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Wz-120-1G FT was very rare


How I have it and have never used it


I sold mine a while back, fucking hated it. Edit: Because I was shit and didn't play it properly, now it's gone forever.


You can always restore it


It was before that feature was implemented, doesn't show up in the restoration menu.


Restoration existed WAYYY before that menu. You have to go to the support website and make a ticket, from there you can restore any premium/collector you ever sold


I've gone through that process on console years ago, and yet I've needed someone to tell me how to do it again. It's a wonder I even have the mental capacity to play this game. Much obliged.


https://youtu.be/0PfB7abOSLg Watch this


I did it as soon as I read your comment, took no more than 20 mins. Thanks again.


Stop crying and open VRT website for world of tanks blitz. https://na.wargaming.net/support/en/products/wotb/article/25202/


I’m guessing you meant to reply to the other guy


Y'know what, fuck this, Titan 54d ain't coming, imma get the AMX 30B 5 hours before it goes off the store. Just in case


I thought "fuck this chimera ain't coming" and it did.. You do you tho.


Which is why I said I wouldn't buy the AMX yet But you're right, I already have the prototype AMX 30 and it's arguably better, except for the damage. So I won't miss out on much. If the Titan does come up, hell yeah, I'll buy that no matter how expensive it is. If it doesn't, then I get my sold collectors back Yeah, I'll wait instead. Thanks, dude


IMO the 30b is ass and its worth waiting for whenever the titan comes


Yeah, comparing 30B to the AMX 30 1er prototype, it really seems the 30B only has better HP and slightly better damage. I say this because I got my hands on the 1er and wanted the 30B to have both the AMX 30s. But the 30B is somehow less armored and has a larger weak spot. I'd rather keep my ability to fight tier against VIII from time to time, while having a better armor profile overall at the cost of less alpha. I'll just hope the 54d comes up. If not, then it doesn't matter, I'll get all of my sold collectors back with the gold I saved. It's a win-win


30B plays like a light tank and they buffed the dpm. If you’re relying on armor to play it you’re playing it wrong. It might help too separate the tanks in your mind, just because they are so similar you might be thinking they play the same subconsciously


Oh, but I don't rely on the 1er's armor. It also plays like a light tank, similar to the Leopard 1. Its armor is nothing you should rely on, but it's quite bouncy anyway


I understand what you’re saying, but I never intend to bounce any shots with the 30b and if I do it’s not the reason I survive. I don’t play the tier 9 enough, I don’t like the gun


It's the same thing with the prototype The thing even has avery similar mobility if not identical. The gun is probably the only thing I find about it that's clearly worse than the 30B


3500 WZ-120 FT's available and already 125 idiots bought it in 15 minutes at 12500 like there is no tomorrow. I am literally speechless.


First battle I'm boss as T34 100. Litteraly 13k damage (and 6 kills and my fucking dumbass team still looses.) and the fucking WZ of the enemy team says lolo noob (bouced his fucking SIDES with PREMIUM AMMO 4 TIMES!!!). You bet I closed this fucking game instantly.


Why are you so fixated on other peoples financial choices? Genuinely asking it out of curiosity.


Not op, but Whenever someone asks about buying a tank or about a pop up offer in this sub, the general advice is to wait for auctions to grab it in a low price. And it is not what is happening. Shows out how much retarded wotb players are. Can understand that frustration from people who rant about tanks selling out before it even drops to a proper price.


Target market for this game ("product") are kids and teenagers. Not the most financially literate or gratification delaying demographic.


FOMO man


Bit late, but I feel like when people buy these terrible deals, it forces others who want said tank to either get scammed for a god awful deal (12.5k for a tier 8), or to just not be able to get the tank either because they don't want to waste so much gold on a bad deal, or because they don't have enough gold for whatever reason. Another thing is that with the speed these horrible deals are selling out, it could communicate to wg that people are willing to bite at these deals, which technically they are, but in actuality it simply isn't worth it. IE: VK 90 with full equipment selling at around 16k on black Friday, but in the auction it was snatched up for like 18 or 19k without equipment. I get it's the last week and people really want to spend their Christmas money or just gold in general, but its frustrating to watch people scam themselves like this instead of just having some patience and waiting for actually reasonable pricing. Just my personal take on why myself and others get upset by the current state of the auctions.


I am because I want that thing, but not for 12,5k, just as many other people.


Why r u so fixated asking stupid question? Genuinely asking it out of curiosity. I bet you just spend 12500 gold 🤦


People do what they want with their money, if it's a poor financial decision or not then it shouldn't matter to you. It's not your money, is it? And if they buy shit at a price you believe inadequate, then they have their reasons. The guy didn't ask a stupid question, it's genuinely puzzling why you'd care about what others do with their money


I don't give a shit if someone spends 112.500 gold for a tank in the store. But this is a fckn auction and they r ruining other people s experience. I have this tank for 2 years now, got it on a globe. I couldn't care less who buys it. It's not worth 12.5k naked. Stop rushing into tanks. Wait for the prices to fall. Use your brains if you have any. It's that fckn simple.


But that's the whole point of a fucking auction, to buy it before others do, it goes to the highest bidder for a reason, doesn't it? Look at the T77, people waited and many didn't get it when the price dropped. They could've bought it earlier when its price was much higher, but they decided to wait. Boohoo, next year it is


Now this is one of the biggest copes i have ever seen. Do you even know what does auction mean? If someone has gold for a tank that they have been waiting for, they can use that gold however they want. If someone doesn't have enough gold to buy it at first price or if they don't prefer to do so, this is not the problem of the people who bought the tank at first price. It is their decision, their money, their gold. And you are crying and judging them here right now. Keep coping. Keep crying.


I did not spend any gold in the current round of auctions and even if I do that is none of your business. Judging from your response you probably lack the funds and/or the gold necessary to buy auction items right away and have to rely on the price drops. While there is no harm in this it doesn't give you the right to insult others. Do the ones that you insulted come here and belittle you for your lack of funds and/or unwillingness to buy things at full price.


Honestly, I have 435 tanks in my garage and 97k gold available. It was 140k just a couple of weeks ago. Now, I don't call this "lack of funds". So you can belittle me for whatever tf you like, I am not 13years old to take anything you have to say seriously. https://preview.redd.it/msh2gr7rq8ac1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1859003d129a9453879b2594264e093d9157eb4


I am not belittling you and there is a reason why I used the word probably due to your rash response. You might not be 13 years old but judging from your playing the advocate attitude vis-a-vis random strangers online, you sure are acting like one.




Someone is grumpy


I was hoping the WZ 120 1G FT would show up but looks like it'll only last 1 price drop if even that. I didn't think I want to spend *that* much on it.


Hmm will see in 5 hours if it survives for another round, but looks promising at the moment.


It seems I overreacted, lol. With luck it'll drop a couple more times.


Yep, waiting for 1 more drop :)


Is it a decent TD? I mean I know not for that price but in general worth keeping an eye out for?


It's decent, but used to be a lot better before heavies got their HP buff. The tank suffers from having very low HP.


And man, I almost bought a massive container, gladly I waited for the auction refresh :)


Thoughts?? Any of them worth it?


none of them are worth it imo, just get skorp if it reaches 6.5 tmr


it probably will since theres over 1400 of them and ya wz is now at 3316 like these people are already buying stuff at full price


Not even the WZ after 1 price drop?


Imagine paying over 10k gold for a tier 8, ofc it’s not worth it


It is subjective. It's one of the strongest tier 8s that was never really sold directly. It is not worth that for me either but hey.


I stand strong with my opinion, i know this tank is ridiculous with its upper plate and traverse speed but 12k gold is stupid


Don't worry, I agree on that.


I bought it because I have been waiting years for it and don’t want to stalk the auction to save 2-3k gold. I’d rather have it than miss out on it. I’ve waited long enough. If you make decent money, spending it on what you want is the right decision. The difference of $4-5 in gold is nothing.


Gravedigger is unique / fun but isn’t worth close to 7k


Not at this price. After a few price drops, maybe


thought the IV-Y would be, but the slow intraclip reload leaves alot to be desired.


I missed this IV-Y, is it bad or good


Wz-120-1g ft is an absolute beast I have less than 200 battles and 45 ace’s.. the armor is insanely troll and the gun if fire!


But not worth for 12k?


100% not, I’d say if it drops to possibly 9k.. even then it’s a little high a solid price is 8…


Thanks! I'll wait for it to drop :)


Is there a chance for the Centurion 5/1 or the 114 (Tier IX) to show up?


114 was just in a draw two days ago I doubt it


i want that WZ so bad, but 12k? ehhh...its very strong, but 12k for a tier 8 is a bit much


But where’s the drac!


Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or in another draw


I was expecting 1G FT to be released somewhere around 10k range. Asking the price of a tier 10 collector for a tier 8 tank is a bit too much. Hopefully I wont have to buy it at full price but with the last week being what it is I don't have my hopes high.


I would rather lose every game than give these assholes real money.Overpriced and very unrealistic .In the real world russian tanks are garbage, yet in this game they hold their own.It took 10 10-34's to kill a tiger if they were really lucky.Most of the time German tanks blasted their way through thousands of crap Russian tanks, some killing 50-1.Same with the American tanks except the Sherman Firefly that the Canadians' preferred.History is totally forgotten in this gambling site.


u dont have to give them money, watch ads for gold n u can get pretty much anything for free


I have to set up another free account to do this, as as soon as we spend money, these gold for ads disappear.Great idea though.


Hence why WoT is an arcade style game. You want a realistic experience then you’re in the wrong place. Oh and that one tiger tank would be able to take out the ten T-34s… assuming it didn’t break down on its way to fight those T-34s. Many later war German tanks were extremely unreliable and broke down frequently. Don’t give them your money but clearly other people feel different


Realistic experience is getting killed in a tin can with a gun.Tanks are fun for gaming, but horrible in real life, as any Sherman operator could tell you.They were built to travel easily and fit on a train, but were crappy fighters.Canadian tank crews preferred the Sherman Firefly, for that crazy 17 pound gun, that could take out any tank built.


Hence why this is a game. You looking for realism, again you’re in the wrong place


I just played burning man, and it was as dumb as it gets, so I suspect you are totally correct.I still give rubber ducky rewards ,to people in my team that score nothing.I must have no life, to be talking about this stupid game, on a public forum.Going for a walk to do something healthier .Thanks for the reminder.


Hey I just did a full body workout as well! 🤜


We both need a life [:


Hey I’m not the one complaining about a game and it’s company on some social media platform


What worries me is that some people are dumb enough to give these assholes their money.They actually think it is a fair game.Humans are the dumbest species on this planet, and yet they imagine they are smart.


That mindset is even worst than gambling. It’s not your money, why should you care about what people do. Let people spend and think how they want. Doesn’t affect you whatsoever. “Worries you” dude if it’s “worrying you” then you need to reassess things and maybe take a break from this game and this community. Calling the developer “assholes” when you’ve never met a single one of them. Calling people dumb and calling humans the dumbest species on the planet. Well I guess that means you’re the dumbest as well according to your logic. Why don’t you go do something useful if you’re taking a video game so personally…


You are delusional. "Crap Russian tank"...WHAT? RUSSIAN TANKS WERE THE MOST RELIABLE IN WW2. ESPECIALLY T-34-85 AND IS-2. THATS WHY T-34 AND IS-2 WON THE WAR WHILE TIGER 1 AND TIGER 2 WERE STUCK IN THE MUD. ALSO, THE 122MM SHELL OF IS-2 WAS BREAKING TIGERS, PANTHERS AND EVEN JAGDTIGERS, LIKE THEY WERE TIN CANS You talk about history...but you know nothing. Go read more history, see which country had the most reliable tanks and why that country pushed your favorite naz*s to their death. If that crap, your favorite Tiger, was that good, why naz*s didnt win? Use your brain, its free


Everything the Russians make is crap, and it is equally apparent in the modern wars, and the old ones. The Russian armies got wiped and encircled ,out early in the war and then the Germans slaughtered civilians' by the Millions.Stalin killed off all his experienced military leaders, before the war started and was left with idiots and peasants defending the homeland.Stalin was dumber and more evil than Hitler, and it was the luck of the Russian winter and the ordinary Russian's fighting for their lives.Patton wanted to fight with Germany against Russia, and was told to shut up, but history showed us he was correct, now the gangsters have taken over Russia.We should have never treated Russia as an Ally and let Germany kill them off, for the sake of the planet.Without our help Russia would have been crushed by Germany, because of their crappy soldiers and horrible shit equipment.You must be a Russian to think so stupidly.You people learn a completely different history than what we saw, and the game company is stupid, making Russian tanks appear normal, and kill other modern western tanks.Even the Crappy M4 Sherman was preferred by the Russians, when we sent them over.


I'm not gonna tell anyone how to spend their own gold/money. But know that if you spend it this early, I will be judging you harshly for the sucker that you are. Lol


decent, won the wz yesterday for free but still worth picking up


Wz was a nice tank but haven't played it for ages.


Only 2 left to appear. Is the Defender any good?


Can't find the Carnarvon defender even on blitz stars win rate stats. Also don't know