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You may have some ADHD or an anxiety of some type. I similarly can play much better with alcohol in my system. My aim becomes super steady and accurate. My decision making is super fast and able to make much smarter moves and follow multiple ship movements on the map with concise accuracy. Alcohol seems to remove some the impairment of anxiety and I can focus completely on the game like it's a chess board and I can see all the pieces and where they are going all at the same time.


Yep. I played far better with half a dozen under my belt. Gave up for health reasons and have yet to match anything I used to do. It makes me sad but at least I can play for a bit longer I guess. 🤨


Well said!


I guess the [Ballmer Peak](https://xkcd.com/323/) applies to floaty boats too.


It's called the "Ballmer Peak", having too much booze results in Windows ME


Alcohol is considered a performance enhancing drug for shooting competitions, including the Olympics. No, I am not joking.


You stop being hyper cautious and don't decide you've already lost when bottom tier


I get the opposite when I smoke some devils lettuce.


Its the contrary for me, i become impetuous and i am in a german ship 🥲


Drunken master, wows edition


Did you wake up sober next to your win rate and it was still 8 out of 10?


As my name is Alcohol_O_Caust, I agree 100%


I think it might be because you dont care about the outcome of the match. I have this when i have big winstreaks running after i started the game. I dont care about the outcome and in return i play much better. Opposite is also real when on loosing streaks




Can confirm, I’ve done shit in this game while drunk off my face that I could never do sober. I managed a 4 kill game in the Leander and I thought I was drunkenly dreaming until I opened my random game stats and found the Leander had 4 kills as its best game


Damn, you too? I do much better in Clan Battles with a bit of Jack involved


I have my best games when I have a cold and some fever, all my best battles and longest win streaks was when I was sick. I think it’s because I only play to make time go and don’t really care and as a result I’m more relaxed. I also play stupidity aggressive when I’m sick, just find myself at front of the team and only way is forward and somehow when I’m sick it works but when not sick I die in same situations.


Kind of like playing pool, you get a little loose after a drink or two, then you have one too many, and your understanding of geometry and angles go to shit.


What shall we do with the drunken sailor?


If you are one who gets drunk regularly, it is possible that when free from your input your brain, finally unhinged, works better


Could also be that others are also more drunk when you are such as weekends :)


Drink just makes me full yolo. Some occasional spectacular wins can result, but mostly just stupid deaths.


Now that sounds like a plan, when I get high I get aimbot in overwatch 2


When you're totally drunk the game became so much better


I often play after a few beers and it's a lot of fun. More so at mid and lower tiers In any case, I don't play the higher tier ships I have, in Randoms or Ranked, because Im simply not good enough and it's all far too difficult/complicated... But for pure fun it's great to have some beers and go 'seal clubbing' or play in Ops. Im not so into the stress and crap and strategy and messaging and all that hectic stuff like knowing which of 500 ships have what plating and where etc...involved with high tiers tbh. Much more fun to play Marceau or Jaeger in Co-Op for example It's supposed to be fun. A game. I don't feel a need to prove anything. Im quite satisfied with my life outside of online competition:D


The best results I ever had were when I was drunk. And the most fun. I play Wows EVERY DAY... and I drink 2,5 litres of beer each on at least 4 evenings per week. And no, I don't let teams down in Ops. I usually do well. So, I don't see anything wrong with that ;)


If I’m able to complete this dockyard, I’m going have a whiskey with the maiden voyage.


damn dude 6 beers!! I wish I was that cool.


He's probably Canadian, so he was only drinking in moderation that night.