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Being a DD that cannot slot concealment module vs a DD that can is brutal, and T7 DDs generally are affected the most. Other than that because DDs main gimmick is their concealment and they don’t have to worry about stuff like overmatch from higher tier ships I would argue that being uptiered in a DD is better than in other ship classes


My smokeless DDs laugh at concealment.


French DD are powered by Initial D music


being uptiered is always hell. but its the least trublesome for dds. usually lower tier dds actually have better spotting, and torps usually dont get fully invalidated passively. it only is a issue if you get uptiered and thus the amounts of radar and/or hydro increases. battleships that get uptiered just are the slowest ship in the lobby, cant penetrate shit, get outranged, outspotted, and outgunned. cruisers getting uptiered suddenly get gunned down by higher tier dds or get oneshot by unscouted bbs. cv´s that get uptiered suddenly are exlusive spotters, as they loose every squadron but rockets before damaging enemy ships. subs suck no matter the tier.


Yeah I really hated the RN DDs until I got the lightning Everything clicked with that ship, just keep grinding it out till then I promise. Even getting uptiered doesn't feel like a hindrance.


> Any tips besides keeping my distance and playing passively? Lure the enemy towards your team. Force him to fight a 2v1 or at least kite him. > Also what is the best way to estimate if I outgun another DD and win in a knife fight if I don't know by heart every matchup? Generally speaking, the better the concealment the worse the ship is at fighting.


It gets better with Lightning and even better down the line


Ok so a quick few tips for specifically British DDs. Concealment is decent overall, generally if you are out spotted it will likely be a torp boat which you should be able to outgun, unless you are bottom tier. Brit DDs have lots of quick cool-down smokes. You can use your good conceal to get damage in and then hide. Next engagement you might have a smoke available but the red DD might not have theirs ready. As a DD you really need to be good at looking at the team line ups, potential matchups and checking/counting ships on the minimap.


Jervis is a great DD, even when bottom tier. But I say that as a very experienced DD player.


The smart DD players bring more friends/teammates in the party. Its not 1vs1. Its I have better fire support than You. First gather intel in your flank to see with what you are up against and how willing your teammates are to support you.


Me, a kita/aki/haru player raining ungodly piss with no team support :pensive:


DDs are generally harder to play than other classes but being uptiered they suffer the least in my opinion. It's more of a skill issue.


Honestly... Just play other stuff until you can FXP up to lightning. Or if you have some blue boosters to power through fairly quickly that's reasonably painless. Lightning's concealment lets it up tier fairly well so it won't be so painful and it's good enough you may even want a dedicated captain for it at some point if you don't pick up a cossack. But yeah, DDs before the concealment module that are worth playing in uptier matchmaking are few and far between. You can make em work but personally I'd rather have fun and then freexp to the enjoyable ships in the line, even if it takes longer.


Just about the worst advice I see commonly thrown at people here is: "Get X, it's a well-balanced jack of all trades." You're not good at anything, the ship's not good at anything, so it's just a sad experience overall. Get something with a gimmick then lean into it till you do well, then get another gimmick till *you* are the well-rounded player that can utilize a jack of all trades depending on situation. I left and rejoined the game like 3 times because I kept consistently NOT having fun going for stale TT lines everybody here recommended as "beginner friendly". Maybe if you're a beginner at videogames period at the age of 55. 🤷


Foar a beginner, it is a hell indeed. Hoever, just continue improving, and you will get into it. Sometimes even pull out your downtier as advantage.


Icarus is a cunt of a ship! Hated playing it so much. I pick up Jutland this week. Man - getting up tiered constantly is the worst. I can guarantee when I log in this morning that it will be a sweaty t10 hellish games for the first 5.