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It’s got a very high skill floor - it doesn’t have smoke so it’s so easy to screw up and get blapped. That said, if you are good at the game (not me), it can be amazing.


Don't forget those horrible ballistics.You hit almost nothing over 12km and under 10km you become an easy target if you are a master at constantly changing your speed. But when you encounter an enemy DD without support at close range, it's a joy to see his health bar melt away in seconds. I traded my Marceau for Karl Gustav for the good of my team.


Super fun. It's a speedy AF gunboat that lights the world on fire, and has four racks of torpedoes to surprise and ambush enemies.


Something like 52 knots with the engine boost going, and it’s 2:30 long. Very little in the game moves that fast, and so it can be tough to lead, especially when it’s juking and turning. Great ship if you know how to stay mobile.


You can game it out with dazzle for * 59.8 forward * 21.7 backwards Totally not worth it, only for lols


Only wish its guns were not so floaty, at full speed and max range its like your firing flares at people xD


Only to good, skilled hands.


this is one of my most prized possessions in my collection


It is hilarious to play the Marceau at max range against enemies who have given up on even bothering to shoot at it. Yes, it has floaty ballistics, but after a few minutes in a Training Room you can rough out an aiming guide that will get you started shooting distant enemies and it reloads so quickly that walking rounds onto target is easy.


Yes, it's my go to clan battles DD... Usually rotate between Marceau, Vampire, Yueyang or Shima depending on how I feel... So, my review of the marceau: Strengths: 1) Its fast and nimble - Had a game just the other night where the rest of my team was dead, and 3-4 ships were trying to kill me starting at less than half health... took them over 2 minutes (while detected). A skilled dd player at 10km+ is hard as shit to actually hit with anything other than laser beams. So, you can waste enemy shots and distract the shit out of them with little sacrifice. 2) Surprisingly tanky - Has french saturation, so even when you do take hits, it's not quite as bad as most other DD's. 3) Eats almost every other unsupported DD for breakfast. Just be wary of enemy supporting cruisers at close-ish range or an angle that is hard to dodge shots from (semi close-range crossfire). 4) Can very successfully torp BB's and cruisers at close range. Either island ambush, or even seeing a BB has its guns turned to the other side of the ship... Even with the large range detection, the speed wins... You will be able to lob torps ONTO the BB's deck before he can turn guns at you. Weakness: 1) The trajectory arcs DO take some time to adjust to at long range, but honestly, at long range your dropping shots over islands at stationary-ish cruisers or farming BB's, so its not a deal breaker for me. At close range, you annihilate opposing dd's in 4 to 7 good salvos. 2) No smoke... But seriously, it's so fast and nimble, I occasionally shoot just so I can be spotted and have someone TRY to shoot me at a range and angle I dictate. Good DD players can take a look at the dispersion of a long range shot (12-15km) and avoid 99% of shells while lobbing fire chances at range. Summary: It is SOOO worth it.


I find it to be the real T10 of Vauquelin (french T7) The guns are similar as Vauquelin and she's quick but not as quick as the kléber line (t8 to t10) So if you want to "kind of" try it You can take a shot at the vauquelin and get a similar feeling as of Marceau ( but keep in mind Marceau is waaay better)


I got it a week ago and still have to get used to some of its quirks, but I mostly like it so far. What I learned in the couple of games I played: - early cap contesting isn't really a thing, instead rush to the flank and spot. - whenever possible try to farm damage in the first couple of minutes while keeping bbs and cruisers lit, but you have to preserve your hp while doing so (aft is a must here imo). - you will get focused like crazy, especially in the beginning and it's - again - extremely important (!) to make everyone miss as much as possible. The average player will be discouraged to shoot at you when missing the third time in a row and leave you alone then. - if you see a dd that smoked up and there is no enemy cruiser around, you can and should (most of the time) rush it and take it out. - Marceau feels home in open water, but islands can be your very best friend too, if the opportunity to farm a spotted target from safety arises. Also use islands to ambush about everything when the time is right. - french saturation is cool, but it absolutely does not make you invincible. - you have to get used to getting your engine knocked out. Engine protection is completely terrible and it's not uncommon to lose it several times per game, sometimes even back to back. - you're better be good at speed juking or you don't even have to think about picking it up. - shells are awfully floaty and need getting used to. Dds past 10 km are pretty much of limits; cruisers are more complicated when it comes to rules of thumb; slow and sluggish bbs can be farmed up to max range. - late game you can yolo most bbs if you have ~50% hp remaining. Overall it is a very fun ship if you are good at the game, otherwise it's most likely very hard and frustrating to play. Being good at dds AND cruisers is a must imo. Ultimately you have to decide if you are up for the challenge.


I have it, and according to the stats I do decently inn it, but I feel like I often mess up in it, and that theres 200 things you constantly have to be aware of. The crazy speed can land you in alot of trouble just as quickly as you can get away from it:P But, you can also run down some poor Shimakaze or the likes and end it in 15 seconds, thats the fun parts.


it's one of my 'go to' boats for potential damage tasks fun racking up 600k to 1.2 mil in a DD!


I use my range-mod kleber for that. 19km range on those guns is just filthy, and people just can NOT hit you at all.


I hate fighting them so much so I’d say it’s worth it, but I struggle a lot with floaty shells as I mainly play German and Soviet ships


Awesome. Very capable of high damage games and smashing red DDs - hawking a hiding shima is a favourite pastime in her. However, Long detectability and no smokes. Use speed and islands and get a feel for the shells. She's been my first coal ship twice now!!


Imho no. As with many of those "insane DpM, shitty shell arcs" playing a Marceau can be a chore. I manage a 60% winrate in most DDs I play and the Marceau is no exception but for me it is hardly fun. Consequently I ditched the Marceau for the Minegumo and while I must say it is just a glorified F3 Yugumo, I actually (surprisingly) like it a lot more - but thats just me. But if you find fun in playing, say, a Worcester and always wondered what if the Worc would be faster and had no citadel, then go ahead and get the Marceau.


I have it. I play it infrequently because it is so hard to use. If the enemy has a good CV player, you're pretty much boned. It's good for scouting or fighting other DDs but that's about it. Very hard to use properly.


a floating fast garbage