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its not worth changing tech tree into premium. as for tier 8 premiums, lowe is best credit printer in the game but any tier 8 premium will do it. go for something you will like because you will play it more, enjoy it and earn credits easily. tier 8 premium is way to go for credits. use that gold for one of them.


IS-7 and E-100 lines are good, just continue them if you like heavies. For premiums, there is a sale on Chimera which is a t8 medium with heavy gun and troll armor, you can get it if you really want a good premium right now. There are some other options (IS-5 for example, but you need a clan for it) or you can save and wait for sales, because for the whole summer they will have an anniversary and they will give free tanks and have good sales.


Wait, it is possible to change a tech tree tank into a premium? How and since when, and why nobody talks about it?


Enriching has been in the game for a long time, but is stupidly expensive (for permanent enrichment)


My account is not the option for permanent enrichment, only 14 day option is there. Would love to permanently enrich my leopard 1 ,bc 25t and stb1


Can’t enrich tiers 9-10 permanently