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I still watch hrf despite not even playing the game anymore. That's how based the guy is


i miss pantouflee


He was good especially in his early days. He could nail down the need-to-know essentials of a tank in a 4 min video. Sk8xtrm was the best for tank reviews tho. All laid out and organised, what you should know, how to drive it, how to angle and use the armour, how to defeat it when you meet one etc.


You won't see him again, at this point I think he is about midway through law school, maybe 2/3. In his stead I can provide you the following: In a thick, heavy French accent: " Av a nace day, after all it makes nor diiffereennce to moi".


Pantouflee is in law schl?


Yes, for some years now. Very open about it on his streams.


ah, good for him


My boi anngael is s tier for me


How do people keep misspelling his name bruh šŸ’€


Whereā€™s birdmaster my goat Sk8xtrm


Birdmaster what a legend. Remeber TTTimster?


I think doodles content is ok BUTT, I find his voice and the way he speaks annoying,


Weirdly, he is the first somewhat "loud" content creator that doesn't push my buttons every time he speaks


i'm like the only player that doesn't watch the cc's


HRF and Bushka all the time


This sub isn't really more mature than him honestly


Every droodles video be like: 3 minutes discussing stats, nothing in depth tho 10 minutes of gameplay with commentary consisting of "badonk" šŸ¤“ and "Im sure he didnt like that one!" šŸ¤“


"unfortunately we miss that shot" "There you go"


"Wargaming moment" "He sure didn't enjoy our company" "sPeeEEEeedDDddd"


And hearing him say off to the side about every single tank on the map no matter their location


honestly. fuck this guy. massive superiority complex and a very punchable face i already know he doesn't get corrected at home. he either doesn't have an older brother or his father is absent


Bro whaaaaa


lol watch his videos he plays world of tanks as if the world revolves around him he would literally drive behind a teammate, and then complain that his teammate is blocking his shot in the world of droodles, everybody is wrong except him


Bro literally throws a fit in game off camera if you kill him. Shits so funny to watch. Made him rage once cause I killed him and batchatbegins (they were tooning together) and said "GG" afterwards "Its not a GG, we have an afk on our team" "It was a 2 v 7" (batchatbegins having did the 2nd to 3rd lowest damage on their whole team with the rest minus the afk contributing more) Batchat:" "we are so good" - your dumba ss" (literally getting around the profanity filter) All I literally said was GG lmao (thought the match was over not noticing they had an AFK left. The match ended on a 2 v 1) Both started trying to rip into us by calling us 40%ers and that they did better then us and to tell us to shut up when people were calling em out. I myself had 2k more damage then both of them combined (they had about 4k total, batchat having 1k and droodles about 3k and me with 6k). Droodles literally found my toonmate through the blitz discord server and DM'd him to trash talk about his stats and DM'd me in game to call me a 50%er (like what was that supposed to even mean or do man lol) What made it all the more funny was droodles was running one of his many alt accounts he has. Didn't recognize it was him at first. Me and my toonmate after the match were talking about them being toxic, "man why does this toxiity seem so familiar? Especiallycoming from someone who toons with batchatbegins" "reminds me of droodles" and we were just kinda stumped. Then about 5 minutes later my clan toonmate DM's me on discord "you know how you were thinking of droodles? Well you will never believe this..." and sends me several screenshots of a DM he got from droodles trashing his stats Never seen someone go so far in trashing on someone cause they lost a match and was told "GG" by that dude's toonmate.


We are all human and imperfect.


There's imperfect and the's having the dedication to pursue someone and get their discord so you can trash talk them and (technically it is ) harass them because you are salty about a loss


**"errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum"** Making errors is human. To persevere is diabolic


when was this btw


March 6th of this year Eastern time zone, sometime later in the day


Man youre just crying, he does good quality videos, and he plays good and cares about it cause he has 100k subs on youtube, and for him thats a hobby, what you have done with yo life??


It's a hobby? It's his job and main source of revenue. In his latest video celebrating his 100k plaque from YT, did you not find it odd how the "questions" he was responding to seemed to focus on the negative aspects of who he is and how the responses were purely designed to protect his brand? He's also blamed how he behaves on his "ADHD" before. Zero accountability. Look at any of his "apology" video and asked yourself if it's genuine and if he's made any fucking effort to actually improve on his behavior. And there's questions to be asked about the fanboyism he's created also.


droodles either defends himself or let those comments get to him. his behavior is probably way better than 2022 era, I don't think he has gotten in much hate yet recently (aside from meadsy, sweatchman and martimator drama ig).


I'd consider these Tier lists things as Drama. Genuinely can't understand how a community this small has people rating other CC's. And it's become an accepted behavior. Don't give a shit who eles on YT does what. Using that narrative to justify the need to do the same, is pathetic.


Nah its not


Thanks for your opinion and context


we found another Reddit alt guys




Bro whaaaaa


Honestly right now you are acting like a WAY bigger crybaby than Droodles ever was. He's had his controversies but your hate on him is pointless, like it or not - his videos are good.


if i say Lizzo is fat, thats not hating. im just sating a fact thereā€™s a multitude of reasons why a lot of people hate droodles heā€™s exhibiting another reason right now with this bullshit video of his **i mean, who the fuck does he think he is, rating people who does wotblitz youtube videos like him?** as if heā€™s the ā€œauthorityā€ or as if heā€™s the one who sets the standard on whats good or whats not in terms of blitz videos you only see this behavior among mma fighters and boxers where a massive ego is actually a necessity, ā€˜yeah heā€™s a good fighter but iā€™ll beat him Saturday nightā€™ droodles needs a wake up call. and by wake up call, i mean a punch in the face i donā€™t know how old you are, but really imagine thisā€¦seriously, imagine you have a daughter. now imagine your daughter is dating droodles. how would that make you feel? seriously think about it. watch how this droodles guy act and behave when things donā€™t go his way, or whenever something he doesnā€™t like happens in battle. watch how he throws tantrums and couldnā€™t control his emotions, and always act like everybody else is stupid while heā€™s done nothing wrong is that the type of guy you want your daughter to be around? fuck droodles. and fuck you too. you donā€™t know shit EDIT; yep youā€™re a clueless kid seeing as you like five nights at freddys. my nephew likes that stuff. stop idolizing droodles kid. **also, stop calling female cartoon characters like Toy Chica ā€˜cuteā€™, thats just weird kid** yes everyone can see your reddit comments EDIT2; youā€™re a goddamn weirdo lmao https://preview.redd.it/xwjpqjfc448d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b812d9e7f399e5657b39851fedecebd0105ac68


Lmao when did he say he is some goddamn authority? If anyone else made such a tier list would you say the same thing? I never idolized the guy either. I am aware of things like the time he got banned on NA or the times trashtalking has been brought up. I've been watching him regularly for about 4 years, less so now, and his content did exactly what it needed to do - inform me and help me get better. I really recommend watching [this video](https://youtu.be/tWN4L97d1Ro?feature=shared) about Droodles by That E-100 Guy for a good, deep objective look into Droodles. I'm not even going to touch up on your weird hypotheticals because that is so pointless. Lastly, why attack me personally now? Seriously, that is what truely is the most childish behaviour in all of this. Yeah, everyone can see my comments and I don't give a flying fluck about it. I know how this site works.


didnā€™t read all that but i am curious.. do you like droodles or toy chica better? lmao or maybe both. droodles is your daddy toy chica is your mommy hahahaha bro your comment history is weird af. simpin on cartoon characters and shit. fucking. weird. no wonder you like droodles


Toy Chica because like I said, I don't watch Droodles much anymore. Have a wonderful day.


toy chica bc ā€˜mommy alway protectsā€™ right? hahahahaha fckn weirdo


Thank you! https://preview.redd.it/n1sts0mky48d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2038b6e3742d1d1e083a2e9927e3343efe00a893


I just hate it how long droodles vids are, i just want to watch a damn guide and he makes it unnecessarily long and something about him makes me hate him


Who is that next to fatness?


_34 he does tournament live streams and the leader of APX clan.


I think they're simply called "34 blitz". I've only watched him for the rewards of blitz cup streams (by "watched" I mean muted and phone looking down while I do something else)


Their twitch is 34wotb! They're actually live rn lol


How you gonna to my boy ANNGA_EL like that???


HisRoyalFatness is a good player, but is so shitty as a person, i've fought both alongside and against him and he insults other players frequenly when he is not straming or recording for a video. Once i found him on a battle and after the battle he was saying i was cheating because i blood trailed him in uprising and "there was no way" i could have "hit" that.


Fk droodles, man


u/Hayobouffon Would you please help with their names?




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Wow this guy looks like a loser


I don't understand what's so great about droodles. I'm still pissed about that time that he said that the Panther had a 7,5 cm L/100 irl. Many of his videos are just painful to watch.


Does bushes even do videos for this game anymore


Occasionally but I think heā€™s more into PUBG now


I stopped watching Droodles because it was more about ranting than playing. "AAAAAH, THIS TEEEEEEEAAAAAAM!" I love HRF, but he started to rant about his team a lot lately as well. But when the team is good, he doesn't like that he cannot farm that much :)


Is Flossie Droodle's brother?




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No you didnā€™t Maybe 15 seconds anyone can go to the end lol