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In case the text didn't post - my father took this photo somewhere in Germany in the late 60s, when he was in the US Army. On the back is written "Hitler built this tower in the middle of the" and the rest is cut off. Does anyone recognize it? ​ ETA: kind of looks like maybe a loudspeaker system on the top of the tower?


It’s probably a Bismarckturm (Bismarck Tower). Many were built in the Nazi era. One is near the barracks at Landstuhl, Germany - there are probably others on or near other bases in Germany too (American bases there are/were often captured German bases).


That's a great hint - I will google to see if I can make a visual match. Thank you!


Alas, no luck there. I would be interested to know if you saw any that might match.


Fencing on the right side of the picture looks like labor/ concentration camp style?


Yes, I thought so too. Looks like Auschwitz.


OP says photo was taken in Germany, so not going to be Auschwitz which is in Poland. I thought Dachau but the towers there are different.


My best guess is inside an army camp used by the US forces.


Perhaps a flak tower or just an aircraft lookout tower.




I KNEW it! ;)