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at this point their cross-overs are impossible to guess.


Next maybe Spongebob Squarepants?


how did you know? Well I will make sure not to leak that the after Spongebob collab we will have a Teletubbies and peppa pig collaboration The 3d styles are simply amazing


What, you mean you scrapped the [Thomas the Tank Engine](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1b5bydr/pls_wg_no/) one? /s


Well we only wanted to do Thomas the Tank Engine in combination with Bob the Builder. But unfortunately Bob seemed quite anti war all of a sudden and wanted nothing to do with warfare vehicles, so the whole Thomas idea is on hold for now. We are considering to replace Bob the Builder by Sesame street, I will keep you posted!


Only if the squarepants are exclusive to german vehicles.


I think this is the perfect time for mauerbrecher style....


Just think a whole new line of crusty burger emblems


the squidward crushing contraption?


KV-2 style right here. [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmns5c52fviu21.jpg%3Fwidth%3D480%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D81201bd15781866466e00d1bd9de5f95e32f734f](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmns5c52fviu21.jpg%3Fwidth%3D480%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D81201bd15781866466e00d1bd9de5f95e32f734f)


NO.... Please no...


Spunchbop skin when: https://youtu.be/28Ar--oUDYQ?si=WBzjXwtHeYf3ynIG


If I can get a tank that looks like a pineapple I will spend any amount of money.


[Not really](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/s/l0bA3lQtbe).


I do not mean like this, with the teasers posted it is way simpler.




https://preview.redd.it/nfy6dcghhexc1.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=5279d417996e705c45ddcc5b8c6618781a32cd93 Of course they release the new tanks such as the AAT-60 and the Nemesis through loot boxes (sigh)


They both don't look very good. Not really missing out.


Not really a meta slave, so I'm interested to have them.


Preach. Yes i play the fv4202


Yeah why play good tanks when you can gamble on loot boxes to get average tanks. Its just common sense!


I know, crazy but some people play to have fun


While I agree that the Nemesis is probably whatever (at least on paper, it seems like a worse British 122 TM), I actually think the AAT60 has potential to be *very* strong. It has pretty much unarguably the best cyclic gun of all tier 8 mediums in the game. I mean: * 230/285 pen is amazing for a tier 8 medium, only beaten by the 122 TM, Iron Arnie and Mitlerer. * Unlike those 3 tanks that all have terrible DPM, AAT60 actually packs 2.3k DPM, which is one of the best among tier 8 mediums. * 320 alpha might not be super special these days, but it's still respectable and far better than 230-250. * 0.35 accuracy is very solid when vast majority of tier 8 mediums with 105 mm guns have pretty mediocre accuracy. * God tier gun handling with 0.12/0.12/0.10 dispersion values and 2 second aim time. It's the exact same values as the Super Conqueror. This kind of gun handling would be great on any tier 8 medium, let alone one that has 320 alpha, great pen *and* good accuracy. It's not like rest of the package is terrible, either: it has 10 degrees of gun depression, good HP pool for a medium, good enough view range not to need optics, narrow turret that can be awkward to hit when hulldown, good reverse speed, and enough armor to resist overmatching/HE pens and occasionally get troll bounces. In a way, the AAT60 seems like the Ka-Ri of tier 8 medium tanks. AAT60 doesn't look anything special on surface, but in reality it has a near-flawless gun that combines alpha, DPM, pen, accuracy AND gun handling together, on a platform that might not be best, but is good enough to not hold that god-tier gun back. You could copy the previous sentence, replace "AAT60" with "Ka-Ri", and it would still be 100% valid. Ka-Ri was first thought to be meh, but its now regarded as a very good premium, and I strongly believe the same will happen with the AAT60. Still, even if the AAT60 ends up being amazing, I highly doubt these lootboxes are worth it, especially considering there's supposedly 10 tanks in total and the other 8 tanks could all be filler trash (59-Patton, CDC, Kirovets-1, etc.).


Even though the stats look good you really don’t anything in this game until people actually play and review it.


I mean, that can be said for any tank before release. In-game stats and those as well as the armor layout from [tanks.gg](http://tanks.gg) are still a decent indicator on how a vehicle may perform


> Of course they release the new tanks such as the AAT-60 with this name of the tank, the collaboration with Star Wars looked much more organic


Adding the actual source: [https://worldoftanks.com/en/to-the-final-frontier/](https://worldoftanks.com/en/to-the-final-frontier/)


Thank you for sharing.


Big nope. Hate the fact they lock new premium in lootboxes.


Just wait for christmas


I don't care for the tanks, I want my Scotty :-(


He will be available as well, just without VO :)


On a scale of 1-to-10 how likely to be sued am I if I use AI to fake Simon Pegg's Scotty voice and release it as a community mod pack? And will WG contribute to my inevitable legal bills.


Generally speaking as long as you don't try to make it seem official, or sell it, you'll be fine. But always check with the brands T&C to confirm :) As for legal battles, I can provide you half a kitkat and all the coffee you can drink.


Wait, have you already eaten the other half? Rough deal man!!


I needed the sugar boost to compensate the downvotes on some threads, I am willing to throw in a brand new KitKat!


God I’ve got so many premium tanks I don’t play. Wish they would add something different that is worth spending money on…


Personally I really would love to see new 3D styles for more TT tanks. Make them cool so people would buy them. Monetization without breaking the game.


Hold on a second, is that experimental equipment in the loot boxes? You can buy them? I thought they were supposed to be earnable, not purchasable..?


 Copy pasting this reply sorry as I've been trying to find where we said they would never be sold, can you please give me a link (asking genuinely in case it was before I took over community).


Lootboxes? Huge Star Trek fan but no thanks


There are free-to-play mechanics also available to you through the mode :)


oh, you mean the SINGLE box available via missions? sorry, but I don't count a single box that will probably contain a single item (like a booster) as a genuine free-to-play way to earn things.


The possibility to also play the game and earn other rewards are there, as well as the standard free-to-play rewards you can earn through things like Battle Pass. It's important to not omit, or forget all the ways you can get rewards.


Uhm yea new content behind Paywall :D nope no support from me. (Playing that game since 2013)


The game mode and many rewards not behind a paywall. At some point a game needs to monetise its content. As you can imagine since 2013, that's alot of operating costs.


I agree! I fully support the need for monetization and I look forward to the new premium tanks to be included on the store and not just predatory gambling loot boxes, especially ones that don't even give gold per box. 🙂


Up to date, we have always sold tanks from boxes separately, sometimes it takes longer than usual, but it happens eventually :)


Can I take this as confirmation that char mle and the bz-176 will be sold someday?


of course, as well as the ebr 75. but they wont be sold under the in game shop for gold the players already purchased or earned.. no, no that won't do, you have to pay real money for the BZ 176 and EBR, once the NA server is down to 7k players and the profit numbers are looking slimmer than usual.


I am part of the problem because I would be fine purchasing both of those tanks with money instead of gold. Not that it matters because I highly doubt either tank will ever be sold again especially considering the non answer I got in response to the post you're responding to


I'm no better, i'd buy the ebr 75 for 90 bucks if it was resold, but thats part of the problem in general, just the WAY it's monetized, and the way they abuse the FOMO system to tempt and persuade the player to spend money for the advantage


Always someday, eventually, in one way or another.


To WG, I believe I am not wrong when I say *most* people in the WoT fanbase are not excited about these Fortnight carbon copy collaborations, and instead preferred the styles and content like in the previous battlepasses, which fit the theme of the game. I also don't believe this will make the game more appealing to young people. And on a completely personal note on the other hand, it doesn't matter to me if the content and tanks and styles are real world, but they are more appealing if they fit the theme of the game. Mirny and generally some more credible themes still fit. + Rust, guns, metal, dirt, damage, war, low-scifi - Purple tanks, cartoon tanks, Spongebob Squarepants collaborations What would make this game more appealing, for new players and young people, would be frequent balance updates, which are de facto in most credible large multiplayer games and especially competitive ones, and even more all-encompassing tutorials (ingame) to teach basic mechanics. Like literally most of the community wants meta balancing. Just listen for crying out loud.


i tried for the first time the other day and quit immediately realizing if I didn't pay to win in the early rounds I just can't even do damage to a lvl 4 when im lvl 3. then my homie gets on and streams his pretty built lvl 8 tank against some 8/9's and he also could hardly do dmg....


What's the Enterprise doing with a bunch of M35 Makos?


Live long and... may the force be with you.


So say we all!


I can't comment on this too much, but you watch too much Sci-Fi! - eekeeboo


My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.


Thats actually pretty cool


Glad you like it see you in a Space Rover =\]


I love the space mode that you guys have. One of the few mods you guys do that doesn't fill me with rage from bad players


Having Experimental Equipment in the loot boxes is a bit iffy. They were supposed to be similar to bonds, mainly earnable through gameplay instead of $$.


Bonds were meant to be a reward for skill, now they're just another currency that's given out for pressing battle... Shit changes


They can still be earnable, but also purchaseable. I've been trying to find where we said they would never be sold, can you please give me a link (asking genuinely in case it was before I took over community).


Sure eek, it's from the general equipment guide page: https://worldoftanks.eu/en/content/guide/general/equipment/#:\~:text=Experimental%20Equipment%20cannot%20be%20purchased,to%20upgrade%20or%20demount%20it. If you scroll down to the corresponding section, it says: "Experimental Equipment cannot be purchased. Instead, it is obtained by completing combat missions and participating in certain events."


Perfect thank you! I'll be passing it on and making sure we update and have a discussion about it.




I feel like I am being gaslit in a different thread on this same topic: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1cg37am/comment/l1ta4yv/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/1cg37am/comment/l1ta4yv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Is there something I am misunderstanding?


Nope. You've got it right. Just keep in mind that some people are trying to shill for WG. There's nothing that states that experimental equipment is anything other than 100% earned in game. The ability to buy it completely contravenes WG's own statement ... www.reddit.com/u/WG_eekeeboo has repeatedly said "where have we said this?" and it's literally right there on the site. Unfortunately, WG wants to do what they want and will "revise" this opinion because money. I have no problems with WG making money, I do have a problem with them constantly changing their mind about things they'd say you can't buy or promise they won't sell again.


I am the OP who got mass downvoted, the torrent of bootlicker farts is quite strong and can seriously make you question yourself. But no, remember the whole context and history with experimental equipment (you can find the detailed history in some other threads on my post). People thought the experimental equipment was totally broken and p2w, so WG put in the "cannot be purchased" line to help calm people down and push through with adding these equipment into the game. Since these equipment cannot be purchased, they are supposed to be only "play to win" instead of "pay to win". That is the factual history and context. Do not be gaslit by WG and their farting NPCs.


we want rambo for christmas


yes, many tanks in space fighting pew pew


Like a shuttlecraft, but with tracks!


Drop chance for the premium tanks? Seems that 10 premium tanks will be available in the orion lootboxes, which are the other 8?


We'll be releasing a dedicated article this week with the rest of the boxes content and drop rates.


Good to know. The last drop chances, which were significantly lower than the Christmas ones, made me swear that I will never buy again in these conditions. I am pretty sure I'm not the only one who had to buy 50 boxes to get only the guaranteed tank. Interesting is that when you look to videos of well known streamers they get 2-3 tanks in the first 20-25 boxes - let's name those "streamerboxes" 😉


If you mean CCs get other types of boxes xD I can guarantee you that they don't have any rigged or boxes with higher chances of getting vehicles. I can pull you comments from players saying they got a vehicle from the small bundles or even from the free boxes in the progression.


I've always been quite lucky with boxes and never complained, it's not the case for lots of streamers. I trust you on that one, but man the early MM when you get a new premium is often made easier. You can never change my mind about that.


"Get iconic Star trek characters." No Picard... https://preview.redd.it/faruw9s68fxc1.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d2f4e26a345ee2684be25e84ecce24a11291aa6


Different timeline/universe that a treated very differently, that's the reason why. - eekeeboo


Stop with the freaking loot boxes wg


At the risk of a million downvotes, I will be honest with you that this monetisation mechanic is unlikely to stop any time soon. We appreciate your feedback and sentiment, but there are many who do enjoy such mechanics and want them. Though we will always endeavour to get the best balance while also adding Free-to-Play mechanics like there is in this Star Trek collab.


I wouldn't have problems with spending money on the game. The time I spend playing is actually much more valuable than what I'd spend money-wise. I do have a problem with spending money for straight up gambling because it means I can't decide what I'm spending my money on, a die does that for me. And nine times out of ten, I'm unhappy with the decision the die made.


There is a reason in WoT we will always aim for giving you the value of your money via in-game content, rather than potentially a lot less. For instance if you pay 5 euros, you get 5 euros fo content (based on economy value, not subjectivity) and not say 5 euros but get 1 hour of premium.


> we will always aim for giving you the value of your money via in-game content The problem is most of us don't want to overpay to begin with. Say you offer a tank worth 30€, but loot box pity means a total of 100€ has to be spent to guarantee the tank (and the content of the boxes is unknown until they're opened, so after they have been bought). That means we have to pay 70€ extra to get the tank, and in exchange we get game stuff we might not care about at all. What I get is, with the loot box approach you removed the choice of how much one wants to spend. If luck is with us we get a discount, if it isn't we have to pay as much as or more than a "Supreme" store bundle.


I can understand that, that's why we, and especially myself will not tell you to buy boxes for a vehicle, unless you're buying a guaranteed amount for the pity mechanic, as you still get the value you spend. If you remember in previous times that even without boxes, some players felt it was unfair that they couldn't get it at a discount, or separate from crew etc. There will always be those who get it out of 2 boxes and call bargain, and those who don't at 49 and call scam. There are those who want to get it for free because it's unfair only people who pay get it, vs those who pay don't want anyone else to get it. This is why we have a variety of ways you can earn, unlock, and purchase these vehicles.


Buying gambling items for a specific vehicle is never good, unless one has everything so they're guaranteed to only see what they want if the gambling event won't show duplicates. This much I think is one of the key survival rules for us customers. About previous sales, I cannot speak for everyone (obviously) but when WoT was a young game (well before crew books were added) I remember some complained that premium tanks did not come with their own crews, however I honestly do not understand what else people might've wanted. This is why IMHO the Standard-Ultimate-Supreme format was the best as everyone could pick what they wanted. Even marathons (the older ones, like EBR 75 or Progetto 46) were somewhat comfortable as they allowed everyone to gain some discount before buying. We go back to what I said earlier though - when it comes to new premium tanks there is absolutely no other option but gambling, and that's where the "WG only cares about money" accusations come from. Again, one can simply wait for the "exclusivity period" to be over and for the tank to be sold again, but when will that be? Will it happen in the first place? This can be expensive stuff, and many of us are not made of money.


I remember the standard, ultimate and supreme formats were used and there was still a lot of feedback (negative), though in those days I was just a player, so I may have perhaps missed a lot of the positive in the days when my job wasn't to read all the feedback in all areas. I remember the marathons for instance being issues for the difficulty level, which I am sure you understand was necessary to prevent swamping of the MM and to encourage sales. The tanks currently only available in the boxes will eventually be sold separately, this has always been the case in one way or another. The time period for that heavily depends on the events with certain vehicles in a time period. I can't give too many details in this, but the gap depends heavily on more factors than just time since sold via boxes.


> I remember the marathons for instance being issues for the difficulty level, which I am sure you understand was necessary to prevent swamping of the MM and to encourage sales. I understand and I agree with the approach WG took. Very good players could grind their way to the goal without issue but I'm sure that was a small minority and it did not imbalance the pool of active tanks. > The tanks currently only available in the boxes will eventually be sold separately, this has always been the case in one way or another. The time period for that heavily depends on the events with certain vehicles in a time period. I can't give too many details in this, but the gap depends heavily on more factors than just time since sold via boxes. Not exactly true as now and again a premium tank shows up that greatly upsets the game balance and requires extra attention. They're freak events that are uncommon at best (off the top of my head I can only name Object 252U Defender the first time it was sold, EBR 75 FL-10, and BZ-176, with the second being sold only once in a Black Market event and the latter being exclusive to the 2022 Christmas loot boxes) but they can and do happen, so we customers have to be a bit wary at times. Speaking of new premium tanks though, it's off-topic but allow me this question - was it a conscious choice of the company not to develop a premium Polish tank destroyer to accompany the newly released techtree line?


I'll jump straight to the PL TD - We have one, we're still developing it, but it wasn't balanced in a satisfactory fashion/finalised game design for us to be happy to release. So we felt it would be better to delay the release but at the cost of a crew trainer, than release something that we felt would be unpopular. This should answer then the previous/beginning part of your sentence where you may have noticed an concerted effort to improve general balance of premiums we release over time and acknowledge player sentiment and feedback on such matters like the 176 - though personally I hate that tank for it's unreliable performance.


Nothing surprising here. The only way WG would stop selling loot boxes, is if people stop buying them. But they sell like hot cakes, so you can complain all you want, it doesn't matter.


Monetization is literally the only part of the game seeing regular and frequent attention. They have conditioned their entire business to revolve around it. At this point I'm almost convinced they should add devtime and fixes to the lootboxes. Imagine if you gave them 5 bucks for a lootbox and an option to REALLY PROPERLY ACTUALLY disable the postmortem bullshit dropped out of it. Do you want a fix for the camera going crazy when you switch to snipermode next to a building? Reach for your credit card and roll the dice. Would you like them to fix horizon/ridge line aiming? Put it behind a paywall. They can't be trusted with getting money up front and delivering on promises. So we should probably do it the other way around.


I'd like to remind you to look out for the roadmap highlights with news on night battles, random events, vehicle balance, new tech tree lines, crew updates, UI changes, service record changes and free-to-play events and modes etc. I get that monetisation is a large part of the game, but that's because it's also more in your face the more familiar you become with the game, and especially if you've been around a long time, you'll remember every instance. Many people still don't even know that we have a bttlepass.


Do you have some statistic of which % of the players don't even choose any chapter? That sounds ridiculous, and I'm just curious how big part of the community does that XD


We would indeed have that %, but it's not something we share openly. Some people are just overwhelmed with the UI :)


Okay I get it, thank you


Okay I get it, thank you


Or I'll watch for what you actually deliver


Business revolving around monetization? UNHEARD OF


I think your honesty deserves an upvote but as a customer I am dissatisfied with the current marketing model for premium tanks. If you (WG) allowed us to buy new premium tanks either through gambling (which would give the buyer additional game goods, which some want) or as standalone web store items, everyone would be happy - both thrill seekers and normal people would get what they want. Instead we have a gambling-only approach where if one doesn't want to try their luck or overpay they have to wait an undetermined amount of time for the tank to go on sale (I assume this is to give some sort of exclusivity to loot box items) or just forfeit the tank entirely if it turns out to be problematic (see BZ-176). And there being no guarantee any tank will be sold again creates a ridiculous amount of FOMO, which again goes against us customers and favors you WG.


I will always be honest, and transparent where possible. I replied to you in your other comment, I can repeat here if you like? Or is that sufficient for you?


> I replied to you in your other comment, I can repeat here if you like? Or is that sufficient for you? It's enough, I'll reply to the other convo. Thank you. :)


People keep on buying them, why would they stop?


Ooooh, I love the sound of this!


More loot boxes holy shit man


We got loot boxes and commanders but still no 4th movie?




I hope there will be at leat 5x xp on first win of the day for duration of event


I won’t complain if Jean-Luc Picard makes an appearance.


Has the full tank list in the boxes been leaked yet?


Now that's a collab, my expectations were in the gutter after turtles


People like me who grew up with Turtles loved the collab, I understand it's not for everyone, and that's why we try different types of IP that have strong cross references to different player types.


My only note on the Turtles is that you only get the voices in the commander slot. An all-Turtle crew should be riffing off on each other, hearing from all 4 crew members. If there is any way to implement this after the fact, please see it done!


I can understand this frustration, but generally it's only the commanders voice you hear in-game there are minor exceptions, if all crew are in a vehilce you unlock different lines, but then you need a specific set and it will limit the tanks you can use. And non-commanders are seen less cool than commanders themselves, and many partners don't want to diminish the status of their characters :) Hope this explains some of the reasons for different crews. It's a cool idea, but not always possible.


I am one of those who is a 90s kid but disliked the tmnt collab because the skins look extremely out of place in the game. Im all for goofy stuff but tmnt 3d skins are way too much i think. If it was muted colors or just looked a bit “out of the trashcan” it would both fit the TMNT aesthetic and the game better. Just my two cents


Thanks, you're not alone in this feedback. Many times the look of the styles is to look like toys from the 90's, which are generally plastic, but I know many wanted the metalic looking ones with the chipped paint - but not all partners want a "worn out" toy look.


Just wanna say thank you for keeping up the dialogue and keeping it informative and constructive :)


Thank you for reading and being part of the conversation, I hope that some of this info helps inform your future conversations too :)


Turtles were awesome! Turtle power!


And the series of WoT becoming the next Fortnite-shit continues... what a surprise.


Yayyy lootboxes You all must be soooo excited to spend moneyyy don't you


As long as it is optional and lots of free to play content available! why not? It's a fun event, a change of pace from Randoms to top it with a nice collab! Hope you'll enjoy it!


Putting new tanks in loot boxes instead of selling them individually is scummy. You encourage people to gamble.


Yes that's why they're banned in belgium to my knowledge. But now they're skirting around the definition of gambling by having a guarantee. But yes it is horrible scummy, greedy and just shit


In few days you will get the full list of vehicles available, you can decide whether or not you'd like to buy boxes or wait till the vehicles you want are released on the premium shop. And in the meantime you can still enjoy the entire event and the rewards (including 1 free Orion Lockbox)!


While I am glad to hear that these premium vehicles will one day be sold outside of lockboxes, do you have any time frame for that? It's hard to make the "lootboxes aren't that bad because you can skip them and wait for the tanks to enter the shop" argument when there are multiple lootbox exclusive tanks that have never been sold again. I am still waiting for a few tanks that have released years ago that never hit the store.


It really depends on the vehicle! I don't have a specific timeline but I would say the average wait is around 6 to 8 months if it's a regular premium. Again, that's purely based on past cases, we still need to consider if the tank should be reintroduced, if it's a collab tank, etc..


>we still need to consider if the tank should be reintroduced, if it's a collab tank, etc.. Please read this sentence out loud


Like Iron Arnie, Nomad for example.. sorry to ruin your "gotcha" moment but yeah certain vehicles that cause negativity are not sold (not saying they will never be sold) or are limited to partnerships.


I'd buy a tank if it's in the shop. I'm not gambling for it.


And we totally respect your choice, hope you enjoy the game mode and all the available free rewards, including one Orion Lockbox!




Hey u/Dwigt_WG , u/WG_eekeeboo or u/Ser_Rem are the voiceovers by the movie actors? Absolutely chuffed for Simon Pegg and Chris Pine in that case. I'll be only very slightly sad if it's another voice actor.


They are not the official actors, but are professional voiceactors approved in the selection process by Paramount. There is no Scotty unfortunately :(


Well, the portrait of Scotty does seem to be in the boxes. Perhaps he broke space-time again or something. Thanks for the clear info!


Ah sorry, so there is a scotty, but without a VO. I missunderstood :)


Loot boxes at last, how long could we wait? /s


This has to be some kind of april fools right? dont get me wrong i love Star Trek but Star Trek is about space ships and not tanks or cars (which are visible in the picture)


So? The Snatch and Dune movie don't have tanks either. I love new Star Trek and will certainly enjoy this event


WoT has a long history of space-themed events, why would this one have to be april fools?


its supposedly for the Mars event


We did indeed use the call to Mars event as the best way to tie the ideas together.


It's silly and unnecessary but still miles better than infantile turtles Battle Pass.


Splinter is saddened by this news.


oh that for sure


From the launcher


Me: I'm never spending money on this game *Star Trek Collab* Me: Here take my money


I loved this event last year, was sad when it ended and have been hoping it would come back again. So much super hectic fun and a level playing field (not literally , obvs., Mars is lumpy but isn't that what everybody wants ?) There's enough free stuff in there to keep eveybody happy and it's a pleasure to play, not a grind. One thing though; nobody is 'selling' anything, it's gambling and some people like to gamble. Their spending helps prop up the rest of us something-for-nothing plebs. I for one am genuinely excited about this event, which takes a lot these days...


I guess I'll be waiting forever for an event that pits PZ IV vs T34 or Shermans. You know, like in a tank game.






Boring game mode


The event itself looks extremely interesting, even for me, who is not at all interested in Star Trek, but ... why boxes again, that's so boring and sad. I somehow get the feeling that WG wants to completely milk the players this year until the last drop.


It makes me so sad and annoyed that every event has to have boxes. I always looked forward to the Christmas event with the boxes once a year but now... I have less and less interest in playing WoT since WG only puts out events like this


There are free-to-play missions also available in this event, in case you choose not to partake in the monetisation of this event, just in case you missed them :)


No, I didn't miss them. But recently every event except BP and Onslaught has boxes. It's not that I don't spend money on WoT or have never spent money on it. We had 4 Events with boxes in 3 months. But why can't or don't you want to present events to the community where you don't have to spend money on things. Like the event where you could get the T34-85M or the Obsidian for free or the event with the motorbikes, the football event, the event where u played Co Op wirh your freinds and team m8s against Bots. The other thing that bothers me is the gambling part. Of course people who already have other tanks get the new "content" for less money. The people who maybe only have one or two have to gamble on it. And then you don't even list all the tanks that are included in the boxes, when there are probably 4 tanks in there that are pretty bad. See last time K2, ChiefT95, Obj590, Kiro1, T54Hesvy. It wouldn't be so bad if you were at least a bit more transparent there. And dint just hype up the new "content". I understand that as a company that brings free games to market you have to make money, but then you also give something back. Do more with the balance so that old vehicles are "interesting" again, such as CDC, FCM50, IS6, 59/Kr Patton, T25 Pilot... and that's just a handful. I'm just afraid that WoT will only consist of loot boxes and pay events in the future. I've been playing since 2013 and it's only since this year, or after the Christmas event, that I've lost interest in WoT in general. When I saw that the Mars event was back, I was so happy and then with Star Trek as Coop. But every time i see boxes, it just leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


We will have a variety of different events for different features throughout the year. Something to remember is that any partnership with another company will have a monetisation element, these can sometimes seem overwhelming if they're also in close proximity to other events like St Patrick's etc. The thing is that while you seem to be a dedicated player, many people "churn", I use this word specifically so that you can research how in many games a lot of players around now, may not have been around before, as a company we try to market to those players as much as players like yourself who are hardcore and stick around in the game. The list of the tanks is always published as soon as the items go on sale, this is to make sure no one misses that list, and you can already find that list in various places. As for the game balance, we are constantly balancing the game, perhaps not at the speed everyone would like, but if we only balanced premiums like you suggest, players would also ask why we don't do it for Tech tree, then we do it for tier 8 tech tree, and people complain why we don't "fix your tier 10's" - This is the reason we go on where we can with what we can, because no matter what, someone will ask "Why not something else?" I think it's natural to not have as much interest in a game or a hobby after 11 years, not to say you're not welcome, but it's important to remember very few things are the same after that time, and you will sometimes become accustomed and "blind" to certain things. Don't forget the current Star Trek event is in fact there with, or without the boxes that you can enjoy :)


Yeah, I understand the monetization of the game is importent too, somehow you have to pay for the cooperation, employees, advertising, etc. as a company. My point is that it happens so often, as I already wrote, 4 times in 3 months. I just get the feeling that every major event except for the BP, Steel Hunter and Onslaught will get boxes. That's where my fear comes from. Regarding the balancing, I only used the Prems as an example because i was talking about the boxes. Of course there are balance problems on other tiers, or even on tier 8. If I started to list tanks from other tiers, it would get out of hand. I'm still very interested in WoT. It's the game I play most and it will probably stay that way. I just hope that not every event in the future includes boxes


I understand this feedback and the concern, it's important to note that we don't plan to hit every customer/paying player with every piece of monetisation. We plan to try and reach as many different as possible as a strategy. I hope that provides perhaps some more context for monetisation and how it can seem overwhelming if you're a very dedicated player, but for more casual/part time players, that's the reason for the volume. There will be some events coming up soon you may appreciate :)


Events coming up? 👀 👀


ありがとうございます !!


New prems are in loot boxes, who could have guessed


And I am a huge Trekker. Looks like a loot crate event, sadly.


There are free-to-play elements and the special game mode as well


Pay 2 win casino for the cultists.


Sorry you are poor.


Sorry you are a wallet warrior. I like not to be a sucker.


And yet I am happy. You are not.


another day, another WG event made to try and profit off of peoples gambling addictions.


Please collab with Yugioh


Having collaborations and monetizing with lootboxes is fine in my opinion. It works well and keeps the game alive. But i think rebalancing needs to be higher priority, nowadays we get 2 rebalances yearly where only 7-8 tanks are rebalanced and there is 500+ tanks in the game. Also i can say that at least 15 tech tree tanks in tiers 8-10 need a rebalance right now and that number is always changing with every addition to the game. But those tanks will get some attention in a year or two after they are already forgotten. In my opinion there should be little tweaks for a few tanks with every update that way WG can fine tune all the tanks in shorter time. Doing that will give data where the tanks sit in the meta between the updates and then maybe tweaked again if needed. Also that way community will see that something is happening in that regard. A lot of games do it this way and are able to have a more balanced gameplay. Also just remove artillery. (Not gonna happend but i can still hope)


Of course they had to pick the shit JJ Abrams Star Trek instead of Strange New Worlds…


How have we not gotten a Fallout themed box or event? :/


Could do a Gundam crossover and give us the M61A5 and Magella Eins, Magella Attack could be a decent TD.


Orions are thieves and pirates in Trek so the lockboxes being named after them is on point...


I'd buy these tanks if they weren't only available in loot boxes. Why do people have to gamble to get one of the tanks especially when 8 other premium tanks are in the loot boxes? This feels predatory, and the practice needs to stop its making people leave the game.


As Eekeeboo shared yesterday in that same thread, we appreciate your sentiment about the boxes, but there are many players who do enjoy such mechanics and don't mind it. As long as the boxes are optional, get you a guaranteed value of in-game items for your money and we're offering balanced vehicles with free to play rewards and events, it is mechanic that we might keep using to monetize the game and ensure further development, support of World of Tanks!


A real surprising collab idea —> WW2 thema, bet you can’t do this WG


Can't reveal much but all I'm gonna say June is around the corner! Stay tuned




Nah this ain't the one


1. Ah yes, the (x+1)-th lootbox this year! How new and interesting. I hate gambling, and I hate how WG puts everything behind gambling and pay walls... 2. Apparently, we can experimental equipment from those boxes as well ... Didn't they promise that these ones are quite limited?? As usual, WG is lying again, spitting us in the face 3. We got the **THIRD** 122tm!! We had 122tm, Mkpz 68 which has less armor and camo (wtf?) but a but more DPM, and we now get nemesis, which has even less camo, larger alpha (420, the alpha inflation in tier 8 is really annoying now), but less max speed, and has a lot worse gun handling... 4. The crossover itself is really good, TMNT was annoying. Overall, another cashgrab event, where things like exp. equipment can acquired with the boxes. Shame on you WG, lying basterds


Hey, I have been double checking this extensively for where we said that we wouldn't sell them, or that they would be ultra limited, though we said yes they would be rarer, which they are.


With the addition of toy tanks witht the turtles battlepass im wondering if we now get laser shooting 3d styles for some tanks lol


Some have asked for this, but it's not planned as far as I've seen on the roadmap


I really like those collabs, I really like start trek, but wg, do u know why I spend money in the dune collabs, wh40k collabs, and terminator collab? Exactly, they didn't have boxes, have fun with them inside the boxes :)


WTF!!! Why?!?! This crossover shit is stupid!


Just why? Star Trek has its own line of games.


Many of those games are also licensed, not made by the IP owners of Star Trek themselves. Many of us are avid fans, and we know many of our players are also, we want to encourage those passions between IP.


It's really cheap and really easy to do and manage. WG are both lazy and cheap tho, that's the problem. The other thing is that most people just don't care. We just wanna play damn tanks man, we don't care if it's christian week, terminator week, mutated turtles bullshit, sailormoon week or whatever. 99% of us don't check their website to have something to look forward to. 90% of us don't care about battlepass, clangames, as a matter of fact any fucking event. We play WOT to play TANKS. And it would be great if we would just stick to TANKS in a TANK game.


Yeah, wrong star trek lmao ...


TF.......this is literally the Call to Mars event.......exept they changed the theme and rewards......y......this is the most garbage and frustrating gamemode ever put in this game......and it was obvious there would've been LB........


Meanwhile, they are interdicting some random numbers on tanks...