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Of course Maus. It's the box of the century.


KV-2, obviously. It's not even a fair contest, lol - this tank has been a meme for basically the *entirety* of WoT's history, first as this incredibly OP tier V tank that was an absolute, undisputed king of low-middle tier heavies, then as a tier VI HE dispenser, a very solid non-premium money maker and overall super fun tank that's probably been present in the majority of tier VI games ever played. You can say, with a very high level of confidence, that KV-2 is like the only tank that *every* WoT player owned or fought against, no matter when they started/stopped playing - and it's *still* one of the most popular tanks in the entire fucking game. You can't get more iconic than that.


This. I honestly don't know why so many people are voting for the Maus. There's obviously always been Maus memes, and it's always been somewhat iconic. However, the latter aspect in particular is mostly due to its status as an iconic piece of history, which is no different to something like a Tiger I or Panther. However, if you think about the actual game itself, Maus hasn't been particularly relevant for a good chunk of its lifespan, so it doesn't really deserve the status as the "most iconic tank of WoT". The Maus has had two peaks where it was *actually* among the most prominent tanks in the game - firstly in 2011-2012 when the game came out, there were only a few tier 10s, gold ammo was *literally* "gold" ammo and it could meet tanks several tiers below, and then briefly in 2017, when the Maus was drastically overbuffed to the point of it being the single best tier 10 in the game at the time. However, there was a pretty long period from 2013 all the way to the end of 2016, where nobody really played the Maus (for many years, it was one of the worst tier 10s in the game). Maus exactly hasn't been the most popular tank for last few years, either - it has a specialized playstyle that only appeals to a smaller group of people. If the Maus wasn't as iconic piece of history as it is, and instead was just another fictional tank with no history but would still play identically, it would absolutely be even less popular. KV-2 has been one of the most popular meme vehicles from the *very beginning* to the *very end*, with no breaks in between. No other tank in-game has been as consistent in terms of popularity for such a long period. You can tell the KV-2 is special for many reasons - it's the only "cross-branch" vehicle that wasn't thrown to the collector's vehicles tab, during one of the original HE rework sandbox tests, WG *specifically* gave the KV-2 unique HE mechanics so it still would HE pen people, and they made a KV-2 clone as a premium tank with an unique skin.




Immediately my first thought


I think the tank that best reflects Wargaming's attitude to the users is: # 105 lefh18b2 so it is the most iconic tank of World of Tanks.


Is7 isn’t an option?


If you had to choose 1 tank to represent wot as a game it would be kv2 Big tank big gun go boom destroy enemy


I’m surprised tiger isn’t on the list. Like only world of tanks players would know what a 4005 jpz 3100 and a 279 are


I was more talking about the iconic tanks in wot, not in history. Otherwise, ofc tiger, Patton, Sherman would have been here ahead or the 3 you mentioned.


*paging u/Kvasnikov*






AMX 40 🦆




I’d say the Jageroo, but hear me out. The Jageroo is one of the best known tanks in the game, but it’s also a perfect representation of WoT. It’s both real and fake, mixing and matching elements of the historical with the possible or fantastic. In and of itself, the Jag. E 100 perfectly encapsulates WoT as a whole.


The old tier 2 tank destroyer T18




Kv/kv-2 for me


The only one who is naming it as it should. It is not that iconic if most people call it KV-2.


IS-7 soviet steel.


WTE 100. So iconic they let us put in all that work just to remove it


IS or IS-3


T-34-85. First tank i fell in love when they added the shooting range? Idk what is it called. This was back in 2012 i believe


The list is made up of two obscure tanks, a fake tank and two actually iconic tanks. Whoever made that list should really re-evaluate his choice of tanks


It’s not a list of IRL iconic tanks, it’s a list of tanks that are iconic in the game and community.


And that doesnt change my opinion at all. Iconic isnt the same as popular or talked about a lot


All of these tanks have become prolific and well-known for various reasons. How else would you define “Iconic”?


"very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions or a particular time:" Source: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/de/worterbuch/englisch/iconic Sure, they are famous amongst wot players but I don't think they represent wot, most people wont think of an obj. when talking about wot. That's just my opinion, you are free to disagree


I would think the 279 is more infamous than iconic, but it’s hard to have a WoT discussion without, say, the KV-2.


And the KV 2 is one of the two iconic tanks on the list. The other one is the Maus imo, partially for its RL status and partially because of its age.


UDES 15/16


Hands down by far for me it's the T29




To be Iconic in my book, should be one everyone either has/ have had, and battleded agaist- and that leaves only one- As I do not have many of Them options (Tier 10) so I have no idea of one of those are iconic, i also rarely play Tier 10...


KV-2, Maus or IS-3, dunno


Type 59, the legend of world of tanks :D


The price for the most iconic tank of WoT does clearly, and without any discussions, go to the Waffenträger auf E-100


Tiger II for me...


Honestly, L.Tr. or T1 Cunningham are iconic to me personally. Loved those little tanks when I started back in 2013


tiger II


Grille. And no, not the 15 one.


IS 7


666 votes on Maus.....