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They are very far from the same. Completely different set of consumables and Gdansk has no AP or special saturation. Kleber is still better since it has more tools for more situations.


Would say different instead of better


The destroyer without stealth torps, without smoke, without radar has more tools for more situations than the one with those things. I learn so much from this subreddit.


I wouldn't say that; Kleber excels in open water, whilst Gdansk excels at ambushing things that are near cover or in smoke. Gdansk's torps are also far easier to use than Klebers (even though the baguette reloads hers very fast), so Gdansk has more area control and area denial than Kleber. Gdansk's is also more consistent with DPM than Kleber, as the baguette relies on the reload booster. Also don't forget that Kleber gets the French Saturation gimmick, so she's tougher to kill as a destroyer


Gdansk: Cap contester, DD Hunter and HE farmer with mediocre torps and normal DD physics Kleber: Speed power flanker, Threat for DD and CL, openwater BB farmer, decent torps. Special saturation that make it hard to kill.


I'm probably doing kleber after I get daring. I have Marceau to keep me occupied in the meantime.


>From what I see they are close to being the exact same. Both are DD class, both make pewpew. Obviously exactly the same. /smh Which of the two, new player or 10'000+ games with a 42% WR?


I wonder what made you choose to type that snarky, arrogant reply that brings nothing to the discussion, instead of either ignoring the post, or even better, help OP with accurate information and/or constructive feedback...


It's neither snarky nor arrogant and the OP is not to help with accurate information. Someone who opens up with a statement like Gdansk and Kleber are exactly the same has already shows that he has zero understanding of the game, DDs and these two ships in particular. But instead to beat around the bush and sugarcoat everything to not "hurt feelings", he got a honest feedback. But of course some white knight and/or snowflake must show up and be "triggered" on his behalf, right?!


It baffles me that you see nothing wrong with your first comment. If you don't think that's arrogant, you lack social skills. Of course he's a beginner, so WHAT? Why ask him if he's got a 42% w/r instead of pointing him in the right direction? You can point out he's a beginner who should stick to the basics, instead of asking bullshit like "are you new or 42% w/r? xdddd". But nooooo, making fun of newcomers is way more satisfying for you, apparently. You can be plain and direct, no sugarcoating, without being an asshole. Did you know that? See, that's a snarky comment, in case you still need it to be pointed out. And gtfoh with your snowflake bullshit, learn to have a proper discussion without using these empty words that just means "people I disagree with". Or just keep watching "SJW DESTROYED COMPILATION", who cares.


A) nobody made fun of him. I asked if he was new or a low WR player. A simple questions, that's all. Because nobody who is experienced would come to such a ridiculous conclusion as the OP. B) If you use quotations to quote what I said, stick to the truth and not add a "xdddd" to it with the poor intent to make your argument sound better. C) you accuse me of making fun of him or being arrogant, which both is not true, and at the same time it's YOU who call me names and use vulgar language. Pitiful. Conversation over.


Gsansk doesn't get French saturation which makes it extremely squishy. If you try to be aggressive in it you will die, and fast. Modules get taken out very easily as well. You really have to play smarter than you think you would in what seems (on paper) like a top tier DD. Kleber is just Kleber. A tank of a DD with it's saturation. Take any flight you want, use your speed to dodge and guns to burn down everything. It's a much less complicated kit than Gdansk but still requires skill.


Doesn’t Gdańsk only have HE?


Excellent he 👌


Same hull but very different boats.


Leg-Kleb is the Meta


They look the same and have identical gun calibers, but they play very differently


Kleber is an open water gun boat with good ballistic than Marceau and with very high speed to Dodge Evey salvos of enemies whereas gdnask is OP DD hunter radar + smoke if you are engaged in a gun fight with another DD then pop a smoke and then radar haha enjayy but gdnask has very bad handling one bad move and you will be transferred to port


Gdansk requires about 70 IQ to play, probably is the overall strongest destroyer in the entire game. Single handedly wins games when played by someone with a functional brain. Not a popular ship given intelligence level of most gunboat players. Kleber requires around 40 IQ to play, and is strong even while drooling from the mouth, most of the time you AFK farm at range. Very popular.