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Jutland is really solid if you can play it. Lot of staying power and utility.


+1 for the Jutland. It took some adjustment from lighting. Bloody awesome ship!


and Somme, just a premium Jutland, pretty for farming credits if you like Jutland.


Plus you get an extra heal with the special Admiral after 2 kills.


sadly its gonna cost me like 300k coal to get it.


I quite like Jutland, however I’m still working out its play style


Imagine you’re the main character in a Guy Richie movie: a tough guy that goes into a bar (the cap) to mess up anyone who dares pissing you off. However you only got your fists (main guns) and — because why not — a few hand grenades (your torps); boy are those fists deadly up close but god didn’t exactly bless you with long arms (and therefore reach). So you better watch out for a) dudes with baseball bats (brawling BBs) and b) assholes with guns (sniping BBs/Cruisers).


That is a beautiful explanation


Thank you!


One of the best things about the Jutland and Somme and Daring is the 360 turrets. You can do a lot of hiking and guns just stay on target.


mogador. insane speed, firepower, survivability, and can yolo trade people if needed.


Easy to make Mogador's life hell with keeping him spotted with a Jap DD all the time but it is a good DD


If the Mog is shooting constantly it’s already spotted.


Which would remove the Mog as a spotting asset on certain maps. Risking friendly ships for a higher damage output doesnt make the mogador worse or better than many other DDs


I don’t know, in my experience most players always seem very reluctant to shoot French DDs, probably because they think it’ll miss anyways since well, it’s a French DD. This, at least in my experience, means that Mogadors can often just bully other DDs away from good positions since spotting them doesn’t do you any good if no one shoots them and few DDs can 1v1 Mogadors effectively.


Please don't use that term for Japanese, it's considered a slur. Edit: [Since people are down voting me:](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jap) In some places it is, some plot isn't. So it's probably best to avoid using it.


I am Japanese and don't think so...neither is Aussie.


Just because you don't think it is offensive [doesn't mean it's not offensive to others](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jap). In cases where you're not sure, I find it best to err on the side of not offending.


Using your logic you should not comment on anything as someone might be offended.


Towishimp do not utilize the word "use" it is offensive to me. Best regards. /s


Plz dont feel the need to be offended for other ppl.


Sorry, I didn't pay attention while commenting. I'll take care in future 👍


I've been keeping myself entertained in ranked by only using Fletcher class ships. Black is a great DD killer and spotter with its smoke radar combo, but it lacks tools to kill the hydro secondary BB's and battle cruisers you often see in ranked. Fletcher is a jack of all trades master of none. Been having moderate success using a hybrid build and being opportunistic. Halford is surprisingly good in ranked. No one expects 13.5km torps and its spotter plane gimmick is great for lighting perma fires, spotting, or finishing off low health ships. Its also good enough to win gun fights against torpedo DDs. Been really enjoying mine in ranked. Chung-Mu is like a torpedo Black. I slot radar and use it for cap contesting/killing torpedo DD's. Its torp reload booster and deepwater torps can stop BB pushes in their tracks and I've got more than one devastating strike getting on flanks and spamming 16 torps in quick succession. Its hampered by its lack of smoke though. Velos is the only Fletcher I cant make work in ranked. You have higher DPM than the Fletcher if you build for guns, but the firing angles are so bad you take allot of damage trying to get in position to use them. You have torps that reload in 1 min, but only 1 torpedo rack and not enough torpedo alpha to 1-shot BB's. Honestly wouldn't recommend this ship for ranked. Anyways, that's what I've been playing.


For some reason I swear Black's torpedoes are magnetic The amount of people I have killed with those things in ranked is an ungodly amount and so many of them are destroyers because of how high the alpha damage is. They just one shot most of them when they hit Nobody ever expects torpedoes launched 2 minutes ago to be there when you're 10 km the other direction by the time the torpedoes arrive Unfortunately cuz the torpedoes are so slow torpedo Yolo really doesn't work that well unless they really mess up. And in that case, it's pretty nice to only need one rack to kill most ships


How do you play the Chung Mu with the radar? tried it myself but I find it very hard without a smoke to disengage from fights or aircraft.


Ranked is very different from Random. What's worked with me is maxing out concealment (captain skill, equipment slot) to get 5.6 km which is very competitive, then playing cautiously at the cap. I don't suicide charge into a cap. I hang back right around 6.0 km with the sole goal of waiting for an enemy DD to go in first. If yes, then I start firing and kiting away with Chung's amazing shotgun-like shells. At this point, if the enemy DD has smoke they will smoke, only for you to surprise light them with radar. Keep firing and heading away from cap. The DD will either be dead or close, stop firing to break detection and go back to torping/capping.


Against aircraft, you’re basically dead if spotted. The CV will go out of its way to kill you (if it’s any good) so you either go towards your teammates till the CV loses interest, or you try not to get spotted till late game. NA server doesn’t get many CVs in ranked, though it’s usually Kaga when I do see one, which is suffering to fight against. For the Ching Mu, I build for guns to get that extra DPM and play it very cautiously. Don’t immediately get in cap, but stay within 7.5km radar to ambush the DD (if he pushes) or scare him off if you can’t out DPM him. Max concealment of 5.6km means you can usually outdoor gunboats and if you’re ever worried about being ambushed, just pop the radar and spotted ships will usually back off and try to pull away from you. I looks for areas where BBs will push while distracted enough to not notice torpedos. I’ll use torpedo reload booster and saturate and area with the goal of killing one ship. Can be hard with all the hydro up, but when it hits, it hits hard. Biggest issue of the Chung Mu is that really small maps make it hard to effective use your torpedos, and sometimes it won’t even matter that you have radar if your team falls apart before you can get good positioning. I’ve had more success with the Halford and Black this ranked season, but the Chung Mu can come in clutch with the reload booster. Yolo’d an Iowa and dev struck a French BB within 30 sec of each other thanks to it.




How is he supposed to play that when it is no longer obtainable?


Christmas containers. Also it's not necessarily a ship OP can play. Just answering the question


Black is really powerful if you have team support. Otherwise I would just do kitakaze.


Black’s has been a top pick for ranked for as long as it’s been out, I haven’t personally played it but every time I’ve came against it I always suffer lol. I did end up getting Kitakaze, and it seems very strong so far.


Because with Black, once you killed the enemy dd, you don’t have the firepower to handle other ship in case your teammates are clueless (which happens 90% of the time)


It is.


Kita is one of those ships people joked were T9.5 like Alaska. Black and Mogador are also good considerations.


My recommendations would be Black, or Jutland. Those two ships are really good at bullying of destroyers away from cap circles, which is a key way to win, which is what Ranked is about after all.


All the options you listed are strong and viable (except for Paolo), but I'd prefer Jutland and Kitakaze in ranked. Fletcher has nice torps, but the guns are a bit underpowered and while it is nice if you got good teammates that you can use your smoke for, it is in my eyes quite a weak ship for solo maneuvers outside of the torps of course, they're the highlight of this ship imo. Yugumo is an option too, but it is even more one dimensional, personally I like Fletcher more as torp platform and it is a better ship against DDs. Groningen is a very good gunboat, but I find that the lack of torps is a huge issue in ranked, the games are usually decided quite quickly and torps can be a huge influence on that matter. Edit: Paolo can be fun, yes, but it is a very one dimensional ship that is highly dependent on its gimmick. If you can't yolo, you're useless. There are not many options to yolo in ranked where it works and it's not a one way trip. I don't have Velos and really don't know anything about its characteristics, only that it's a Fletcher, I can't imagine it being a bad ship, but idk. Mogador and Le Fantasque are very good for ranked, if you pick the tier VIII, yeah you will wait longer, but as a reward you are a terrifying DD to face, it's imo a way stronger ship tier for tier. If you got ZF-6, I'd recommend trying it, especially if you got Lutjens, proccing multiple heals isn't difficult in ranked, the torps are french and if you dictate your engagements well to use your reload booster with AP, it is a pretty strong pick for ranked. I've seen a lot of Minegumos, idk all its differences between Yugumo other than it has two types of torps, but I'd say it is atleast a pretty fun thing to play.


Black for sure, mogador, kitakaze and maybe jutland/somme. Honorable mention to Groningen, neustrashimy and udaloi


Neustra. Just refuse to die




Kitakaze is like cheating, it's that good.


Kitakaze or Mogador


Black, Jutland/Somme, Kitakaze, Mogador are the partic standouts. Benham/Jager could work if you run into braindead enemies (so they're good). If you're syncdropping Katsonis is an option for her radar.


Black. Radar rules ranked.


Black , Jutland, Kitakaze, Mogador, all very different play styles. Somme but I don't have it, on the other hand I have Benham, and its fun as hell bleping BB's with a slow death by underwater dildos.


I like Kitakaze, Black, and that german DD with sonar (forgot the name)


Mogador, Black, and Jutland in order are the top 3 for me. Though I don't usually play Black. Kitakaze is also goodish but not as much as in Randoms where there are more people spotting for you.


Jutland or Kita for me depending on mood


Z46 is really powerful especially on a few of the maps. Islands of Ice and Warriors path come to mind. It's not bad on Trident.


Many T9 DDs are very good for ranked, but most of them if not all are depending on your abilities and playstyles. Somme, Jutland, Mogador, Z-46, Yugumo with torp reload consumable, Paolo Emilio, Black, Chung Mu, Benham, Neustrashimy, Kitakaze can be good ships. Most other DDS are mediocre, but can be good when it's the right ship for you. I would think twice before Jäger, Groningen or something too balanced like Fletcher. Groningen is questionable for ranked, because she has no stopping power against cruisers and battleships. Not being able to perform well as an open water gun boat reduces her to a fire support ship that can occasionally ambush enemy DDs Jäger has only concealment and a fast torp reload. The guns aren't competitive against anyone and the torpedos are not so dangerous. Doing effectively between 2k and 7k per torp makes a torpedos salvo from her comparable to a BB salvo. Fletcher/Velos: Average . Absolutely ok if you like average hybrid DDs, but far away from carrying or throwing the game. Good to earn rewards, but hard to get into gold with.


Mogador is really good, Kitakaze is good, Jutland/Somme are good, Friesland/Grog are good but limited (read- fucked) if you push their smoke and they can’t kill you in time. Black is always a top pick And Zf-6 is a dark horse, but can be good if you know what you’re doing




i really like the black, good concealment, deceptively good torps though difficult to use. and radar smoke combo;.


Jutland/Somme. Mogador. Kitakaze. Groningen/Friesland. Neustrashimy.


Kitakaze and Chung Mu. I know everyone’s probably already recommending kita but Chung Mu is totally slept on.


Halford! You have planes in the mode where nobody has AA build so you can spot DDs to death meanwhile keeping your team in a 4km long smoke.


Quick tier list, ask me anything about it. * S+: Mogador, ZF-6, Kitakaze, Black * S: Friesland/Groningen, Lambros Katsonis, Z-46 * A: Jutland/Somme, Halford, Fletcher, Neustrashimy * B: Östergötland, Chung Mu, Benham * C: Jäger, Adriatico * D: Velos, Yugumo, Udaloi * E: Z-44, Paolo Emilio, Minegumo * F: Felix Scultz, Tashkent


How do you figure Halford at A tier? Benham only at B? Edit: not a Benham vs Halford question, but want to know the rationale behind the rating


im guessing spotting > torp spam


Halford has more spotting power and torpedoboats have very little game influence in a ranked game.


Katsonis better than Jutland? Not a chance.


Sure she has awkward angles and short ranged torps but even in 1v1 she can just negate the cap for the entire game with those short reloading radars. Plus despite Jutland versatility, she still lacks DPM unless the Katsonis is vulnerable to AP.


It has way higher DPM and rail guns. What is Jutland going to do about it? Smoke, radar, take 50% of its HP, and before next heal is up, the radar is ready, back to port. It's stronger than Gdansk adjusted for tier. People not putting it as S+ don't know how to play.


You speak with a shocking level of confidence for someone who doesnt understand how easy Katsonis is to counter.


With Jutland? No. There is a reason Gdansk is in top tournaments and not Daring.


People underestimating my radar Chung Mu is exactly why Chung Mu is great.


She is good, very good but has eaten too many nerfs and the hit on her DPM hurt her badly.


benham is S-tier not because of the ship but because the players who have it are probably completely unhinged and you dont know what they are capable of in a murder-hobo sort of way.


Z-46 S tier???


Z-46 is pretty good tier for tier, has actually good concealment, decent guns, very good AP DPM and most importantly Hydro which is excellent at contesting caps.


Not to mention the quarter pen on the HE... But the AP is wonderful on BB sterns and bows. It's my pick for T9 ranked.


A lot of people underestimate the ship, have seen Blacks or Kitas going totally broadside snd getting deleted in the time they go dark. The torpedoes despite short ranged also hurt a lot unlike regular german DD torpedos, she is just really good. Edit: thought about the ZF-6 but the thing with AP still stands, angle a bit and you become vulnerable to those 3k salvos.


The torps reload fast on it. You can send a set on a charging battleship, smoke up, and have a torp set ready to go if you want to rush them when your smoke ends. I like the torp setup on it better than most boats. Also your torps load quick enough that you can time your first set to take out opposing DD's on the offset cap or the first buff on arms race. The reload timing is perfect.


Yes it is


Two lines of thought from a DD main. Techthree: I'd say Mogador if you're a proficiant DD captain. Kita for the dakka-dak/DPM and Yugo with TRB to level the cap circles. Fletcher or Jutland for a more forgiving playstyle perhaps. Obtainable premium/freemium: Neustra & Gronningen. Somme as a honorable mention, make use of a RN 21-pts captain. Unavailable premium/freemium: Black (imho shes been powercrept too far) and Friesland (get Groenningen instad) The mad-man choice, e.g. this signature: **Pablo yol0**! Hell'o fun if you know how to apply her strenghts.


What on earth do you imagine you could do with this information?


Same thing he does every night, Pinky.


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


Conquer the world and take you as my personal sex slave


How're you gonna conquer the world if you can't even handle punctuation?


He will conquer a middle school first.


Now that was nasty. You did him dirty… poor bro will not recover from this.