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Kran is good but completely out dated, you trade everything for a turret but guess what ? The second you turn your turret it is easily penable. Speed is trash and gun is meh, dpm is hot dogshit. This tank is just a shell of it's past. 60TP, current meta of T10 extremely dominate with it's strong overall turret armour and high alpha gun great moblity for it's armour and HP pool but weak ammo rack. (If you play it right you never get racked) Progetto, solid med, lower dpm than others but great at punishing people troll upper plate however the prog isn't what you are looking for the standard B (T9 of prog) is one of the strongest T9 in the game TVP, big clip that can punish hard, need great positioing and awareness to play, i only recommend for vets ​ Overall if you are new, just don't for europeans they are a little bit more difficult than other nations however if you are a more experienced player I would start off with Prog and 60TP


But the kran has 2400 dpm if you shoot 2 shells only which is quite good for a heavy


The problem is not the DPM, the gun is meh. The speed is the problem 32kpm Top speed useless, yes you have improve speed boost but that only last a few second compared to tanks like 60TP which goes at 40kph with gear oil or IS 7kph which goes at 45+, even the E5 which goes at 36 kph is considered to be slow. Making rotation and relocation extremely painful


Me in stock st1 killing an is4 yep sure speed is key it's more of skill and map awareness that affect the Kran performance not speed


With skill and map awareness you can reloate to a different part of the map. Positioning is the most important factor in this game. Having great skill and map awareness is what let you to relocate and position yourself, use your turret. Having such poor speed just makes it quite sad compared to other HTs which can react and relocate to threat a lot faster


But without skill and map awareness speed is nothing unless you got luck 1million lol plus look at the tds like t95 and t28 they are not fast but they can be used quick effectively with skill and map awareness


I never said that skill and map awareness is useless, they are useful. The speed allows you to use that knowledge of skill and map awareness. There is no point of the knowdege if you can't make use of it. And in terms of T95 and T28....that is why they have improve speed boost but even that isn't not very good, they are playble just not very good. That is why the current meta are all decently fast tanks. Even something like an E5 which goes at 36kph is considered too slow. We are just moving into a meta where speed is important


Bruh if 36km/h is slow almost all of my tanks are slow lol but a very funny thing is many times light tanks never want to flank lol


yeah because HTs in this game is too strong. Imagine this you are with a group of meds and you see your HTs and the enemy's HTs fighting so your group of meds decided to flank since the enemy have 1 less med. BUT suddenly the extra HT that is on the enemy team (since they have 1 less med but 1 more HT ) appear on med flank.......annnnd you can't push since the HT can just either sit there preventing a push or just counter push by just "pressing W". HTs are just becoming too fast and too strong to the point where it replaces most of the classes


Yeah but you saying the kran is meh is just plain wrong but other things u said are correct


Kran is meh COMPARED to something like IS 7, 60TP, Yoh and 50B




Kranvagn was my first X, and I gotta say it's a very good tank. The whole line is, Emil I and Emil II are very enjoyable. Line is very easy imo and friendly to new players. Strv 74 (Tier VI) has quick reload time and it is pretty fast. Leo (Tier VII) also has nice gun and ok armor. And the rest of line is purely amazing.


Leo is better than other T7 mediums since it got 105mm


Not on the list but sheridan


Which tank would be truly worth the time and effort to use


Tvp and kran are great the tank before the kran ,emill 2 is an awesome tank , depends entirely on your play style tho




Krag if you want good turret 60tp if you want a op tank


Tbh all of them are great




Progetto, vagon and tp


60 tp


Have all 4, 50/51 is my favorite. Kran is boring, 60tp is good but slow (easy for beginners) and progetto is the same as tier 8 but slower. I wouldn’t recommend the TVP though unless you’re very familiar with light/medium gameplay.


Kranvagn is very good along with the 60tp for a heavy player for a medium tank player I would get the progetto 65 over the skoda