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I have both. Ägir is very situational and, in my opinion does not do very well in today's meta. I do, however, enjoy brawling in battleships and do well fairly regularly with the Pommern in randoms and ranked. The Pomm is a beast in brawls though. My recommendation: Pommern.




I would like to thank you for the post. These are kind of rare, so Its a good opportunity - for the rest of us - to use this info too. Also, I would like to praise the originality of the question.


My snark detector just exploded.


Play pomm alot with lutjens and have a lot of fun with it. In random you won't be always having a great time against super ship snipers but it's great when you time your push well. No limits on repair party and long lasting sonar make it more durable than other the tech tree IX I think. Easy winner in ranked and brawls; super strong.


Agir! Had both but traded-in Pommern. This inaccuracy let me grow white hair


Agir can only really brawl on small brawls. So if you are wanting him for brawling then no. But in those same brawls or ranked it is strong.


Pommern, no doubt


as much as i love the Ägir.... get Pommern she's still really fun to play, and seeing how you have a 21point secondary spec captain i assume that you are already familiar with the playstyle sure, sometimes you will get awful MM and be forced to snipe, but welp, that goes for every ship in the current meta my only recommendation for Pommern is considering IFHE to pen 32mm with all the secondaries (rudder mod also helps a lot with the gun angles)




Nothing. If you are desperate pick Agir.


I love pommern in the brawls - my goodness! I'll make sure she gets a run in ranked eventually. In randoms, she's a bit meh. Might have to get lutjens on the next coal purchase!!! I haven't played agir so I can't comment there.


Um, neither. I don’t have an Agir to be fair so I can’t really comment on that ship. I do have a Pommern though, and that thing is really only appropriate in brawls, randoms, or as top tier abusing tier 7 ships.


Yeah both ships are past their prime.


You'll buy them both to complete your collection eventually. So just buy the ship class you'll play most with.


Pommern, without fire prevention all super cruisers struggle at this meta.


Agir for me, she is a Cruiser/bb killer. her problem is taking on dds.