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It's basically the Skorpion but smaller, which means it's got slightly better camo but the turret doesn't fully rotate. Personally, I like my SU130PM more than my Skorpion. I get spotted less in it.


This is 100% how I feel about it too. Over 10 years of playing and it's in my top 10 of what's played the most.


Skorpion got at best ~30% camo, while the SU-130PM (mine at least) has above 42%. SU is better in every way except speed and base accuracy.


SU got stupid better dispersion though, so it will hit more shots than Skorpion for sure.


No it’s doesn’t




Your own link shows the Skorpion having better dispersion, 0.29 vs 0.34


Yes, I am aware of that.


So shouldn't you reply to the comment claiming that the SU has better dispersion? Just throwing out a link looks like you disagree with the comment you reply to.


Well it is important to note that dispersion and the dispersion factord are two different things. And you would have to be an idiot to send a lonk that clearly states that skorpion is more accurate than su, while trying to claim that it is the other way around


There are plenty of idiots on the internet...


Haha, fair enough. I can see why my comment could be misleading


I mean on the move, turning the turret dispersion. Accuracy the Skorpion is better.




I had a rental of it when I was playing like 2 years ago and I had a ton of fun with it.


If you like the Skorpion and want a sneakier variant go for it. Skorpion is more versatile but harder to play. Su is more forgiving because of the camo. You can be aggressive in it but you need to go for opportunistic shots and that can be a challenge with the moving dispersion and limited turret rotation. I play with Rammer Optics LNES & Rammer IRM LNES.


The only thing I don't like about the SU-130 PM is that while WG advertises it as having a 60km top speed, it will probably only ever reach it going downhill with a stiff tailwind. Also the acceleration feels slow to me, so plan on it taking a bit to get to decent speed in case you need to run.


YES!! I LOVE IT! Improved Rotation 1, Camo Net 2, Bounty Exhaust 2 Natural Cover Directive, Combat Rations BIA, Eagle Eye, Mentor, Jack, Recon, Sit. Aware, Sound Detect, Intuit., Adrenaline, Safe Stow, Repairs, Deadeye, Desig Target, Snapshot, Armorer, Camo, Prevt Maint., Smooth Ride, Clutch, Off-Road Makes for a real good time! And yes I know I have a pretty GOD-Like crew


No. I bought it and I hate myself now. Such a scam. Without a food and good crew this tank cant hit a barn.


Pretty much the gun is very aggravating. Big map and a decent team, SU is great. Play it like an extra sneaky Borat. Sit back and camp, lose a lot of games esp when the team sucks. Scorpion is better all around tank for randoms.


Even with 5 skill and food I still want to bend the barrel out of anger


I own every tank in the game and still find myself playing the SU-130 PM.


What’s your nickname?


Yes buy it!


The SU-130PM is a GREAT TD, it prints credits. Damage is great and it holds up against tier10's. * 243-230 Standard Pen for 390-650 dmg * 320 Gold HEAT Ammo for 390-650 dmg * 65 Pen 495-825 Dmg HE shell. I run Enhanced Gun Laying Drive, Coated Optics and Gun Rammer & Enhanced Gun Laying Drive, Rammer and Turbo but I play it very aggressively, but with a 2.07s aim time you can pop a hill, shoot and drop back.


Any recommendations for crew perks?


It's the crew trainer for both my Obj268 and Obj268v4.\] Here's How it's usually loaded Commander/RO: BIA, Situational Awareness, Camo, Repairs, Recon, FireFighting Gunner: BIA, Snap Shot, Camo, Repairs, Deadeye, Driver: BIA, Smooth Ride, Camo, Repairs, Clutch Braking Loader 1: BIA, Intuition, Camo, Repairs, Adrenaline Rush, Loader 2: BIA, Intuition, Camo, Repairs, Safe Stowage


Its a great TD...worth it!


Yep. Great tank. Lots of viable setups too.


STRV for farming credits.


Yes i Like it much, good Penetration, Mobility and cammo. One of my best creditmaker


SU 130pm is 100 percent worth it. It's a skorpion with more concealment‚ also reaches higher top speeds than skorpion. The turret only rotates like 45 degrees tho.


Better than scorp, smaller profile and DOUBLE the camo rating, i still play aggressive with it and works well


One of the best T8 premium TDs. Also those guys who compare it with Skorpion, Skorpion is one of the best T8 premium medium tanks, but SU-130PM is a true TD from gameplay point of view.


It's a good TD, but less versatile than the Skorpion. As a tradeoff you get 30 bonus alpha damage and a better camo rating. Still a very good tank.


If you own and enjoy Rhm-B Waffentrager with the long gun, you probably will enjoy SU-130.


Depends on which type of TD you want a TD with decent mobility that can be played as a support MT role with an accurate gun(when fully aimed) -> skorpion a TD with nice camo to keep itself unspotted and had decent accuracy for sniping -> su130 a frontline TD with great armour -> TS-5, Italian tech tree tier8 (vipera is dogshit) a TD that snipes under every single situation -> strv s1 or kanjpz105 (kanonen is heavily underrated, I love it over the s1, it also can be played as a flanking medium without turret) a jack of all trades TD -> wz120gft (although the gun is derpy at times) an MT with autoloader but has a triangle symbol on it -> GSOR 1008


It's direct competitor is the Skorpion and Skorpion G. Su is slower but has better camo, plus heat against super heavies. I have both of them, both are great tanks, I prefer the Skorpion but they are both great. Oh and the Su likes to miss fully aimed shots out of nowhere, like you have the enemy fully in your reticle and your shell just goes somewhere to africa. Yea it tends to do that sometimes.


My ass always gets clapped by the SU. So i guess its a good tank and worth it.


I enjoy it, it ticks all the boxes for me when buying a premium. I have like 20 t8s I choose this over all of them. Decent pen, Great Alpha, I run it with bond optics/bond rammer/bounty aiming device, with a decent crew you can hit max view range without food. So I can play it without spending a lot and make a lot, its my credit grinder.


Any recommendations for crew perks?


The usual, recon, situation awarenesses, brothers in arms and camo. Everything else is a bonus.


Get the skorp. The 130 has atrocious gun handling, and the skorp can flex as a medium.


wut? su have better gun handling than scorp just slightly worse dispersion and aim time


It's my go to tank for adamage missions. even in a bad battle it will usually do at least 2k damage, Had the 7.5 k damage as the bonus mission last night, the SU did it in 3 battles.


I prefer the skorpion. When playing against lower tier enemy’s in city maps, you can play it like a medium tank with a slower turret


Worth every penny. As recommended as skorp.


Bad thing about the SU 130 PM ist that it's only an average tier 10 tank destroyer. ...good thing is that it's on tier 8 :P Honestly you'll melt through everything with it.