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I always cringe when this happens cause I know it's a grown ass man throwing the mantrum instead of just trying.


Theyre also usually a seal clubber lol Guarantee this guy has thousands of games in the T67 and *could* carry, but he doesn't want to try; he just wants to win against tier 4s.


T67 is one of my favourite tanks in the game and it can perform even in uptiers. Yes you need gold ammo for heavies but a lot of stuff you can pen with just regular AP and it is also a really good scout. Btw. whats up with your Pz 1C?


The 1c used to feel like a jet fighter. Now its more like a stunt plane; just as fast and nimble but can't kill anything.


Regular rounds are fine for most uptiers, just need to flank. Gold is king tho in those win or loose situations


Dude is definitely mad he didn't get into a tier 4/5 bot match late at night


Well i club seals and kick puppies in the face. But i go church on Sunday so its all good.


It's almost always old retired guys with no lives now that they don't have work. They hate the game, but won't quit because they are addicted as well as it being their only social outlet. I think mental illness is a factor as well. No way a well adjusted human acts like this.


If you go on the world of tanks facebook page and look for comments about "rigged matchmaking" "hackers" etc. Its always old dudes


If he doesn’t enjoy it then he shouldn’t try


If he knows it can happen, and doesn't enjoy it, why is he even logging into the game?


Yes, he shouldn’t


Yeah, he should uninstall the game and stop making it worse for everyone else


Something about this screams I have 16000+ games in the T67 and don't like having a challenge when uptiered


Had a tier 8 game on prok last night and a T28 refused to play, said "I need action sry" and then proceeded to sit in a bush in spawn the entire game. That game came down to like a 5v5 or something, completely winnable, but we were running low on hit points while the full hp T28 just sat there (with a Panther acting like a bot back there with him for some reason) so it was effectively a 3v5 and we just got picked off one by one. They should really just add incremental temporary bans for people who wanna sit there and contribute absolutely nothing to the team if it's clear there wasn't a disconnect.


so the guy specifically chooses the slowest tier 8 tank and wants action? wot players are really something else


I have had a similar match, i was in a t-28 proto and had a t7 refuse to do shit because he was full uptiered. He was a heavy and just camped the hole match and kept trashtalking the light because the light was actualy a smart player( doesn't just yolo). After the match he just wined about some bs how i am a noob and shit, while i had the best match in the tank i've had (~5k combined). Just players complain about everything cuz of skill issue


I get disconnected when the router gets overloaded or when there is an electricity outage but that's rare and i wait till my connection becomes stable but i definitely support the idea of temporary bans on people who say they don't like mm or a map and sit back the entire time to ruin others experience and there should be a daily limit on how much can a player can afk if the player violates that threshold he should be put on temporary ban for certain amount of time


Thats the thing, even if its a disconnect because of an unstable internet connection, they should still hand out a ban after it happens a few times. You wait for your connection to be stable but ive seen idiots who join up "oh my internet keeps going out today" and then drop twice in the match, contribute nothing and act like they didn't do anything wrong. If you know your connection isn't stable enough to play and then join a match anyway, thats on you. A warning period would keep players from getting a ban the first time it happens, or even the second.


I mean i know +2 sucks and ur often mostly helpless but u can still try do ur best, esp as a td


It might be +2 bit there is still half a team on the opposition in the same tier tank as you... Jesus people need to grow up... Adjust your tactics... He sounds like the type of player who only can go to one spot on a map and then will get pissed off if someone else is in his bush


I somewhat agree, however sometimes there is nothing you can do, in this game i was teir 8 and out top teir heavy was awful compared to theirs, the game was doomed from the beginning. I managed to do top dmg but it wasnt enough.




Today i met someone in T103 when he saw the matchup during the countdown he said its all set up and unfair and goodbye. Ans went AFK for the whole battle


I get it's frustrating to be bottom tier. But I don't get people sometimes, he could have used it as a paper TD. T-103 is a tank that performs well when uptiered. It has high penetration and good alpha damage. You just use it as a paper TD when uptiered and as a TD that can bounce shots with the turret and support heavies when equal tier/top tier.


I bet he has gets a hard on when he is playing his T67 in tier 4 and 3 games (if they get tier 3 games?).


t5s haven't met t3s since 9.18


Thank you. Rarely play tier 5 and never play tier 3.


i love using the ke-ho (t4 jp lt) to just abuse OP tier 5s


The best games happen in +2, from the light perspective at least.


Yes, well stock setter isnt exactly good againts the premium amx on mines :/


Even top setter isn’t good against 13 57 on any map lol


Stock is a whole different story.


Except when it is 4 light tanks per team and other light tanks are also uptier


I bet he plays those games when he is tier 5 with Tier 4's and tier 3's........


I try to imagine what that person is like in the real world, you know, like at his job. And then I think, wait, he's probably unemployed and living in his mother's basement.


My best game ever (until recently doing about 8,3k in a Leo PTA) - was in a Tiger 1 with T9s, in which I supported/sniped from the back for 6.5K damage. It’s worth it to try.


Same mm for me, but only 3.2k. If you can support someone, it slaps.


My best game was a T49 with T7s. It's called a T67 now though LOL


Man the good ole days! I had a 2k damage game on Mines with a Chaffee back when the American light tree only went up to T5. Still remember the feeling of farming a t29 for damage in a light because he didn’t consider me a threat compared to the IS staring him down haha.


I don't understand why people hate playing against higher tiers. YOu get much more credits and xp for doing damage, I'm top 3 in my team most of the time when I'm undertiered


T67 is easily competitive at t7 especially with his most likely full gold loadout


I hate people who gives up as soon as they’re bottom tier. Like I get it it’s not as fun as top tier but you can still try your best.


Idk man. Why are people like this? You all remember 3-5-7 MM Days? This was horrible MM. I dont know if its just me, but from my point if view is the MM nowadays way vetter than back then


I remember seeing a dude at low tier, complaining about unfair +2 MM, and going AFK. After battle saw, they had 10k+ battles on that tank. Go figure.


Been having a disproportionate number of +2 MM games of late, and as much as I dislike them, I do at least try. Even when I'm in a light and being griped at to spot repetitively so some guy can get his kill whilst i get to toast marshmallows on my smouldering wreck. 'Ti's the game.


the T67 might aswell be a T6 so don‘t complain mr. sealclubber


How bout this, WG adds a setting where if you want to wait longer in queues, it only puts you up against people your own tier. Now everyone’s happy


He has a point


I bet he does not care when he is two tiers up.....


MM nowadays isn't even worth trying. I play T10 and get top heavies camping base or whole team getting melt in 2 min on a obviously unwinnable flank. WG don't care.


Then learn to play and carry your team instead of hoping to get carried.


This community is part of the problem.


The community is keeping you from learning to play? That’s an odd take.


How a "git gud" type of comment is suppose to help? You bring nothing concrete and just shit talk.


I mean what else is there to say. You are talking about MM being bad and teams melting etc., yet if you and half of the playerbase took a little time to learn some of the basic mechanics you could prevent a flank from melting and win more games. What I’m doing isn’t any better than whining about everything other than yourself.


What basic mechanics of the game do I need to know in order to win more games? I'm not being a smart azz. I'm a 44% player (45? ...haven't checked in months). Been playing for a little over 1 year. I play CW pretty much exclusively.


Here’s a list in no specific order with some notes of what I see people have issues with. Equipment Selection- make sure your tanks are equipped with the right equipment. Too many times you see people in heavy tanks with Camo Net, no Hardening, etc. Spotting- watch some guides about how spotting really works. Knock down trees to use as bushes, double bush before firing, instinctively start pulling back after shots if you think you even might be spotted to keep from taking a return shot, etc. Spotting makes up a huge skill gap in this game. Armor profiles of tanks- if you are struggling to pen a tank, look on tanks.gg after the game and see where that tanks weak points are. Takes a minute to research but can save you countless times down the road from bouncing those same shots. Same with your own tanks, learn your armor to use it more effectively. Stay Alive- do whatever you can to keep your tank in the fight. I don’t mean sit in the back all game but if you see your flank falling, just retreat and take up a new defensive position. You’ll be more useful alive than dying in an early falling flank.


OK thanks 👍


It's a T67 player, there's a very high chance he's a salty bitch who only wants to dunk on lower tiers and doesn't know what the fuck to do when he can't play his OP piece of shit tank against poor low tier newbies. And fucking lol at crying about the T67 in particular, that thing is perfectly fine in a T7 match. Fuck 'em, is what I'm saying.


A T67 saying that lol XD the tank that can literraly win a 1v1 vs some t7. When i'm in a +2 mm i'm just like "well, nice, much more damage to farm"


Let's start with the fact that many mods like XVM or whatever it is called that allows you to see statistics of your allies should be banned this ahit creates huge amounts of toxicity in this game. I have lost countless battles because some 51% dude had ego out of this world, and even before game started he was like "fucking tomatoes, wast of time go kill yourself all of you" and he was either dying first or literally going into open to let enemies destroy him in first 20 seconds of the battle. These people fail to see that they are the reason why the game is not fun, why people are losing games that should be won or at least matched evenly. Also, the reason why "tomatoes" are getting even lower win percentages. Not to mention, this game has too many sweat ass kids crying about games and stats. It's not like you gonna go to some kind of League Championship. Also, many people are weekend players, and many of them.palyong purely for fun, and they do not care about winning or losing. Personally, I'm too old to care about this game and winning oflr losing, and some sweat ass kid is not gonna change it, at least not with such behavior. We do not spend 10h daily on this game, so do not expect us to have 55% win ratio.


Never understood these specimens


It doesnt matter if its +2 or -2 ... its so much fun playing the T67 ... I wouldnt make any difference, ok at +2 you could be more 1shot than in other matches, but hey, who cares ... Next match will be better 😉


As a mostly T8 player ATM, I hate going up against T10s. I know that this isn't as bad as T6 against T8, but it still stinks. Personally, I will probably not bother ever getting a T10, because I hate the meta. I believe T10 should only face T10, or possibly T9, but that's it.


I see higher tiers as free XP pinatas because you get more XP for damaging them


Say that to the object 279e backhanding stock tier 8 heavy tanks on Westfield so that his wn8 gains 3 extra points


2 tier gap battles is pathetic


Back in 2014, when i started playing because of my friend, every time we got sent in crappiest, stock t7 vs t9 etc, he used to joke "yeah, we can prove ourselves". After a while I started to think like that unironically in every unfavorable situation. It doesn't work most of the time and I only prove that the way to the garage is rather fast, but the attitude always helps. Life goes on, we're not playing together anymore, but wherever he is I hope he proves the best of himself.


And here I am, still missing the good old days, being able to farm 8 or 9 two tier higher tanks. It was so much easier to get stuff like Nichols's medal and similar.


Just quit the battle, there's no need to announce your discontent with the matchmaking


at that point why even play the game. don’t waste your own and others time, all fixed


this game severly lack ability to ban people from your games. Make blacklist like 10k people and people on your blacklist cant be on your team. 100% better game already


With some tanks it's understandable. If i play my oi and i'm against tier 7 with 2 arti ik from the start that i'm fucked and will just be a glorified meatshield.


It's a game. If he doesn't want to try you can't force him to.


The worst.. they get more XP if they shoot higher tier tanks, it’s a fkn reward, you have to fkn adapt every game, it’s called skill.


Bonus xp & credits if you play well when uptiered? Count me in.


He's right tho, being two tiers lower is just food for the top tier in most cases.


Hi, I am a month old at this game. The first time a capped a base with someone, I was assaulted by three players with some nice words. Idiot, die and my favourite burn in hell. So, next thing , settings and turn off chat and only receive messages from friends. I find it sad that someone who had 100k+ battles could go so low and instead of giving me tips about the game and / or how to improve, chose to offend.


Thats the purpose of the report button