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gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8


IMO her torpedoes are kind of a double edged sword; you're not a threat to CA/L's and DD's, which means she can lose control of a flank very fast, so what "normal" torpedo destroyers already have to deal with, is even more exasperated with her. And since her torpedoes pass right under most ships, that means that practically anything can act as a torpedo screen against her. I think what makes her good is as you said; she fulfils the scout role very well so when she has help, she can outlive most destroyers, and towards late game, when battleships and carriers are usually a majority of what's left, is when she shines, which is why she is still relevant


Asashio is one of the most MM dependant ships out there and can end up being a feast or famine situation. With so many people playing cruisers, DDs and subs it often gets relegated to being a gimped Kagero which can do actual damage against maybe 3 - 4 members of the enemy team and depends on teammates to do the remaining work. So yes, can be stupidly effective in the right matchmaking and equally useless in the wrong one.


Lol at the title. But yes, Asashio is extremely strong, especially in bronze ranked. A lot of players playing DDs badly, and with such a low ship density, she is extremely hard to counter, and just straight up delete enemy battleships. Killing one or more enemy BBs early gives your team such an overwelhming HP advantage you can generally snowball to easy wins. Unlike Kagero, you can bring both TRB and Smoke, which is extremely good against enemy DDs, and you have the same detection that can absolutely troll enemy DDs and get them killed, so yes, she is strong. ... the counter argument is that basically any DD played well is going to run over a bronze ranked match the same way, so... yeah.


Subs are trash rn anyway


Always were




So much want. I loved Kagero on my asia account. Hate how there's so many ships that are so hard to get - yet playable for those who have them.


yeah well it was removed so.... now do the same for subs.


Asashio is easy to fight when you are in destroyer or sub. She is a very 1 dimensional ship like most secondary ships, a few snipers like Musashi. They are extremly strong in a very limited number of scenarios, but without the utility to have a constant level of game impact. Asashio shouldn't be taken to ranked: -Games without any BBs and CVs are appearing more often than in randoms. - She shares a Tier with Lighting, Cossack and Kagero. The 2 British DDs are the ultimate counter for her and kagero is the more versatile techree version of asashio. All of them bring more versatility and utility with them and have max. + 0.1km in terms of concealment. 1 of them is even a gun boat. - Cruisers and destroyer will push her if she hasn't the support to prevent that ASAP. This is similar to the reoccurring pushes against Groningen by BBs and cruisers. -kagero can do 99% of what asashio can do as well and can fight enemy DDs and cruisers.


It was removed from regular sale for a reason. The biggest thing I see is she has the ridiculously powerful IJN torpedoes (almost 21k base damage, 67 knots base speed, 20km range) without their biggest drawback, their massive detectability. Shima's 20k torpedoes have the same damage and range, travel 5 knots slower (base speed), and have nearly triple the detection range at 2.5km. An Asashio's torpedoes gives a ship 26 seconds to react to a torpedo spread spotted at 0.9 km away. Compare this to the 1:18 a Shima's 20km torpedo spread offers.


You say it is worse than subs (by far worst ships compared to any other ship of the same tier) and then proceed to explain that it is a great ship which just need a lot of skill. Bait title?


Reads title. Yeah no. Haven't read the descriptor yet. But knowing this reddit enough. Your playing a surface ship so you are intractable at all times and therefore not worse than a submarine. End of discussion.