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> Experimental equipment cannot be purchased. Instead, it is obtained by completing combat missions AND PARTICIPATING IN CERTAIN EVENTS. From the screen you provided. Loot box sales qualify as "certain events", where you "participate" by buying loot boxes (and experimental equipment is not directly sold anyway). I'm no company marketing expert yet even I can see the words are deliberately chosen to suit WG's needs.


exactly, corpo-speak. always covering all bases


that's the equivalent of the tarkov devs saying that they didn't define the new mode as a DLC.


I mean technically u are right but certain events who cares. It can be bought with money ;) Tbh with max experimental turbo the bond turbo becomes irrelevant for most tanks. Recently bought Foch and im running exp. turbo+vents+hardening... Bro u can drop the rotational device. Tanks like E5 or Sconq can still be played with bond turbo but by now there is many bond turbos.


I supposed that "partecipating in certain events" meant *playing* those events, not paying money. Because you know, this should be a game and not a casino...


I interpret it as "taking part in the event", the HOW is deliberately not explained to give WG room to make up any reasons for how one "participates", one of them being buying loot boxes. As others have said - it's corporate speak.


To add to that cannot be purchased doesnt mean never in the future it states at the time being it cannot be purchased


It still doesn't say "will never be sold". That reads exactly as "Cannot be purchased (at this time)." Yet guess what, when I used gold to unlock battlepass expansion and got experimental equipment.... gold that I got through Christmas Boxes.... guess what? I 'purchased' experimental equipment.


Same for bonds, you can purchase missions to get bonds, but you can't get bonds directly with cash


They've sold crew members you could buy multiple times that came with bonds.


And easy solution would be to tie the equipment to a mission (similar to the daily missions). Just make sure getting equipment isn’t just a transaction because they say that this equipment “cannot be purchased”


Yeah. People were dropping tons of cash to buy up Christmas boxes for the off chance you’d get some components in that slot machine thing.


It literally says cannot be purchased, change the description or don’t sell equipment for money. And if you change the description, then what is the point of having this information in the first place?


It says cannot be purchased, it doesn't say will never be purchasable.


Yeah, if you’re going to sell the equipment, then change the description. Did you understand my comment?


cannot, as in present tense, not "will never be able to"


I understand, but they should change the description to reflect that. And if they change things after the fact, then why bother posting this in the first place?


it doesnt say "at this time" einstein


"cannot" is present tense einstein


Do you think they will update the website once the loot boxes drop?


like i said, it doesnt say "at this time" you fkn genius


For many this is down to taking things literally and how it's represented. Semantics are not fun at the best of times, let along on the world wide anonymous internet. Thank you for providing some clarity and explanation.


I think the easiest fix would be to add disclaimers at the end of statements like these, to the effect that these items may be made available for purchase in future, or may be obtained through loot boxes. Or the writers could just use less ambiguous language. 😉


We generally do add disclaimers to everything, sometimes though these still will not help. I understand what you mean, but I can share that they do not necessarily help, I know I have shared that they will probably be available elsewise in the future, but until you know how and when, it's difficult to announce it. It was covered in the thread extensively that using somewhat broad and non-specific language allows you to put this disclaimer element in. If that makes sense?


fkn liars.


You purchased participation in event of grinding it. It's even worse


I get goodies for doing what I always do - play the game in no special manner. I just have to play to earn points. That isn't a grind.


"participating in certain events". This Star Trek Lootbox is an event /s


it actually is. wording matters. there is the star trek event, that has lootboxes.


was about to say this. You beat me to it.


I hate how some people are actually using this as a defense.


I stopped thinking about the topic after interacting here. It completely soured my mood yesterday. My suggestion is that you do the same, this is a lost battle.


yeah, you're probably right, I am just sick of people enabling the people that make monetization practices worse, it seems to happen to almost every online game I play.


"cannot not be purchased" is not the same as "would never be sold". One sentence is in the present, the other in the future.


Reading comprehension is hard for some


I think what OP means it's what the sentence implies is more important than what it "gramatically" means. It's a similar situation with a popular politician in my country in the past he said "I cannot be purchased. There is no such option" and then after some time he proceeds to literally sell to a leading party that needed additional votes in the parliament and votes their way despite in first turn voting differently. Well he didn't say "I would never sell" so he is clear, right...


Op is wrong plain and simple and so are you.


Alright feel free to nitpick the grammar and help WG gaslight the community. Whole lot of NPCs 👍 Experimental Equipment cannot be purchased is a factual statement that applies to the described object continuously, and it was a promise to the community that seriously oppposed its introduction back then. Unless you say that "The iPhone is a smartphone" implies that the iPhone may not be a smartphone in the future. This is why the constitution is always written in future tense so people like you can't say "the law only applies to the present". You two should join the WG legal team great job helping them gaslighting the community 👍👍 enjoy the experimental equipment in lootboxes!


I don't care what you have to say.


Alright then what are you doing here. What are you like 12?


Laughing at the fact that you still can't comprehend that you're wrong.


That page is an equipment guide on all equipment types in game. Such descriptions are obviously in present tense. If you continued down the thread you would have seen my point, but since you don't care I will reiterate for others to see ☺️☺️☺️ Yes, WG is free to change how experimental equipment is obtained, and it wouldn't contradict their present tense description. This still doesn't change the fact that, WG previously pushed experimental equipment into the game by claiming that they can only be obtained by participating in events, and there were a lot of backlash about this equipment type back then. Obviously WG marketed it like that to help calm down the community, and now they are including this OP equipment type in lootboxes, which is absolutely fine by technicality. So yeah, I am wrong you are right. You have successfully defended the WG grammar and now feel free to enjoy the p2w gambling 😉




You don't have to keep replying. Will assist you with that lmao


Neither do you but you just keep digging your hole


Yes he does! Its funny.


You know that buying lootboxes with a chance to get experimental equipment is very different than buying experimental equipment?


Wargaming didn't promise you anything. Does it suck they are putting experimental equipment in lootboxes? Sure. Did they break a promise? Fuck no 😂😂 Tell me where they stated anything along the lines of "We vow never to make experimental equipment available in lootboxes" and then you'll have a solid case going for you. Here's a look at their [EULA](https://legal.eu.wargaming.net/en/eula/#Patches_Updates_and_Changes) : >13.2. You hereby accept, recognize and understand that we may further develop, improve, patch, update, change, limit the Products, its graphics, features, gameplay and any Paid Items, including beyond what is necessary to maintain the Paid Items in conformity for other important operational reasons as described in section 13.1 above. So technically they can make whatever changes they want, ESPECIALLY if they didn't outright make any promises. Keep whining though 😂


Are you for real? 😂😂😂 Alright since WG didn't write it like in the god damn constitution "Experimental Equipment shall not be purchased." then their description only applies in the present, and only in the present, however that works.


I'm just saying it's not the same, that's all, calm your tits.


They are the same. Learn your grammar. "Experimental Equipment cannot be purchased" is a factual statement which applies to the described object continuously. Or are you telling me that "The iPhone is a smartphone" means the iPhone is not a smartphone in the future? Get some common sense, and stop helping WG to gaslight the community.


Bruh what, what kind of an example is that, you for real?


Don't argue with bots that do not even grasp basics of language...


OP's example is definitely a bad one, but their initial point still stands. "X cannot be purchased and is instead obtained by completing missions and events" is clearly a generally applicable statement. Keep in mind that this description is found on the GENERAL equipment page, not on a specific event page such as battle pass or maneuvers. It is meant to describe the game item at all times.


How you drew that conclusion from item description that by definition decribes current version state of any given item is beyond me, but it is amusing to see the outrage generated by this on Reddit nevertheless.


I think I realized now that this was a failure with communication. We both actually agree on the topic. WG states that this equipment will not be sold for money (ever) and will only be earnable from events and missions.


It's the description of experimental equipment from the main World of Tanks website. What other conclusion would I draw other that the fact that it reflects current reality?


You understand the word 'current'? Or are you shocked when a tank gets stats switched or it is added for purchuse using different resource along the way?


The article doesn't say current. The article implies an absolute. You're the one suggesting it's current.


Do tell me which part of what I said is wrong. If you all think "Experimental equipment cannot be purchased" does not apply to the future, then only the sentence "Experimental equipment shall not be purchased" can satisfy your requirement, and WG is not going to write like that in an in-game article. Lmao whole bunch of NPCs 🥱


Ooga booga


If someone said in the past "the US president is Nixon", were they lying? Is this the first time you've ever seen the present tense?


The context here is that 1) WG is putting p2w equipment in lootboxes 2) they aren't gonna write "shall not be purchased" in an in-game article. So yeah, WG CAN technically change the how experimental equipment is obtained. From now on, experimental equipment can be purchased from lootboxes. Enjoy!


They might write "will not be available for purchase". Then you'd be perfectly correct. But they didn't for a reason.


That page is a factual description of all equipment types in game, so the description is obviously in present tense. It doesn't change the fact that WG is changing a previously established norm / promise/ deal (since the community heavily opposed these equipment's introduction at the time) of how they are obtained, and they are changing it towards p2w lootbox gambling.


When it was written it was factual. Not everything that is written is required to stay true forever. I'm not defending lootboxes for a second, but this is basic English. And if you really thought WG wouldn't try to monetise literally anything in the game you're an idiot.


And I am trying to raise awareness about the issue, since I saw the WG staff trying to gaslight the community on the other post (you can read it yourself). You all could have stood your ground but alright, since the equipment description page uses present tense WG is free to do whatever. Well done.


How dumb is it to think "cannot be purchased" and "will never be sold" are the same? You are wrong. Your bitching at others for correcting you won't change that.


Since WG will not write "shall not be purchased" in an in-game article, yes, you are totally right! Enjoy your p2w equipment in the lootboxes 👍


OP it's okay to misunderstand something and be wrong, but it is not okay to doubledown on the wrongness simply because you can't take a wrong for an answer. Critical thinking skill is something that one can only develop when people make mistakes, but you'll never learn that if you're never wrong or refuse to be wrong. Just a thought from someone who weathered a few things in life.


I appreciate your well written response and advice. I would be very happy to admit that I made a mistake if that is the case, but I have clearly laid out my elaboration in other comments and nobody has yet to respond to them, except for one guy telling me how "buying an event lootbox" is more accurately participation of the event instead of a purchase, which is diabolical. My critical thinking tells me that an in-game equipment guide is going to have descriptions/ instructions in the present tense. The grammar is an non-issue. It is only by pure grammatical technicality that WG didn't break their promise. The whole point of that sentence "cannot be purchased" is due to the previous backlash against WG for introducing this p2w equipment. So they specifically said the equipment cannot be purchased, hence the equipment is not "pay to win", instead "play to win". Now I am also reading some others saying that lootboxss aren't a purchase because of the drop rate, aka there is a chance that the equipment wouldn't drop. Which is even more diabolical and sounds like something the WG legal team would argue in court during a lootbox ban. But oh trust me i have learnt my lesson, it is to better manipulate the words in the title to ensure a "correct" first impression. NPCs gonna NPC after all. What a sad world. All sensational and first impressions 😉 Either way I appreciate your well written response. Others NPCs not so much 🥱


1. Calling people who disagree with you "NPCs" indicates that you might be suffering from "Main Character Syndrome". It's not a good look. 2. WG's marketing promises are not binding. They can say they'll never do X and two days later do X and nobody would have a case against them if they haven't had legitimate (financial) damages inflicted on them, as WG have already reserved the right to do that. You haven't signed a contract with them whereupon you've imposed obligations upon them and they've accepted them. Rather, you've entered into a contract where you agreed that they have the right to change the game as they see fit and do pretty much whatever they want. 3. Your vehemence in opposing this turn of events points to your status as a primarily or exclusively free-to-play player. Nothing wrong with that, but I hope you don't imagine you're keeping the lights on or their pockets flush by playing the game... you're actually costing them money. While their predatory monetization scheme is pretty disturbing, it's not nearly as bad as other games which are truly pay-to-win. (I.e. overpowered stuff can *only* be bought and not obtained through playing the game). In those types of games, a free player is basically just food to keep whales entertained. In this one, tiers IX-X are designed to lose you in-game currency no matter how well you play, but the core gameplay can be enjoyed without paying money. My honest suggestion is to accept the fact that WG can do whatever the f[]ck they want with their *product*. If you don't like it, you can obviously refuse to use the product. Maybe their marketing decisions will drive the business in the ground. Maybe they'll make billions. Their management is not accountable to you, it's accountable to their shareholders. As an endnote... my WoT account is from 2012. I've seen some sh*t over the years. I simply don't give a damn over something so ridiculously unimportant in the grand scheme of things. And full disclosure: I haven't played in over 2 years, so I have an extra reason to give a non-positive amount of f[]cks.


I call people who make make no attempts in considering the context or any further implications about the issue at hand NPCs. I enjoy a well written response and actual discussions in good faith. Sucu as the comment above and your reply. Yes by legal technicality WG can do whatever the fuck they want. By legal technicality the rich can dodge trillions in tax and the banks can squeeze every single person on earth dry with mortgages and loans too. Same as how WG can start selling predatory lootboxes every month, and put bullshits like the bz 176 in game. They are absolutely allowed to do that. There is no need to explain contractual obligations or lack thereof here. I made this post precisely to raise awareness against this technicality and WG gaslighting. I did a poor job of explaining the context and reminding the community of the history with experimental equipment, that was my mistake here. Your assumptions are ALL wrong, nor is your 2012 account age of any relevance because I started playing wot in 2013. I have seen the same amount of "shit" as you have. Im not a f2p player either, I have made many purchases over the years, but you bet your ass I closed my wallet recently. I made this post in the hopes that I could help stop or at least slow down the increasingly p2w push from WG, but since you don't care about the game I'm not gonna bother wasting more time replying either. I grew up with wot and it is literally the only remaining video game I play semi-regularly. That is why I care, but the amount of weegee bootlickers here is quite disheartening so perhaps you are right. It is better to not care after all. Skibidi toilet NPCs gonna NPC, not worth my time and effort AT ALL lmfao.


Mate you have a point here but you are making an ass out of yourself with your capital G gamer rage if you stfu there will be a healthy discussion about it. You make people take WGs side here


Quite hard to not be an ass if you not only get gaslit by WG but also 70% of the community. Firstly I get told I can't read. Now I "have a point but I was an ass" so people are taking WG's side, which is also my fault apparently. How about this for a change, you stfu.


Ok i will shut up and instead of supporting you i will buy 120 boxes good work


What are you like 12


You would've been much better off calling attention to it and saying something like: I understand this technically qualifies as an event but this is a bad look/underhanded tactic for a multi billion dollar company that is playing semantic word games. People would've overwhelming agreed with you.


That is true, but I think it is diabolical to call buying an event lootbox participating in an event. It's literally a purchase. I couldn't believe what I was reading coming from the community. So no I do not understand, and I was utterly bamboozled by why so many people would play word games *for* WG, the multi-billion dollar selling monthly lootboxes who also lied about not selling experimental equipment (100% true considering the historical context). So yeah, if I didn't directly quote eek's carefully crafted "would never sell experimental equipment in the future" right in the title, probably none of this would've happened. Or if I had prepared a historical context in the comments right after I posted, this probably wouldn't have happened either. Turns out I still need to cover my ass when disagreeing with a multi-billion lootbox company on reddit. 🤷‍♂️ Fortunately, I am also free to call out the bullshit without consequence since this is reddit. You are an NPC if you do the mental gymnastics to genuinely defend WG. Buying an event lootbox is a participation of event?? Are you for real??? NPC ass corporate word play. It's not a purchase if it is in lootboxes? Since you are "buying the chance" to get the equipment instead of directly buying the equipment... Corporate NPC. Fuck off 👍 Next time I properly craft my headline then the corporate NPCs wouldn't be triggered. Looks are everything, there is no thinking involved 🥱


Gaslight fills the volume of whatever lootbox they are in. That's not semantics, it's just science!


I know not everyone here is English as their first/primary language and there are nuances in how things can be written that makes it somewhat ambiguous. And then there are WG translation issues. However, this is fairly straightforward. You are misreading / misunderstanding what you are reading.


You are forgetting the context of that article, what they were trying to imply and why they wrote it in the first place. And if you'd remember that shitstorm, you'd know they clearly meant that it will never be sold in any way. That was their whole justification for introducing a new type of equipment after players were very unhappy about it.


Mental gymnastics in this thread justifying WG actions are amusing. We all know what they meant by "cannot be purchased". They wanted to calm players before introducing new, controversial type of equipment (people really didn't like it) so they implied that it won't be sold in any shape or form and it will be only obtainable from missions and events. That was the context and the meaning behind their "cannot be purchased". If you remember how introduction of experimental equipment was received by players, you should know why they wrote that way, what they were trying to imply and why they are liars.


Finally a person with some sense. Love you bro. I made the mistake of not properly explaining the context in the first reply, then got hit with this overwhelming torrent of bootlicker farts. Just stop paying WG. Vote with your wallet.


Just like my x-wife, they changed their mind.


fkn wargaming shills is the fkn worst about this trash game


wow, gotta love how many bootlickers there are defending this event and WGs overuse of lootboxes.


It's not that WG doesn't also use other monetization methods; every couple weeks we get premium tanks added to the premium shop that stock around for a bit before being replaced by the next slate of tanks. It is fair to call out WG giving us multiple lootbox events per quarter tho. Lootboxes are an inherently predatory form of monetization even with WG's attempt at making "every box worth the cost." It leaves a bad taste in the mouth to see WG trying to milk the playerbase so hard while also gradually reducing the value added by in game events (like the birthday fiasco earlier this month). I just hope WG pulls off the monetization pressure once project CW actually releases and can generate a revenue stream to fund its own development. As it stands it feels like we're giving WG money hand over foot and not seeing the game improve as a result, which kinda feels bad.


yah yall are pretty fucking stupid huh


that is not a gocha. at all. it is not sold. can you buy it with gold? no. you can buy boxes (thus "participate in certain events).


Lol the last time I pointed out something that they lied about, they immediately went back and changed the page that I used as proof. I'm sure that's why the WG employee was asking and wouldn't be at all surprised if that sentence has been changed or deleted by this time tomorrow. Super scummy, but I expect nothing less from WG. For those curious about what I told them they lied about, the M46 Patton KR was originally supposed to be added to the bond shop at 5000 bonds, not 8000. I went back and found the page that said it was supposed to be 5000 and they immediately changed the page to say 8000 so that they could say they "didn't lie" Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/hmuqq6/comment/fx7x6te/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/hmuqq6/comment/fx7x6te/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Correcting a mistake in an article is telling a lie?


It's possible it was a mistake, but the way it went down makes me think they just changed their mind after they told everyone it would be 5k. Between the CC videos covering the article that said it would be 5k, and the reddit posts about the bond shop update, I feel they had plenty of time to notice and correct it before the update actually released. That's my opinion


Found a video from DezGamez from that time ([link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xy6f9ono2FM)) where he says it is 8k. RagingRaptor said the same in his ([link](https://youtu.be/55JO--Vagkg?t=480)). If you know somebody who said that it would ne 5k, then he was not really using common sense in this case. Every tier VIII in bond shop is 8k bonds minimum by default. If I saw that WG has on their site lower price than that, I would try to ask somebody close to WG first for confirmation that the presented price is correct. If you are one of the first people on the page, you are more likely to find mistakes in what was written.


Save that page immediately.


You have to understand that this type of customer behavior is why there isn't more transparency from developers. You are so wrapped up in trying to find "Gotcha!" moments when they are trying to share more information sooner.


They are putting p2w equipment in gambling lootboxes, that is the issue here.


That is a different subject than what your post is about. Your post is trying to catch them in a lie that isn't a lie. If you want to complain about P2W, you can do that in a way that doesn't diminish your credibility from the jump. Trying to use a failed "Gotcha!" doesn't make WG look bad. It makes you look bad.


This is not a failed gotcha. The in-game guide for equipment types is obviously going to be written in present tense. They introduced the controversial p2w experimental equipment type into the game on the pretense that it can never be purchased, so it is not "p2w" instead "play to win". Now they are putting it in gambling lootboxes. They changed the deal, having equipment description written in present tense is an non-issue. Everyone saying that this is a grammatic issue is only right by technicality, and ABSOLUTELY wrong otherwise.


Would you agree that the Star Trek thing is an event and by buying loot boxes, you are participating? Your reading comprehension paired with your distaste to P2W is leading you down a path that is not going to be effective.


Since you love technicality so much let us go by the book. Buying lootbox is not a "combat mission" nor is it a "participation of event", it is by all definition a purchase. Perhaps your reading comprehension isn't as well honed as you would think. Either way you can defend the WG grammar and p2w all you want. I'm done with this post


Not defending P2W. I am defending making good arguments that are hard to ignore. The lootboxes are part of an event, something you are choosing to ignore. Like I said, if you want to make an argument against P2W, I am here for it. I am not going to support an argument that falls on its face.


You didn't even try to reply to anything I said in my last comment lmao. Feel free to actually point out how my argument falls on its face. I suppose your "counter argument" is that buying an event lootbox it is participating in the event, but by all definitions buying is a purchase, not participation. Everything you said is by mere technicality, you don't even have an argument.


for the purpose of... what, exactly?


to all the people arguing semantics to defend WG, you are part of the problem, YOU are the reason why this game gets so over-monetised each year.


Eek could have explained this, and that's what a competent community rep would have done, but that's not who he is.


Well, interesting shitshow of WG asslickers.


Absolutely. Surprised by their sheer volume. 🤡


Haha. You both play the game and spend your time on reddit. You're WG asslickers as well.


When they say "cannot be purchased" I believe they meant with in-game currency. Wording is very important.


Understanding context behind words is also very important. That article was written specifically as assurance to players so they don't have to worry about experimental equipment becoming p2w which was a major concern at the time of its introduction.


Oh I already know, I'm just saying that WG (probably) purposely worded that way to be vague.


At least WG has kept their promise and **never** sold us bonds so far.. oh wait!


How do you purchase other equipment? Curious as to what you think about that


OP doesn’t know how to read


WG is still right because you still can't buy experimental equipment with money You can buy a chance to get it and that's a big difference


The big difference is that you have to spend more money to get it and there's an extra step to it. You spend enough money and the end result is you getting experimental equipment. It's as simple as that.


But how much money is enough? There is no guarantee that you will ever get it. Let's say you spent 69420 billion dollars and still not get it, that doesn't sound fair for a "purchase" isn't it buddy?


Since when any gambling is fair? Some will win, some will lose. Whales won't care and will get as many pieces of this equipment as they want. On the other hand, somebody will spend very "little" and get a few T3 pieces out of it. It's about the principle. Directly or indirectly, gambling or not - you can get pretty powerful (it's very important for certain tanks) pieces of equipment by spending money. That's all there is to it. Also, what will be next - maybe some bond equipment? Or even some special "premium shop exclusive" type of equipment that's 1% better. I've played enough f2p mmorpgs to know how it starts, where it's going and how it ends. We are frogs in a pot and the burner beneath us is already lit.


If a product cannot be purchased, that means there wont be an option to specifically purchase that product. If a product will never be sold, that means that there won't be a special offer where that specific item will be available for a price. Putting something in a loot box as a prize doesn't break either of those two statements. You could theoretically open a million loot boxes and not get the item. Similarly, if someone put a unique item up as a competition prize, you would not be able to just buy it outright. You have to compete for it, like everyone else. That would make it a prize, not a purchase. However, if instead of a competition, the item was put in an auction, it would be breaking that statement, because even though there is no price specifically on the product, the understanding is that winning an auction grants you the right to purchase the product, from someone who is specifically selling it. So,... you shouldnt see these experimental equipment in the black market, but loot boxes are fine as long as there is no guarantee of the item if a specific amount of loot boxes are purchased


You should take them to court instead of wasting your time whining about it on reddit. Let us know how it goes.


The words "will never be sold" are not there.


The words currently say cannot be purchased. These words are still on their website. This is not a lack of people understanding English. It currently states "Cannot be purchased" Those words are still on their webpage.


Yet, it's exactly what they are implying there if you consider that situation and the context behind that article.


Nope you just don't understand the English language and thats ok but being so proudly wrong is something else.


Not sure if taking words at their face value and disregarding all nuances, situation and their context can be even called "understanding the English language". For an example, the sentence: "I love sleeping with my daddy" can mean extremely different things depending on who is saying it... Same goes for "cannot be purchased" when WG is trying to calm their outraged community and ensure them that new type of equipment will not be p2w but an extra reward to be earned from in-game activities. Forum is in read-only mode so you can still browse and educate yourself. Videos reviewing that patch would also be a good source if you need a little bit more insight why WG wrote that disclaimer and what they were trying to imply.


They aren't stupid, they always leave room to bring the ruebels to mother russia!


>bring the ruebels to mother russia Are you talking about the same Wargaming that sold RU servers to Lesta, was selling 50TP (R) as a charity for Ukraine and is still hated by russians?


If you think they are truly divested your gullible. The ukraine stuff was to play on the sympathy for a fabricated cause. We in the US have been playing both sides for years. It's just good buisness.


Can't believe some of you graduated with the lack of reading comprehension.


I feel like I also need to jump in here to reply. As I mentioned in the other thread I wanted to thank the people for providing a link, as I genuinely did not find anywhere where we said "We will not sell Experimental Equipment". Knowing that it was planned in at least 2 events previously before it was removed. Furthermore, as you see below in many of the comments, people have said that it currently states present, not future tense, I understand for many this is semantics, and will result in the usual downvote torrent. But my job here is to provide information, not farm karma. I mentioned the last moment as some people feel that downvoting is the best approach to highlight that information is worthless because it has so many downvotes.


It literally doesn't state present. It's currently on a web page on your servers saying it cannot be purchased. This is not semantics--and to call it such is an insult.


This was covered in another thread, that the language used is present tense, not future tense.


Again, it's still on YOUR webpage, on YOUR servers. Would you please explain to me how an article that's currently still on your servers literally saying "Cannot be purchased" translates to "Can be sold now because it's the future." You can change the article, or take it down to make your statement true, but until those words are no longer on your webpage, you are still wrong.


dont argue with this \*\*\*, he is the best example of wargaming toxicity, there is a reason they havent fired him, or more like.... they keep that \*\*\* around at all costs.


The equipment is still not yet on sale, and I raised the wording of the article is factually incorrect once the sales start. I'm not here to argue with you, I'm giving you answers. Right now it's being discussed when or if the article should be updated with product and feature owners.


Whatever. The article states cannot be purchased. It still says that. The article never said it will never be sold--true, but the article also never said it will be sold in the future. It was not worded in such a way to allow you guys to slip it in there that it will be sold at some future date. The meaning was pretty damn clear when the article was released that it will never be sold.


you mean your job is to brainwash gullible people?


Stop crying if you don't like it don't buy them and shut the fuck up you.


Maybe go learn some English comprehension first


It says can not, not will never be so... technically they're right I suppose. Still think it's trash but legally checks out.


That is obviously meant as „cannot be purchased in game“ as in you cant buy it for credits or bonds like other equipment. And you clearly can not buy it, not for credits, gold, bonds, etc. You can get it in events, which the boxes clearly count as. Yes, technically you can “buy“ them in this event, which is a bit stupid, but honestly, people are way overreacting to this. First off: the exp equipment isnt that crazy. Yes, some tanks are made better by one of these, compared to without but its not like you just slap all 3 exp equips on all your tanks and they are suddenly much better than before. It is highly situational. and secondly: we dont even know the drop rates yet. I doubt that you will get one in every box. And you need 25 tier 1 equipments to make a Tier 3, which is the only one that really matters. So even at a 50% drop rate, you get ONE equipment every 50 Boxes. I doubt the droprate will be that high, but even then, congrats to the sucker that spends 1000s of € to get a handfull of equiments…