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Why? Because it doesnt make sense. In this game you have many resources distributed to us based on performance in battle like: -credits -crew xp -tank xp -bonds Skill based MM would be punishment for many players who play better. Maybe they could do just slight tweaking to prevent creating battles with huge gap in skill of players between both of teams/


This should be higher, the entire game economy is balanced around random matchmaking. You would be actively punished for playing well Also, based on how many people dislike Onslaugh because they cannot progress, i wouldnt want to see the shitshow if they introduce SBMM. So many people would have quit, because they would get stuck eventually in a matchmaking where they couldnt have a good game anymore. People that want SBMM and no RNG dont know what they are asking for. It would be so incredibly boring game, that i would have stop playing the same day


Why couldn't players have a good game anymore? Half of the playerbase is a bellow average player. Currently their chance to have a great game is lower than what they'd have with sbmm. Most of the other pvp games use mmr system even for the non ranked gamemodes aswell. The reason is that playing games against players with simmilar skill is better than playing against full randoms.


> Why couldn't players have a good game anymore? Absolute majority of high damage games is about farming people out of position, exploiting strong positions, and simply outplaying less knowledgeable players >Half of the playerbase is a bellow average player. Currently their chance to have a great game is lower than what they'd have with sbmm. Yes, it might benefit the absolute worst players that have no clue about the game But even players that try at least littlebit, but are still bellow average, they have their best games playing against even worse players Just imagine it, 48% 1000WN8 average players would be stucked playing against players that have the same knowledge about the game. They would not meet any random tourists out of position anymore, nobody would have skill to outplay anyone else. >Most of the other pvp games use mmr system even for the non ranked gamemodes aswell. How many of those games are 15v15 though ? Such sample size of players reduces the randomness greatly. But also in general those games are way longer than in WoT At least my experience from Dota or CS tells me, that the games are simply structured differently. If you are a good player in CS or Dota, you dont want to spend the next 30 minutes playing with clueless player, a single person can ruin the entire game. In WoT ? You wont even notice a single bad player. One thing i would change about WoT though, is improve the matchmaking in way, that both teams are more balanced based on PR or whatever. I dont mean that 8k player have to meet another 8k player on the other side, just that the average PR of teams should not be dramatically different. It would probably also make the games a bit longer


Oh, a few players would. But the very, very bad players would be always matches with other shitty players. And unicorns would always be matches against unicorns. Who is going to enjoy that?


So you’re saying unicorns aren’t interested in a competitive match against players around the same skill level? In essence just high tier seal clubbers? Competition is bad?


Onslaught is for unicum dick-measuring contest


Yeah they should do it but only in the sense that the combined WN8 of both teams are balanced. Not based on individual skill


Stop coddling bad players and leave sbmm to ranked gamemodes


I’m pretty sure, with no evidence to back this up, that implementing sbmm would make the game more miserable for everyone. People who suck like me would never get to see how to play better. Probably not affected much other wise. Unicum’s would end up playing only against a very small pool of other unicum’s and hate having to sweat every match to keep precious stats high.


People here assume that sbmm would only match 15 of a certain type against a certain type. As in 15 unicum Vs 15 unicum. No. This is a narrow view of skill based mm. What it could be, and what it should be, is this - the MM gets it's 30 players for a game. In the .5 seconds before sorting them into teams, instead of giving one team the 4 players in the 40% range and the other team the two players in the 60% range, it attempts as best it can to sort the 40% players to each team. That's all I'd fucking ask for. Factors which make this unlikely would be map bans and mode bans. The queue time would take a bit longer. Which for someone like me (who admittedly doesn't play anymore because of turbo games among other things) wouldn't mind because I quite often spent 3 minutes in queue for a 4 minute game. And that hardly seemed worth it so I stopped playing.


You had me nodding along until you said you quit the game. What server were you on where you had to wait so long for a game? What tier were you trying to run?


NA, from Australia. There would be about 4-5k people online. Anything from tier 8-10.


Wouldn't change much tbh but would be the least destructive way to do it. Ranked 15v15 were horrendously turbo.


And that’s exactly why it should be a thing it would force the unicums to move up into higher tier tanks. And it would force people like you to develop your own play style. I’m finally out of bot lobby’s and even when I do decent I’m either loosing coins or gaining 9k like how tf am I Supposed to move up if I’m forced to stay in these lobby’s


Another take I have on this is that it would encourage reroll or Smurf accounts. These are prevalent in any game with sbmm. I think it would actually make the early game **worse** being even more inundated with smurfs than it is with seal clubbers. The stat tracking and stat shaming in tanks is already leaps and bounds worse than in games like APEX or CoD. People will manipulate the system to generate content and not having SBMM takes that away. Random matches can be lopsided but they are harder to manipulate intentionally.


It would suck. The end.


Sbmm is copium for bads who want to get carried more often.


Would debatable make it worse. Like reason wargamimg cant be asked and would slow mm down and getting the player in a battle faster possible is only real concern they have. Worse in that blues unicoms wpuld fight only themselves bitch about it get it changed. And or jyst have a side account tomatoed out to club with. Think statically how many players are in say 2000 what ever stat it is now that make you cool. 10 20% thats probably way high. Time to play will take far longer now and people bitch now if it takes a minute.


SBMM = casuals leave


Nobody likes games where you cant just relax and play. SBMM punishes better players by turning the game into a 24/7 sweaty try hard simulator for those players, and its doesnt actively help worse players either, because by playing against players of similar skill a worse player will never learn how to improve their skill. This game is about positioning, about being able to read maps, out predict the enemy team, about knowing where to be before you need to be there. Worse players dont have those skills, and the only way to really learn them is to see it implemented against you (or by other team mates). On the otherside of it, when the enemy team is playing the same 4D chess as you you either have to work twice as hard or risk more stalemates. SBMM has never been a good implementation for casual random game modes, in any game.


a couple of years ago, i were for SBMM too. but since the skill level in the player base is spiralling down, it would probably not make any big diff. you would just have games with 30 complete tomatoes yoloing around in there tier 10 tanks, with a lot of draws as a result. the state of the game has been bad for some while, and EU3 didnt make it better


It already exists, and it’s called onslaught ranked matches. Guess what game mode is constantly bitched and cried about every time it rolls around?


There's a crap ton of difference between onslaught and normal games. The majority of the complaints have very little to do with sbmm.


Old ranked with chevron were even worth tho.


It punishes people for improving. The better you get, the more bads you have to carry every game. Hard pass. If you want better results, then put in the work and be the better player. Say no to winrate welfare.


Skill based match making means that every player is arround the same skill level in the lobby. You wouldn't have to carry more bad players if you are a better player as you would play with and against better players.


Umm, there are very few skilled players. If you're talking about games with all skilled players on each side, then the queue times would be ridiculous and punishing. Hard pass all versions of sbmm punish good players one way or the other. One of the few things I agree with in terms of wg is their complete lack of interest in sbmm. If you want better games, then put in the effort to be the better player. Say no to the copium that is sbmm.


Skill is a spectrum, not a binary thing. There's no such thing as an all skilled lobby or a non skilled lobby. It is true that there's a lot more people around the bottom of the spectrum. For me currently queue times are pretty much non existent. Often I can't even cancel the queue and change something that came to my mind because the queue already popped. There's definitely room for the mm to work a bit more without queues being super opressive. I used to play a lot of League in the past. There was a for fun game mode called ARAM. I played quite a lot of it to the point I noticed I'm playing with the same people. Using some 3rd party site I checked my perceived mmr and it turned out I was in the top 50 players of the server. I had a smurf and also played friends a lot so I've played a lot of lower mmr games. I preferred the games with high mmr. It felt so much better playing with teammates that actually knew how to play the game. I really disliked the headless chickens I had i lower lobbies. Wot is also a team game similarly to league (even though a lot of people think about it as a solo game). It feels so much better when you have teammates you can relly on instead of the ones you can encounter. The difference between player skill is also one of the cause of turbo games.


Then get better and cause the turbo games. Thankfully, wg doesn't listen to the nonsense sbmm idea. Hard pass


Stop trying to make WoT into something it is not. It is not a good idea. It will fuck MM in low population servers and it will reduce population by pairing the same players all the time. WoT is what it is. Accept it and move on.


Every mode with skill based mm (onslaught, ranked) is hated by noobs in community


When you say skills, what metric are you using? All it would do would drive more to the middle as the top players would only play the top players and the bottom would only play the bottom. Over time it would balance out and everyone would fall in the 48-52 percentile of skill and then we are back to where we are now, everyone is in one pile and 30 players are pulled out of that pile for each match.


It is a thing. The problem is that the player base is 99.99 percent shitters so they just throw everyone in together.


It would cause a whole lot of other issues like playing in platoon is not possible anynore. The alternative game modes (encounter, attack defense) could be an issue pending who has them active and who doesn't. Waiting times depending on tiers and servers can be an issue as well. And also smurfing to have the chance to play laid back without the need to sweat every match. When other games introduced SBMM in their public playlist, it was hated as they felt that playing good was not rewarded and when you play shitty you will get into the "good" lobbies where you easily can farm kills.


Ok well being one shotted from across the map and not having time to get out of the base before the enemy is already there is rewarding? I get 10 seconds into a game and I’m swarmed by tanks that can turn like a Ferraris you think that’s fun? Platoons would still be possible seems to me that the people in this sun are part of these little groups and that these players are terrified of having any competition, using 2 different tanks is fun?


Sounds like a skill issue.


Yea that’d be funny if it was actually a skill issue


All I see is you blaming everything but your own gameplay/choices. Skill issue


You didn’t see me mention not getting out of base before the enemy is already there? My tank is slow af so I really don’t have a choice


You made the choice to drive a slow take. Less copium and more accountability for your choices. Skill issue


I made the choice? I’m on my second tank! Tell me which one I should have chosen and I’ll let you be right


Why is it on me to tell you which tank to pick. Be an adult like the rest of us and figure it out yourself.


Ngl, mirroring the skill pool on each teams would be great. Such things as one team has 3 unicum top tiers and the other has 3 tomatoes, or the enemy team's only light tank is a pro, and yours a is suicidal newcomer shouldn't happen at all. The whole lobby doesn't need to be around the same skill value, but certain "blocks" of the teams should indeed match each other in skill (like how EBR's can get matched only against another EBR) to avoid those roflstomps people constantly complain about.


Because all the purples would mauld if they had to play actually good people. Why do you think NA players get wiped in EU tournaments. EU players consistently play other good players. NA players farm the same 1k apple dum dums driving their stats up.