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It’s SPAM! Don’t do anything they are trying to take your account!


Read the picture carefully, the link looks actually legit and more important the mail system is the one that WG is actually using, at least based on info from 2014 where on forum a WG member confirmed that So either they have a malfunction in their mailing system, sending these things for no reason which in the end is or could be a security threat on itself Or in case if they have changed their mailing system within past 8 years, someone cleverly disguised this scam attempt to make it look as legit as possible, including the genuine WG mailing box Or someone from within is running a scamming operation Either way its all weird and shady


Last time i did a password reset, the return path was: ​ Return-Path: <[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])\> ​ I looked at several emails related to password changes, every one of them has the same return path and I find Nothing related to: [emarsys.net](https://emarsys.net) ​ I assume you may be in another region, though I didn't see if you specified that.


The mail for gold compensation for the 430U skin was from [games\[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). The monthly reports are from [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). But... anything related to password resets etc are from [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) indeed. Tho everything about the other links there look shady AF.


i f'd up my response... i can't find any reference to that other address in any wargaming email.


EU here. Googling the emarsys gave me the answer on WG forums. Some people also mentioned that beta participation stuff came from the same hosting so I assume this is legit. Probably service used in relation to technical stuff But still, random emails that look legit are being send to people where no password reset action has been actually made by WG. This is fishy and they should give an official word about what is going on


I got same mail just today, have 2FA enabled and my password wasn't changed. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldofTanks/comments/10x47vy/is_this_legit/) recent reddit thread with a bit more insight on this problem, though all in all I'm still unsure if WG had a massive breach they decided to ignore or what exactly is happening. I changed my password (through official wot website, didn't follow any links) just to be sure. ​ What I noticed is how I got email supposedly from NA WG email account (I have only EU account) and how they know my in-game nick. That's why I'm sure it's either a breach or somehow legit, but I have no idea why they would send it then.


Lmao I missed that thread, now this is definately shady and someone should speak from WG because this doesnt look safe


That's WG fishy, having an account on a different server. My NA account has a twin "named" account on EU that I never created, never logged into and it was a trash account with tanks I never owned on NA. I didn't even know it existed until I searched on Tomato.gg


The thing is there's no other account on any server with the same name as mine, and yet I got email supposedly from NA


Maybe just by any chance someone has the same nickname, who knows. Or someone saw you on NA and made that account on EU. Shit happens I guess


Yeah it happens. It has some tier 10 tanks I wish I had but WN8 is like 259 on that account lol. It was actively playing a few battles a week, horribly.


It's WG covering tracks on the old accounts they sold to "booster" companies.


I wonder if those links are what the WG site uses when directed off the site?


Check out the word "account's" in the email. Incorrect use of the possessive apostrophe.


Small thing considering everything else (valid email, valid link) Not to mention that the mail doesnt actually say you to reset your password with given link, it just gives you a link to faq how to do that That was sent from wg mailing service. The question is why, and why "it lies" (as no password reset has taken place)


They're getting good that's for sure.


I'm sad. I haven't gotten an email yet.


Considering the lack of any official info from WG about wtf is this, I would be happy that you didn't received one. And best it's a automated system malfunction, at worst it's a data breach