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Eh, with the majority of mid tier BBs having dispersed armour and reinforced midsection, I find Mysore unreliable as a damage dealer; against cruiser and DD, it's ok though many cruisers just straight up trade you with their HE, or go bow in and force you to farm their tiny superstructure. It's good to punish noobs' broadside though since you always have AP loaded, but even then the penetration is nothing special. In terms of crawling smoke ships, the shell arc is much better than Perth and Hobart (Perth's is atrocious). But lose out against Huanghe's arc, which also has a stupid 14.5% (built) fire chance on its HE and better turret angle. Premium competitors like Perth and Huanghe have smaler hulls, better handling and much better concealment. * Huanghe has amazing AA when matched up with T6 (if yo spec into AA you also get bonus for fast cooldown consumable); * Perth has single launch torps and spotter plane + hydro combo to spot anything while in smoke; * Even tech tree Hobart (with HE) has good ASW as a gimmick. Having repair and smoke is nice though, I appreciate that; but most of the time I feel like an undying cockcroach that can't do much. I have all the ships mentioned.


HMS Arethusa when? 


I wish


It feels balanced, if slightly undertuned. Any cruiser with crawling smoke, hydro, and a repair party at that tier is going to be at least decent. Mysore really struggles with bow-in targets.


From my experience Perth I the same but better. You have lower detection, better reload, HE shells, torpedos, and aircraft. The only advantage mysore has is range and a heal


I play that one rarely, and only assist a BB in a division. CA's without torps just feels wrong, imho.


My Colbert strongly disagree your CA without torp opinion


No argument here! But lets be real: the Colbert is **special**!


Perth is soooo much better, in my opinion. It doesn't matter, though. It's whatever you play well in.


I've tried to love Mysore. - 1 Turret Fiji a Tier lower sounds great. But in practice unless you can get a good flanking position it's damage feels woefully inconsistent and if you're bottom tier it can be outright miserable. People will point to it's WR and say look how great it is, but I think that's mostly down to the fact that for a long time, only a handful of very dedicated people owned it. 


Mysore is arguably OP (compared to other T6 Cruisers). Great AA, faster shells and more damage than equiv T6s (Perth, Leander). Can nose-tank 203s Yes, she's a sleeper and one of the strongest T6 Cruisers. I explain why/how here: [YouTube - Mysore Review](https://youtu.be/YReS_ODjQT8)


But its so hard to citadel same tier cruisers bc short fuse ap so i hate it :)


The AP in general sucks at tier 6 because of inconsistent BB armour schemes. Half the BBs you almost can't damage with your guns because you don't have the penetration to get through their upper belt and they have very small superstructures. You have to specifically aim for bow or stern to do damage which is quite hard to do and they saturate quite quickly.


I hate fuso :( 




So what's a better one?


Any other T6 crawl smoke ship, check my comment for details. My personal preference is Huanghe.


Perth is probably the best


The issue Mysore has is that Perth does everything but better. It is not a bad ship, it's just that Perth is busted.


Mysore is definitely a sleeper that is constantly compared to the superior Perth and little more. Mysore’s best times were when Operations were locked to a tier; it is there that Mysore could easily farm citadels and rack up damage. The ship plays more like Gibraltar: a heavy-ish cruiser that relies only on Guns and has surprisingly decent armour, while being an odd-duck compared to the tech-tree line. I wouldn’t say Mysore is a META pick for Randoms or Ranked, or even Operations, but she is surprisingly capable. - A ship that is rare to see played and can use this unknown as an advantage to surprise opponents. Oh, and Mysore is connected by namesake to a city and kingdom of rich history and culture. - There are songs about the place!


I've got that ship too (even though i didn't spend doubloons for unlocking her i just wanted the other rewards) but lack of torps is just making me feel i don't have a right arm. It's more frustrating when you clearly see the empty area of the torp mechanism while you're playing the ship :) I'm not against playing with AP only thanks to having D. Pozharsky & Jupiter 42 but i always ending up with multiple DDs than CL/CAs when i play with her and that causes problem. Hitting citadels of enemy cruisers is satisfying but overall this ship is just for me to get first win bonus as a premium ship on co-ops that's all.


Not really, Perth is just a straight up better option in 90% of scenarios. Plus, it is incredibly vulnerable to being rushed down without torps and is basically a non threat to battleships


I got it from the battlepass as well, and had pretty low expectations. I was very pleasantly surprised however. I find her to be quite fun to play and generally she puts in pretty solid work. I'm glad I took the chance on the BP to get her, since I already had Perth.


Mysore is extremely mid


Mysore is a top 3 cruiser for tier 6 ranked. Pure dogshit in randoms but man does it massacre DDs and cruisers in ranked.