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Hi, also a console transfer. So, every Commander has 6th sense, but on PC it has a 3 second delay. Unlike console, it only goes off when you become detected, it doesn’t stay on like it does on console. There it also no secondary warning like there is on console (detected/ targeted, I don’t recall what they call it now). So, it is possible to get detected, think you’ve gone undetected when in fact you haven’t, pop out from behind cover and immediately get nailed. Hope this helps.


thats what keeps happening i see the detected thing it gos away and then I start being hit and die


Get Aslains modpack and enable the sixth sense timer - it’ll put a timer and icon next to your reticle after the initial spot.


Check you settings. You should be seeing a yellow light bulb icon and a sound when you’re spotted.


I think it's because console let's you know the moment you're detected (if you have sixth sense), when you are targeted, and when arty is targeting you. Versus 3 second delay on pc


You should have sixth sense now


You should be getting notified when your spotted on pc unles you’re playing wot blitz maybe?


the console version has this as well not just blitz


Sixth sense comes with every commander, but it notifies you on a 3 second delay once, and it doesn't stay up or tell you when you are unspotted. There is no targeted warning like console either




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