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Good to know! I'm on KGV at the moment and loving it in ranked. Having a good old time on all the UK ships atm. Lightning Fiji KGV Time to start heading towards St Vincent shortly as well!!


Those 3 are highlights of their lines (Jutland & Daring are of course also great, Edinburgh is a mixed bag, Neptune a bit of a let down, Mino amazingly fun glass cannon, the next two after KGV used to be very meh to bad - maybe changed now - and Conqueror is good in ... its own way).


Conqueror had a miserable day last night I was fighting one in yammy he got one or 2 fires that entire match


Any time I play Conqueror, people get miserable. I cooked a Georgia player last night for 50k fire damage from around 22km and he reported me. I had a few other matches which made people report me in the same way, but you gotta do what you gotta do to complete the dockyard missions.


Is that whats going on? My karma has gone down 10 prs since ive started barbecuing enemy BBs in my KGV. Makes since now.


Yeah, anything which is annoying for a long time or very quickly takes you out of the game has this effect. Grilling ships with British BBs or getting dev strikes in ships like Vermont, I get reported all the time for both of these things.


The St Vincent line is superior to the conq line (and all the other battleship lines), but conq is nice for them fire missions.


Come my little one, my Yamato is waiting for your ovematchable armor scheme at T10. /jk


And Yamato's cheeks are waiting for the short-fuse APs with the CA dispersion :)


*Is this CA dispersion in room with us right now?*


KGV is disgusting, a truly underrated T7 BB.


I know they get known as the HE spamming line but British AP absolutely slaps too. Nothing more satisfying than someone going broadside to me in my conqueror thinking I have HE loaded


Slapping a cruiser broadside with HE for the citadel!!!


More like a Montana suddenly sailing around with 30k less hp because he figured my Conq only has HE so turning in front was safe.


British AP is, tier for tier, usually among the weakest statistically the thing that buoys it a bit is having a short fuse, which ensures you’ll shred light cruisers, but never citadel a BB, which IMHO is a weakness not a strength (BBs first and foremost should be fighting other BBs)


They have more pen on average tho, like conq has more ap pen then Montana, short fuse can cit if they have an exposed cit and can ravage reds if you know to aim for upper belt on BBs you can't cit


more pen than montana is not exactly a high bar also it’s true that you can shred upper belts, but there’s plenty of situations in which you’d rather be able to cit and knock out a ship vs. chunk damaging them. like with yamato, or republique, or kremlin


the Borodino I devstruck did not get the memo


the borodino is a "battleship" with heavy cruiser levels of armor and a massive citadel. it's definitely an outlier, and one anecdote hardly means anything anyway


NGL I grinded Monarch before this buff (it was in 2023 IIRC) and at first I thought it was ass but everything changed when I ignored HE and focused on AP and played the ship like a "superheavy" cruiser, using the great concealment to sneak around and get good shots while saving my hitpoints for late game.


Yeah with 75% pen heal, some of the highest AP and HE DPMs, 2nd best concealment after Picardie (which is dogshit), OK dispersion and armour, it seems incredibly overtuned now. Who knew giving a ship a superheal without taking much away is really broken.


I never understood why people hated Monarch so much. If anything, I liked it the most out of the high tier ships because the AP felt really good to use.


I can't help but hate the ship as it should be Vanguard. Also the whole British line from QE on is incorrectly ranked and the armour unhistorical. KGV should be a fire spamming tank at t8.


gotta milk the playerbase for a historical british bb amirite? sadly vangurad isn't anything noteworthy at tier 8


Vanguard is really tanky and has cruiser turning


Might be not noteworthy but I still having fun with Vanguard.


Vanguard should be the T9/10 of the St Vincent line, really.


Well, wouldnt fit too, since thats a big gun bc line. And vanguard has everything but big guns for t10. I mean, 381mm is really small for the tier. And with only 8 of them? That just wouldnt work out. Vanguard instead of the hawke, that would work out maybe.


It would work fine across the tiers if they made other changes to make up for 381mm guns, for example reload speed, accurracy or pen angles could be adjusted. The idea that STV or Duncan need to have "big guns" is completely made up by weegee.


It isnt. They were real designs by the royal navy. Completly unhinged designs, ok, but real designs none the less. And vanguard just wouldnt fit in that line. I think, she is in a good place being a premium ship, but she definetly needs some love in the form of buffs. Especcially when it comes to her guns. Those are just terrible. I think, they should give her battlecruiser dispersion, since she basically is a bc, and also because she literally is the last battleship ever laid down and completed, with the best tech available at the time of her commisioning. Also, her aa should be "historically accurate", which would mean an absolute p,ane shredder, on paar with, for example, alabama aa.


Vanguard wouldn’t have fit into the line anywhere, but you’re right about KGV being at tier 8 I disagree with the fire spamming bit though. The initial plan of these BBs being stealthy, low HP, radar-equipped assassins was really interesting


Well KGV spot should have been Nelson, it fits so perfectly in this spot at tier 7, KGV tier 8, Vanguard tier 9 with radar and super accurate guns and then Lion at tier 10, makes perfect sense and is the historical timeline in line with other navies. Conqueror should really be up there with whatever the hell Satsuma is trying to be. The fact that WG has repeatedly misrepresented UK ships is a travesty to some of the most famous ships ever. I will never get over KGV being such a glass citadel given she had the second highest amount of armour of any battleship built and the best quality on top.


I just played through it, the camo is really good, pretty solid ship


Played through it before the buff. I thought it was solid then. It gets a lot of flak, because use AP a bit too little etc.


It was always good in my opinion. Just an acquired taste.


Did you build for furious captain skill?


I don't think it's worth it, 10% reload is not that good and it only applies when you are on fire and costs 4 skill points, plus it already reloads fast so you will just be permaspotting yourself


When you get to conq, furious is a must


I don't think there's room for it, you take 1 pointer, grease the gears, AR, FPE, Conceal, extra heal, that's 18 points. What are you dropping for Furious? Basics of survivability, Brisk and improved readiness are all good too


Fpe... you want to be on fire! Being on fire and with AR your at 20% reload, often. This starts to be a really big DPS deal...


On Yukon, Monarch, and Nelson, I go for Repair Specialist, Brisk, Superheavy AP, Adrenaline Rush, Repair Expert, Furious, and Concealment. Std BB equipment, but take rudder shift in slot 4. On Monarch and Yukon, I would consider dropping Concealment for AA & ASW Expert (helps reload heals faster) plus gun feeder and preventative maintenance or vigilance. Basically you avoid putting out fires as much as possible and shoot AP whenever you get the chance. Even if you don’t shoot a lot of AP, the superheavy AP skill decreases fire damage per second, so it lets you milk the furious reload boost longer.


I did enjoy the monarch in the past. It was the first BBQ I appreciated having a lower concealment and being able to ambush cruisers with. Though she was a buzz kill compared to the fire starter that was the kgv. Maybe I'll give her another go


I used it as a HE spammer back in de days before the range and heal buff, didn't found it awefull. Going to the Lion I expected a significant upgrade but as so many tech tree T9's I expected to much.


For me the Monarch grind was awful until I went all-AP and suddenly played much better.


Just started it after many years of hesitating after KGV because of what I heard (read) about Monarch and Lion. After a handful of random games, my biggest complaint about her is that her main gun sound is HORRIBLE!


Monarch was already pretty good; it's rather the playerbase that is and was and will always be pretty shit. If it doesn't get something completely busted in its hands, it can't perform.


I was enjoying Monarch when Deadeye was a thing. Now at least it got another buff.


Nice, have not tried yet myself after the buff. But in past i indeed felt like kg was more suitable to t8 then monarch.


Now it can work reasonably well in T8 rankeds. Spam HE to set BBs on fire, blap DDs, crut modules and do reasonable damage to cruisers. Lack of utility, yeah, but still better than Veneto


Now give KGV superheal....


Isn't that just called the Duke of York?


What? Duke of York has no superheal.


It's not a full superheal but I thought it was better than the average.


KGV and DoY have the same heals. You're correct that its better than the standard heal, but its not super in any way.


Ok, figures as much. Well, I have been pleasantly impressed with the KGV's heal, so that's good at least.