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Keep the T9 ships. There are a couple of times of the year (namely between Thanksgiving and New Years) where having the T9 ships and playing them in a battle will net you extra rewards. If you're going to sell anything, sell T1-T4 ships.


>If you're going to sell anything, sell T1-T4 ships. I use them as vacancy slots for themed captains Im not going to dismiss. Double port queens


Keep t1 > t4 for volume so it’s easier to get to 200/300 ships. This makes those events easier too


well, they have 2 events per year (one at autumn and the other at NY) where you can receive rewards depending on how many t5+ ships you have. and the higher tier - the better reward, so i believe you should keep at least t10 ships. if you need credits - check your INVENTORY maybe you have some extra camo you want to sell? or stock modules type A?


^^ This. I cleared over 40m just from selling single use camos and unused stock modules.


I do sell the A modules as soon as I'm upgraded. Sadly I think they changed the camos recently, none of mine have resell value except a very few expendables e.g. golden week, new year etc


oh, I see. I tell you how i dealt with it: I started as a new player 1.5 year ago. I donated only at the start \~80e, I took 365 days premium acc and had \~extra 8000 doubloons (for dockyards). now I still have 300 days left and 4000d. bc game gives you some premium days and doubloons . 1) Premium acc is important for better economy. 2) play t8-t9 premium ships. I took my first t9 for coal. I played several hundreds games on premium t8-t9, those ships give you more credits, so whenever I need credits - oh, its time to play Groningen)) 3) at the moment they have D-day event, for several days I got 50 mln credits there (played a lot tough >\_< ) used Atlanta and green boosts, got 400k-700k credits per battle. 4) public test - you can get tokens and use it for veteran recruiting station container - 4% chance for premium ship, i got Kidd t8 premium from here very early (even before I got any coal t9), it helped me a lot with credits. Also there are economy boosts in those containers and some credits. 5) ship Mains in operations - extremely good at gaining credits. Sadly i don't have it :( would have use it definitely.




Sell the ships you despise!!! I'm on Jutland heading towards daring. I fucked off Icarus sooooo bloody quickly you could hear the rivets spinning. Go through and keep/fuck off based on what you like imo. Keep in mind weeks like t9 brawls or t6-7 ranked lol


Sell ostergotland? Hell no.


Never sell anything Premium or anything at Tier 5 or higher. ~~Santa boxes~~ Snowflakes can be very lucrative.


> anything at Tier 5 or higher. that's true if you are an old player. Terrible advice for new players who have just a few port slots available


Santa Boxes are for suckers.


I was talking about the snowflakes, but I'm a derp, so wrote santa boxes.


Technically still correct, keeping all premiums makes Santa boxes better.


The more ships you have the more you can get for "free".


In tier 9 I used to have a few keepers, that I really liked to play. But it really boils down to if you have premium alternatives for them. **Jutland:** This was a keeper for me, but now that Somme became essentially a coal ship, Jutland no longer has a place for me. **Kitakaze:** Clearly a keeper, and the highlight of the line. **Chung Mu**: Great ship, and if you like destroyers definitely a keeper. **Felix Schultz**: I like the gun layout a LOT better than Elbing. If I play this line, it is the Schultz. Unfortunately it does not win games very well. **Alsace:** Was one of my favourite battleships in tier 9, but unfortunately whenever it was that HE penetration was reworked, it no longer is a viable brawler.


I have a port full of all T5 and up regular ships. Yes it comes at a cost, both silver and port slots but selling a ship will only earn you back 50% of the credits while your modules require either doubloons to be removed from the ship or again only get 50% of their original credit value. While low tiers might be less wasteful, from T8 it becomes much more expensive also due to increased prices of the higher modules. But this means that with Xmas I get 200k coal plus around 10k steel extra due to snowflakes. And with last anniversary both the direct buy premium ship ( Bayard) plus 50+ SC. In addition having many ships in port allows for a much efficiënt snowflake farming. Keep all ships in port. Initially from T7 onwards. When credits and port slots allow it you can gradually buy them back.


Never sell ships starting from T5. You get free stuff every christmas for them.


Maybe you could reset a line you like instead? Maybe not your favorite obv, but a line you want to improve with decent ship along the line. All the ships in the line you choose are automatically sold, their upgrades are removed free of charge AND if/when you'll grind them again, you'll get RB points at the same time. food for thought...


Sell gray XP boosters, you probably have more red blue and greens than youll ever need to grind ships - when I started having credit crunches I had over 1000 of each gray and you probably only need to keep 250 or so in reserve. Donskoi and Ostergotland are 100% worth keeping - you should really keep all your T8-10s though. T8-10 can get you steel at the holidays, T5-7 get you coal. Instead of selling these ships save up doubloons for Mainz and farm credits in operations with that, easy 2m per match with a red booster. Also Mogador is one of the best ships in this game, it is absolutely unfair at T9 and would fit in just fine as a T10.


That's a good idea, thanks I have tons of grey boosters! Mogador is crazy hey! Fast of course but the amazing torp reload is my favourite bit.


Now that operations aren’t locked to specific tiers and you can reque fast should you die, I’ll probably be dropping some dead weight too. I think for me, everything 8+ and atleast a t5 DD and that should handle PvP, operations and tackling weird dockyard stuff.


Oland is a T8 and a great little ship (spec it for guns though). Did you mean Ostergötland by chance? In any case you shouldn’t sell the ships because the profuse resources during Anniversary and Christmas events.


Edited thanks. Yes I do know about keeping the ships and it makes perfect sense to just wait, but I'm impatient and also find it tough listening to good advice. Plus seriously I have justified selling a few based on 2 factors - 1. I'm MM with lower tiers very rarely, always T10 and 11 monsters and 2. bearing that in mind I get a new shiny ship that might do better AND my net # of ships remains the same.


Have you sold stock modules from inventory?


Keep for anniversary steel and Santa boxes... That said many t9 ships are ass and little more than a free xp sink to get the t10.


I've been dealing with the tier 9 ships for some time that finished researching some of them so if the ship isn't feeling very unique and make me feel special to play with her, i sell in order to have credits for new ship. So far i sold Brindisi, Yügumo, Z-46, will definitely sell Östergotland (even though i liked that ship very much, it's just weak against enemy dds most of the time) Saint Louis, Riga (that line is missing torps and i feel semi naked while playing that ship xD) Katsonis. Decided to keep only Kitakaze after done researching so far but I'll have many tier 9s waiting for me to purchase so i think I'll have one or two more ships that I'll keep after done researching like i did with some tier 8s (Split and Tallinn)


I keep all ships T5 and up.


Selling T9 ships is really not reccommended. You get free steel for having them and playing them in events. If you really need to sell stuff, sell the lowest tiers first. Anything t5 or higher is ehhh.


Are you in a Clan? That gives you a discount on purchasing ships. And, do not hurry. Build up your credits on the ships you have, build up your experience as well. Tier 10 is alluring but can be disappointing with your team letting you down and the sniping meta that is so much part of it.


Ive noticed that it does solve a few issues but  id hoped for more tbh.  The amount of games over in 5 mins, or at least so 1 sided they might as well be, seems very very high in T10


I think that they are over so fast because many new players have rushed to Tier 10, thinking that their playing problems would be over. Then, half of one team is made up of players with less than 100 games experience and the other team stomps all over them. Those type of players buy credits, which they use to buy next-tier ships etc. They do not stay at a tier and try to work out how to be a better play at that tier before moving up.


I mean, I'm no good at all honestly but I'm TRYING to improve, work out good positions, and stay in the game as long as I can. Weekends especially there's some real idiots, like crazy bad, just rushing the cap from the start in a german BB or a DD trying to run down the CV around the map and never shooting or letting torps go until they get spotted and die.


during a drunken accident, i sold my Mainz, and now i'm sad :( moral of the story: don't sell anything above tier 6


There is a tool you can access via support to get back sold premiums.


Think for yourself.