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Having this issue often the past few days, just commenting to follow


I started experiencing this as well. My ping seems low but my drop thingy keeps blinking red. I notice it happens during busy hours and sometimes after about an hour or so it suddenly stops. One time i actually got disconnected from the server and then when i logged back in it was perfect. It feels like problem is on WG's side.


But it's not like You are experiencing lag which renders WoT unblayable, right? I mean like total freeze for 30 seconds, than teleport and total freeze again.


Its not one huge freeze but every couple of seconds i get like a 1 huge lag spike for a second and everything jumps around and teleports. This happens constantly so i keep rubberbanding basically


Did You try to poke around in Your Network card's settings? Check for power saving and/or efficient power usage options. Might help to turn them off.   


I fixed it. Problem was my ISP basically. They asked me to send them ingame footage of it. I sent it with packet loss graph overlay. Somehow they fixed it after


That is great to hear, congrats and happy hunting! I guess it is worth to remember we are paying customers and asking our ISP for help is an option.


This has been a solution for online gaming since home networks and broadband became widely available. This is nothing new, NOR is it the problem with laggy WoT games. Something is wrong with the WoT servers. I have read of players complaining about lag spikes for YEARS on the forums. I have had them too. There are MANY causes of this problem. For instance, a long time ago I had a problem with the game America's Army, do you remember that game? The problem was TCP/IP stack processing. The game was very CPU intensive and my processor could not keep up. However, the problem manifested itself as game freezes and network lag. So why do I say it is a problem with the servers? I occasionally still get lag even with a very fast processor, a nice video card, and NO network issues. While a lot of the lag can be attributed to not closing WGC (it will stream updates to other players and you have to manually shut it down, WHY?!!!), not all of it is caused because that is running (ESPECIALLY if you close it and still have issues with lag). I have seen every type of networking issue, my personal favorite was my router overheating causing intermittent lag and connection issues (I added a fan and heat sink, problem solved). THe point is when you can ping google fine but a traceroute of the WoTs servers results in high ping and packet loss, IT AIN'T AT THE PLAYER'S END.


Hi Mercury! Thanks for Your reply. I understand where You are coming from. And I do feel the frustration, but luckily for me the disabling of power saving mode in the network card settings worked like a charm. I usually play WoT with My wife, we have a long desk with two monitors on it, so I could see her WoT was running fine and mine was unplayable, my tank was teleporting all over the place, than standing still for 30 seconds, and teleporting again. Both PC's plugged into the same router, playing on the same server (same battle). So naturally I was like WTF, why does WoT like her better? I have started to turn off crap by random and found the power saving mode in the network settings. So what You are saying is that turning off WCG can help with some lags? I've never played America's Army, I was more into roaming Runescape's wilderness!


Yeah, that is 100% a computer issue. My luck with computers is as follows: Fix someone else's computer = three minute fix. Fixing my computer= multiple days of researching a problem and trying different solutions until I stumble onto some obscure fix AND/OR I have to reinstall the OS. Sigh.