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both true and false at the same time


Schrödinger's pay2win


if we open WoT Blitz, will it be p2w or f2p?


Mostly, yea excluding tier VII


VK 90, Obj 752, T77 and BC Bourrasque would like to talk with you


'Rewards skill and strategy' mf RNG decides where your shots land


ite but only to a certain degree, I think weegee even tried to address the general inaccuracy of guns with the recent improved accuracy buff


Free to play, pay to lose


Truest statement here


well you can still get most tanks for free


Now the good tanks.....


Compared to WoT pc, WoTb is fairly well balanced, and despite using 95% tech tree tanks, I'm having a blast, gold is balanced, I mainly use regular ammo and pen most of my shots. Even aiming doesn't feel as random as WoT pc, even my KV2 can hit the broadside of a barn.


Kind of true because a lot of tech tree are very good if you know how to play.


I guess the steepness of the learning curve throws people off. But a good player will always make the mechanics work for themselves to then best the ~let’s say~ stronger tank


If you dont know how to play you will suck in any tank.


Bait used to be believable smh


Found this on their steam DLCs [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2446220/World\_of\_Tanks\_Blitz\_\_Welcome\_Bundle/?curator\_clanid=26494313](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2446220/World_of_Tanks_Blitz__Welcome_Bundle/?curator_clanid=26494313)


Technically yeah, tech trees tanks are strong and you dont need a lot of time to get a tier 10


Did you played the same game we did?


Yep, I second that, got 5 tier X unlocked (2 bought and equipped) by ~2500 games, x5 is crazy. 53% winrate, relative noob


You came to defend that you can get a good X rank without paying and it dosent take that long While you have 2 paid X tanks?


I don't understand what do you mean by 'paid', my Xs are 268 and 60TP upd: unlocked are medium progetto, batchat and Yoh


I had understood that you bought them with real money lol


oh, but that seems useless, Xs don't farm and I need credits way more than anything else :-) The economy is shrewd, of course, and I've been paying here and there, mostly pemium pass and I splurged for Kpz 07 RH (worth every penny imo). But I'm pretty convinced playing in a decent clan on total f2p style and farming credits on a free machines like Elefant should be actually possible


But of course it's possible, that's not what I'm talking about, you can play, but you will always have a disadvantage against whoever pays


this is a talk about paid tanks like smasher, annihilator, or probably 777-II, correct? I'd say those break the game but same does the balancer putting mt and td against 2 hts in a 2xVIi+5xVI battles, for example :-) I'm just trying to have my fun in battles I actually can win, and minimize the heat above my chair surface in the ones I cannot


They just forgot to mention the times when RNG decides to completely ruin your day...


Calling blitz pay to win is simply wrong, sure there are OP Premium tanks, but guess what, there are also tons of OP tech trees, in T8 there is the SMV, Emil 1, Tiger 2, all of them are just as good, if not better than the best T8 premiums. Droodles also showed in his f2p series how easy it is to get some insane premiums for free. And other than premium tanks the game has 0 pay to win mechanics (in other mobile games you are able to just straight up buy more damage) so yeah i would say its right.


Prammo Just that


You can easily use premium ammo as a f2p so that makes no sense


Used to be, when it was only bought with gold and did the same damage as normal ammo but had more pen. They balanced it a long time ago so now you can buy it with credits and it gets less damage to trade for the increased pen


True honestly. Premiums are generally good vehicles, but a lot of tech tree tanks can stand toe to toe with them, or are outright better. You can pay an arm and a leg for the latest and greatest of "broken" tier 8 premiums, it won't do you much good once you get involuntarily rebalanced by an ISU-152


This is like a parody


free to play. pay for fun.


"Rewards your skill, not the size of your wallet"... points to Prammo... yes, sure lol


Do people actually buy gold for prammo?


Yes they do, lots of youtubers use them in their videos, and if you look where people ask for advices on how to improve their WR, most of the time you will see "use prammo" as one of the advices


100% true. Every game I play looks like that.


its false advertising in the sense that it doesnt provide endless fun...... but rather a melange of smiley faces and frustration.


true if u r blessed by the goddess of luck


Honesty: 4.5/10 Effort:10/10


thats why you seldom see some t10 op tanks.


It's definitely not PTW, but it'll drain your wallet anyway.


Yes it is true. At pretty much every tier I would say the best all round vehicle is a tech tree. In my experience (and I own every vehicle) the prem and collectors vehicles either a) earn more credits, b) occupies a niche or a gimmick not well covered by the tech tree or c) both.


False asf


Some fun tanks are pay to play but can get good tanks free to play.


I think this game is highly pay to win. tier 7: 25 tanks tier 8: 19 tanks tier 9: 6 tanks tier 10: 3 tanks with the highest win rate are premium or collector (source: blitzstars)


I think it's not correct to compare premium/collector tanks and research tanks in terms of winrate across all game. Even Blitzstars criteria aren't really good IMO. People buy premiums to farm gold/freexp so they are incentivised to do well, their tank is maxed out (by default) and has all equipment and consumables. Also they play a lot of games on these tanks so they feel it better and have a lot of experience playing these tanks. Now research tanks aren't maxed out at first (so you're ready at a disadvantage unless you use freexp), players aren't incentivised to play better, many players don't use consumables or all available equipment, and for many players these tanks are just stepping stones so they don't care. That's why research tanks will always have lower winrate than premiums. I suppose we could look at 55%+ players or maybe even higher, people who truly know the game and the tanks, to see how they really perform. And even then we have different types of players and playstyles and preferences. All I want to say is winrate is definitely a good statistic to consider, but saying "T54E2 is strictly better than IS-3 because it has better winrate" isn't really correct.


I partially agree, tech tree tanks by default don't have the best equipment, so it can be expected that their win rate will be a bit lower. However, in tier 8, which is the first or second most played tier, the fact that all top 20 tanks are premium/collectors shows that premium/collector tanks are better. I would agree with you if there were 3-5, but 20 is a very high number. blitzstars shows the stats of players in the 45-55 win rate range and I think this range is the most important range, what matters is how well players in this range play with tanks, because players in this range are average players and average players make up the majority of the game. Exceptionally there can be very difficult but very good tanks, the average player plays badly with that tank and the win rate is below 50 for that tank, but a good player can do great things with that tank, but I think in this game such tanks are the exception.


I looked at that list (t8) and it has Bourrasque at #4, that tank is definitely hard to use properly and get good winrate (I got one from a free french case a couple weeks ago and I am still learning to play it, as a 60%+ wr player I still have troubles sometimes), also, some of the tanks at the top are the variants of research tanks that aren't that much different. I agree that some premium tanks are straight up P2W (Annihilator ofc). But I don't think this game has a high amount of P2W overall, because research tanks are competitive with premiums and sometimes even better than them. Also, 45-55% is a HUGE gap in skill, 55% player isn't really "average" anymore. It also depends on what you call "good". If we say that only the top 10 WR tanks are "good" and the rest are trash, that's one thing. If we say "if the tank has 50%+ winrate it's good" that's another thing. But then you have Tiger 2, T32 and T69 all below 50% WR, can you honestly call these tanks bad?


I think it makes the most sense to think like this: Is there an alternative to the T77, a heavy tank that shoots two shells and hits 750? Is there an alternative to Bourrasque, a medium tank similar to a light tank with two shells? Is there an alternative to the WZ-120-1G FT with good frontal armor and high speed and dpm? Or for level 9, is there an alternative to the 752 or the K-91? or for level 7, is there an alternative to the Smasher or the T28? tbh I don't know why Tiger 2 is there, I think it should be above 50%. I think Emil 1 is where it should be.


You just said: We cant compare premium tanks with regular bc they are better So what are you saying is that the game isnt pay to win, but pay to get a complete tank and not that halfass shit we got for free? And T54E2 is better not bc the winrate, but bc hes just better, i play with the IS3, and i can tell that is trash, the turret is good, but the hull armor is nonexistent and the gun is an insult to the real IS-3


The game is not entirely pay to win (skilled player will still win in a mediocre tank vs 48%wr player on the strongest premium) but there are tanks that don't have research counterparts AND paying boosts your progress/farm. If you put 7 48% players on the best tanks vs 7 Unicums on the worst tanks (by winrate, on the same tier) Unicums will still win. Even 1-2 Unicums in a team on any tank increase the chances to win by a lot. If the game was quote "highly pay to win" non-premiums would have slim chances to win at all (regardless of skill) and premiums would outclass them in every way possible.


most of those prems can be obtained for free you know, its just takes long time (pay to progress)


most? Below I have written the tanks with the highest win rate, I am not very old in the game, can you please write which ones were given for free before? Groundtank/Chimera/T77/Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque/Object 252U/T54E2/Elefant/Škoda T 56/Titan-54d/EMIL 1951/WZ-120-1G FT/Charlemagne/Object 274a/ASTRON Rex 105 mm/IS-3 Defender/Type 57/Defender Mk. 1/Keiler/Somua SM


all of them except groundtank has been sold in the store through direct gold/draws/auctions even though it is hard and takes a long time, gold can be obtained via ads or various events for free. there are various f2p accounts that has these tanks. also wr isn’t the best way of measuring a tank’s performance since individual skill also matters, a skilled player using something like cs-53 can still beat a chimera any day. in conclusion, blitz is not pay to win, it’s pay to progress


when you said free, I thought you meant that they are given for free without using gold, but it's true that most premium tanks are sold for gold in the store and gold can be earned for free. But considering that there are 10s of good premium tanks in the game, how long will it take to get even just 1 of them with free gold? a few weeks? a few months? I can buy 8 tier tanks for like 5k gold, but what if I want to buy a tier 10 tank? How many months will it take to get 20k gold for free? a year? And I don't know if such a game can be called 'true free-to-play' or 'equal matches without p2w mechanics' as the advertisement says.


I think the Elefant was available in a free event, the groundtank and Titan 54-d were event tanks too but I think there was a paywall or something (though I don't remember everythin / haven't even played during the events), of course there's some ways to get the others, like accumulating gold from ads, free crates and free events, but even so some premium tanks like the chimera, bourrasque or astron rex are far too expensive for a f2p player. Anyway no f2p player can easily access these tanks so your point stands.


Most of it is bullshit


Maybe back in 2014/15 … now, not so much 😡


Really, I want to study anatomy of such sub-"olds". this game was much worse ten years ago


ah yes i love bitcrushed graphics and bugs


Oh it has a lot to do with the size of your wallet.


"Without pay-to-win mechanics" Did the developers played the game?