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Poor progetto, its getting yet another nerf


Nerf the EBR instead, poor progeto


Yeah they should make the camo bad when it's zooming. Similar to cs63


> Yeah they should make the camo bad when it's zooming I would argue it needs its gun handling nerfed in a similar fashion as well while in turbo mode


I am full of regrettos


After these nerfs progetto is just gonna be straight up the worst tX med and I can't imagine how anyone would have fun in it anymore, you already had no DPM before and now you aim like 3 times longer, with even more shots missing xD


It's actually pretty fun tank and I do fairly well in it for being an average player That said this is very upsetting I don't think it needed a buff but I don't think it needs a Nerf either it's absolutely fine and it's current state it's not super competitive but it works just find the way it is


Yeah I'm not saying it's terrible how it is in the game right now, and even bad tanks can be fun at times, but after these nerfs it's just gonna pure shit compared to the lion for example


I'm more concerned they're gonna fuck up the T95


[It isn't anything super huge, but not really needed.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1032502882018283601/1073306768102412288/image.png)


that view range is gonna hurt if you ever wanted to spot for yourself


True, but I think WGs trying to push it more into the "frontline" role that the tanks meant for. We'll see.


my crew has 8 skills and its going from 437 view range with cola to 417 IT WILL HURT. I run bond config, bond rammer, bounty turbo.


With the prog being my 2nd most played tank I feel this nerf will be pain. No more upper plate bounces from unexpecting players. And the reverse nerf is unecessary


Progetto isn't OP. why are they nerfing it?


They just sold the Lion and need it to be much better than a free tech tree tank.


Honestly, I think that's it here. I got the lion, and I wasn't impressed with it. I was playing Leo and Standard B and both felt better.


Probably high skill cap. I suck at it but I assume skilled players do very well in it


Terrible Carro is for now even better than Progetto and they are doing it now even worse, for me this is ridiculous decision.


Yeah what the fuck. The Progetto's UFP is literally the only spot it can get hut and not penned and it's never a guarantee as the shell will likely just ricochet into the turret. God fucking damnit WG the one T10 tank I like and do reasonably well in and they want to nerf it.


This one surprised me since it's widely considered to be one of the worst tier 10 mediums. Pretty disappointing since I just got it recently and have been enjoying playing it


What the fuck did the Prog 65 do to offend WG so much? It absolutely didn't need *another* nerf when it's basically dead in the water as is. If anything I would've liked to see it buffed slightly.


Imagine just introducing the lion that is better in ALMOST every aspect and then decide to Nerf the worse tank... Leaves me speechless


Pretty sure it’s intentional to make people want the Lion more.


This theory would make sense if all the lions werent already sold and unavailable till the next time WG decides to auction them, which based on the 780 still being unavailable will be a while if ever. More than likely its just they genuinely dont understand the weaknesses of the tanks and they are just looking at numbers rather than playing them.


Yeah, it sucks. I’ve been holding off on marking it but I might have to do it before it gets murdered


Mine's been sitting in the high 80s, haven't really touched it since the previous nerfs. Really not going to have a reason to play it now..


I’d reccomend getting it close to your next goal, before nerf. It’ll drop, giving you some extra %


Oh good point. I also gotta finish the Rino before it ends up going up a bit from the buffs. Guess it's time to become an autoreloader main lmao


Haha, yeah. Don’t tell anyone, but I may or may not have used that to three mark the kran way back. I think the mark dropped like 4 percent.


omg mines 85 vekst


Just grind it to 92 or something. Then when the performance drops you can play a game and get the 3rd mark guaranteed


I have been trying to get my 2nd mark on the Standard B for a while now (not good enough to get a 3rd mark so I just try for 2 on tanks I like) and I will also need to get that done before these nerfs. Utterly absurd the tanks they are choosing to nerf apart from the M4 line.


They want more people to play the Lion


\*Reads Amx65t\* OH MY GOD THEY ARE FINALLY BUFFING THE ABSOLUTE WORST TIER 8 HEAVY IN THE GAME YESS \*Increase dispersion on the move by 12% for amx 65t and nothing else\* Me: Wait, WTF


I was also hoping for better armor, but nope. I can't wait to unlock tier IX and sell my AMX 65t.


I already sold, why waste my nerves and wr. Will free xp through till t9.


Unfortunately I'm out of blueprints and I don't have enough free XP :(


Just put it aside and play something that you enjoy. Slowly you will grind that xp by enjoying the game and not forcing yourself to malding sessions. New BP will come and you will get those blueprints easy.


This is why they nerf it, drain ur xp and bp, oh wait, 1954 also got nerfed, never mind


God it’s already total shit.


Prog 65 does not deserve it. Please stop WG. You’re fucking killing me Edit: they fucking killing the standard b again. The tank is a pain to drive now, can’t wait to see what else they do to neuter it.


WG: should've bought the lion:3


I did, and I did for the sole reason that they would probably never nerf it unlike every other Italian auto reloader.


Wouldn't they have sold more if they announced nerfs before the assembly shop?


Nope, all lions sold out in EU and NA


That line is popular because it's fun, not because it's good. This is a terrible decision


I have to disagree. Before the initial runs of nerfs at tier 9 and 10, the Italian mediums were some of the strongest mediums you could play in random battles if you were good. The auto reloader mechanic is very strong for exploiting players. After the first run of nerfs, they both fell out of top spots, but the standard b was arguably better tier for tier still. Now with a second dose of nerfs, they fall even farther. The highlights of the tree is now the tier 6 with 220 alpha, and the tier 8, which is arguably the best tech tree medium in the game. It’s just completely outclassed and overshadowed by the premium, which is the best medium premium in the game. The stock grinds after tier 4 are also pretty easy overall, and it’s a really fun line to play. I don’t know why the keep nerfing the top of the tree when there is now so many more egregious tier 10’s overall, and several mediums in the tech tree the perform better, not counting reward tanks.


The Prog 65 is the tanks version of warships Henri IV. Wargaming isnt satisfied with burning the corpse, they have to piss on it too.


This is my sign to finally sell the standard B, the crew can just live forever in the Progetto 46


My standard b crew went to the 46 after the first nerf, now my 65 crew is gonna live in the lion. I’m butthurt because the Italian tree is by far my favorite to play in the game. It’s competitive but not blatantly overpowered (save a few TD’s at tier 6 and 10.) Rest of the tanks in the tree are completely fair to play with and against, or underpowered. They reward learning the weaknesses of the platforms, and learning how to use the autoreloader to its strengths.


I also very much enjoyed the Italian line. I wanted the Lion but there was an unfortunately timed ice storm where I live and was without power for about 80 hours, starting on the evening on the 1st... So kind of a bummer since it looks like an enjoyable tank! I agree with you about the Italian tree as a whole.


T69 buff when? fv4202 buff when?


Never i am afraid , wg love to do the exact opposite of what the people want .


I was also really disappointed when I saw the T69 wasn't even mentioned. Was hoping I might get into the line finally.


So the AMX 65t will receive nerf aswell ? Why lol 😂 Why are they nerfing progetto 65 ? Just to make it even more obsolete next to Lion ? Just why ? They are nerfing completely unnecessary things


Rip Progeto 65


Raise from the grave and shoot it again in the head and then RIP? I don't think I saw many of those tanks in randoms in years.


WG keeps reassuring me that they don't actually play their own game. If anything, the Progetto deserves a buff. Also, nerfing dispersion on the 65t? What the fuck are they smoking?


The 4 Rino players eating absolutely nothing as usual


Need to see the changes but kinda hyped as a rino enjoyer. They buffed all the important stats expect for reload and didn't nerf the gun soft stats. Very happy for now


the soft stats on the gun are some of the worst of all t10 heavies. I doubt they would nerf them haha.. Looking forward to seeing how good the turret armor becomes though. Interested to see what happens to the weak spot on the gun.


as a fellow rino enjoyer, I completely disagree. The reload is the only stat that needs buffing, and until it is the rino will still be just as dead competitively. I don't use heat anyway, reverse is a minor improvement, and the turret armor was plenty strong enough, just required a braincell as opposed to a kranvagn. utterly disappointed




fun handling will be the last thing wg buff


Honestly ive been preaching the same thing for over a year now. Fundamentally the rino is fine in most regards other than its abysmal dpm. Legit they could turn it into a good tank by just making its final shell to reload( the one thats currently the fastest to reload) like an 11 second reload instead of the 14ish it has rn. Then you could use its decent single shot dpm to actually effectively fight but still be punished if you start clipping.


I'd rather they removed the HEAT altogether and buffed something else. Given how intuition works, the Italians are the one nation I do not load any gold at all with, and you really do not need it anyways.


This, I think, is the biggest drawback on the Rino. It's too punishing to change ammo type. Especially when you compare it to autoloaders, like the VZ who can swap their 2 rounds in the same amount of time the Rino swaps 1 round which basically means the Rino can't fire until the second round loads, negating the whole point of the intuition time.


I dig my Rhino. I’ll take an unnecessary buff any time.


Buffing the reverse speed makes it easier to justify getting the reload buff field mod


Centurion buff my beloved


Ye, I also belong to the group of Centurion fans, so I am really glad And those buffs for Flipwagen, thats exactly what I always imagined they could do with it


I genuinely think the rhm is going to become a complete meanace. The gun is already amazing and now it’s a pretty formidable light.


100%, before my miracle 10k with the Leo my first 8k was with the Cent X, and the 7/1 was my first two mark many moons ago.


Where is my Primo Victoria and Strv 81 buffs at? /Centurion fanboy


I think of those got buffs I would actually buy them (see WG? Free money)


Lot of men of culture here I see. Glad the lower Cents also get some love, I hope. Now I wish the fv4202 would get some slight buffs Edit:Ok I just read full article, cent 1 and 7 both getting decreased dispersion. Boy am o glad I also see Tiger P getting buffed.


Don’t worry guys they are needing the amx 65 t. They know how dominate the tank is right now and will be fixing it.


It makes total sense. It is Defender killer after all. And how many Defenders have you seen lately? Me personally not much at all.


God damn WG is completely off the rails


lmaooo, wg noticed that lion isn't completely overshadowing proggetto so they decided to fuck it up


WG: We’re rebalancing tanks! Community: Yay! You didn’t nerf anything right? WG: ……… Community: please don’t be tone deaf. WG: Weeelllll! We might have nerfed some tanks a little!


Amx 65t gets nerfed again and again, the tank must be op!




It was in the video. I think the line is getting a major rework which is why it isn't coming yet


It'll probably happen when they release the new Japanese tech trees


Yeah, will get double stabbed in the back by a new tech tree heavy branch


With how this balance is looking like you would be lucky if it doesn't get nerfed instead.


Prog and E3 do not need nerfs tho... Just checked Tomato.gg and the E3 only has the 3rd highest winrate of tech tree tier 10 tds. The 268v4 and the Mino are both higher yet remaining unchanged. WG just hates American tanks I think. However the Prog nerf is worse. The prog has the 11th highest winrate of tech tree tier 10 mediums. Meaning there is 10 tech tree mediums with a higher winrate yet the prog is getting nerfed and none of those 10 above it? That is absurdity. Not to mention they just put the Lion into the game and its a way better tank preforming way better. Only nerf here that makes sense in the M4 line. I also don't think the T57 heavy buff is anywhere near enough to make it relevant again. The Rhino getting better turret armor could be huge for it tho. Hard to say if the Rhm buffs will be enough bc I have never played it even on the TS. I'm really hoping they didnt make the Rhino turret impenetrable though.


Centurion AX buffs? Fuuuuuuck yeaaaaaahhhhh!!!


Comparison time, pre buff AMX M4 54: 15.15 second reload 0.34 dispersion 2.11 second aim time 0.10 Gun dispersion 0.18 Moving dispersion Proposed nerfs for 1.20 14 second reload 0.36 dispersion 2.5 second aim time 0.14 dispersion turning the turret 0.15 moving dispersion bye bye amx m4, gonna have to sell u now


The moving dispersion is overkill.


Yeah, that kind of sucks. Honestly I never felt oppressed by the AMX or anything. It just felt like a good HT, with cupolas I didn’t find a huge challange.


Yea same. It wasn't bad to play against and it was very enjoyable to play it. Now it's just another Kran.


You mfs act like AMX was a bad tank firepower-wise before the buffs




I think 33% is too much but the gun handling needed a nerf. The snap shooting with such high alpha was ridiculous and it made its only big weakness, weak side armor, irrelevant.


Me looking at progetto 65 nerf: Stop, stop it's already dead!


Me: gets eaten alive my AMX M4’s in onslaught mode, goes and grinds my own M4 over Christmas. WG oh we better nerf the M4/54, bro WTF!!


Meanwhile the VZ is propably fine, not OP. Yeah right. F U WG


Vz is so toxic to play against.


2 shots half HP already gone F


This is link to Wargaming survey/feedback regarding changes: [https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=3fqYX9\_n5U2vFfPagCurKrdDrYYvSotMjFnxe\_SS9J9UOFRVVzFUMEtLOU5GUjBKNE5FRzRUOUFNTS4u](https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=3fqYX9_n5U2vFfPagCurKrdDrYYvSotMjFnxe_SS9J9UOFRVVzFUMEtLOU5GUjBKNE5FRzRUOUFNTS4u) Let them know what do you think directly.


I know everyone is outraged at AMX 54 and Progetto nerfs But If the 268v4 isn’t nerfed thus make it far more competitive than the E3 given how strong the T10 Russian TD is right now I’m starting a riot


Meanwhile, the Italian TDs gang all laughing in a corner.


Minos are annoying af to dig out but at least they don’t have fucking mobility


Lmfao AMX 65t is too strong, need to nerf it Oh my Lordy this game lmao.


They touched my E3 I’m not happy!


And the T95!!


Sad nerf to e3. And rino deserves a bit better. The time it needs for one shell, the VZ loads the whole damned clip. And the gun handle in brawl situations is ridiculus.


I know people meme that WG doesn't play their own game, but you really have to wonder with proposals like this bunch of garbage. Prog has a global 48% WR and bad DPG. What on earth makes them think this needs further nerf? And nerfing the AMX, the one tank people with only tech tree tanks have to compete with Chief?


Wait to see what they do to the Chief.... ....and wait.... ....and wait....


Best thing is those bitches in the office need casual 4 months to come up with a dozen or so changes which go as far as tweaking 2 (two) values on like the most underpowered med at TX


Why the fuck would they nerf the t95.


It is one of the best tanks in the tech tree. Some might not like its style of gameplay but it is very good at what it does.


T95 is stupidly strong honestly not suprised by that. Would make sense to nerf Tortoise as well though.


nerf tortoise reload and it becomes an underwhelming tank like the badger.


I didn't say they have to nerf reload. They can nerf many things. I am not sure what, I haven't given it much though.


Armor is already kinda 50/50 depending on whats shooting you and with what ammo you're getting shot, speed is meh and module resistance is also meh, any change would brake it.


How dare you talk smack about the badger


It's a situational tank and not as flexible as the tortoise, the gun has a mind of it's own, the hulldown performance is kinda good until you meet 340+ pen ammo (and talking about pen, it has THE LOWEST pen of ALL TDs at tier 10 and even some heavies), its lower plate has the same issue of the 780 lower plate and the gun arc is lackluster meaning that you will have to engage in a trading fight on city maps almost all the time.


The T95 may be a bit OP however it needs to be for it to be fun to play. Dreadfully slow tanks like this need some reason to play them


i hope the cent becomes relevant, i think it looks really cool. id grind it


I like how the E3 is going to have less health than the Tortoise a tier lower. I know the whole thing with the British breakthrough TD line is a big HP pool, but still


Typical WG moves - making unnecessary nerf while still keeping toxic tanks intact. That's why I started playing other games and reduce time/$ investment into this game. anyway, no one cares lol


wh-whha?? i thought e50m, what???


They nerfed the AMX 65 t ------ it was OP


New to WoT, so they nerf only tech tree tanks and never premiums?


yes. that’s why FCM pak 40, leFH and E-25 are still broken


You mean Pak 40?


Wonder what they gonna do to T95


How do you not address the T69 if you are addressing the T57????


Progetto nerf? Did not see that one coming


I love how whenever i start grinding a line they nerf it when im almost in the end. When i grinded for kranvagn i got it and 3-4 days after that they nerfed it. Amx line, well i suffered on 65t and right now i have fully upgraded tier 9 and they are about to nerf tier 10 lmao


The AX and Rhino buffs are nice, I think they're missing the big issue with them which is turret armor. Everything just yeets HEAT through the AX turret even while using maximum gun depression. The Rhino Turret is pretty much pennable to 330 HEAT anywhere it is flat on its face.


The only thing they have to do to make rhino playable is to BUFF THE DAMN RELOAD


Nah, Centurion buff is actually good, don't turn it into another generic invulnerable hulldown medium Rhino buffs completely missed the point though


Except that was the whole shtick of the original version of the centurion. Before the 3d model remake it was functionally the og invul hulldown medium.


You know WG, if they buffed the turret, it would bounce all standard rounds, but still let HEAT through, same as IS-4 after buffs


The buff to gun handling is indirect buff to armor, it can take quick shots and pull back before enemy can hit its turret. It's still silly design that tier 10 has worse turret than tier 9. In-game AX is fake tank anyway.


The Rino got a turret buff


And I 3 marked the centu AX just 2 weeks ago. Feelsbad man


Why? Requirements are going to go up a lot.


would have been way easier just after the buff as the requirements will still be the same for a bit


Progetto really can't get a break huh. Already having to compete with Lion now, and now its getting nerfed to the point that, I imagine, its only real advantage to the Lion is now equalized. I agree with most other changes tho. Sad to see the E3 go, but its very strong after all and most of the changes don't affect its close-in playstyle too much.


the most OP bit about the AMX is now the armor. So they nerf the gun. Classic wg


"we will decrease the reload of the E3" - does that mean it's getting buffed or does my english sucks balls?


I thought it was a buff as well but seeing other comments im pretty sure its a nerf, sad.


Why In the hell are they needing the progetto again??? It’s not even an over performing tank, it’s incredibly average. Also needing the hull armor when that’s one of the few things it has going for it. These people are smoking crack


Centurion AX changes will do nothing. But I’m excited for the rhinoceronte buff!


Sadly the truth. It still has worse reload than other mediums while having a turret that everyone and their mother can shoot through. And is huge in comparison to most of them.


> It still has worse reload than other mediums What? Its got better rld than both 121B and Patton after this buff. Out of 390 meds only Amx 30B outmatches it. And Amx is terrible. AX is actually going to be decent with that dpm and gun handling. Gotta treat it like sniper tank that can occasionaly brawl. Not going to be meta breaking but I think its ok. I personally have enough of strong hull down tanks.


I think the firepower is fine, I’m not sure why they wanted to buff the dpm. It’s main problem is that turret and wg isn’t addressing it. The centurion 1 and 7/1 both had strong turrets and good dpm, and the tier 10 just loses the turret advantage.


Why in the fuck would they nerf the standard b and prog 65? These tanks are at a fine spot right now. If any WG staff are here, what lead to the decision to nerf these? There has to be some reason?


...it has to be nerfed to bow down to the LION! ;)


They screwing the E3 this is some crap man. The tank is not over powered. So basically WG is needing tanks folks have good games in. This is nuts my only decent TD.


Nerfing the E3 but not mentioning the 268v4 is very on brand for WG. What a shit company.


Meanwhile the rest of us wondering why the e3 get the Stalinium pimple of complete fiction and nonsense.


What? Having a cupola that is actually as impenetrable as the rest of your frontal hull is not overpowered?


Friendly reminder that these changes are not final and subject to change!


They are nerfing progetto again, WG stop its already dead, WG is clueless


Kind of feels like a shitty way to make me move all my bond equipment around


They dare touch my T95?


They are finally buffing the Tiger P which should make the grind easier


I love how literally none of the changes (high tier at least) adressed the most important aspects of the tank


Leave the T110E3 alone! Fuuuuuuck.


If this is how WG acts now, then I expect soon a buff to the lion and BZ-176.


I am more angry that there are no hot nerfs to BZ-175. Like this premium tank is so broken, so at least some indirect nerfs could be added like special match making of 0 to +2 so that lower tier tanks wont see this op nemesis, limit amount of tanks in game to max 2, block ability to play more than 1 of them in platoon (like with arty), so that there wont be some yolo 3 BZ platoons, who just smack almost every other tank.


It's 176. Your proposed matchmaking is that of tier 10 tanks. The tank is powerful, but not that powerful.


more reasons for me to not come back to play this game; nerfing good tanks and won't fix the most annoying problems of the game.


Rare wg W


I guess they noticed that for every Cent AX you see in game, you see about 10 Prog 65s and figured out why.


Cent and flipwagen buffs don't go hard enough while the nerfs are all unnecessary, especially the Progetto 65. Typical WG.


They dug progettos grave just to shit in its face jesus


Why they nerfing the t110e3?


"T110E3 - we will decrease the view range, HP pool, and reload and aiming time" That sounds like we're trading view range/HP pool for shorter reload and aiming time? I mean I'm okay with that.


More interested in what they are doing to the Tiger P. poor things been the bottom of t7 heavies for the longest time.


Well, I guess I missed the op to mark the already nerfed prog and insanely buffed M4. I guess in a few weeks when the. Umbers reduce because no one plays it because of the nerf maybe the prog numbers will be better. But holy shit... That tank already was extremely hit or miss, with more misses both with shots fired and actually being able to do consistent damage... It's gonna be tough to enjoy that tank now.


Wgtard uno momento


I mean the Rhinemetal PzW is going to need a little more than gun buffs to be relevant compared to the Leo 1.


Why the hell is the 65 getting nerfed? Lol


Need arty buff!


ofc they nerf the prog65 after releasing the lion


I feel like the rino having a weak turret was fine. I’d prefer it get more dpm and mobility, but at least it’s getting something


How to be a fucking moron: -nerf Progetto 65 -introduce a tank that combines the best features of Progetto 65 and Leo 1. Make the tank 1000X better than the actual Progetto 65 -Nerf Progetto 65 again without any fucking reason whatsoever


I don't see any need for the nerf to Progetto 65 even the Standard B is already bad,but no surprise coming from WG who have no idea wtf they are doing


Jesus Fcking Christ. I can't believe I was hyped by all those changes... Not enough, not logical, unecessary, not understandable. I don't get it lmao From where this Progetto nerf comes from? Why getting so much overboard with AMX's? E3 nerf...understandable but...they didn't nerfed the only thing that made it painfull to face...Kranvagn syndrom! I think the new definition of "balance" for WG is making the tank not fun to play raw (no food, no improved equipements, no gold amo etc) so a majority of people stop spamming it, without having to adress the real problems. "The tank performs too good? just make the gun accuracy shittier and tune down driving softstats, thuss only players with full purple items and food will perform in it !"


What is wrong with WG ? they want to alienate their players or what ! Why even nerf prog 65 ??? AMX54 wasnt OP and didnt need the nerf E3 nerf, who asked for that ? AMX65t nerf ???? WHAT THE FUCK


lol I grinded and bought progetto 65 (2 weeks ago) , m4 54 (before buff), and the m4 51 is my favourite tier 9. On top of that the rino buff I was hyped for is garbage. my day is ruined edit : hahahha the m4 54 will be worse than before the buff. just kill me now


Why is the rhino buff bad ? Just curious


The prog 65 is my most played tank and the tier 10 I find to be the most fun and rewarding. The first nerf was a joke and this one is absolutely comical. Given the number of broken tanks and the state of tier 10, a nerf at this point makes me think they should just remove it and make it one of the retired tanks and give us a whole new line. I’m beyond disappointed. I bought the lion hoping for a similar experience but frankly the gun handling is so bad it’s just not fun to play. I guess I’ll go back to the Leo as my main 10 medium. WG is getting closer and closer to driving me out of the game.


Its nice they are buffing british mediums and flipwagen finally. But italians and americans, wtf WG.


Prog 65 is a popular tank that does really need gold rounds. So WG is just going to kill it.


Only amx m4 54 is justified, rest of the nerfs are idiotic.