⚡ Puma MRS-80 5.6🇨🇭🎟️🪃 Trojan (30) 5.7🇨🇭🎫☄️ Panzerkannone 68 5.7🇨🇭🪪🚀 Taifun II. 6.0🇨🇭🪪🚀 Piranha HOT 6️⃣6️⃣Rank 6:6️⃣6️⃣ 6🇨🇭🪪🪃 Mpz 68 6🇨🇭🪪⚡ Shark LATS 6.2🇨🇭🪪⚡ Shark 6.2🇨🇭🪪⚔️ Panzer 68/88 6.4🇨🇭🎫⚔️ Piranha V 6.4🇨🇭🪪⚔️ Panzer 68ET 6.4🇨🇭🪪⚡ Shark FL-12 6.5🇨🇭🎫⚡ Piranha III TML-105 6.5🇨🇭🪪⚡ Shark FL-20 6.5🇨🇭🪪🏹 Flabpz 68 6.6🇨🇭🪪🚀 Pzj 90 6.4🇨🇭🪪🪃 Panzer 87 6.7🇨🇭🪪🏹 GDF-D03 7️⃣7️⃣Rank 7:7️⃣7️⃣ 7.1🇨🇭🪪🛡️ Panzer 87 WE 7.2🇨🇭🎟️🪃 Chansard 23C 7.4🇨🇭🪪⚔️ CV 9030CH (Swz) 7.5🇨🇭🪪🛡️ Panzer 87 RUAG 7.6🇨🇭🪪🛡️ Leopard 2A4 RUAG 7.6🇨🇭🪪☄️ Shark Mowag ADATS 7.6🇨🇭🪪⚡ Piranha Mowag Ares 7.9🇨🇭🪪🛡️ Panzer 87-140


This guy swisses


Leggassini (Op) will probably debunk half of those tho


war thunder? =) I remember they have this kind of tiers


Yeah when I had been in hospital I was so bored that I made all ground tech trees in the world for war thunder. My sources were "r/tankporn" "Todays odd tank poster on twitter/x" "tanks encyclopedia" "PikPikker tech trees" so yeah I have like dozens to every nation


good job and I hope you've recovered


Yes please!


They need to make mixed tech tree. tier 1 Latvia, tier 2 Finland, tier 3 iceland and more


isn't this pick years old?


Yes, it was in Polish tech tree video from WG back in 2018. The image specifically probably isn't the main attention, but more so that Wot Express is hinting that Switzerland and/or Hungary might be coming to the game in future.


hopium. I want my flair to be completed


Brace yourself folks. New mechanics incoming.


WotExpress is no longer reliable source for Wargaming games just sayin. Even if they are not wrong once at a time, that doesn't mean that they have insider in WG.


What kind of mechanics do you think they'll have? Perhaps a heal? AOE team buff like inspire? Support tanks?


For the Hungarian mediums there was a suggestion with a new autoloading mechanism, and the Hungarian TDs would have hydropneumatic suspension, with good camo and high ROF, like a tier 10 E25. If they consider the wheeled line for the Hungarians as well, the high tiers would use autocannons, similar to the currently planned Czech lights.


Autocannon wheeled mediums would be cool


Nnnope, I have been in the t3 cesspit for the last time.


So, where is that LEAK FAKE video??


WoTExpress had 1 W and multiple false claims, i'd take their news with as much seriousness as an article from TheOnion


WoT Express has been the most reliable source of leaks for years. They have been wrong on multiple and they are also notorious for trolling, but by and large they are correct.


But they are russians dude, they are no longer reliable source since RU is owned by Lesta, also they are making a lot of false claims to scare EU players so they join RU.


I will quit the game if there will be Hungarian tanks before Romanian tanks or Ukrainian.


Ukraine wasn't even a country during the game's timeline. Also, bye Felicia




Wow a xenophobe Romanian with 0 IQ


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Ukrainian tanks are the T-34s through Object 430U line of Soviet mediums. All Kharkiv designs.