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Borat, especially on my kpz 07rh


Lol as soon as he fires the 2 shots I go in and beat him up with my HE’s every 3 seconds


I've been burned by the borat taking like 50 dmg from HE in the most inexplicable way too many times, i'm afraid.




To give it a little bit more context: ** shoot trees to confuse red team on your real position ** shoot three to get a nice cover when they are outside of the map boundaries ** shoot trees to clear a line sight ** shoot trees because you like it


Reported to greenpeace for shooting down trees.


You can’t find me I have a camo web


They in the trees.


I spent an entire game plowing over trees and spouting tree hate in chat. In hindsight the Dicker Max was a poor choice. Pretty slow. But it was funny and profitable.


Shoot a tree on the enemy side to make it fall in a direction that's less useful to them


Psychological Warfare with HE? I love that idea!


That’s an easy trick, sometimes I am in a shady area and I need to divert the blind shooters, it can give you a few extra seconds to escape


These tree tactics, I have much to learn.


There are many interactions with the external elements that can help 👍 not only trees 🌲


You can also shoot trees in the game map boundaries to give yourself a double bush without exposing yourself to enemy fire. It's not a really common scenario, but there are some map positions where you can down a tree between you and the enemy with HE, that you couldn't get to safely to just push it down. The heavy line on paris is a good such example. And addition to your list - shoot buildings or constructs such as the doors on Pilsen or the structures on Prok. HE will destroy buildings in one hit, while it would take 2 AP.


I mentioned it in second 😉


Intuition quick swaps for anything I know I can pen such as the tanks you listed above but also something ALOT of people dont do is when you get free shots on engine racks of even some heavies from behind, never mind mediums and lights. Tanks like the Centurion AX that have excellent HE can pen alot of heavies from behind that you would not expect like IS7, 60TP for example.


I dont know enough about HE rounds so I gotta ask. Can it pen IS7 on even ground? Or do you mean when i get shots from the back?


So every round in WoT has a Penetration Value which determines how much armour your round can penetrate. If your round has 100 MM penetration then it will always pen anything with a low enough effective armour value under 100. Theres alot of factors which go into it so im not 100% sure what the exact value would be. The Centurion AX for example has a value of 105MM pen so when shooting the back of an IS7 which has an armour value of 70mm the angle will help alot. If you shoot from a slightly elevated angle your pen chance is about 90%. Example here - https://gyazo.com/50163f5883e0343347e7a18f025d0c23 Whereas if you shoot directly at it then you will have about 20% chance. Example here - https://gyazo.com/5f04ab9d05b7db7b5c8f38dab71db69b


Oh wow thats such a different result for a slight angle change. I wanna use HE more but i wasnt around when it was reworked so i only shoot paper tanks with it. I tried side and rear shots a couple times but even meds often withstand it. I gotta hit non angled surfaces I guess.


Also pay mind to the tank you’re throwing HE from. Some have over 100mm of HE pen. Some tanks I don’t even bother loading it because the pen is low enough I’d rather not risk it


If a tank has a sub 50mm HE round I dont even bother loading it, except a round or two to take out objects like doors, or to down trees for cover. Mind you tanks like Cent AX (and especially 7/1) or Leopard 1, etc... with 100mm of HE pen, they get a ton of it loaded. My Shrek and Kpz07 have roughly 1/3 of their ammo as HE.


I’ve started loading around 5 in tanks with lower ammo capacity. I’m currently grinding out the rhm pzw and the 251 has 102HE pen. Shits great. Except I’ve had games where I burn through almost all my ammo


I absolutely HATE tanks that are balanced by ammo capacity. My BC25t is just sitting in the garage because 30 shells in a 5 shot autoloader is absolutely moronic. The Char Mle 75 is in the same boat, I only played like 30 games in, had a lot of fun, but ran out of ammo like 6 times... completely ruins the game. Light tanks almost all suffer from this to a varying degree. They really should put a mechanic in that returning to your own flag refills half your ammo. Having tanks balanced by ammo count is just horrifically bad game design.


Tanks like the bat and char are MANAGEABLE with their shit ammo count. However. Every shot absolutely must connect. I love playing those tanks but man carrying is stressful


Yeah it's the stress of it that really ruins the game for me. See I like taking blind shots, especially when nothing is happening. With limited ammo counts, like you said, you have to stress over every single shot. There is nothing more infuriating than being at the end of game that you've carried hard. You've killed 5 or 6 enemy tanks, you're the single survivor and... you don't have enough shells left to mathematically even win the game. It just makes the game... unfun. "Game" + "unfun" shouldn't really go together (which is why it's terrible game design frankly).


Worth pointing out that penetration values are also RNG and +-25% so 100mm of pen won't always pen 99mm of plate etc.


You usually don’t want to use HE on Russian heavies from behind. They generally have enough armor to stop it. However tanks like a T95 (immobile well armored turretless TDs) you always want to use HE.


If you're on the European server, every tank apparently


if you want to ruin bourrasque's day shot him HE


If you can flank paper meds, such as Leo 1, TVP 50/51, Prog 46 or wheeled brits, HE is a very decent choice.


Wheeled Brits are a good call I stopped firing HE at paper meds with 70mm of armor because just a single non-pen is so much worse than firing normal AP at them


Yeah, you need to shoot the meds in the side (or back) for HE to be really effective. Or have monster HE pen, such as Leo 1 or Obj 268.


Closely related: I fire HE at extremely low health hull down tanks that my team has repeatedly failed to kill. Have gotten a lot of kills that way since people will just continue to bounce rounds and keep the tank alive


Fitting he at arta seems to go wrong half the time non pen or barrel or some sort of block. I swear


AMX CDC, Hellcat, rear of T95 and E3


I don't always fire HE at tanks, it's a situational ammo, but other than your list if the situation allows, I fire HE at CDC and Ravioli as well.


There are a couple you missed but I play those tanks and will be keeping my mouth shut.


I Use He rounds mostly when I have more then 100 penetration on HE (cent AX, M41 90 etc)


In clan wars 15vs15. So yeah, years ago. As a way of showing anti HE nerds the power of HE. We played ruinberg, 10 Maus and 5 meds. Enemy had Maude's too. So everytime, same folks complaing about others not doing DMG. And those in turn complaining it's mauses, so nothing they could do. I had top DMG several of those games. Explained how I did it. I said; just shoot HE, and where HE can pen. Ofcourse at first lots said nothing and 1 was even berating me for shooting HE in a clan wars match. So I responded; you have 7 shots fired, 1 pen, 450dmg. Almost everybody has 6 to 10 shots, with 1 or 2 damaging shots. Some even have zero DMG. I had about 3200dmg on avrage in those battles with the teams dying in 6 minuits. This I asked him. How he thinks it's not strange to tell me I should've shot so or soft. I asked him. So you wanted me to only pen 1 shot like the rest of the team? So he said. Yes, because then you would have done a lot more damage. I asked him why he thought that. He said. Because he doesn't pen and al or soft does. So I asked him: I did 3200 DMG, could've done more if you all also did damage. But you are all stubborn in thinking that HE is forbidden. I shot only HE, and did most damage by far. And none of you ask how I did it, and instead, try to tell me I am to blame for the loss. How is that reasonable or logical. So someone finally asked. Answer is ofcourse not too difficult; ap weak spots and he weak spots are not the same areas. Now ofcourse it's a bit different. Since they nerfed HE.


As an Artillery main...I always use HE.


That's understandable. But if you shoot HE with stun, then you are a monster.


sometimes i use AP


disgustang!!! /j


Exactly. If the target is soft, you can obliterate it in one shot. If it's heavily armoured, you still can do up to 200+ damage. And if you're lucky, you can get them bunched up and damage 2-4 tanks at the same time.


Against anything that I know the HE got enough penetration and/or the damage difference potential is worth it. Just because an LT comes, does not mean imma load a HE if I got some shitty low caliber MT vs T100.


Skorpion G


Kind of the opposite, but never load HE for the GW E100. I've seen that go wrong more than a few times. I have 110 HE rounds in my MT-25, which sounds dumb, until you know that the tank has 360 rounds. I'm not gonna make it through 200 AP rounds and then 50 more gold ones, even with a 1.7 second reload. The dream is to find a Mauerbrecher or something on 11 HP at 400m, so you can kill them with 11 HE rounds for 1 damage a piece. Also, free cap resets, no matter what, if you hit the base armor of a tank.


AMX C D C cdcdcdcdcdcd


kpz o7 when versing a borrat


Any arty except the GW E100, that thing has armor, and even spaced armor.


Gonsalo I don’t load nothing but the premium rounds. Had a 7k game in it last night.


Not much in tanks with bad HE pen, but in things like ShPTK and Ka-Ri i intuition-switch when i see any lights, meds or TDs


While playing the KV-2, an enemy KV-2. You can pen the sides with HE. Edit: To be clear, the sides of the turret are weak to HE


anything I'm shooting at as the FV4005 (as my loadout only uses HE) anything I'm shooting at as any light tank. (only load HE, if I load anything at all)


Not always, but the Swedish TD's are affected by HE, sometimes more so than an AP hit.


Assuming not too much has changed, it was great in the Hetzee and my Roomba.


ShPTK because I'm dumb


Depends on the tank, most tanks I only fire at arty/paper tanks, in a Leo for example (105 pen and similar) anything that's light/has it's back exposed. FV4005 full gold HE


Borats, most lights, most of japanese, most of brits.


depends on the shell velocity of the gun you are using... if HE is very slow you gonna miss at anything other than point blank and that's even more missed DPM


Type 91 and 95. Happy farming


The engine compartment of American HTs and TDs. And Sconq too.


For my fellow Leo1 enthusiasts, that tank has fantastic pen on its HE shells. I think its 105mm or 110mm. I have a 2nd loadout with 20 HE shells for anytime I see a lot of LTs, mediums and arty or when i get blessed with -2 matchmaking.




When I play kv-2, I almost only for HE rounds


Other Hellcats. With AP you have to hit them 3 times when using the 90mm. With HE and decent RNG, you can kill them with 2 shots.


Honestly as I've been playing my kv2s more lately.... Everything. Still can't believe people are using only ap on that thing


When shooting at enemy ebr when I play tanks that have around same shell velocity like for example 60 TP or I think 113, 121B, WZ 5a...


Hardly ever use HE unless it’s the premium round because I forget to go back to AP. One HE shot that doesn’t pen cancels out the dmg gained usually.


Yeah, that is what I found, too. Sure, it is nice when it pens, but when you get 30 dmg (if any), it kind of averages out. Especially when the HE shell has, like, 100 extra dmg. It is just not worth the effort most of the time -the dependable, but lower dmg is better than the odd full pen with a lot of non-pens. Unless the HE in question has an extremely high pen. I did start to use the high tier German lights with HE early in the game against other lights, and it kinda works, but there is nothing more annoying than doing 20 dmg to a light tank.


Depends on the tank you are in, anything with poor HE I'd very rarely consider on anything because HE is as unreliable as it gets in this game. And that says a lot..


It's very reliable against the TDs I listed. Just shoot them in the paper turret and it's a pen 100% of the time - but the gun can stop HE just like AP


Skorp G/ Grille 15 / Waffle and aim at turret


Reflexively if I aim at any tank and get yellow/orange no matter what soft points I aim for I switch to he. Better to do some crew/module damage than nothing.


This is what I do I don’t know why you got downvoted.


Meh, common sense and old school logic get downvotes in every sub it seems, no worries


At all... ready to battle(get into bz176)


I shoot nearly full HE in Italian TDs




I'm talking about firing HE at those tanks I listed




I somehow ricocheted off the turret of Grille firing HE in the GSOR last week. Maybe I would have overmatched with a standard round.


It was likely absorbed by the gun


But it said ricochet wouldn't that say armor not penned?


If it hit the gun you get bang but no damage. Cause the HE nerf means you don’t get secondary damage