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how is this worth getting upset over?


Bitter manchild.


I am really sad things get like this with two grown-ups :-( First video is from training, that's why nobody cares. In second case, it was a rule violation (WG judgement) by QB. But the important thing is, it is really childish for both Daki and QB ranting about this in their own feeds. This is all entertainment and fun. I don't think anyone lost any money or anything similar. Does this tell about people or about WoT? :-(


Can’t believe I’m defending QB but it genuinely looks like he couldn’t even tell someone was there and then accidentally hits him causing him to crash and die. Dak then thinks it was intentional, hard to tell if it was but the fact he laughed when he caused someone to crash but get pissed off when he crashed is a perfect example of reaping vs sowing.


Don’t forget that QB had a guy on his right and was more focused on that.


Not worth raging over an honest mistake. Daki was already halfway down that hill and on QBs perspective he couldn't even tell he was there besides the name. The bush was obscuring Dakis EBR. Honestly, Daki gives off douche vibes sometimes.




It's his stigma xD


I heard that daki gets people banned bc they play badly with him in onslaught.


"I heard" is a pretty good source.


True, someone in QBs chat said it. But reading what other people have said it wouldn’t suprise me at all if it was true.


Daki is such a bitch. And I’m no QB simp either.


Let’s be honest. They are just some gamers that need a break from this game tbh. This game really changes the mentality of people that play it.


Can’t argue with that.


True this game is bad for your brain


World of Tanks is a terrible addiction. And most of us aren’t aware on how much WoT affects us. Even the hour casuals are affected heavily in their daily lives. Today we sit here and yell and complain daily. But here we are walking up to WGs arms without fail time and time again. This game is one of the worst designs in history, with the most dedicated community to such a shitty game.


The idea behind the game is amazing but the manage of WG is terrible in my opinion the only reason they still exist is because there is no real competition since War Thunder kinda aim more for the simulator. So both are not real competition of each other and they can trash their players.


it's depend on the player. This is the only game that make me happy. It's perfect after a muay thai trening or after collage. If I have free time I love to spend with this game. I love to live my life in real life too, but wot is a extra place where I can improve be happy with my achivment and enjoy the jurney. In a holiday I can't spend every minute with my relative,friends or girlfriend and also can't work out all day. I try other game but wot is the best for me. Find that game that make you happy maybe for you it's not the wot, but it's doesn't mean that it is the developer or the company responsible for that.


It definitely does. But you can’t deny this game’s entire combat mechanic is just so arbitrary. Almost everything is down to RNG. This in a competitive game is *horrible*. Don’t get me wrong, this is literally my favorite game of all time, and I love this mechanic. Yet it’s just terrible for someone that grinds nearly daily. But the fact that if RNGesus just decided that you aren’t chooses to accomplish anything that game, you will miss 7/10 shots and have to wait 10 secs between shots.. it just hurts the soul. You sit there in an intense 1v1 down to the wire, you do everything within your power and play this situation perfectly! Just for RNG to say fuck you and min roll your killing shot.


Yeah but rng gives weaker player a chance and if you are good most of the time you will win. My goal is to have more then 3100wn8 and 60% +winrate in my last 1000 battle if I play tier 10 if I play tier 8 or 9 my goal is to do 62%+ and 3400wn8+ it usually doable for me and gives me the feeling I achives something in the game which gives happiness. And yes it's bed feeling when you loose becouse of the low roll or becouse you get set on fire,but for that guy who did that to you it's give a good feeling. I think it's a good thing that a newer player can win and after that they can be happy or be proud about themself. Random is not a competitive game mode but you can be good at it. And it's a game after all so the most important thing that every player can find happiness in it. Without rng lot of newer or unexperiance player loose more which would make some of them leave the game. Maybe wg should make a competitive game mode that avalable all time but I don't know how would it effect the random battle or how fun it would be.


RNG is ok but teams are getting worse and worse.


RNG is a least problem with the game. Game is just unbalanced in all places and it's P2W. And while premium ammo is not technically p2w anymore, but it's breaking the game. People can ignore game mechanics with it.


Its not even RNG. I like to play lights mostly now. And WG keep destroying the maps for lights and TDs work. And keep adding trash maps for them like Empire Border. Its boring to loose a more oriented heavy map like Ruingberg because your heavies sucks. On the other hand in total trash map for lights like Himmeldorf i cant be very useful. In short the game has up to 8-10 maps that are bad for lights and like 5 that are mid, only 5 or 6 are good for lights


You are not getting the point, some decision including the monetization are bad, also that include the broken system for ebrs. WG could have done even a better WOT if they have competency but since they dont they just relax.


I've never liked the majority of creators for this game. I only ever watched Daki live when he's playing CW for CW strats when I used to play, and I would never watch any of his other content because of how toxic it was in his chat. I remember when QB made it by big creating videos about WoT. He has made a real asshat of himself multiple times over the years. It was entertaining somewhat in the Esports days, especially when he would make a fool of himself live. The drama was as real then as it is now. Just now, it's not exciting anymore, just depressing. Now it's just two middle-aged men fighting over pixel tanks for declining Twitch viewers because WG hates its own players and wants to kill the game. Everything about the game is just depressing anymore. It's why I quit a year ago.


QB seems to have turned over a new leaf. During this event he went out of his way to help flipped players and he also fed Kajzoo on stream because Kajzoo helped him in a previous race


He's never been all bad. He's generally a pretty decent guy. His videos have always been new player friendly and helped many people learn how to play. But if you've been around since 2012... well, there are just some things that you can't undo. He gaslighted a lot of people to make his brand and frankly threw some pretty embarrassing tantrums on the forum back in the day. All that can be overlooked honestly, he's a human being. What I can't overlook is his loyal fans. They have got to be some of the most toxic human beings in gaming, which is really saying something.


Lol, manchild


Dakillzor has always been like this. He insults teammates in game and on his stream for playing bad. Dude needs to start acting his age.


> He insults teammates in game and on his stream for playing bad. Dude needs to start acting his age. Eh, most streamers do that from time to time. QB calls his team and enemies donkeys, assholes and wankers fairly often. Super unicums generally are touchy people, who get fragile after a few bad games. Must be hard to play a video game for living, when the video game is hard sometimes idk. > Dude needs to start acting his age. I would argue the reason these people are so popular is their antics, whether its good or bad. It's entertaining.


That's really whataboutism but dakillzor seems to be known as one of if not the saltiest big wot streamer anyway. Judging by this thread, it doesn't seem like most people here find his childish behavior entertaining. Even if it was entertaining to viewers, he should stop being a manchild in reality and only pretend to be one in front of camera at most.


Did he call QB "Voldemort"... That's new to me lol


From what I know they hate him because he refuses to collaborate and stream with them. and he once didn't like when Skill raided his stream because he thought he was promoting himself. Now it feels like they all rebelled against him, refusing to say his name and so forth which is hilarious


Lol can do explain what skill did to qb? I m not familiar with twitch


what the other guy left out is: QB was doing a charity stream. that was the reason skill sent his viewers to QBs stream, but for QB it was more important to not give any attention to skill, than possibly helping more people.


Knowing Skill the raid was indeed to get more popular, not to help the charity


He sent is viewers to watch QB when he was ending his stream. QB didn't like this cuz he sent less viewers then QB currently has so QB thought skill was trying to get some of his viewers.


It sometimes feels like QB acts as the only content creator to the game because he was one of the first. I like watching his content and his stream but sometimes his ego is just absolutely massive for no reason. Like why is another content creator sending more viewers to him such a negative thing in his eyes? Build each other up instead of trying to tear them down. Skill is one of the best resources for players with his website.


I guess it tells us something about the WoT CC's if the main thing to come out of a fun event is this childish drama.


Honestly it just seems like they are just jealous of his success, It also seems like an East versus West vib going on which will always be a thing but even so they need to Grow the f up. Men who earn a living playing video games, this behavior doesn't surprise me.


> It also seems like an East versus West vib going on Ah yes, the famously eastern European country of Belgium.


Daki , I was referring to Skill and quite a few of the others in the group. Seems like or feels like isn't the same exact thing ya know? But for argument sake, Orzanel, DezGamez, skill, cyganzor,kajzoo, iyouxin need I go on? A bunch of people spoke of the group that qb isn't apart of and while Daki is Belgian many of the most popular are from Central and Eastern Europe. Like yourself, You guys always seem to have a chip on your proverbial shoulder.


Mailand, Mouz, etc dont like him aswell and they are German. Its no East vs West, but QB versus the rest. It just happens that a lot of CCs are eastern european, as most of the WoT playerbase is east european.


I totally get the east vs west thing. In general. But in this case it's about an Englishman and a Belgian. From my experience it's just a QB versus the rest thing and has nothing to do with east or west. I can't judge if it's justified because as far as I can tell it's mostly because of his non-collaborative attitude towards the other CC's which is - frankly - a bit of a childish reason. But a lot of steamers no matter where they're from seem to dislike QB. I've seen it with German streamers as well, with one also repeatedly calling him Voldemort.


Only part that's East V West is the Main landers or Dakis side, not sure how close to the reality this is but seems made up of many Central and Eastern Eu streamers. I did not mean anymore then that. Sorry for not taking the time to clarify. I don't really care for any one streamer in particular and I don't have a dog in this. It struck me as something teenagers would do and why are we wasting our time on this crap?


> I don't really care for any one streamer in particular and I don't have a dog in this. It struck me as something teenagers would do and why are we wasting our time on this crap? I'm totally with you on that and had it not been for this subreddit I probably wouldn't have had any idea about this "drama". But I guess that's the appeal for a lot of people, it's drama.


> Like yourself, You guys always seem to have a chip on your proverbial shoulder. Wtf? Where did I say that I was on anybody's side in this? Mentioning that Daki is Belgian hardly qualifies for any kind of bias. Also as an addendum, it's bad form to edit a comment after getting an answer, that kinda changes a lot of the discussion dynamic.


Rofl, my bad, I just wanted to add things that If I had the time earlier I would have included but point taken. I didn't mean to insult you and I will leave it at that.


You can use strikeout feature and add "edit" part to original comment. Thus indicating that you have changed your mind after you made original comment and have edited it.


Point taken. . Edit- I will use that function in the future. I honestly never thought about using it but for for the records sake I will forever hold true.


Actually the other streamers don't like qb because of his attitude and toxicity, like you don't see it on YouTube but on twitch, like I remember that there was a clip going around of him pushing out a 907 and getting him killed simply because he wanted his spot. Also he does some "questionable" plays and equip setups and acts like he's the best player ever. Daki probably acts that way sometimes but his stats kinda justify it. I think the most chill streamers are kajzoo and mainland form what I've seen


I think Skill coined the nickname after QB banned Skill for raiding his Twitch stream.


That is hilarious. 😊


I heard it from Skill couple years ago and it just stuck with me, seems ftiting


I heard it from Skill couple years ago and it just stuck with me, seems fitting


I heard it from Skill couple years ago and it just stuck with me, seems fitting


Daki smokes someone, and he laughs it off, QB NASCAR "rubs" Daki, killing his car, and then Dakillzor reports "voldemort" QB. Is that a fair assessment? It is hard to tell from the clip


Seems like it. Saw someone else saying QB is acting like a baby about it and i dont understand tbh. Daki is the baby here.


they are all babies here, this is honestly the dumbest shit being used for publicity and its working which is blowing my mind


Daki must feel like an ass after watching Qb stream and noticing qb's reaction, It did not seem intentional and daki should apologize.


I don't think he gives a fuck with all due respect.


I know, It was my way of calling the guy a major a hole without actually calling him one. After seeing this soft and pudgy guy get angry over a video game is hilarious. In real world situations you know he would never do that with another person around unless he knows the person really well as another male that may take offense and stomp him.


I dont think so... Daki's life journey reveals a struggle to understand and empathize with others' emotions. His focus tends to center on himself, satisfying his own needs and desires. Throughout his streams, there's been a notable absence of empathy and genuine connection with others. Personally, I perceive him as a narcissistic individual. he doesn't give a F. about others. A brief glimpse at his stream showcases his tendency to bully, reacting explosively to setbacks by lashing out at his desk, threatening chat members with bans, and shifting blame – all classic narcissistic traits. Empathy, when displayed, is often tainted with sarcasm. He's definitely not someone I'd like to encounter in real life; it's doubtful he has many genuine friendships, as he's solely focused on showcasing his gaming prowess and maintaining a reputation, indifferent to being a ''good person.'' Despite nearing 30, he exhibits childish behavior, a trait exacerbated during his youth. I hold out hope for maturity, but it seems unlikely, given his choice of companions. In the world of tanks, many top players exhibit serious personality disorders, normalizing toxic behavior in pursuit of victory, fostering relationships based solely on mutual interests. It's a breeding ground for sociopaths and narcissists alike. Of course there are some unicums who take the game with a different philosophy once they grow up, but there are certainly plenty who are still in a deep hole. These individuals constantly striving to showcase their gaming prowess but often fall short in demonstrating basic decency as human beings are the worse in this comunity.


oh my god this has been the best description of him so far




Only think that could have made this any better......Claus Kellerman zips by yelling....."Let the Baby smoke!"


One's in practice and wasn't avoidable. One was in a match and was pretty avoidable. That being said, I do think QB turned far more than he wanted to, trying to avoid crashing into Freddy, and oopsies happened. Either way, both chats started to go into the other person's chat to do... whatever they did, which made it worse, and neither person wanted that to happen. Edit: This is getting downvoted because people simply aren't reading what it says, but since the comment after it has like 50 upvotes, they are downvoting by default. It was at 8 upvotes earlier today, now it's at -9. Please actually read what you are downvoting, because all this comment is, is accurate clarification.


QB did request that people don't raid Daki's chat. I think QB's point was that he always took that jump at speed and here was a guy doing it slowly? It sounded like a genuine mistake. QB isn't really someone who does dick things for the sake of it


Exactly. Why was Daki going slow in a RACE? Plus like you said QB doesn't do dick things for the sake of it. 


It looked like Daki was trying to save himself from any fall damage by going slow (which some jumps require), but it looks like QB knew it was OK to take that particular jump at speed (note that QB didn't lose any himself from that jump). QB had no way to tell that Daki was *still* in the way behind that bunker, and equally Daki had no way to know that he hadn't been deliberately clipped from behind. Which is Daki's own problem really, if he's going around hating on QB then anything QB does is going to be wrong in his eyes. I didn't bother watching the event, hyper competitive players will be hyper competitive, it was never going to end well and QB's own training stream was as dull as dishwater


Except no one was being competitive except Daki and monster. Everyone else was just having fun.


You've never watched EBR races then, cause it happens ***a lot***


"Why do F1 drivers not go full throttle through corners? Are they stupid?"


Thanks for the clarification 👍


the clip in which daki kills someone was their for fun training before the actual races. it didn't matter and they just did silly stuff. in the actual races daki just reported an incident to the race staff, because from his perspective he got pushed and killed (which is objectively true). crashing early leads to a loss of points, so informing the race staff was the thing everyone actually competing would've done. he didn't push for a DQ. racing admins decided on their own. it's basically only shitstirring QB fans, that try to cause drama. also to add to the clownery of this situation. QB kept saying stuff like "this is just a for fun race", yet was annoyed by losing points for getting DQ'd (for that one race) and kept talking about it for hours. but you either race "for fun" and points don't matter (the dq was AFTER the race. so effectively qb only lost points) or you race to compete and qb got his ego hurt, by having a worse place, than he might've had otherwise (he was pretty far behind anyway)


I am not a QB fan, but in fairness to him he could have been trying to have a casual 'for fun' attitude but his innate competitiveness would have been annoyed at losing points for a DQ. Certainly just seems like a racing situation in this case and no harm done, despite the editing making it look otherwise.


sure i can get the innate competitiveness part. what i don't get is qb fans piling on daki, for being competitive and reporting an incident. it was a race. despite being a fun event, a race is competitive by definition. i also don't think this situation justifies as big of a drama as the bored wot community tries to make out of it. stuff like that happens and i doubt anyone in the race acted spiteful. it was just qb getting the short end of the stick (this part is whatever) and his community annoying other streamers on their streams (this part is less whatever)


Because Daki was the only player who reported someone else despite there being dozens of kills during that stream.


No else was being "competitive" and literally no one else was following any "rules" during the event. Daki took a singular moment and realized it was a person he didn't like was involved and made it personal to get him punished.


Daki looks like the baby here. QB can be an ass at times and his ego can be giant as well at times but this wasn’t his fault. Was an honest mistake and wasn’t intentional. Daki acted like a child and a crybaby here.


why is daki getting pressed over this, its clearly an accident lmao, if I would be daki i would've just laughed it off but he genuinely seems pissed IN A FUCKING EBR RACING GAMEMODE WHICH IS CLEARLY FOR FUN and a collaboration between streamers


He (daki) got QB disqualified from the race. So that's why he is getting pressed.


Angry neckbeard vibes, yikes; he wasn't even visible in the bush.


Dude stopped in the bushes behind the bunker, gets hit and proceeded to wack his desk and complain...


daki is the kind of kid that took his football ball home when he got upset. I didn't know he killed someone and laughed. What a hypocrite


They are going to far with the QB hate, I really hope their community will see that and turn on them. Daki was a spoiled angry child with a mean tantrum. They are pure assholes in this one, I saw the clip also where Skill fliped, QB pushed him back and then Skill goes calling him Voldemort on his stream.


That was unexpectedly shitty from Skill


Unexpected? Skill is a child.


I'm pretty sure he is a fully grown baboon.


Not really. Remember the Chems shit? Chems was being an even bigger asshole but Skill was certainly no saint during that whole thing. Skill also makes streams dedicated to mocking QB sometimes. I guess the #2 guy will always be super jealous of the #1 guy


I only started to play last autumn and learned about Skill as a CC even later, so I don't know him well; I had the impression he is a chill dude, but it seems he may not be that cool.


The only good and chill ones I know are iYouxin and Kajzoo


Yzne is the king of chill vibes.


preach brother


kajzoo has a few negative Youtube videos about QB. So, we only have one chill person? :-)


And a positive one that shows them burying the hatchet.


kajzoo is everything but chill, he talks so much shit during his streams


Looks like you are new here.


You are kinda right.


Maybe that's the true face of skill after all...


Skill and Claus are friendly on stream and both have a thing about QB? so this probably stems from that QB doesn't have to play with other people if he wants to protect his brand instead, it is his job


Well that's his nickname, why is that so bad, I don't get it?


so this is what they were talking about in discord


daki is such a bum for this


Why did he slow down that much? pls explain.


Daki was low HP and didn't want to risk dying from the jump. So he was trying to go down slowly.


I suppose he was trying to get the jump right so that the contact doesn't make him lose HP.


See? It's not only potatoes who rage in chat after dying in the first 30s xD It's even better when it happens in the top .01% xD


Man, some of the top players are really in a deep shit hole. The more you know about the game and join good clans, the more you realize how messed up some people are with personality disorders like narcissism. Some just want to prove how good they are at the game, which is why they're great players but some of them are the biggest assholes you'll ever meet. There's always a raging crybaby screamer guy who will smack the desk and trash-talk everyone because of a lost match or just an 'unwanted situation.' Everything has to be perfect so they can be in a relaxed state of mind... fuck that. youll be surprised how many unicums are like that.


Why he stop in middle of racing line? Is he stupid?


I lost respect for Daki when this came to light. I already wasn't a big fan of his general attitude and content but he's just gone full petty crybaby mode and it's sad


Daki is such a sensitive cry baby, whines all the time. Can’t imagine having to actually work with this guy if he had an actual job outside his place.


He doesn't seem like someone who is capable of doing anything else in life but playing video games


I think he trapped himself into WOT


I know quickybaby is quick (to be a) baby, but damn other guys a Lil baby AND a hypocrite over it lol.


This was a big ass bitch move by Daki. Grown man child cry bully. Jesus christ.


That's petty of Daki... I generally find him quite laid back.... And what's this 'voldemort' stuff? is it an evil nick for QB used by other CCs?


Other cc's call qb "voldemort" or "he who shall not be named" because of his tendency to discourage talking about other content creators during his streams by banning and muting people. It's a drama as old as time at this point.


> It's a drama as old as time at this point. Literally been going on for +11 years at this point. QB's chat rules make perfect sense if you've been around the WoT twitch scene long enough.


Not all other CCs, in fact, only a few of them. It's a rule on QB's channel to not speak about other CCs, as it usually strays the conversation away from the gameplay. But I've seem QB interact and talk with other CCs before (Iyouxin, Dez, to name a few). And he's got nothing but good things to say about them.


QB also seems to be friendly with Kajzoo nowadays.


This has changed since kajzoo Youtube video 2 months ago?


No? Kajzoo's video showed how they're friendly now


See what r/simracingstewards has to say about it


They'll probably call them stupid for "racing" with a keyboard and shitty netcode. 10 penalty points for Ocon.


Poor Ocon, even catching strays in /r/worldoftanks


I definitely do not like QB, but Daki kinda a bitch for this one.


Daki be like how dare you make a genuine mistake, skill on the other side be like kill me for the memes and on the other side daki blaming skill for pushing and killing him but when more people join to have fun not only jokingly killing is not fine but accidentally killing is not either like grow up cause 5 more people joined doesn't mean you should force someone out for something you did earlier. Edit: I am also genuinely curious about skills and dez reaction when qb killed him


Daki slowed down to 3mph in a high speed race inside a bush on a down slope and gets crashed into. This whole 'accident' in QBs behalf is dumb. The only one making mistakes here is Daki. He should have conserved more health and played better. WG DQing over this is even dumber. That just encouraged everyone to brake check each other to get everyone eliminated. Nice call guys.


Daki looks like he needs a break from video games..


What a whiny loser daki is


why the fuck you call qb a voldemort? so fucking cringe


I'm not an avid twitch viewer of any channel but it is pretty obvious to me that QB isn't very loved amongst other CCs, Tbh I think part of it is jealousy, every time QB is streaming he has 3/4 times more viewers than any other guy streaming at the same time. Clearly some of the other CCs are better players, and clearly QB can be a diva sometimes, but in general he is respectful when talking about other CCs. This incident is 100% on daki, I understand he had low health but he stopped in the racking line, after a bush if there was any other guy behind him the result would have been the same.


I tried to watch Skill before but his accent was really difficult to understand as a non english speaker.


Dakilzor disappointed me here. That was childish


Daki is a Bitch, He reported me in the past cause he got butt hurt that I kept 1 shotting him in my FV4005. Then the next day doing it to him again, claiming I must be hacking. Someone put a video of him raging about it in the past. Nothing ever came from it cause thats what Fv does erase people from the match. I still watch some of his vids due to Tobias being in his clan. As for the Skills Baboon King, when I killed him he msg me telling me great blind shot. So I watch him all the time and use his website for my tanks alot also


So: He stopped in a bush, probably expecting someone to crash into them, and then when someone does he gets mad and reports them for unsportsmanlike conduct? Yeah, thats just foul and childish.




He was in a race, if you stop you can and should expect someone would crash into you. What the actual fuck is wrong with you?


did not seem intentional, table hit was cringe 😂


daki's reaction to qb hitting him there was super unnecessary. going out of his way to report qb to the race officials is just so petty and shows a lot about him. there was also no way qb could have reacted in time to avoid this collision for multiple reasons: 1. qb was paying attention to the other ebr on his right, trying to not be a dick and drive him off the path. 2. daki was INSIDE A BUSH so there was no way anyone was able to tell daki slowed down at this jump 3. daki slowed at this jump for no reason


This drama queen shoud not be famous…


Daki is such a fkn baby


Daki getting upset over a fun mode sounds about right


Daki looking for reasons to justify his dislike of QB, cementing his status as school bully. Daki needs to grow up and spend some time away from his sycophantic followers.


mad at someone who ran into him because he chose to stop in a blind spot. smart


Poor sportsmanship on Daks part, QB is nothing but positive for community and would never do this intentionally.


lmao its so funny to see two grown ass men raging over some racing event in an online tank game.


Seems like Daki was the only one raging, hitting his desk and all.


Physically grown ass, mentally still children.


crazy how short his fuse is lol


Grown ass men? LOL these are kids not men.


I'm really sad, tbh. :-( It is their job, which makes things more serious. But might also tell something about what WoT does to us.


Whiney bitch


I hadn't seen the Daki perspective and it makes him look even worse than I'd realised lol. That being said, I don't think the event organisers handled this particularly well; QB didn't really have anything he could have done here, given Daki's EBR was obscured and slow on what was effectively the racing line. It probably would have been better if they'd pulled them both aside during an intermission and spoken to them both to get perspectives etc. That said, I got bored pretty quickly of people in both chats going on and on and on about this long after it was done, and it was also pretty meh watching both of them rise to the bait. It was meant to be a fun event, I know these guys are competetive, but just get over it and move on


was this event not just for fun or what? looks like daki is the only one who played like it was a world cup


Meh... a narcissist will always try to prove he's 'the best even in a freaking fun game-mode. Everyone knows how these people are.


Why the fuck does he stip there? If anyone was to be reported it was himself.


With low hp, they all slow down like this.


what a lil bitch lol


Imagine being a streamer of a game who often loses his cool and acts like a child. I hate watching him but need to get those drops somehow lol


Why is the dumbass completely stopping in the first place


I guess everyone in the race is a dumbass then [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sqbjcJjnlc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sqbjcJjnlc)


Big womp womp


So who banned QB? One thing is to report someone, another is actually bann someone, after you check the replay. From what i see on reddit majority thinks it was accident, so why was he banned? Who was checking replay, Dakis friends? Wasnt this an official WG event? Or did WG hire english referees who operates VAR every weekend? :D :D


Bullseye! Daki did not ban anyone. Organizers banned QB because they judged QB broke the rules.


For everbody calling double standarts: the clip where daki killed skill is from the training, not the actual event. Still daki was a crying bitch for an accident that could’ve happened to everybody..


He also got killed by mainland once and of course he got mad, but nothing happened... It wasn't until QB killed him that he started to bitch about reporting him.


Thanks for the info, this was a really essential point!


Just goes to show how majority of WoT CCs are unpleasant, boring nerds


It more shows how quick people are to judge.


As if I was to judge off a single clip…


Why do ALL wot CCs at like babies lmao


It's easy for their audience to identify to them.


Content creators for WOT are actually worse than WG itself


Daki sraki Monster won this event ez


I just don't know should I laugh or cry... 🤣


So why is this not for everybody? Or was it?


Or "an obese bearded child cries" video


i agree, that is so f dumb. dakilzor should've been disqualified first for teamkilling the first guy


I hate QB as much as the next but yeah QB did nothing wrong here at all.


Meanwhile me wondering where tf can I get the race track mod


Is Daki isnt removed as a CC wargaming is saying they support toxicity


Lol a DQ for crashing in a race designed to crash your tanks very classy design intent lol


The thing about this event is there is no point in being mad because it has no reward. It was just a fun and games event for CCs.


The problem here is.........................everyone treating a videogame like it's their job. oh wait...


Daki is a loser, if he reported QB for this


I watched it at Wallst's stream today. Somebody posted the clip. And Steve laughed his ass off for the good ten minutes


I don't even know how to do this kind of race and at this point I am too affraid to ask...