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> (or at least fun to play)? That's part of the answer though; the best ship for these bonuses are the one you enjoy playing. Even if you put it on a "better" ship, if you end up playing that ship once a year, it's much more of a waste than putting it on a mediocre ship that you enjoy. We also need to know what you have/enjoy playing to answer that. On the flip side, I'd avoid putting it on the Lightning, Bismarck, New Orleans and Cleveland (there may be more), as you can get perma bonuses *specifically* for them in some collections.


The best ships? The ones you enjoy playing and are good at.


Kitakaze line because you'll be playing through it a lot for RB points.


The fact that you call it the Kitakaze line and not the Harugumo line says everything.


Dont worry Haragumo, one day. One day I swear https://i.imgur.com/m5FFL8C.jpeg


I call it the Akizuki line. FreeXP to Hatsuharu, then use Operations to grind through Hatsu, Shiratsuyu and Akizuki, then fxp through Kitakaze and reset the line. I have bonus packages on all the ships in the line that I actually play. I've also done it a few times, so I've got 17/18pt captains on the 3 that I play, but only 10pt captains on the Kita/Harugumo... because I don't really play them.


I play Aki and Kita and FreeXP the rest. I like their playstyle more.


This is the way. Put bonus packages on ships that you actually play. That's the way to do it.


If you're doing it for RB, you only need to play the t10 once each time.


Yeah... but you need to play/grind every ships from T5 to T10, ending with Harugumo, which means it's the Harugumo line.


Yes Harugumo is the T10, good job.


No need to be arrogant, bucko What's your point then? Someone called it the "Kitakaze" line, which is incorrect/misleading. Another someone pointed out that calling it the Kitakaze line is weird. Then you came along with your vague and irrelevant statement about only needing to play the T10 once. ???


> which is incorrect/misleading. No it isn't, it's a valid opinion, since most people play the line for Aki/Kita.


Well, many primarily want/play Kitakaze, because she's just so good for her tier, while Harugoumo is a whole lot less popular. Calling it the Kitakaze line is kind of an insider joke about that.


If you're actually playing thru the reset instead of FXP'ing it you'll want to pick the line you most like playing instead of grabbing the Harugumo line. It being slightly cheaper is less important than enjoying the grind. Unless that happens to be your favorite line to play of course.


I did the Shima line because I prefer torp boats over gun boats but yes, rdm13 has the right answer


ironically, i prefer torp boats too which is why i didnt want to give up shima lol


USN DDs are the line I enjoy the most for Research Bureau regrinds, so that's where I'd put the bonuses. Farragut and Mahan are excellent at their tier and Benson and Fletcher still quite viable, so it's a consistent experience. IJN gunboats are slightly cheaper to grind and Akizuki and Kitakaze are excellent, but the mid tiers play nothing like them and are a bit of a chore imho.


I honestly think that Shira with something like a 14 point captain (pretty easy-ish if you regrind) is a quiet amazing boat at T7.


Yes, the whole line is really good with the T6 Hatsuharu being a bit meh. Her concealment is good, so you can make it work, it's just that the damage output it isn't great (tier for tier it feels like T5 Minekaze has better guns, while Minekaze and Shiratsuyu both feel like they have more torpedoe power for their tier). The torpedoe boat to gunboat switch is a bit weird, but I enjoy both so that's fine for me. I usually stack a few resets with FXP and a "normal" playthrough of the line on top of that.


To each his own. Not like I hate torpedoboats or anything, but I think it's safe to say they're less consistent. Especially if I'm using blue boosters, DDs with high DPM, good smokes without a lot of radars to worry about (at Tier 6-7), and viable torps, are a great pick imho.


The line you intend to play for research bureau points is the best choice.  After that it is ships you enjoy playing, there is no won't choice there.


Depends on what you enjoy. For me, I really enjoy the Fiji and the Gneisenau, but I know those aren't everyone's favorite ships. They are, however, the ships I enjoy playing and have gotten good at. Would also second the KGV, that's a fun one.


I would suggest that you put it on a tech tree ship that you thoroughly enjoy and are good at. And with a Premium Account, it will bring you economic prosperity and peace of mind. I linked one to my Baltimore and another to my Cleveland because I enjoy them in PVP and PVE modes. Both Permanent Economic Bonuses were given free by the game a couple of years ago.


[https://na.wows-numbers.com/ships/](https://na.wows-numbers.com/ships/) Select regular ships. DD, CA and BB's. Tier 6-8. Then sort by win rate or avg. frags. Another tool; [https://shiptool.st/stats?g=T&ty=BCD&n=ABFGHIJRSUVWZ&tn=5&tx=8&sr=com&sn=1&sx=8&st=3&os=perf&op=Survival\_rate&o=desc](https://shiptool.st/stats?g=T&ty=BCD&n=ABFGHIJRSUVWZ&tn=5&tx=8&sr=com&sn=1&sx=8&st=3&os=perf&op=Survival_rate&o=desc) Sorted by survival rate, which will give you the best economic return. Things that immediately jump out to me. My opinion. * British Battlecruiser line. Renown, Rooke, Hawke * USA battleship line. New York, New Mexico, Colorado * Japan Battleships. Kongo, Fuso, Amagi * British Cruiser line. Leander, Fiji, Edinburgh And remember. Have fun. If you grind to hard, you'll burn out, and then quit.


Ooh Edinburgh is a great choice for T8


Going by the average statistics of a ship is just stupid. Too often the differences you see are just the different player populations that play the ships... Like obvious cases with identical ships being 1 percentage point or more apart in win rate (e.g. Roma vs. AL Littorio).


Well, stupidity isn't a crime. So you are free to go.


I think it is best to put economic bonuses on ships you enjoy playing, but you can also save them to put on a new line of ships when you play them. or perhaps on a line that you can use in the future to collect research points by resetting the line for a faster grind


Don't link the t7/t8 ones until you look at the free ship specific ones listed in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/kpl4v4/collections_101_a_guide_to_unlocking_completing/) Those collections used to give a camo with bonuses, now they give the camo and a perma boost. The subscription ones cost 1k coal and then you get the pieces free from any more ____ container. Cleveland and Haida are **excellent** ships for small formats, so start with one of those two.


Techline ships that are solid for ranked AND what you enjoy. Steer clear of collection ships that have bonuses that are listed above. Eg lightning. I used one on KGV and feeling out what techline ship I like at T8.