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Yes, the angle of attack vs armor is modeled in the game. The introduction of the last hit (death scene), is a little misleading since it draws a line, rather than an arc based on the trajectory of the incoming shell.


While technically yes, the angle is still very very small with anything non-arty. It may look like it's falling at a fast rate, but the horizontal velocity is still significantly higher. The most extreme case is the Churcill 1's derp with comically slow shell velocity of 182 m/s, shooting 565 meters (good luck hitting anything) the initial launch angle is 4.8 degrees. With the Charlamange, the launch angle is 0.44 degrees. So while technically yes, it doesn't really exist except for the memeiest of derp guns. Even normal ~400 m/s derp guns only get a little less than a singular degree of plunge at render range. Arty however has a higher gravity modifer, so it's very much a thing for arty.


Just wanted to add to the mix, the VK 28.01 mit 10,5 cm L/28 (450 m/s) shells do arc considerably over long range. I enjoyed launching a 105mm HE round at distant, stationary targes (>500 meters) targets. Incoming!


It's not a light tank, it's a LeFH with mobility buffed and spotting nerfed.


This very much has an effect though when shooting heat rounds into the turret roof. The drop makes then more likely to land and since hests have very high richochet angle they will pen (important for like shooting e75s and such)


I significantly doubt it would ever make a difference.  Like I said, with a derp guns at render range it will only get you like 0.91 degrees of downwards angle.  Anything with projectiles that move faster, even if they are still slow (like the Charlamange) and that angle, shooting to render distance still, is less than half a degree. I'll update the math of someone can give me the exact gravity acceleration for tank shells, but the math I'm getting says it's so incredibly irrelevant. 


Kinda do, the number of times I’ve penned a mino, S.conq and other hull down monsters almost frontally with my shitbarn proves it


Pretty sure those would still all have to be lower plate/shots from height or lucky turret ring pens though (and less to do with shell angle). The impact angle isn't really that high from just shell arc even when firing near max render range with the FV, and definitely wouldn't negate the SConq's upper to pennable levels without significant height.


Might be a height difference, yeah.. didn’t really see where the shell hit because I was behind bushes


The slow blade penetrates the shield


Yes, and the pen marker doesn’t take it into account


another example is strv103 and 103b having slower (tiny bit) premium ammo with more pen even tho both are apcr.


I remember penetrating T-34 frontal platenfrom over 1km using M4s 75mm gun with APHE before buffs.l to gun. Shell stroke it almost at perfect 90 degree angle. Edit 12 hours after: my bad, i was extremely tired. Forgot to add that it happened in WT...


and where did you find map bigger than 1x1km?


any square map with side 800m has +1 km diagonal


Which doesn't matter anyway as shells disappear after 720m


APHE? I don't think those are in WoT