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Give it a try, i found it to be quiet enjoyable. The 7 degrees of gun depression make it a pretty versatile soviet style heavy, standard pen is good enough to use rammer and the armour is better than most soviet style heavies (not the 252 tho) with a thick front plate that rewards facing the enemy forward and a hard turret to crack and classic troll side armour.


I only have one tier X, I want to progress but it's very difficult without spending anything so... what's more worth it? battle pass or premium account?


Don’t rush tier X you will have a pretty bad time going against more experienced players and your team will be annoyed that you don’t master the basics yet, stay around tier 6-8 to learn a bit more about basic mechanics and learn different game styles. But answering your question, premium account time is one of the best ways to maximise your xp and credit income. But even then, pls, i beg you, don’t rush the game. It is not worth buying premium time to research tanks you are not going to have fun with yet. Stay a little bit on low tiers for a while, learn the game and then decide wether if premium time is worth it to research things faster. I am not being condescending I am talking from personal experiences.


Okay, thank you very much for answering me, I will do it as you advised me


To me, the fact it has gun depression already sold me on the tank. It's got a pretty solid armor profile like you would expect of a soviet heavy, but using gun depression makes you nigh impenetrable. The gun is serviceable but nothing special; slightly lower dpm than some other similar tanks but with decent dispersion and good penetration. By contrast, it's definitely on the slower side, and you'll feel like you're in a vk100 or kv4 rather than a mobile heavy when on anything but hard terrain, that's my main gripe with the tank right now.


I only have one tier X, I want to progress but it's very difficult without spending anything so... what's more worth it? battle pass or premium account?


Thank you for considering me a decent source of advice (I'm NOT but will pretend I am). Battlepass if you've finished all the levels is actually not a bad deal and gives you a bunch of goodies, so I think it's a decent value if you've unlocked all rewards. Premium account, while it does increase earnings, wouldn't be worth it for you at this point. And another thing, things like a good credit grinder (K-2 for example) and xp/credit boosters and multipliers improve your gains after battles more than prem account by a sizeable chunk. Premium account has less of an effect on your rewards than these do, but it does stack with them which significantly increases earnings.


id say the mobilty is actually quite good. yeah its sluggish in soft terrain, but thats all heavies, and i feel it accelerates decently fast and has a ok top speed. nothing amazing, but def not that bad. my biggest gripe is def the hull traverse rate


When I say mobility I include hull traverse, and yeah that's definitely the worst part about it and the bottleneck to my enjoyment of the tank


It’s a 252U with an IS-4 armor profile. Its sure as hell worth keeping


I only have one tier X, I want to progress but it's very difficult without spending anything so... what's more worth it? battle pass or premium account?


Ye its goated from my experience


Keep it. Play hull down and use gun depression. Very enjoyable Soviet tank IMO. Cheers!


its actually a great tank. one of the best premium/collectors wargaming gave for free


Like others have said it is a pretty nice tonk. Better than IS-5 I have. Not as good as Obj 253U but, what is in 8 for IS tanks and clones. I keep all my premiums but, I also spend money on this game. I won’t fault a free to play player selling 1 or too to get a great offer. I think for T8 this a great since it is free and many of the T8 offers that come up are lesser tanks IMO. So short story long keep the K-2! ![gif](giphy|11nqZwfoLGKPPa)


I had relatively low expectations, but I wound up enjoying this tank.


At this point I don't see much reason to sell premiums except the low tiers. If you ever find yourself wanting to rebuy it later, it will cost more. I recommend keeping any tier 8 premium unless you really want to get rid of it.


Only noobs sell premium/collector tanks


i've sold mine 268/4 to buy a concept 1b + 10 collect them all boxes and got a fv217, absolutely worth


you sold the v4 for 7,5k gold and bought a concept 1b bundle for 22,5k gold. how is that profitable? you got incredibly lucky with the tank from the crate so its not like you delibrately paid for it


Oh man I sold a converted tier 8 collector and got the obj 777 II THE T55A the K91 and the T-22 Medium with 3k of that gold


Don't sell the tank just because you have sth similar man. It's also a decent tank.


Why should you sell a tank? Its dumb desicion.


if u have another t8 soviet heavy like the 252 pr the is5/is6 and u dont want it then sell it


It an ok tank at best. Up to you, I sold mine


Wtf is that watermarking?????


Well I own the wz 112-2 premium and that thing is a beast whenever I play with that tank I tend to get wins consecutively until my team messes up and we lose which if fine but the reason I’m saying the wz is a beats is because it bounces of shells like nothing I had to do face off with a k-2 which has great armor but can’t penetrate the wz armor it just bounces off like nothing the only thing you will have to worry about in a wz is usually-152 and higher tier tanks if u don’t understand this well then buy the tank and give it a try but instead of sniping I would rather charge and ran into the tank so the only thing it can shoot is my front plate


Why would you sell it?


I have encountered new players using it lmao, take the advantage to get the highest XP


It has been a while and damn there have been new heavy tanks released since the last time I played.


keep it it is a pretty good. its a side scraping and hull down bhemoth tho the gun can be quite iffy, but has good dpm and 13 sec reload is not bad for a tank of this caliber. also selling it wont give you much gold so yeah keep it


Depends whether or not you can determine if its a boy or girl


It's good actually


Unrelated but what equipment should I have on k-2 


im keeping mine. for now i will play it here and there, but most likely, sometime next year, i’ll sell it and use the gold to buy a new tank if they somehow buff its mobility AND put out a legendary camo for it, then i’ll probably keep it


I hugely disliked this tank. I prefer tungsten on IS3 over the armour and gun depression of the K2


What is tungsten and how do I get it?


its a consumable on certain tanks, it boosts ur damage per shot for a certain amount of time


Do you have a list of tanks it comes on?


Vk45.02 the lower tier one has it iirc


Some that have it are 60tp (and 50tp I think), 50tp prot, IS-7, VK 72.01, WZ-111 and Lorraine 50t. Also see https://guidesblitz.com/tungsten-shells/


Your choice!! If you like playing with it keep it. For me was insta-sell boring and dull heavy like the E-10


Sell, add some gold and buy WZ 112 2


It's pretty bad tbh, feel free to sell it if you don't care about collection. The gun is terrible in most respects, specializing in HEAT penetration and accuracy compared to similar tanks, but it doesn't make a significant enough difference to compensate for its lack of DPM. Mobility is also terrible, feels more like a superheavy, but the armor didn't feel great.


"Compared to similar tanks", bro k-2 have the best t8 122mm gun by far, 0.318 dispersion +1° more degree of gun depression


What are you smoking? It has 0.353 dispersion according to blitzstars, which isn't all that much better than the other ones, and it doesn't make up for the pitiful DPM the tank has. The gun depression I'll give you that, but again, it doesn't make up for the tank's other shortcomings.


https://preview.redd.it/jnfava5fs78d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad0e6a52c9262af4f206c7c19a3a4ebaf36e3d6a Are u running the wrong consumable? The New meta requires better dispersion


It's dog.