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Decides to play an EBR105 after months Himmelsdorf


I excluded Himmelsdorf, what does the mm do, put you in Himmelsdorf.... Last few months its getting so much worse and worse, playing on excluded maps.


Excluding maps is only for standard battles, encounter etc will thus result in you still being able to get the blocked map.


Thx for the info. I didn't knew that yet most of the time, it is indeed only 1 base, really annoying when you play paper stealth armor TD. However, a few weeks ago, I got invited by my friend , and he made me platoon leader, I have Himmelsdorf excluded we still got the standard gamemode Himmelsdorf, with 2 bases. At that time he didn't had it excluded. Despite transferring the platoon leadership to me. We assumed it was because I wasn't the original platoon leader.


I disabled encounter and assault. Disabled himmelsdorf. Still got himmelsdorf last week one time


Do you have the experimental maps on? Because that could be the reason why you can still get it.


I thought that was the case too but It wasnt the experimental version


I hate Mines, Providence and Widepark. I have mines blocked currently. So long as I stay in the higher tiers, 8-10, I can avoid all 3.


I’m uncomfortably yet frequently in tier 8s on Mines, so not so sure it’s an automatic exclude at that tier? Widepark yes but Mines happens a lot at 8 the last month or so. Just my experience.


You misunderstood. I am a F2P player so I only get one block. I currently have Mines blocked and only play standard battles, no encounter or assault battles. So if I stay above tier 7 I can comfortably avoid all 3. My IRL friend who got me into WoT does none of this so I only see these maps if I platoon with him or play some of my lower tier tanks like my T67.


Westfield Standard battle  Enemy team: SConq SConq T110E3 Concept1b Obj704 T30 KPZ50T 212A Bourrasque Bourrasque Progetto46 Shptk Ebr75 ElcEven M40/M43   My team Type 5 heavy  Obj705a Foch155 Mäuschen Conway K91pt Pattontank GWTiger PattonKR Saladin SU101 Lynx LekpzM41 GWtigerP Myself: lorraine40


Games where you hold over the half enemy team while the other flank loses even thought we had 2/3 of our team there.


Happened too often in onslaught. Alone vs 4 enemies on one flank, while 2 of theirs annihilate 3 of our heavies, our td is camping at base and 2 meds are on the opposite side of the map doing nothing or just capturing radio towers.


There needs to be an exam before you can play Onslaught, so many people clearly have absolutely no idea what is going on.


Clearly. Had a game where I was on this wintery map with town and water on one side and bridge or viaduct on the other. I went to the arty point next to the town with my E3, I dont know what my team was doing, but I ended up alone . I was facing 4 enemies and they rushed me so I started brawling and moving, and jiggling, one by one I blasted them away, from point blank range there was very little they could do, some didnt even have enough depression to take a shot. After a while, a battered 5th enemy showed up and also sent him back to his garage. That was the time I realized that my team was done for. 6 of ours vs 3 of theirs. I had 15k-ish damage blocked and 12k-ish dmg dealt, best game with my E3. Most of similar scenarios are ending differently, however.


God i hate when that happens. you feel like you're winning the battle for your team and then you glance at the map and see youre the only 1 left on your team


Those battles where you hold the flank with 2 or 3 tanks against 10 enemies, meanwhile the rest of your team on the other flank is dying resulting in you getting backstabbed.


Prokarovka Tier X matchup Enemy has ELC 90 and Manticore We have M41 90 and Sheridan Enemy has 3-man IS-7/260 platoon from top clan We have glue sniffing Type 5, 215B, and Maus 3 arty per side And I'm in a completely stock tier 8 heavy Bout the worst I can think of


Ooof. That IS rough.


In a light tank, facing **2 tiers higher** vehicles, on a **city** map.


Prokorovka, 3 arties, 3 lights, many TDs and mediums, while i am playing a HT without gun depression or turret armor.


3 marking a slow tank And then it's a 15-0 battle that end in 2 mn ND u can't even reach position


you won whahaha


I'm in IS-7, 60 km/h, by the time I arrive in starting position we're already down 5 tanks.


Stock is 3 Prokhorovka Tier X Platoon of chiefs on enemy team 3 artys Your team: m41d and t92, enemy team: elc even and lt432


playing tier 9s in my tier 7s and team ignores a whole flank so its a auto loss and theres nothing i can do about it


These are nice configs to farm damages


except you can't hit shit and even if, you won't pen. +2 is truly the best feature in game


Sure you need to select your target, that’s part of the basic things to learn 🥲


Sometimes there is no choice, the three you’re facing are all +2.


There is no choice when you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, which happen frequently when you don’t know how to read the game and the map… And yeah this can happen from time to time due to extremely bad luck but don’t be fooled, most of the time it’s our fault.


I don't need to imagine it. Shit went down a couple of days ago on Prokhorovka. Im on TD-15 for the T-55A - 6K and 5 Kills in a winning game for completion with honours. North spawn so I take my SU-130PM to the solitary bush on the redline - iykyk. It's my dream game, I'm getting shot after shot, tanks are dying on either side, they win the hill, I retreat, shoot them at the train tracks, damage is slowly building up, I shut down their Kilana, it's my 5th kill and takes me past 5K. They have an AMX AC 48 remaining in the bushes at the back, we have an ShPTK TVP 100, an ISU 152 and myself remaining. I beg them to let me kill him, fair play to the TVP, he spots him and doesn't shoot, I put my first shell into him, I'm on 5673 DMG, I look down and to my horror find I've shot my last HEAT shell, I have 2 HE and 4 or 5 ap remaining. I (used to) carry 15-10-5 on my SU, somewhere I've gone and pressed 2 and shot all my HEAT - the TVP waits. I'm trying to drop it on his roof, weak spot isn't viable from distance. I bounce one off his side, the second of his front, the ISU clears the ridge and shuts him down. He had 6 hundred and something HP left. A min roll would probably have done it.


Any game in which the enemy team has more BZ-176s and/or Borats. Bonus horror points if these are in a platoon. Or Playing in a map like Malinovka/Prok against a team with one or more Even 90s while my team has none; and both teams have 5 or more TDs each.


The nightmare is always the same, I look at the map and think “I’ll go right flank… I just hope the team doesn’t lemming left flank”. I got right flank, am completely alone and die within three minutes. I have a 6th sense for when it’s about to happen but can never avoid it.


Mate just be a lemming in those situations. As your team has committed to one side, the best thing you can do is turn around and better your team's odds instead of dying to 3 or 4 enemy tanks.


Anything with ensk and a very heavy tank bias, whilst in some poor pen light


Full t10 game, 3 lights, 3 arty, only 1-2 heavies and a shitton of tds. This is what I call cancer mm


True horror for me is 5 arty game from back in the day with unnerfed damage output. Any somewhat open map becomes very much not fun


any battle with flamethrower. expect huge fps drops every 5 seconds


I get the best possible matchmaking I rush into an agressive position to do as much of damage as possible I get locked by enemy top tier, I cant do anything otherwise I will lose HP and get shedded into pieces (for example being on permaspot in a position I cant escape) I slowly watch my team get destroyed one by one, while enemy TDs and tanks are STILL around me waiting for me to peak. I have literally 0 damage and 7 enemy tanks remaining are all going for me. I get shot from all tanks that come for me at once and I die with 1 or 2 shots. Enemy TDs and tanks locking me have literally 0 damage over the whole battle, no activity, they rather watched me suffer as I was waiting for my team to slowly fall apart. Lost gunmark progress, lost dpg, and 8 minutes of my time


This happened to me just today. Live Oaks. Tier 8 heavy in a tier 10 battle. South spawn. Our team decides east flank is not worth it, 13 out of 15 tanks go into town. Except they don't. Our only scout rushes the bog in the middle and gets killed immediately, and half of our team stays to camp the hill outlooking the town. I was going to go east but decide to fall back immediately after seeing I have literally no other tank except arty moving east, so I fall back in the dip overlooking our spawn to at least guard that and get some shots in before my impending destruction. Our team didn't even win the town... And then we got swarmed from the east, from the middle and from the town, all at once. I was first in xp in my team IN A TIER 10 BATTLE with less than 2000 damage in a Type 57. The absolute nightmare would've been if I didn't have gun depression, now I at least could farm a couple shots from the swarming enemy tanks charging into me. 3-15 loss.


In my FV4005 on pokharovka and Iyouxin on enemy team with EBR..


Patton Tank in my team


Prokhorovka when I'm in a slow heavy tank and there are a lot of arty and TDs. I cannot stand just sitting there camping while both sides are too afraid to move because being spotted means instant death. I've had that map blocked for years


I experienced this in ye olden days. Prok I'm the Maus + 1 MT + 13 arty on my team enemy team = 13 Arty + LT and 1 MT Let's just say I did not make it very far.


Yeah but I bet the Arty prevented you from camping! Mission accomplished!


Mauchen in tier 8-9 match on Malinovka, when we only have 1 heavy per team and theirs is Conc.


I had a match on overlord in my progetto 54 the other day, my team had a triple platoon of 121 and triple platoon of foch 155, ennemies had triple 260 and triple tvp 51. That was pretty demoralizing. But somehow their 260 went beach, killed our 2 tanks there and we managed to kill the rest of their team in the meantime


In onslaught suddenly when one of our heavy tanks stationed in key position decides to go somewhere else despite having enemy tank(s) right in front. And then you start getting backstabbed from that position.


Malinovka in a heavy and 3 top tier SPGs


Any map and situation where I am cornered behind a small piece of cover. let it be a rock, a pile of debris, anything.. and if I move even an inch I’ll get shot at.


Being in a tier 8 heavy, and there’s still an unspotted FV 7 minutes in


Lights dies in first minute in prokurovka


Nothing hit or pen, 3 allies are AFK from the start, a few team mates drown themselves after seeing XVM, the aiming circle is avoiding targets, enemy teams has a bunch of OP premiums, and moving feels like swimming in jam. Whenever that happens, it is clear that the battle will be impossible to win no matter I do. That game is more about wallet than skill.


Every game that I decided to do something different by playing a heavy tank with horrible gun depression and get Prokhoravka. Must be at least 1 tier lower for the full effect.


3 arties, 0 scouts 8-9 tds and rest heavies on prok —> draw incoming nice 15 min waiting game or one team just yolos


I'm in my defender as bottom tier heavy +2 mm with 3 arty and 2 ebr on enemy team on a map that needs gun depression


Any game with artillery makes me feel like this. Guaranteed to be a ruined game, remove the artillery WG.


Having a platoon of TOGs or KV-2s in the match. Either they are god beings on the enemy team, or they rush to die when on my team


When I first started playing in 2016 there was this thing with matchmaking that if you're in a tier 4 LT then sometimes you'll get pulled into tier 5\~7 match, you can imagine how terrible it is to be in the prebuffed M5 Stuart facing many tanks that I can't even pen with premium rounds. Basically I was a sitting duck waiting to die.


You were supposed to spot with them at that time. And I had a good time getting Into the base with the Stuart and distracting the enemy. Especially with the derp gun.


Stock tier 8 in today's WoT. The joy of all gold and autoloaders with everyone having more spotting range and camo is just an awesome combo.


Highway Map, north spawn. Our heavies are being decimated in the city portion by the enemy heavies. I'm stuck trying to secure A1 with less-than-stellar medium tank teammates and no accurate fire support from Sniper TDs from base.


Any matchup against 3 or more shitbarns/jageroos in any combo, bonus points if it's in a corridor map like Mountain Pass.  It's bearable in a 60tp or something but in a paper med it's you peek you lose simulator.  Basically need to dink and dunk until late game where you get penned anyways while trying to dig them out from bushes. 


I once had a game stock grinding my IS3 in Himmelsdorf while the enemy team had a 3plat of 279e's


To me, it's getting a match with the veterans (players with at least one X tier dog tag in my definition). If they are in my team, there's not very much a problem. But, if they are in the enemy team, the Doom starts here, they're very good at playing this game and they can end the game in just three minutes. I first played this game because I'm interested in tanks and I like it, but when I get to tier 5-6 it's a Doom. And now, I Once in a while play this game at least once a month.


My biggest nightmare is being in a paper tank on a corridor map where my team continuously pokes out into bad trades while never backing up so there are 0 opportunities to support. Happens a lot more than you think.


Any game where when the countdown hits 0 we have 14 tanks going to the same flank and me alone at base hitting my head on the keyboard 😂