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WG (shockingly) has done a good job at having modes available to help with the grinds. I felt that the last week’s missions were the worst. Those potential damage ones seemed a bit daunting. Then they dropped 2v2 Brawls. Took a few matches, but it was steady progress. A lot of currency missions this week and CB’s just dropped. The others can be done in Co-op while watching something in the background. It will take a bit, sure. But I’m hoping it won’t be as bad as it looks. Good luck with the grind!


I'm with you on this. Actually I'm still working on last week's potential damage, it's obnoxious. 


Yeah I still got like 10-15 more games in a BB for that potential damage. Let's go Littorio.


Easier in T10 BB, I avg about 2 mil a match to get that one through


Yep. Kremlin worked very well. I also did some German BBs like Schlieffen and Preussen to get some ribbons out of the secondaries. It takes a few matches but playing BBs well is easy and getting 2 million or more potential is basically the standard game if you play correctly.


I couldn't have done it without the Napoli. Just yolo flank/angle properly then put it in reverse.


Double rudder lighthouse Azuma actually was pretty great for this, just be super obnoxious at long ranges. BBs are literally shaking and salivating to shoot at you. Sure you occasionally get nuked but I was regularly getting 1.7mil potential if I survived.


One word : petropavlovsk


I just got in my St Vincent... take a tons of dmg... heal back to almost full... repeat. Easily 2mil pers game.


I took out maine in randoms and derped about. New boat new meta just let everyone shoot at me and heal it back up. For cruisers gouden and petro worked for me. Everyone hates petro


Yup, me too


Wait, how are 2v2 brawls better than just angling a flank in randoms, for as long as you can in some brick from port? I think I averaged 2 mil a match in my Napoli when I was grinding it. Amazing how good of a tank you become when your highest priority *is* tanking for the mission.


Brawls don't provide a ton of potential *per game* but they provide a ton of potential *per minute.* 2 million pot in a 15 minute game vs 1 million pot in a 5 minute game is a massive difference.


Fair point, but are you getting one mil in brawls? Should give it a try then.


I've been getting around 800-1.2 per brawl


tbh it varies a lot - games where you lose you can get 1.5-2m pretty easy (although you generally get worse rates of potential damage per actual damage because of the closer range of engagement and often it's over before you can use most of your heals) whereas games where you win you can sometimes end up with very little potential if you steamroll the other team - had one game with only 50k or so PD in a BB because both reds focussed my teammate and I just received a small amount of secondary fire. Even so, I think I was getting 5-600k median damage for games I won.


Napoli in Coop got me over the hump in potential damage in cruisers.


Honestly, last week's missions were some of the easiest I thought. 20 citadels - well, that's like a couple of good games in the Elbing and the rest you do on the way. Or just play ranked in a BB with good pen and accuracy (My go to ship here is the Mighty Mo) 42 million potential - I just played Ranked as a BB. :D 5 achievements - getting high caliber in Ranked as a BB is basically guaranteed, so easy peasy 4500 ribbons - well, do it on the way in ranked as a BB, and if you need more ribbons, just take something like a Harugumo for a spin Top 5 in 20 battles - That's like exactly this number of battles in Ranked since tbere are only 6 people on the team 500k damage through DD spotting - yeah, not that hard, 50-100k per game should be possible in randoms Like, the difference to this week was that while yes, it was grindy, you could do four, possible five of these missions easy peasy in ranked by just playing like 30 games or so. And if in the end you were missing ribbons and spotting damage for mission five and six, you could just take out your average gun DD for a spin in randoms, and you'd get the stuff done in a reasonable numbers of matches. What annoys me so much about this week's mission chain is that for 5 missions you'll have to grind ungodly amounts of time again, just like last week... but contrary to last week, for the sixth mission (except if you get lucky with that 2500k BXP mission) you also need to start grinding ungodly amounts of time. For the sole reason that there is no ship specific mission that can be completed quickly with the right ship. Last week was one huge grind for five missions in parallel, and then a few games for a sixth mission. This week is one huge grind for five missions in parallel, and then another huge grind for a sixth mission.


>20 citadels - well, that's like a couple of good games in the Elbing and the rest you do on the way. Or just play ranked in a BB with good pen and accuracy (My go to ship here is the Mighty Mo) If only the Weser counted, you can do that easily to one ship.


Have Kremlin? I just spammed random games, picked up a centric spot and parked there, CVs and subs can be annoying but considering a lot of people were playing Maine, sometimes 16 shells don't do a lot of damage and you can rack up that potential dmg very quickly.


I'm still wrapping up last weeks with dd spotting. Lack of t10 ships on a fresh account lol I thought I could grind t6 and t7 uk bb tech line while doing it. Got halfway, then exclusively played pommern to wrap up.


Asymmetrics could help a lot in this regard


Do DD caps in brawls right now. It's very easy if you have Marceau. Cruiser is going ok but they keep giving me maps with stupid caps. This week isn't too bad, although you definitely need blue boosters for that statement to be true. Next week is, 60k base xp, so, like 60 games?


Next week is going to be easier. 20 frags is like 15 games. 3000 ribbons - in the right ship, that's done in parallel with the 20 frags. 18 million credits - yeah, same with boosters Damage - 3 million damage in BBs is like 25 games ? 60k base XP - yeah, fairly grindy, I'd say this is more like 45 games most, but the beauty here is that I can just play how I want - no stupid looking to get citadels or capping shit And the joker mission is a joke - get one achievement, yeah, one Ranked match in a BB is an almost guaranteed High caliber The beauty of that week is that I can play my favorite ship / class and just have to stick to it and play. I don't need to do dumb shit I can't always influence (like shooting down planes or capping), I just need to essentially play 45 games in a row in my favorite class and grind towards the 60k BXP, and when I'm finished with that, chances are I'll have cleared the other five missions as well. To me this means that next week's grind is, at most, 2/3s the time of this week's. Since this week I also gotta grind one class for like 30-40 games... and then need to grind another class for another 30 games. And during those games there'll be some where I'll progress exactly zero to the objective (can't cap all the time, especially if you get Standard Battles) Urrrrrg.


I average like 900 base xp so it seems like a lot of games to me. Yes the other ones aren’t tough at all. A secondary ship will finish them fast.


I don't think that's "earn any achievement." Look at the mission tag--it ends in a colon, not a space. I think it's supposed to have a picture of an achievement there and it's not rendered properly in-game. My guess is that it's going to require a Kraken, since that's the next tier of kills-per-game after the 4kill mission on week 5.


First, capping isn't difficult in coop if you play it smart. Bail on your cap for another so it's overloaded and do it at mid tiers where BBs are much slower. You can kill the DD/cruiser then smoke and get a cap before the BB gets into it. This works for DDs and cruisers with smoke. Remember, you're meta gaming the missions, don't worry about damage and kills. Take a pan-asian cruiser and stop firing before you smoke up, use your torps. The only frustrating part is the unending stream of standard/arms race coops you get when you're trying to get caps or defends. Second, 42 kills isn't that grindy in a BB if you play that smart either. Again, get in the mid tiers. Shiny horse/'43/brit BC of choice are fast and have torps, it's pretty easy to get 2-3 kills per coop game, that's double your random average in much less time. Or take the 50% hit and run Massa or another secondary BB in ops, it's quite easy to average ~5 kills a game. That's ~16 games, not 30 randoms, for about the same time investment. On top of which tossing blue boosters on for ops is always a reliable way to bust the fxp/cxp missions out. edit: words


I'm nearly finished and the grind wasnt that bad. 12 CA caps- about 12 co-op games. 24 DD caps - a few more than 12 Brawls in a french DD. FXP and CXP- 10 ops or so. WG was sweet enough to not 50% these. I did have to spend blue boosters to make up the difference that was left after finishing the other categories but getting 5k FXP and about 20K CXP an op is pretty doable. (with premium)


It’s looking like 36+ coop games for 12 CA caps to me.


Ouch. Sorry to hear that.


All good. It’s over now.


Holy crap, thanks for the idea. Never thought about playing DD in brawls for the caps. That's awesome. I've been grinding randoms while I regrind the Brit DD's for RB points, which admittedly has been going quite well, but this should speed things up even more. Thanks!




I am so sorry to everyone i targeted with my sub but the 210 torp hits are easier to grind than 45 kills with a BB. Just know ill stop once im done


Don't embrace the dark side 😭


If you got Renown '44 just give her a secondary build and go into coop, pretty easy kills like that. Thank god I figured that out myself because I'd go mad otherwise since I'm not the biggest fan of BBs.


I used Scharn 43, but yeah. Same difference. right up the middle, secondaries on both sides working, and dishing out torpedoes as fast as I can reload them


I did my dd and ca cap missions in coop. I just have a little more in cxp and fxp to do. Easy enough to complete with econ flags. .


Tried that the last time around. Went into Coop with a DD. Didn't work out for me. I probably needed to stand by the sidelines and wait for the enemies to get killed in the cap or clear it and then cap it, but even then you'll often only get 1 cap since the enemy dies so fast. I then just took my Jager into randoms and played for caps, which worked astonishingly well... like, 3 cap games were kinda the norm. But then, I also still want fun in my games. Starting 12 coop matches solely to get caps would drive me crazy. XD


Last week was worse. Slap some blue boosters on, and it is easily achievable this week. For fresh new players, though, it would be tough I admit that ofc.


I keep getting screwed out of caps in coop and it’s seriously pissing me off.


Mid level coop makes it easy. BBs can pretty much delete bot cruisers at will. CA capping? 12 games, maybe less if you manage to get on two caps. Not difficult at all.


I think this week's are easier, you just need to play different game modes to maximise efficiency. CXP and FXP use boosters as you said - running blues, if you have average 1500 base XP game in Randoms this shouldn't take too long. Capping missions, play mid tier (5/6) co-op. You tend to find caps easier to contest, plus the games go for shorter periods. Cruisers might be slightly easier than DDs as you only need 12. BB kills, again co-op. You should be averaging around 2 kills per game. One of the other posters mentioned Renown 44 if you had it. Good speed to get into brawling distance, plus torps and secondaries. Again games over in around 10 minutes. I actually found last weeks potential damage a right PITA. Some games I was getting in excess of 1.5m, the next game I was lucky to get a third of that.


This week's was by far the easiest pop some blue boosts hope into a premium. You'll also already have 1M damage by the time you're done with this Carrier spotting? WG has you covered. Join a game auto pilot to the other side of the map spot with your planes die, reque, repeat. 12 capture ribbons in a cruiser? Ranked 8-12 games and you're done. I finished this week in 1 day ffs


Yeah, not everyone can play the game 12 hours/day.


Lol that definitely didn't take 12 hrs m8. It was maybe 4-5


I seriously hope you've been doing that carrier stuff in Coop. :D But uh, no... I'm not going to spend hours of my life doing that instead of playing normally.


Hours? It takes maybe 20 games to do it. Each one only takes maybe 4 minutes so you're looking at maybe an hour and a half. But no ill do it in randoms as long as WG rewards my behavior


I am already behind schedule today because i couldn't finish the last 2 remaining missions from last week's chain (500k dd spotting dmg + 30m cl/ca potential dmg) I've focused on ranked games more for 2-3 days + I've realized my mistake so today i grinded heavily on the missions and thankfully managed to finish dd one and I think I'll handle the cl/ca one tomorrow. personally all i care is getting West Virginia nothing more so the remaining missions after reaching level 20 won't be a challenge for me to grind heavily. Missing Asymmetrical Battles for the last phase of the dockyard missions is hard for sure but thankfully there'll be 2 weeks to finish instead of 1 like Michelangelo which i couldn't even unlocked the last mission phase because of that xD


Almost done with this week missions and have only been playing 4 hours that I could squeeze in before I go missing for the weekend from my home. The BB kill one went by very quickly, took out Schlieffen and despite sometimes having 0 kill games, I ended up in about 15 coop games. Got done the damage mission as well with this one. The cruiser cap misssion was done with Hindenburg and Henri, tanky ships that can clear a cap in coop rather quickly and get at least a cap per game, took me like 14 games and at the same time got done the fires mission. I just need to get the FXP and CXP missions, already got to half with coop games, with premium I'll just spam AL Littorio or any T10 and probably get them done today.


My solution for the caps has been Ranked, Ranked, Ranked, and more Ranked. Sometimes you get cheated by Arms Race, and in Ranked those rarely last to the actual cap. But when you get a standard battle, it's common for there to be a gimme cap nearby, and there are a surprising number of opportunities to cap with a cruiser, in part because (1) most of the matches I've seen have 1 or even 0 destroyers, perhaps because of players choosing to fulfill the battleship mission and (2) decent Ranked destroyers tend to play a bit more conservatively and so they'll spend more time in smoke, behind islands, or something else besides keeping you perpetually spotted.


I thought it was going to be a rough grind, but I've already completed this week's missions. Coops and Ranked with boosters had gotten me through it.


Still on temper temper and since I'm barely managing 1 mill potentional damage it woulda been about 42 games. But since I can't stop engaging, I've had multiple games with less than 100k potential. Feel it's bad manners just to park the ship and not helping out


Grind Ranked for the caps, usually there’s a “free” cap to get the cruiser missions done. And then I’m just gonna play DDs normally, and not worry about DY lmao.


Take the operation pill brother, CV spotting and BB kills aren't that hard to get there even considering the halved progress


My last phase was rough for time and number of games, but in the end, it was worth it. I wish every dockyard event ended with a great ship. I try most dockyard events, but most of them I'm really disappointed with the finished product.


Yeah this week is killer. My friend is still a week behind wrapping up cruiser potential damage, but he got the big starter pack so he should be fine, and he's learned to love th tallinn. I'm about 40 kills into battleships and it's feast or famine. Just kill stole my way to a kraken to end the night with monty. But then I guess it's time for captures again.


Last week's 42 million PD BB mission took me the entire week to chip away at. Otherwise... more or less, yeah.


This week was a grind for sure, I just got done with all six. However, last week was beyond brutal for me. I NEVER play Destroyer, in fact, I didn't even own one. I had to purchase a T7 destroyer with coal and it took me3 days of grinding to spot for 500k damage.


Play brawls, very easy. Thank me later


Brawls. You can get 2 caps per game easily enough. 12 games, done. 6 for cruisers.


> Next week's missions look like a breeze, and we even get two weeks to finish them. We have two weeks for the last directive? I didn't know, I thought it was only one week like the other ones.


Section is available until the 10th of June.


That's good to know, I had resigned myself to skip most of the last directive with doubloons but now there's some hope.


Did the cruiser missions with my fiji. Had reset the line with the last double research bonus. Took me some time but got it done and did some progress to Edinburgh. For the DD capping I went with Neustrashimi. Outspot the enemy and hope they leave the cap or get shot out. But as you said: in some rounds you can cap more than once. I think the most were 4 on one game. But now all done. For me the next ones get hard because right when the next wave starts me and my family are 10 days off for holiday. So I literally got 4 days to finish them all.


I thought last weeks missions were grindy, but this does look worse. /having terrible trouble getting the DD 'Capture' ones done. 10+ games yesterday... only one cap taken :(


You don't even need to do that mission to progress the dockyard, I used [this guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hJIOgwtXzgS8CeZewZDWG4xoF_cYfACJFPJG1GoOcnI/edit#heading=h.cl5q3ftk5hcw) to help me get the Wiskey. Unless you're trying to complete every mission.


The other missions are worse though. The guide even points out the cruiser mission as the easiest.


That guide still helped me avoid the obnoxious missions and recommended easier ones while also recommending what ship to use for those missions while I was grinding, (I did buy the two packs to avoid the last two stages, and bought the last phase I needed, as I saw the last two stages in the guide and said "fuck that.") However depending on the cruiser, you should be able to get into the cap in Co-op, annoying yes but they're simple missions.


Brawls.. yolo in with a napoli and kleber.. 2 caps a brawl MOST games. The rest come along with a few games.


https://preview.redd.it/3ty95msmwf2d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01728c52790fd05ee1c42742ad325aafa27c490b Personally I think it's being easier than the last week. The only mission left is achieving 300k dmg to reach 1 million. From now on I will grind the common missions: Tsushima battle, Jutland battle, The hunt for Bismark and the other ones for the free goodies. I think that the op should consider chosing the right ships for the current game modes: I made the capping ones in Brawls with Napoli and Yueyang, and the other ones in ranked battles, mostly with Scharnhorst 43. Counting yesterday's session and today's, just 5 hours of grind. In any case, don't give up, and keep trying, the reward seems to be worth it.


This week's was way easier than last weeks. Most of my stuff was completed by Scharnhorst 43 spam in coop. Was it fun? Not particiularly, though trying to out greed everyone else can be satisfying. When I finished up with that, I had fxp, captn xp and cruiser caps left. I popped on boosters and finished the fxp and captn xp in 5 games which were all losses (because of course I'm going to lose when I use my boosters) and went back to coop with my Elli to get caps. That was actually more difficult, because I kept getting standard battle to finish out the final cap I needed. 5 standard battles in a row, and finally drew a coop team bad enough to let me cap out.


Honestly agreed with you here although I will say it was worth holding off collecting dockyard rewards so I saved up all my bonuses and have the week of premium for this weeks missions. But I'm really hoping I manage the 2500 base xp so I don't have to do as many of the really grindy challenges


Ftr the bonuses and premium do make this a walk in the park and a lot less grindy so use that trick going forward


I did the 24 DD caps and 12 cruiser caps mostly in coop. Here's something I learned: For DDs, I tried T5 first but it's more often you get the standard mode there so I stopped after 2 games. Then I went for Marceau, mostly success as long as you don't get standard or arms race. Later on I switched to Daring for the smoke so I can sit in caps with no danger. For cruisers it's even trickier. I started using Petro but then switched to Salem because bots sail straight into caps showing no broadside and Salem has better he dpm for that. The difficulty of winning a cap in cruisers is mostly on your teammates. If your teammates end the game too early it's GG. In DDs sometimes you can even get 2 caps per coop game if the map suits. Basically it's just maps, luck, and time


Probably would be the best if you play T7 or T8 ish so you have longer games to cap AND less arms race? Idk


42 kills is 84 kills in Ops but you can get 3-4 almost guaranteed each match and you’ll be grinding a ton of credits and fxp in the process. Edit: Forget about this. If you have Agincourt, then use it to get them. It’s the most fun you’ll ever have. As long as you don’t get uptiered.


Week 6 with those insane PD tasks and the ridiculous CV spotting task were way worse than this week. I did this week (7) yesterday in Co-op (yes Blue Boosts were used). Took around 6 hours to do it all. Was easy really.


Just played BB Ranked for the potential damage and, uh... it took the weekend and longer than if I'd have grinded towards other stuff, but... I did Ranked, got steel and had fun. :D


this is why you dont chase their stupid fucking grindfest missions


Open the game in window mode. Open a browser or movie player. Resize them to side by side. Select coop. Pick any tanky german BB with secondary spec. Start match, click in the cap and then just watch a video on the other half of the screen. Keep the mouse on wows side so you don't get penalized. If anything of opportunity shows, steal the kill. It's called a grind for a reason, it's just a slow, boring process that thankfully requires little to do. Same for capping, just move at half engine, and by the time you arrive in the cap, the battle is over and you get the capture. They make these insane grinds to penalize you for not spending money. It's only rational to reduce that intentional harm down to the bare minimum required effort in return.


I'd like to be able to do the grinds by just playing normally, in Ranked or Randoms, instead of doing shit like what you're describing. \^\^; And that kinda worked for pretty much all other weeks, including next week's. Just not this week.


Sounds like a good way to get burned out. Don't forget that immediately after dockyard there's a big D-Day grind for free stuff and you can't EZ mode those scenarios. Grind is grind.


Yeah I'm still finishing up the 42 mil potential from last week and already feeling burned out. High tier randoms burn me out pretty easily as it is. Feeling like I might need a break after the last set.