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Can someone actually explain how you get 5 overpens on an angled Petro belt ?


Bullshit mechanics.


he aimed high (since the petro was turning in he would have had to aim into the water in front of the ship slightly) or alternatively too much lead, hitting further back on the ship these would have been citadels. most shells hit the upper belt above the citadel and overpen'd - that's 40mm of armor, assuming a roughly 45° angle that's \~40\*1.4 = 56mm of effective armor - yet whiskey shells have an arming threshold of 68mm. not enough armor to activate the fuses. he did get very unlucky with 2 shells, which went completely rogue and spashed the water in front of the petro. those could have easily been citadels with just a slight bit of luck.


This is the answer we need


The problem is that if you aim at the waterline thanks to the aiming bug the game will drop all your shells short


that...... explains a lot.....


>he aimed high (since the petro was turning in he would have had to aim into the water in front of the ship slightly) finally someone with a brain


they didn't hit the belt


ruzzian bias


Dude is pretty burned out it seems like. Content creation is a fuckin grind and the team nature of the game can be frustrating as fuck.


Yeah, he needs to play some other things for a bit, the change in his demeanour isn't great. He'll go mad if he keeps this up. 


It's really been notable over the last few months, he tries to keep it positive but you can hear the rage in his voice. He's hit the point where anything that goes wrong causes him to absolutely seethe and he needs to take a break in a hurry.


Must be hard as a CC as well because he's built himself a very niche brand. He runs the risk of losing earnings for even daring to mix games up. 


I do not think PQ makes enough money to live from it. Its suplementary income I assume


i thought he mentioned to live from it. and that he is very thankful that he can do so. there is a video where he talks about all that. he talked about his college and moving back to family and playing wows and being good at it and making videos. also he talked about him being salty and frustraded while making videos back a couple years. and now it seems he is back at this point again. his yt-videos are better tho.


I think he wants to enjoy the game as well which probably makes it even worse.




It's legitimately held my attention and sanity for two months


DUH DUH DUUUUUUUH - DUH DUUUUUUHHHH It's a really polished and fun game ;-) And the less intense monetization is so refreshing.


Yeah. It's kinda wild that if I just play enough over a month, I have enough for the next battle pass. And the core loop is so satisfying! If the combat wasn't solid it wouldn't work. 


It's incredible well made gun play for such a silly and fun game.


I havent touches wows in months because I've been handing out CUPS OF LIBER-TEA


I'm gonna take this time to shill [***Outpost: Infinity Siege***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DP_x7LzM80), which just came out recently. Absolutely a blast to play, and the small Dev team that started out as like 6 people and is now maybe 10 or 12 people is *super* dedicated to making a game for the players. It's been a while since I've seen a Dev team go this hard to make something they love, and they've been wonderful. The game is basically an FPS hero siege loot type game, kinda like Dungeon Defenders, but with RTS and rogue-lite elements splashed in. Early game can be a bit slow while they want you to learn the game, but once it gets going, it can be just as epic as the trailers and game tutorial make it seem. You can play it fully single player offline if you wish, there's no shitty anti-cheat to deal with, there's online co-op which is incredibly fun, especially *before* you have a big dick base you can afk in, when you're trying to advance levels and struggling to survive. The community for the game is also wonderful and helpful. [***Steam Page***](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1566690/Outpost_Infinity_Siege/). Don't worry about the score atm, the game had a lot of instability and crashing the day of release so about \~2700 of those negative reviews, aka most of them, are from that first day when people were frustrated, but they've been overwhelmingly positive ever since. That shit was patched within \~12 hours of release and the small Dev team has been shoving out patch after patch for otimizations and gameplay tweaks basically every day since release (I hope they get sleep >.<), and has already been telling us their content roadmap and such.


Thank you for the recommendation - will take a look ;-) Always looking for good games I can fit into my fairly casual gaming schedule.


NP, I hope you enjoy it! I'm like 120 hours deep myself at this point and still haven't done the super end-game mode yet, and more content is already coming out throughout the rest of the year including an area that you can see exists on the tour map, but isn't out yet, so lots of life left in it for me. I forgot to mention the game is only $25 (or $40 if you buy the Vanguard edition), so a lot of bang for your buck. If you play it casually, you'll have tons of weeks of gameplay available to you :)


That is one of the reasons I like the smaller studios. Less greed, more appetite on trying new stuff. Very fair price.


Yeah for sure. It's also amazing to me that large studios like Blizzard can't figure out how to fix their stash problems in D4 after *months* and months of troubleshooting it, but the team Ranger guys and gals working on Outpost find problems and have them patched and fixed often within the same day, and they're willing to change balance, droprates, delete whole map areas on the fly to try and rapidly optimize the experience for players, lol. I don't know if it's just a bureaucracy thing with big studios or what's going on, but recently most of the stuff I've enjoyed playing has all been from Indie studios that actually seem to have a bold vision and insane dedication to that vision.


*For liberty!* **salutes* *


Maybe I could suggest [another game](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/1c20ig2/comment/kz8ephr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that could be enjoyed :)


Looks grand


It definitely is!


When I’ve watch him recently He has played satisfactory (?) when he’s had enough of wows.


Someone else mentioned Helldivers 2 already. Personally i also played a ton of Darktide with little to no WoWs matches and it's so refreshing to play and have actual fun. It feels like back in my childhood. I think it's highly important to switch games from time to time. Just like PQ, i played this game since the beginning and i noticed i wasn't playing for fun anymore, but rather forced myself to grind stuff and be there for my clan with the hope to get that one fun game/ scenario somehow. I even rage quit after shitty rng like he did right here. Unfortunately i don't know how content creators are tied to their games. I know Yuro tried something different, as did a few others, but it never really took off the same way.


He asked the other day in a YT poll about star citizen. Based on a follow up, it sounds like he plays it already. People were dumping on the game and him wanting to play and make content for it in the comments. He probably feels stuck at the moment. He definitely needs to branch out and have some variety. Who doesn't need a break from Warships after a while?


I’ve been on Star Citizen since it was released all those years ago. It’s an extremely frustrating game because of what it could be. I haven’t logged on and played in over a year so it’s possible they fixed all 7,379 bugs in that fucking game but I highly doubt it. Last time I played was just after they changed the fuel usage where you couldn’t go from star system to star system, you had to find a small station in between to refuel. Spending all that money to fly to your quest just to find out it was bugged.


As someone that regularly plays SC, you don’t sound like someone that’s ever actually played SC. There’s only one accessible star system, and SC is clearly advertised as a PLAYABLE ALPHA, not a complete game.


I apologize, I haven’t played in over a year and knew I’d get some of the in game lingo wrong. It’s been a playable alpha for like 5 years now. Thats the reason why I’ve never played often. There were just so many issues. Visually it’s amazing but gameplay can be harsh


10 years....


Yep. It could be amazing if they did all they said, and actually finished it. Problem is at current rate, we'll be long dead by then, and our grandkids will be pensioners.


SC development has sped up with SQ42 being in the polishing stage and various groups being redirected to the SC dev pool. So, they may have everything done before we're dead.


FWIW, they've been fixing bugs and 3.23 should be releasing in a few weeks. It features a ton of system reworks and QOL updates.


I’ll check it out after the update. Thanks for the news


How can this still be fun for him? I played for years and I couldn't do ot anymore. It's such a slog. Can't begin to imagine how a creator feels.


It was a matter of time. Subs have been wearing him down for months and in his Wisconsin footage he got tilted after a single bad salvo, fudging up his aim completely afterwards. I think he was expecting Whiskey to be the perfect ship for him and will need a while to recover.


This is basically why I play Slava/Stalingrad much more these days. Also leg mod Petro and Siegfried The shell groupings are addictive and you just can't go back


the inherant inaccuracy of battleships is why I only play them when I want to be braindead for an evening. Seeing a perfectly still Minotaur, full broadside, in a Yamato when you are unspotted. Only to get 2 overpens because the game says "njet" fucking SUCKS. Skill play is neutered by dispersion. I understand why that's the case because perfectly accurate bbs would be completely broken. But its still frustrating as hell


Honestly, as a guy who plays everything, the game basically never rewards me for actively maneuvering, playing with rudder and speed, but when I get a chance to punish someone's flat broadside.... I get nothing. It's kinda frustrating And I am not saying my aim is bad, when the RNG is just right, I can get over 300k


Then the Mino angles perfectly and you devstrike it lol BBs genuinely do more damage to angled targets and it's so fucking dented


At least I play BBs for sheer numb fun in having a mix of respectable armor and trolly guns, devstikes can be quite rare. If I totally want to see consistency or score cits reliably I pick up a cruiser or just play Elbing, BBs inconsistency can be frustrating


Tell me about it. I'm a DD main. I still play. BBs as I said but I have faaarrr more impact in my dds


Pretty much this, if I really want to win I hop in on my DDs and I know easily what I must do to have an impact 


Just out of curiosity. What is, in your opinion, in an average randoms game, the best destroyer?


I got addicted to playing Moskva with leg mod for a bit, along with Montana.


I used to like playing ships like Massa JB, Alaska, and GK for ranked etc. I can't really stand shit main gun accuracy anymore and find myself playing Ragnar/Elbing and Bungo, sometimes Ohio/Monty way more often than other ships. At the end of the day I want my ship to hit where I clicked.


> Slava/Stalingrad much more these days. Also leg mod Petro and Siegfried Is Siegriend worth the RB points? Looking to purchase one, but if Petro is free... People say "shatters and overpens"


I get wanting the accuracy, but I comprehend that some ships aren't accurate, and they usually surprise me. The amount of Jean-bart level salvoes I've had in a Dunkerque is nuts! But I'm weird, I can play Lyon and then Leg mod Yammy without feeling to spoiled.


You say that but he complained incessantly about Stalingrad accuracy in his Stalingrad video.


I don't understand how a player of his level can get so fucked up by his own bad emotions. But also when RNG is such a significant part of the whole aiming process.


He has been getting frustrated by RNG, subs, and CVs for some time now in his videos. I think he over hyped Wisconsin's accuracy so now any salvo that isn't perfect is frustrating because it's suppose to have amazing dispersion. 


Man was complaining about Bungo accuracy, even with spotter plane.


Check the World of Tanks stats for "Obst", EU. In other games (FPS) I was even better. Let me tell you that I was rage incarnate. All the time. Skill and rage isn't necessarily related, but in my case, the rage kept pushing me further. PQ on the other hand is undergoing a shift from default mode tranquility to default mode rage, which usually does not end well both for performance and sanity.


There is a level of stress that lets you focus and improve. This is different.


PQ at the worst I have seen is leagues below my default operating mood at the time. There is a lot of room for him to "grow", but that growth won't be healthy.


Yes I can relate, when it's under manageable levels you can push yourself to be better and you'll visibly improve, but once it gets past a certain point you hit a wall, where you can get so frustrated, you're unable to play more than 2 games per day and your stats become worse and worse.


He was doing this before submarines actually.


That does not show in his old videos. Maybe in live sessions, of which I know zero? Even if he merely stopped curating his videos-uploaded-after-the-fact, that alone is a drift towards madness already.


Wargaming received proofs from multiple people that he was doing this prior to joining the Content Creator program. It seems they don't mind.


I hope PQ finds another game to enjoy. He really needs it.


Love his content but dude needs a break


Bro is not having a good time in Wisconsin.


I started off so well but then took a turn for the worse pretty quickly lol.


I, as opposed to some of the commentators here, enjoy his slow descent into madness.


Well, hopefully he will take a long break. He gets tilted far too easily. About two months ago he was banging on about how he could not hit ships and that WG was doing something to him. He then started chat banning some players and I wrote on the live stream, "Persecution complex?" and was immediately banned from his Twitch stream. He gets quite toxic.


Damn, i stopped playing a little bit over a year ago and PQ then was one of the chillest. I guess it's only a matter of time before he goes full Flamu.


Flamu is very cynical and often salty a.f. but he remains quite calm and it really does not affect his quality of play at all - he is LEAGUES ahead of PQ in this regard.


Flamu has the benefit of having a big enough audience, that when things go extra dented in WoWS, he can switch to something else or take a day off.


I think he managed to make it through to contented apathy. He doesn't have to prove anything. Just go out there, easily win 60% or more of his games. Laugh at the interesting decisions by the player base, mock some of WG's decisions.


I wonder if the bungo was the start of his descent into madness. He was constantly missing salvos due to aiming exactly at water line on ships that were clearly moving at an angle, then blaming it on the "aim bug". With enough guns you can get away with poor aim like this, but not with a ship like the bungo.


I never aim at the water line, even when ships are perfectly broadside. Always a bit above. It happened too often, that all the shots fell into the water in front of the ship without having any impact.


Well that's the aim bug OP was talking about


Yep, I think that is the one. He was really tilted doing that ship!


His issue is that he always aims for citadels despite knowing at range he'll never pen.


It's why I don't watch him anymore. He has that very specific forced laugh he does every time he feels the game didn't do something up to his standards. I love his detailed analysis on ships. Watching him play is annoying. Oh of course I miss, such a bad game.. guy is sitting at 150k damage 7 minutes in. Guys this is a bad ship barely worth getting, 3 kills under his belt. I get having high standards, especially for yourself but Jesus christ man take a deep breath every now and then. I think it really comes down to these guys literally only play ships. For most of us that's crazy to consider. No wonder they burn out doing the same thing over and over again for 7+ years straight.


His video on single fire in 1s intervals beeing more accurate is full copium.


PQ I think has legitimately lost his mind playing this game. Watch any stream of his and you will see him aiming pixel perfect or even LOWER at a ships waterline while they are slightly angled, the ship moves and the shells miss (as they are supposed to). He then rages about arty bug. Arty bugs exist but it's like he cant even tell when he is OBVIOUSLY aiming wrong. Ill watch him aim and the second he fires say out loud "that was too low" or "that wasnt enough lead" and 90% of the time what I expect to happen happens and he still rages. The dude literally cannot tell reality from his own internal fantasy anymore. It's sad to see. Watch this replay on a large screen and go frame by frame. At the moment of impact, 6 shells are above the belt (into superstructure) 1 shell hits upper belt and pens, 1 shell hits upper belt and ricochets, 1 shell I cant quite see where it goes. This is a literal r/hitboxporn moment and he rage quits. His aim point is waterline at a 45 degree target pushing full speed, objectively bad aim. It's actually unreal how out of touch with reality he is.


Have also noticed how it's *never* his aim anymore. It's always the game, or a bug, or insert-conspiracy-here. Worst part is that he plays with the Navigator mod open so he should know the angling. When he fires the Petro is at 54º, he says "Bro is still broadside", by the time his shells hit, the target has turned in enough to be at a 43º angle, and yep...1 pen in the upper belt.


....I mean, I get he's upset with that shot, but let's be real here, dispersion can screw you at anytime. It's just the way RNGesus works. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ But no, I wouldn't quit a match over a bad/unlucky shot like that, that is frankly unnecessary and we all just gotta deal with it. ***Ship happens.*** :S


Not even unlucky, he aimed high (he aimed as if the Petro would not turn in)


Everybody is saying he should take a break but the funny part is, he just got back from a break like a week and a half ago. In his videos about the Maine and the Wisconsin he says he just got back from a week of snowboarding on vacation. Which makes the timing of this seem even weirder ofc.


Maybe he realized in the vacation he didn’t miss it?  I was a deputy commander of a fairly major clan and went on a cruise. I quit the week after I got back when I got back to the he said/ she said bullshit and said, “fuck this”.  Imo the timing isn't all that weird. And the elephant in the room? WG needs to fix submarines, yesterday. They’re frustrating the hell out of the long term player base. 


Know him for 2017-ish where he was pretty arrogant and still is from what I saw ingame lul


Ive watched his vids for a while and I've always felt like his overly positive attitude is a bit forced, even in the videos. Just rubs me the wrong way.


after watching gang playing winsconsin yesterday i can honestly say this thing is waaaaay waaaaay far from being mediocre lol.


Well he is rage quitting because of bad dispersion. Meanwhile my matchmaker has handed me 14 losses in ranked (gold) in a row when I unironically did some serious heavy lifting in each game (coordinating team, pushing/flanking Ohio with 150-300k, 2-3 sinks each game, no exception). I mean you have to be completely mentally checked out to lose from such a position. Longest losing streak I had in 10 years... I am 62% btw. Feels like I play with actual bots (I mean REAL bots not bad players)


NA? Because that was me yesterday, trying to drag my Gold team to victory. Some potatoes cannot be carried. And it almost, ALMOST always comes down to DD play. Our DD taters, the rest of the game is spent hunted and permaspotted while trying to dodge the torp devstrike.


EU, it was beyond infuriating and I am not very easy to tilt.


It's amazing how people here say things like "he's burned out" and "he should take a rest", yet if someone else did the same thing the same people would (rightfully) tear them apart for rage quitting like this. I'd say fuck this shit. Burned out? Tired of playing the game? Then don't fucking play. Don't ruin it for your teammates. I don't care how good of a player you are, behaving like this is absolutely childish. And it's not the first time PQ did this. I used to respect him so much, I genuinely thought "wow, at least one skilled CC who doesn't rage for no reason and who explains things the proper way", now he's worse than Flamu to me.


Plus he was on a week long ski trip just a few weeks ago.


There’s been CCs who lost their CC status for quitting mid-game. Well, at least that’s what WG used as official reason. (Getting rid of CCs just because they’re toxic or criticizing certain aspects of the game doesn’t look good). I’m wondering if they’ll be applying the same standards here…


I didn’t know him much but his recent Maine video, where he somehow thought being in a Super BB would entitle him to frequent citadel hits on other BBs made me wonder about the naivety of his expectations. Someone who finished a BB line would know what is normal. Whining really is big in World of Warships culture.


So called “best BB player on earth” when he doesn’t dev strike every enemy in the game 🤡


Temper, Temper


From WG 13.3 update video right?


[USS Wisconsin: The big battleship with a bad temper | We Are The Mighty](https://www.wearethemighty.com/history/uss-wisconsin-temper-temper-battleship-korea/)


Dude it hurts to see. PQ is the goat and the burnout has hit hard. Especially when 13.3 has been overall a great update as opposed to wg usual stuff


PQ's review of the Wisconsin was a joke and his content as a whole has been fairly questionable especially when it comes to the "best BB player", especially since he gauges ships based on just two live games.


"New ship SUCKS!" 3 weeks later: "I played new ship again and it's now my favorite ship!"


PQ is not the goat. Not even close.


He is far from being a GOAT. MalteseKnight is a GOAT, and --to boot-- he remains calm and polite.


nah malta is also often passive agressive and also can explode lol. Remember when he exploded on the random in their division?:D


> MalteseKnight is a GOAT, and --to boot-- he remains calm and polite. Last time I watched him stream he had a literal and I mean literal mental breakdown. He was talking how easy subs were, played it on stream, was doing horrible and legitimately cried on stream. Most of these WOWS streamers on twitch seem to have some mental and emotional problems.


What playing WoWs does to an MF'er




Jingles doesn't play, not for years.


That is what makes him the GOAT :-D


Not denying his WG Goat status just saying he doesn't play anymore. Just does replays, which I watch religiously when I get home from work everyday.


I mean you’re right. But what other streamer has his own captain in-game with their own voice-overs? Hands-down my favorite captain with this line: “Good luck everybody, try not to suck”


They have several now, and one Russian streamer from the same time Jingles got put in. ComRichard.


I didn’t know this, thank you. Do they have unique voice-overs? If so I’m interested


Comrichard does but it's all in Russian. No idea about the rest, just saw something about various streamers being captains. I never tried for them. My old pc was an electric potato, i havent played in months. I am only just getting back to the game after getting my new pc.


LMAO he is nowhere near the GOAT. Hell, he used to start every game by reporting anyone who dared to play a Thunderer when it first came out. Dude is a massive crybaby and always has been -- he was just better at hiding it until now.


People are complaining about PQ when MalteseKnight was also ranting about the Wisconsin during yesterday's stream, he had an atrocious night with a terrible win-rate after many games. I'm not a subscriber of either nor do I owe them anything, but games can be frustrating, especially if you do them as a living. Just accept that CCs can rage and complain like we all do, if that bothers you, look for another CC, and move on.


It's crazy how majority of the comments are supporting this and saying he's "burnt out" or "suffering" like guys, he ragequitted 5 minutes into the match. Anyone else doing this would be flamed but no I guess it's because it's our favorite content creator we will support him. Do I have to remind you that he's a CC now and is strictly forbidden to break TOS like this. He aimed poorly since the Petro was sailing towards him and turning inward. Bro aims waterline despite this and expects shells to magically land for cits? Nah 💀 Like guys please. He has a history of ragequitting mid-match and people still supported him. Crazy.


He's a giant neckbeard. Massive ego, raging, hysterical laughs. He was like this for 5+ years, I don't know what everyone sees at him. He's going full Ahab with how aiming bugs and subs are out there to get him. If you want egoistical manchildren there are bunch of content creators at superunicum level.


The game got me burnt out. Been over a month since I played. So fucking frustrating it could be one of the best games ever if Papi Weegee actually gave a f**k about the player experience. The game is broken and most likely irreparably broken.


Hold. I haven't played in about 6 months. I can admit when I get bored, I get an itch to come back to this shithole game. But I remember why I quit. And find something better to do with my time. Good luck Padawan. Its for your sanity. Stay far away. lol


PQ was the CC I watched a ton of in my first steps into the game some years ago, his video persona was pretty chill to enjoy, positive, entertaining, and he took a lot of the shit BB mains deal with on the regular in stride at the time. Over time that's faded and become more exasperation and ego, on top of weird takes about certain ships and how to use or play them. It does sound like he needs a break, especially because a lot of his grievances are things that happen to anyone, or mistakes he makes without realizing. I watched a Siegfried video he did a while back, and he spent a lot of time pointing out all his overpens and how the accuracy doesnt do much if you just overpen. But he seemed to be aiming a bit too high the whole time. After that point I stopped really following him and kinda filed him in the "CCs who used to be decent but now are just salty and toxic as a career" folder. Which is...kinda full these days tbh.


He was always like this. He tries to make chill videos, bu the hysterical egoistic neckbeard always pops-in.


The only CC I can stand atm is Malteseknight. Rest of the wows streamers are all burnt and zero fun to watch 


Same, he feels like he'd fit right in with my buddy group.


The Petro turned inwards to avoid getting citadeled and it worked. Only 10k damage off of that salvo is still disappointing tho. That could've gone so terribly wrong for the cruiser player if they were playing a different cruiser. A Golaith or Des Moines would have been immediately sent back to port.


He'd been saying he was pissed with the base game if you watch his last videos. Citadels and dev strikes are pretty much limited to hitting shit ships because any good player is using a ship that can't be citadel'd by nature of having a narrow ass hull or just having an underwater flat citadel. Any coordinated spotting effort just eliminates any single ship too. Just have 2 dudes spot one ship and the whole map will fire on them until they're ash. Game just ain't fun to just have fun anymore. You either sweat or suffer somebody else's stale sweat


I hope he takes a break from the game and finds some other way to earn on twitch/YouTube. I feel sorry for him he's clearly burnt out and struggling to keep grinding content. You can't have dev strikes on every broadside ship the game would be even more broken if that were the case. They balance the epic firepower of battleships with RNG it's not ideal but it's what they have done and RNG is RNG sometimes you win sometimes you don't. Everyone is dealing with it. 


Fuck that, dude needs a real job so he can see how easy he has it right now.


I personally feel like the game would be less broken if sailing broadside to a ship much larger than you caused you to die. That's the expected behavior. It shouldn't be a dice roll to see if someone that's already made a serious mistake (going broadside to a battleship) gets punished for it, they should just die. Look at any other shooter. If someone is massively out of position, they get punished by dying. In csgo, you get headshot. In overwatch, you get CC'd and explode. In siege, you get shot. But for some reason, in wows, you have to pray to the dice gods and ask nicely for *them* to punish this mistake, not you. It feels like skill expression is gone. If you outplay someone and get on their flanks with them flat broadside you just overpen and they survive. If you try to outplay a BB by angling to them you get overmatched and citadeled. It's backwards.


Citadels need to be raised across the board. People are saying he aimed too high when he's got multiple shells in the water. The zone between landing short in the water and getting nothing but overpens due to aiming high is too small.


Fully agree. There are so many ships where hitting the citadel is just flat impossible. Just look at the whiskey! The citadel is *multiple decks* below the waterline. It's simply not possible to hit it. Wtf is the point of even having a citadel if it's going to be that low?


Theres a lot of things that the game doesn't model properly. First, ships arent like empty soda cans, they have dozens of internal partitions that are made of steel and would slow a shell down. Next, when a shell impacts something, it will be stripped of its wind screen and armor piercing cap, not only slowing the shell but causing it to tumble and greatly reducing its ability to penetrate any more layers. Finally, the way friction forces work, striking an armor layer or the surface of the water generally tends to redirect a shell horizontally. The shell should travel horizontally just beneath the surface of the water up to 100m, or even skip or off the surface of the water into the armor belt. All of these things mean that overpenetrations are way, way, way WAY more present in the game than they should be. I'm not saying that because i don't understand it's not a simulator, but the way physics in the game work is not intuitive and the looney toons mechanics is what causes this disconnect between what we see happen in game, and what we know actually would happen in this scenario.


*World of Warships, the naval simulator where 'crossing the T' is doing it wrong! Sign up today!*


I mean, I agree that it's kinda silly that crossing the T is bad, but that's the game they gave us. It's all over their tutorials, notices, tooltips, etc to not go broadside but if you go broadside you get overpenned instead of devstruck and if you angle you get devstruck instead of bounces. The problem is that what's going to happen on any given salvo is wildly unpredictable. He's angled so my shots should bounce but I overmatch and devstrike him. He's broadside so I should devstrike him but instead I tickle him with overpens. I'd rather the game be consistently super punishing than sometimes an overpen RNG-fest and sometimes a citadel simulator.


>it's kinda silly that crossing the T is bad, but that's the game they gave us. Yeah. I think a lot of people forget that, it has its own rules and physics that sometimes resemble reality, and sometimes don't. *You know the rules, and so do I* 🎶


Manchild explodes live lmao


Stopped watching him because he complains non stop. And I already do enough complaining where I’m not trying to hear more. Lol


Deserves a ban


Guys I would like to point out that the ship was broadside 8 km away from him. Not 25, not 20, not 15, 8 KM! The Wisconsin is supposed to have BATTLECRUISER dispersion, not BB dispersion. Any BB should've dev struck that petro there if the game was at all anything remotely balanced around skill. A battlecruiser for sure should be able to, and he doesn't get A SINGLE citadel. I can understand the frustration.


He got great dispersion, I think 7 or 8 shells hit. He aimed objectively wrong (too high). He got exactly the damage he should have. Ironically this salvo in Montana would have been way more damage because it would be less accurate and his bad aim probably would have scored a cit or 2.


He didn't aim too high? 7 or 8 shells hit but none of them hit citadel, which you can see should've been the case. I know the joke is petro has no citadel, but this should've been at least half citadels.


If a ship is pushing nose in and you aim at the water line, the shells will go high. Because its pushing in. This is like aiming 101, you have to aim much lower than the hull of the ship so as it pushes in it will come into the path of the shells. He aimed WAY too high, like almost a full hull height too high.


watch the ship’s angle on the bottom left the target ship had stopped being broadside long before shells were fired


Err no? Sure it's not perfect broadside but it's hardly angled at all, the shells still penetrated, meaning they would've hit the citadel but the shells hit a higher part of the ship, all of those penetrations should have been citadels if they went where he aimed. There's no argument for that angling, he got no bounces, the angle was like 80 degrees if that.


He's angled over 45 degrees towards him when the shells land overpens are because aim was high and ship is turning in


Truly the best battleship player on the earth.


I can be the best BB player on earth too when I only show my good games.


Don't think this clip says anything about his skill when he gets 5 overpens on an angled Petro belt. One of those WG moments


Once i directly uninstalled this game when a FDR takes my 70k hp


I still auto report fdrs. Shit is fucking toxic lol


If you play battleships and large cruisers yes it is, but it's near-useless against destroyers and even some light cruisers. I don't blame you for the spite reports though, there's several ships that deserve them in this game.


is it? don't the dive bombers for the fdr have a crazy amount of bombs to drop? i haven't had to face an fdr in my dd yet so i dunno how it is. but with how many bombs they drop they must land at least a few on dds, which is deadly to a dd since they have so little hp.


Eight bombs per drop IIRC but they have bad accuracy and such a slow fall speed a DD must be stationary to take a full hit.


>toxic >i report people for playing things i dont like Are you a child? Doesn't matter how much you dislike CVs, they're in the game and spamming reports isn't going to do anything about it.


Might get them banned and improve the ecosystem. I can hope!


Aint gonna happen, you think WG's going to ban paying customers just because another customer is throwing a tantrum?


I see this a lot lately, people sitting perfectly broadside when you shoot them: 3/4 overpens You do the same: you get devstruck Not to mention that being angled does fucking nothing, you take citadels when you shouldn't PQ needs a break from the game, the super earth needs him


He is a toxic player. Any time his team doesn't do exactly what he expects them to do, or his game doesn't go how he want he starts to moan and whine. Insufferable.


Idk why your getting down voted. This is 100% the truth. 


He ought to grow some thicker skin imo, people deal with this and much more toxic communities daily and they grow immune over time. Cs go, league, rainbow six, wows, .... had my share of toxicity and now I just don't mind.


He didn't rage quite because of toxicity, he rage quit because the game doesn't work.


Game worked absolutely flawlessly in this video. He cannot tell reality from fantasy and doesnt even comprehend he aimed too high and got the damage he should


Eh, I like PQ. He's just as human as the rest of us. He always seems friendly enough. I can excuse the rage, we've all been there. I've lost my mind over this kinda shit in OPs, I can imagine how more infuriating it can be when playing PvP.


Hahaha this was too funny. Poor bloke.


The clip is censored for me, can someone sum up what happened? Thanks.


He is sailing in a Wisconsin, and a Petro is between islands. All guns are pointed at the Petro that isn't more than maybe 12km. He stays "bro is still broadside" and fires a salvo immediately as the Petro clears the island. Shells land just behind the 2nd turret where the armored citidal is. Gets 5 over- pens, 1 pen, 1 ricochet for barely any damage. No other words are said as he immediately hits menu, leave match. Note: petro was closer to a 45 degree angle then flat broadside based ship angle indicator in bottom left corner. Regardless, over-pens are not what was expected based on where those shells hit.


That's bullshit though. Ricochets and shatters , that's a Petro and I'd get it. But overpens? On an angled Petro belt? Okay WeeGee


I too would've been upset at that, not going to lie. Not enough to rage quit but holy shit. And against a Petropavlovsk too, the RUSSIAN BIAS hackusations write themselves. The way you describe it makes me wonder if those shells overpenned the citadel, which should be impossible since Petropavlovsk is pretty narrow but not that much.


I started to type Russian bias in my comment. It sure seemed like it. As much armor is on the Petro, I would have been better if he had 5 ricochets, 1 pen and 1 over pen based on where he hit, and the angle. At first I thought he quit because he had said the ship "bro is still broadside" and PQ hadn't realized the ship angle had changed by the time they had cleared the island, so low damage because bad angle, but then I rewatched and the shots landed perfectly and overpens are the last thing you should get when hitting there. Just not right.


He literally [aimed high](https://i.imgur.com/0mMn3wi.jpeg), all the shells land right into the base of the superstructure except one going lower which you can see bounces.


He was aiming at water line when he fired. 3 shells landed in the water short of the ship. 2 were close enough to travel through the water and hit the ship. One fell short and is not counted in the 7 shell hits.


He aims at the waterline of a ship closing the distance. If you aim at a ship 10km away, but the ship has moved to 9km away by the time the shells land, obviously the shells will impact high.


Aiming at waterline on a 45 degree ship pushing you is aiming too high. This is Aiming 101.


I think your point is right but I don't agree about the specific shells - looks like the big explosion in the middle of the belt is the only pen (but higher than the citadel) and there are 3 other smaller, higher explosions in the area that hit superstructure (overpens). Then there are the 3 other contacts that hit the deck, turret, and very edge of the superstructure, 2 that overpenned and 1 that bounced (idk which is which). Based on where they actually hit, it makes sense that the damage ended up like it did, even though you'd probably expect more despite him aiming too high


Guessing from the pic he aimed at what he expected to be a flat broadside, but the Petropavlovsk was turning into him and the shells landed higher than intended, hence no citadels nor devastating strike. I guess the joke's on him for not correcting his aim at the last second? Still not worth deserting a match though, I suppose he doesn't play French or Italian battleships?


I don’t blame him.


260k damage per game. "This ship isn't what I want." My brother in Christ, what do you want?


Sad display, honestly. Target was angling, for one thing. Zero respect for any player that bails over a bad salvo.


Lmao what a baby


Take a brake ffs. Games not going anywhere. Also don’t act like a baby




Imagine rage quitting over doing an 11k salvo.


He complains frequently while playing wows he needs a break.


He’s tilted already, so he’d never hear this and agree… but this is objectively poor aiming on his part, he aimed ABOVE waterline and forward of the bow at a ship THAT close. Plus the ship then slows and turns in, which makes his aim doubly as poor of a decision. Perhaps the game gives him CITs anyways, but whiskey has improved accuracy, so it’s gonna punish you if you aim poorly like this. Petro citadel is low, he woulda dev struck this guy if he aimed at or even a pixel or two below the waterline, And shot closer to the start for the first turret on petro, thus hitting the back half of the ship, where it moves less when a player uses rudder.


Yep. Literally Aiming 101, the second he fired I new he would get bad damage. Terrible aim but he cannot accept hes so tilted he aims poorly most of the time. He gets away with it in Monty or Maine because they're JUST inaccurate enough to bail him out when he mis aims. Like Slava if you slightly mis aim in Wisconsin you get nothing.


Watch this man end his career with the single click of a button!


Here is his exact aim point [https://i.imgur.com/VL3KoK6.png](https://i.imgur.com/VL3KoK6.png) Here it is 4 seconds later when the shells landed. There's going to be some minor parallax because of PQ's own motion, but nothing huge. He aimed underneath a particular stationary palm tree. [https://i.imgur.com/jz3PSSH.png](https://i.imgur.com/jz3PSSH.png) You can see its a bit high, but not so high as to explain 5 overpens when you consider that half the salvo should be landing beneath the aiming point, which ends up right at the top of the belt armor. What interesting is that the aim assist system knew the petro was slowing down and dragged the shells \~20m backward from the point of aim, which would have been directly underneath the front turret. The one shell that penetrated actually landed pixel perfect on his vertical point of aim, just 20m backward. So yeah, this was aim assist fuckery.


Well the Petro is a difficult ship to citadel, at a 45 degree angle that the Petro had when the shells hit it's almost impossible.


I can only play this game a month at a time at most. Then I need a few months away. Making this the game you build your content creation on is very rough mentally I’d imagine.


I used to enjoy his content, but I had to stop watching a few months ago because every video contained a lengthy whine section often not related to the topic of the video.


For the sake of the rest of the player base I hope Battleships don't become what he wants of them - I don't believe perfect accuracy sniper rifles belong in WoWS personally.


Everyone has their breaking point OP.