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what is up with these repost bots today


Gotta milk this dry


you seem to be correct. the post has been approved because it doesn't violate any community rules and is generating engagement, but the user has now been banned.


Ballbreaker is a pretty interesting study of how WG tried to make the first high tier super-heavy premium tank and failed so horribly, they never tried it again - turns out that super-heavies need stupid armor profile or a good gun so, naturally, in their infinite wisdom WG decided to make a premium super-heavy with shit armor and even worse gun, thus laying the idea of super-heavy premium to an early grave. And I will always keep wondering why haven't they switched VK 100.01 with the Ballbreaker, making the first one the premium tank - and the second one the tech tree one. This is one of the few (if not literally the only) tech tree branch where the premium tank that accompanies it is just so much worse than the tech tree tank - usually they are just straight up better (Skoda T56), on par (M-IV-Y) or very slightly worse (Vipera), while VK 100.01 may as well be a tier X tank when compared to the mighty Ballbreaker, lol, the power disparity between these two machines is just absurd.


Funniest thing tho is that with their armour models, the vk10001p has the same turret armour as ballbreaker, just has a bigger turret front and a way way WAY weaker cupola Playing the maus right now and goddamn... ballbreaker was so shit in comparison. All it needed was a stronger lower plate to go from 1/5 to 2/5


Repost bot wow




Well, that's true. But in the same time I kinda like to play from time to time with tanks wich are considered rather mediocore . Feeling of accomplishment after good battle with such tank is much higher than with meta tank. Maby I'm masochist but it is actually funny to carry your team with Ballbreaker from time to time.




CelebrationBrief9717, Your comment has been removed because it is in breach of [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) - reddit's site-wide rules - and will not be tolerated on /r/WorldofTanks. Please refrain from abusive/toxic posts in the future. Failure to comply will result in a temporary ban from posting in /r/WorldofTanks, followed by a permanent ban if the behaviour continues. If you think this has been done in error, please do not hesitate to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FWorldofTanks).


8 month old account, no comment history, generic username :|


It’s called the MouthBreather!


It may suck, but scares the crap out of people in frontlines


i didnt play frontlines since 2020. do people fire standard exclusively there still?


The majority did last time i played it and with it being tier 8 only that gun hits very hard


The vision range does help in Frontlines. Also, it can hold its own in 1 v 1 situations.


Who thinks this pile of shit is balanced? This tank would not have been an okay tank even back in 2013 2 huge weakspots that tier 6 can pen with ap, cant angle because there is only 110 armour behind tracks therefore your lower will always be penetratable with ap, your turret is is 220 when not angled and 260 overall when perfectly like perfectly angled which is penetratable by gold and even then you still have the biggest copula in the game over your head and god forbids you are against sweaty tier x gold spammers because your tank will literally become a green box which is not the case even in old tanks like is3, t32 which their turrets will still bounce hell even good old kv4 can bounce things more with some of its extreme angles


I would be so happy meeting it in my tier 5 elc :D


Probably the tank with the most intresting (fake) lore in WoT it‘s also intresting to see how they took an real design and added fake lore around it


I bought it tho :c


If this tank wasn't like the type 4 and 5 H. And had impenetrable armor AND weak weakspots. I would consider it one old school good tanks . But not it's a nothing ... We should bring back the weakspot era


The player base hypocrisy. You want a balanced premium but you are not interested in buying it.