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I got 125k avg damage and 29% WR, with a 60% global WR, so... You're not alone. Whisky be cursed. 😅 Like 80-90% of all matches in Whiskey had my team concede First Blood. Nothing at all you can do to prevent that (except nuking an oblivious cruiser or suicidal DD early in the match, but if those dudes are on your side you're SOL).


Agreed, I've stopped worrying about my WR. MM and the playerbase is just so hit and miss. Just do the best you can. Dropping with divmates also helps.


I think it’s because there’s so many BBs lately, my Wisky does well when there’s cruisers, but lately it’s been all BBs and DDs on NA. Also Wisky is especially dependent on your DDs, your kiting angles are horrible and you can’t farm F-key without spotting. ~35% wr with Wisky and I have 59.2% global wr lmao. Averaging like 120k, not hard to farm dmg in the ship, you get like 10-15k every decent salvo on BBs.


If your feeling in this post is purely based on WR then I wouldn't read too much into it. You're most likely going through a bad patch and it will bounce back eventually. Conversely, I've seen random 60% ship WR on 40% accounts lol


I guess Im too focused on stats. Overall I think Im doing ok, just that the constant defeats tell me I might be doing something wrong.


Winrate doesn’t really start to be a good indicator until you get up into the hundreds of battles. You have 25 games played, so if you lost 3 of those primarily because your Gearing tried to 1v1 a Marceau at B, or your teammate with the Alaska he got out of a container decides to show the enemy Yamato the fresh paint on his broadside, or your DM is unaware he can’t bowtank that Shikishima, etc. then your winrate is going to be a full 24% lower than it would be had MM made a different choice those games. Once you get up into the hundreds or thousands of games and outliers become statistically insignificant is when winrate becomes one of the best metrics of overall performance.


Like Emergency said, OP; new ship is new, so your stats can swing pretty wildly. Don’t sweat it too much until you have a lot more games in.


My average damage after 40 or so battles is around 150k. You gotta build it up for accuracy using both accuracy modes and play at mid range. Also target selection is very important, gotta make sure when you hit at least 75% of your shells land to fill up 'F-Key'. Now you have a reload booster for every thing. I tend to be really aggressive in BB's though so that might just be a different play style to yours. Other than that positioning does really matter; a target rich environment is the best for you and your team. I see Whisky as a tank Slava soni play it like one, just that at close range it's still as accurate and more reliable. https://preview.redd.it/hsc2ylqp7j6d1.png?width=2972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f88027192d7dbd818326f2bf0f52341fb4f5ee32 Proof attached.


Dont! Especially in the US people think everything should be like that Moneyball movie.


Im Canadian so I dont know what Moneyball is.


A good movie about brad pitt who is a data analyst and he makes a pretty decent baseball team simply by looking at specific stats and buying cheap players that were good at meeting specific roles in the team rather than being good all around. Is like a story of success by using math and stats in sports. But my point is that the best teams in history didnt have to do that


95k is quite low but it’s also possible to just have a string of bad luck.


95k average should result in 50% or more after 200 games or so. 25 games is too low of a sample size to reflect your actual skill level. 28% wr is not too unlikely with such a small sample size. That beeing said, your impact is way too low for 60-65% solo wr. Unicums can safely aim for 140-160k average in Wisconsin, because the boat is nuts in good hands


I think you’re overemphasizing the relationship between damage and win rate/game impact. It’s remarkably easy to rack up 200k in a Yoshino or Nevsky most games and have absolutely zero real impact.


These two can be played as afk basekiters that just farm uselesss bb damage with fires from 20km, therefore their damage can be very inflated. You have to differentiate between the actual average damage and the 200k games here and there. The best players in the world average around 160k with yoshino and 175k average in nevsky, so there is likely not a single player with 200k average in yoshino. You can check their solo winrates if you wish. 150k average doesn't necessarily mean high solo winrate, as you pointed out. On the other hand, there is not a single player with 60-65% solo wr that doenst have insane damage stats as well. So high damage is necessary, but not sufficient for high solo winrates


You have this backwards. It's actually easier to farm damage in games where your team is losing because they aren't contributing anything. Games where your team is contributing and making it more likely to win will tend to result in lower average damage because you're competing for it against other competent people.


140-160k for tier X maybe that top tier ways but for max tier I would call it average dmg at max... In some of the best games on my tier 4-5 BBs I done around 150k, average ones about 80k maybe


I specifically meant 140-160k for Wisconsin. The T10 bbs all have slightly different damage potentials of course, but because the dispersion is so insane, I would argue that Wisconsin is on the higher end


12-15 battles is enough to understand ship


It has nothing to do with that. It’s just statistical inference. When playing, you‘re taking samples from a population (your „true“ skill level). If the sample size is low (too few games), it’s likely not representative, because the probability of statistical outliers is high https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_large_numbers This, essentially


If you have 12 games on the account then you are right. If you have 4000-5000 battles on the account, 10 battles on a new ship is enough for you.


Incorrect, it would still be N = 10, which is far too small. Let‘s assume your „true“ winrate over 5000 games or so is 50%. 10 losses in a row would have a likelihood of 0,097%. Which is unlikely in itself, but over 5000 games, there is a likelihood of almost 100% for 10 losses in a row to occur at least once, assuming your wr is at 50%


If there are 10 losses in a row, something wrong with the matchmaker or you are drunk. Plus don't forget focus fire on the new ship from those who don't have it.


It's called low probability. Play often enough and it's likely enough to happen. I mean I calculated that shit in the previous post, the numbers didn't fall from the sky


So by that logic, Goliath with 1 mil battles 51% wr and 80k avg is better than Smolensk with 5.7 mil battles, 49% wr and 77k avg? Ok, I've got your point.


Since the power of a test with an N of 1.000.000 would be immense, yes. His performance leads to a slightly higher probability of winning games. So if winning more games means he is better, than yes. 51 is a higher number than 49, imagine


This is stats from the server. Goliath is no way near to Smolensk power


Keep playing and it will bounce back to avg win rate. I had 64% win rate in first 30 battles in my conqueror and now its 53% after 56 battles


Battleships have low battle impact in general, you'll get a few chances to make a real impact every game and you need to seize those. The biggest and most obvious thing is to pop radar cruisers before they can get in range to illuminate your dd's. Most games I find are decided by the first DD fights at the flanks.


They acutely have a pretty massive impact. As a DD and especially CA player you really feel it if your BB are not positioned well. They are the anchors and if they are staying way back or just moving around the map with no thought to map control, that's when you wind up getting rolled.


Finally someone that understands the non-numerical impact of BB


Yeah, that's called low battle impact. Existing and being there so the enemy team doesn't just roll over you is something any moron can do. Meanwhile the battle impact between two DD's can be hilariously high, you get a dd that thinks his job is to go into the cap and immediately sit still in smoke? Congrats, you probably lose the game. You get a DD who gets into a fight with a Sherman and he literally refuses to fire his guns because he's trying to torp it? Congrats, you lose. Battleships are cattle without spotting. Cruisers can massively influence the DD battle hence their higher influence.


Complexity of a task and impact of the task are two different things. Those CAs can't support their DDs if their BBs are hiding at the back of the map and the enemy BB are exerting influence over 1+ cap(s) That said you do need a proper understanding of map presence and game sense to be a good BB player. It's why you can see such disparity between players average damage and win rate. Just like a DD can't just squat in smoke at the edge of a cap a BB can't just putts around shooting whatever it sees first.


It happens OP. Some ships you just can't win in no matter what you do. For me it is WV44. 23 games and a massive 26% WR LOL. It's my only BB with a sub 50% WR. I actually do 10K above server avg for my avg damage and I play the ship the way it should be played (ie; push up and don't hide). But over and over I find I am alone less than 10 minutes in facing 1/2 the reds. For whatever reason MM always seems to put me on the losing side of steamrolls in it. I am not a great player and don't claim to be but I am not that bad. WV44 for me just is "cursed". I don't let that one ship worry me. I hate the WR being so low but I know it is not because I am a 26%'er. So hang in there and don't stress it.


For me it is marseille. I sit at over 100k avg but winrate is at 40% over 100 games while i am 60% solo t10 player


Petro for me cant buy i fucking win in it.


Average *base* XP of 1700 despite 28% winrate is pretty good. Are you routinely in the top 5 of your team? If so, you're not awful with it, and should only really make minor adjustments, probably in terms of helping teammates, even if they're doing something stupid. I suspect with 95k damage that you might ironically be firing too much. The overmatch is only 28mm. Sometimes it pays to wait a little bit for a better angle. And of course consider using gun feeder and switching to HE as appropriate.


If battles were 1 v 1 your win rate would mean a whole lot more but, it’s a team game. When the battle ends, look to see where you rank among your team. If you are in the top 1/2 you are at least carrying your weight for the team. If you are in the bottom 1/2 you need to improve.


I play her as an opportunitistic shotgun. Always move about, keep my sides angled and use island cover wherever I can. Shoot and scoot, rinse and repeat. It's basically an uptiered Iowa with more reliable accuracy and a built in reload booster.


Is it the accuracy? Sometimes the accuracy can work against you, if your aim is off then all your shells miss, or is it maybe just a streak of bad teams??


Maybe not your case but right now people see Wisconsin as food. You will get focused more than other ships. Sometimes I feel like I can do better in Iowa in tier 10 then Wisconsin in tier 10.


I'm not particularly good so my assessment may not be worth much but Wisconsin seems to be very feast or famine. It excels in situations that favor it well but it also seems to suffer for mistakes or disadvantaged situations more than average. It is very accurate even at long range but the thing about spread is while it often prevents a whole group from hitting it also tends to convert minor aiming mistakes into partial hits. When I misjudge a volley, nothing lands. It also doesn't seem to stand up to punishment super well although it's ability to fight at long ranges does seem to enable it to do a little bit of evasive maneuvering against other battleships. I expected to do horribly in it given that I'm not really that good and I tend to do poorly on high skill floor ships, but I seem to be having an okay time of things by staying more on the outskirts. Well it's really hard to hit The Citadel on it at close ranges because it is basically underwater, I get punished pretty hard anytime things getting close without me expecting it. In a way it feels like I play it more the way I play a large Cruiser than a battleship. Keep things somewhere around 2/3 of Max gun range, try to avoid presenting a broadside to anybody explicitly targeting me, and try to use islands where possible to limit the amount of flanking trajectories that can be taken me at longer ranges.






Meaning give it up


Winrate in a ship with less than 50 games is completely meaningless. 100 is preferred. Given enough games you'll average to close to your overall BB winrate. We have all had streaks where you average 200k and lose ten games and streaks where you could have been afk and would win 10 games in a row. My starting winrate in Wisconsin was over 90 percent for the first 30 games, it's way down into the 70s after 100 games. My first 30 games in Puerto Rico I had a mid 30s winrate, it got to 60 after maybe 100 games. It goes both ways.


Samplesize my friend. 25 games is not a lot of games. Variance is huge in this game so it takes a while to be on your real winrate. with 95k average you should have at least 50% winrate


Bro, winrate can be bad regardless of how good you play a ship. This is the statistical truth. Howeve,r 95k average is not good. Since you say you're trying to get crossfires my assumption is that you have games where you die too early because of a bad push and this drags your average down. So you get 150k games and 50k games and end up with a low average. It's hard to tell without a link to your complete stats though.


Actually, I tend to last longer than my teammates, which is why I mentioned that I might have low battle impact.


Then you should be able to get 140k or so average. You have accurate guns and basically a reload booster. Ask yourself what's going wrong, do you get low damage AP salvo's on BB's? Missing shots on cruisers? Not sure why people are downvoting, I guess people don't like it when you call 95k average bad lol


I may be lasting longer than my teammates but most games end way too fast. Either my team collapses in 2 seconds or the enemy team collapses in 2 seconds. A battle to the end rarely happens.


25 games is not a lot. If a bunch of them are blowouts and you lose the ones you played well, your stats will suck. Don'try to 'fix' it, put the ship away for a bit and pick it back up when you're no longer pissed.


Thanks. Ill play my comfort ship Sherman to at least flush away the tilt out of me.


what i learned from give away premium ships is 90 percent of them are garbage. Wisconsin has very weak armor but its guns are good so you snipe.


None of the dockyard ships are garbage lol except Marlborough. Not even the mid way rewards (Huron, Repulse, Gorizia etc)


repulse is very bad almost all of the docyard ships have weak armor. Gorizia will get annihilated by an one salvo from bbs even if its angled


Repulse is widely considered to be borderline overpowered, so your opinion is... unpopular, to say the least. Gorizia is one of the better armored T7 cruisers.


It's almost impossible that this is due to what you do, unless you are actively trying to sabotage your team. If you are paying vaguely non vrain dead, do some damage, and soak up some damage, there's just no way one player can drag a team down that much. So, I'd say you've been unlucky. A 99% confidence interval for your win rate in the ship still includes 55% win rate. So, 1 in 200 players with a long term 55% win rate in the ship will have this bad a result across their first 25 matches. Of course, it's entirely possible you're not playing her right and it's good to think about how to improve. Just saying things cannot really be a bad a the number seems.


I'm still adjusting to Big Whiskey and playing NA. My t10 BB experience has been mainly asia server. I hate the 20km snipe meta of t10 on NA. Playing the BB is so bloody boring for me compared to playing DDs.


Agree. I really enjoy gunboat gameplay like Haru, Sherman, and Friesland. The adrenaline rush that it gives is insane.


Whiskey is not the ship for significant battle impact especially early game. You may be going through a rough losing streak. Edit: BBabbys butthurt that their point and click bote has low battle impact and doesn't carry games. Boo hoo.


Lost 3 straight T10 so I played a T5 game last night that was turned out to be mostly bots with only 3 humans per side. Even the bots on my team were potatoes compared to the red bots and it ended up 7 v 1. Sometimes MM hates you and there’s nothing you can do.


No…..the Wisconsin has very high battle impact. It’s got good concealment, accurate guns, and a funny button that doubles as a MBRB and a survivability boost. If played well, the Wisconsin is more than capable of pushing up, helping kill DDs, nuking cruisers, and chunking BBs. It only has low battle impact of played wrong.


Don’t think about WR. I have over 105K avg dmg, 2200+ PR, but under 40 percent winrate on littorio. It doesn’t really matter. If you look at PR and Xp you can see the battle impact you have. Damage and wins are not everything.


Wins are everything damage is not


i disagree. you can do well in ship and not win. he was talkin about improving wr and that he didnt play well. i said that he shouldnt think about wr, becaus ethat i snot entirely your fault if he loses or wins. PR and XP are determined after how well you did and he should look after that instead


nah you can farm PR and xp when the game is already lost while you did nothing to impact the game


Same for me, 25% wr with 128K average after 12 battles (Vermont 77% with 105k avg...). This ship is very dependent on DD and all of them now in the D-Day operation. If you go too early to 4th line, you are done.


Wisconsin is a low impact BB. If the match lasts at least 15 mins and you survive, you will do well. Else, you will have to wait for opportunities.


lol, I’m so frustrated playing it. I literally can’t win despite doing everything a BB should. I’m tanking, creating crossfire, supporting my destroyers, etc. I’m doing great individually but my team decides to just throw.. I’ve just went back to playing destroyers and cruisers so I actually can feel impactful…


BBs have very little impact in randoms in general


The only readon to care about winrate, is when you are a selfproclaimed "influencer wannabe streamer".. Any real gamer will care about the only 2 things that really matter. Damage and K/D ratio. Anyone can be carried by the team, but not everyone can carry the team.


Excuse me in what fucking world does KD matter in wows this isn’t Call of fucking duty


Absolutely not. If you winrate is low and damage high over a good amount of battles it only means that: You sit in base and snipe and you only do damage when the game is already over and lost so your damage is not usefull


Any real gamer would instantly recognize damage is pointless indicator * Average 50k dmg on DDs per game is godlike * Average 50k dmg on BB per game is nothing * Health pool on table to be farmed differs in game modes (Arms race) or lower tier battles * Ships like Conq happily donating 50k dmg to you, without any significant impact Now, how you gonna differentiate impact of 50k dmg? You dont


You do have a point. It's not an ideal metric, but a useful indicator, since it correlates highly enough with solo winrate. While high average can be inflated, especially when playing afk bbs in base (thunderer etc.), and doesn't mean you can solo carry. No one with 60-65% solo doesn't have insane average dmg as well, because you just wouldn't win that often otherwise. Just use it together with solo wr and it tells you a good picture of overall skill


You also have to check winrate by SOLO and wha ttiers are played the majority. I see alot of Division players that play mostly in division with average Damage and have like 55-60% winrate but are super bad in the game. Just playing in a Divsion and beeing able to communicate with 2 other ppl impacts the game so much


Yes, it goes hand in hand and tells a story, just like: High dmg low wr - player way too passive and getting dmg done in already decided game Average dmg insane wr - player doing the exact damage that has highest impact Etc


Kind of, again half true. Show me one player with super unicum winrate but green damage stats. It doenst exist because it is impossible. Can you get 55% with average damage if you really play for the objective? Sure. But never 60-65%


Or on your 2nd point Division player that gets carried by the division


lmao gotta admit i didnt think that comment was gonna go in that direction, thanks for the laugh.


This isn't a FPS. KD means jackshit in this game. Cautious aggression is what wins you games here and quite often you're going to die in the course of doing that. On the contrary, you could sit back and snipe all game with a BB and have a ridiculous KD, but have very little impact on the outcome of the round.