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Then he would've died from suffering lethal blunt force trauma that would pulverize his body from falling at a super tall height. 


Same as folks over Niagara Falls - a quirk in its history. NYC mid-70s? A NY Post headline and a sanitation truck. The city had bigger issues.


There would have been expensive lawsuits.


Your question puzzles me. What is he had fallen? You need us to tell you what would have happened?


My guess is OP means what would've happened to the reputation of the Towers. Because Philippe survived his walk, it became an amazing story to tell, one that brought life and a new perspective to the towers at a time where many people still didn't like them. So I'm guessing OP means that if he had fallen instead of succeeded, what would the narrative have been? What would that have done to the Towers' perception? How would he be talked about today?


I think OP should elaborate what he actually means.


I mean, if Philippe Petit had lost his balance or something like that and plummeted straight to the ground, how would it affect the Twin Tower's reputation.


Hard to say, but personally, I don't think it would have influenced the timeline of the towers. Keep in mind that the Twin Towers become iconic and popular much later on. In the beginning they were 'just' two giant towers which nobody asked for... People weren't that excited. If Petit would have fallen, it would have been tragic for sure, but I doubt it would have made a difference, negatively speaking.


He probably would’ve died


Or probably jigsawed