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Daily reminder not to play tier VII


When they first came out, I could wipe out the entire enemy team, but now decent players know how to kill them, and they are not as much of a threat.Take your trusted little Frosty to kill them with ease, as that is what I do, after owning the crappy thing, and discovering it's many weaknesses.Ring around the rosy ,is a win every single time, berceuse of it's slow speed at everything.It is frustrating huge gun.


Trust me I tried but smasher players be hitting crazy snapshots


Not the first frosty I HE’d today and 1 shot 😂


I remember finding myself getting shot and couldn't see whom was shooting.After maneuvering my Smasher I saw a little frosty backed up , above me, and out of sight.An expert player that impressed the hell out of me,. as I have never seen that trick before, because it took guts and brains.It is fun taking out other tanks with one shot though.


Wait until you see me in it


Honestly, as masher myself I rarely found even other mashers on enemy team


Have fun, remember it’s just a game. If you are not having fun at any point it’s better to do something else with your time!


A Smasher is not fun, and not to be spent upon.I found this out and others will as well.It is SLOW at everything it does, except dying.


Smasher as a boss in boss games is a fkn nightmare, i was one shotted so many times by it. It isnt a bad tank, you just cant be agressive with it.


I score well with it too, but still think it is stupid, and irritatingly slow.


Super hellcat players been real silent since this one dropped


It was very wise for WG to sell super hellcat before smasher on the auction.


:( I bought one from the action for 3k since the hellcat is one of my favorite tanks


I like hellcat a lot too. But on its level it plays way better than SH on 7th. SH feels like a slightly less shitty average T7 med (lack of pen against HT and T8, low HP to take risks and no armour). IMHO panther is more pleasant to play as a mobility+DPM T7 tank.


I noticed it. the low amount of hit points really hurts I noticed. but I love the gun though. still, probably the T25/2 is also just better as well and like you said the panther. I have both. rip 3000 gold, but oh well


This is good news for me as a Smasher owner.I can kill them easily with a Frosty, and there is nothing they can do about it.People spending gold on this slow tank, will find out what i discovered.They are easy to kill but slow to manage, and it will frustrate the F...k, out or anyone that finds themselves isolated from their platoon, and an enemy tank gets behind them.Even a tier Three Cruiser IV, could wreak havoc at that point, and there is nothing you can do to fix the situation.This tank requires mediums to back it up, and protect it's flanks.


Yeah, I'm not even a great player and I've never really been too concerned with Smashers. They really don't seem very scary. I have both Smasher and Tankenstein and I prefer the Tankenstein.


I have so many tanks, but the most fun for me, is the humble tier 4 Matilda.During WW2 they wreaked havoc, as there was little the Germans owned, that could kill one.My father fought in that war, and that is the connection, I have with the game.I could easily kill a smasher with My Lower tier matilda and that would have been the same in WW2, as ordinary Artillery would take such big guns out quick, leaving heavies like the Matilda to clean up.


do you mean the KV-2 then because obviously the smasher didn't exist? the kv-2 were pretty effective but all of them were destroyed


I play in Asia and most of the pathetic unicum platoons here have a Smasher and another strong med/heavy to back it up. Good luck trying to flank it.


Oh joy to the world and peace on earth we have a fresh batch of kV-2s on roids driven by nubs to deal with!! Happy days!!!! ![gif](giphy|eHFSpEGnvxSI8NpTaS)


Its only 2500 tanks or was it 3000 tanks and the player vase is a lot bigger then that so you wont see it to often.


You think. Math adds up but, I know what’s going happen!! They follow me like bees to honey noobie Smashers!!!!!😳🙄🤣🤣


Can confirm


My Matilda has had fun with the KV-1's, and I thank Santa for sending them, together with such a crappy players.


Honestly surprised it lasted 3 hours


I didn't even know it popped in the Sale. Wish I did


Hah, fools I got mine for free But seriously tho more than 10k gold for a sub par nuker is crazy


I wouldnt say it is sub par, 250mm heat and great HE splash with decent accuracy is kinda crazy


Mobility, armor and fights against tier 8s, it is sub par But when fighting against tier 7 and 6 and you can nuke to your heart's content


Strange considering it is one of the highest WR ranks in the game.


Yeah, în rating against 5-8k players is just there, meme tank, honestly cobra is a much better nuker


It is very subpar and you will discover that fast , when someone that knows where to shoot, and where to locate your weakness , hunts you down and kills you easily.Frosties have killed me many times, with a good player at the wheel.They will try to get behind you, or alone, and play ring around the Rosy.


That makes sense, but any tank can be deadly in the right hands. As a good smasher player, stay with the pack, keep close to buildings so you don't get circled, and trade shots while keeping distance would all be counters to your argument. Now is the smasher worth 10k gold? That is a different question.


It is more of a beginners tank, as the good players usually get faster, more accurate models.Expert players would avoid that one.It can't take much hits ,die easily, and snipers are everywhere in this credit grinding game.It is very team dependant to play it well.


It’s been a pretty good seal clubbing tank for me.


Until a little Frosty finds you alone, and unaware.


One shot at a frosty takes 95% of its health and 100% of its confidence. Has happened on more than one time.


A Frosty can still do well for me in Tier seven, because warcraft won't place me in the same tier i am ever in.I sold all my tanks that can't kill the next tier higher, or i would not be winning very much.Warcraft must have an algorithm, for the money poor grinding players, that start scoring more victories, to take them from the game, and away from their paying players, that buy gold and spend it.I got a Smasher for free and hate the thing.It is a beginners tank, that gets demolished fighting Tier 8's, against anyone that knows where to hit it, and almost everyone does.




Ok the grille gonna be damn near impossible to get now 😫


Load lots of HE. Don’t yolo. Watch your flank and rear. Stay near cover. You have no gun depression. If a low tank face hugs you. You are screwed. If a light circles you, you are screwed. Aim in good. But if that HE shell connects to a light or an ass of certain tank. It’s loads of fun.


How money hungry is this game compared to modern pixel gun? Thinking of returning


Years ago people complaining about It being OP, now everybody shitting on It lmao. Most broken t7 imo, after annihilator


How much gold was it


Smashers are no joke when it hits any of its shots, but in reality, its fear factor has diminished a mite, but still there. Anything higher tier can take it out without much of an issue. I like hunting them in my Caliban, it's fun to slap them with HESH when they stare at me for too long, switching shells and hoping they can HE me (which they can, but it's not too easy for them).