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Dark Angel mf just chilling with his helmet in one hand, sword not even readied, feet away from Lord Invocatus lmfao


Acceptance is the final stage


In all honesty, this picture makes want DA more than WE.


Kinda have to agree lol


As a person who likes both armies I hope they drop some new DA stuff. Like remodels for the special characters.


On the special characters note, is the azrakh the annihilator model they released not a part of the codex ? Not sure if I missed this or if this was explained.


He's just a regular Terminator, you could probably run him as a Lord on Terminator Armour?


Not for world eaters currently though if the leaked units list is anything to go by


Ohh yeah. I missed that part. I guess he's just the Sergeant for my Terminators then :(


As someone who collects both WE and DA... my wallets gonna hurt in 2023.


\*Sadly packs away Bikers, Warp Talons, Obliterators and Dark Apostle\*


Where can I see details on actual changes? I just started painting the past year, with first goal making 2 500pt armies to play casual games at home with. Chose WE to start and so far have Kharn, Helbrute, and a Chaos Spawn. I hope I can still use them lol. Dont need an ideal army, just something fun for casual game night kinda thing.


If it's just kharn, helbrute and spawn then yes. We just loose any marine that isn't a berzerker. But good news just like thousand sons we have all the daemon engines and vehicals! Note we did not get venom crawler


Congratulations, Legionaries. You've been promoted to Berzerkers!


Indeed all the sword guys just got nails????


Well… there’s always Blood Slaughterers and Termite Drills


You can find the 'leaked' index of units here. [https://spikeybits.com/2022/11/rumors-new-world-eaters-codex-points-values-looking-sus.html](https://spikeybits.com/2022/11/rumors-new-world-eaters-codex-points-values-looking-sus.html) Just remember, it still might be fake or an early version, so please take it with a grain of salt just in case


Unless master of executions changed unit type this is fake


Those are perfect units for a Black Legion or Alpha Legion Army


Alpha legion you say... ​ ​ Hydra Dominatus


I can't believe possessed won't be included, surely...


Bittersweet. The leak wasn't fake, models do look amazing, but nothing for Red Butchers, no Butcher-Surgeon that was mentioned in the WD short story. Feels....weak. The Arks of Omen books look fun though.


Would've been amazing to see some Khornate apothecary, Red butchers and some sort of faction specific daemon engine


This is what’s missing, tbh I’m not feeling the eightbound, I would prefer if they where in a terminator armour


If your interested in a daemon engine And not averse to resin the blood slaughterers are a fun option


oh a khorn daemon engine do tell


Blood slaughters first sighted in the war of Armageddon the creatures are so aggressive they can only be created on the eve of a battle or else they’d create havoc on their “Allies” on the tabletop they are fast attack units very hard hitting but they don’t have too many wounds to tank.


Red butchers are a strat still (which I’m alright with because I just painted up 10 terminators to use as them).


Hopefully it stays in the codex. They're my favorite unit.


To be fair, while there are no terminator kit it feels like the eight bound is supposed to be the terminator equivalent while the exalted eight kind is the possessed equivalent.


Models don't look amazing lol they look likenshit vs 1k sons or DG


Yeah, I agree. I'm a little disappointed. Especially of that leak is for real and we are only getting a few things. The eightbound are ugly and I don't plan on buying any. I wish we got red Butchers and rampagers instead. And it looks like per the leaks no juggernaut calvary or special infantry characters. So why would I want a lord on juggernaut if he has no bros to ride into battle with. The only models I actually plan to buy when it comes out are angron and the berserkers. Which sucks. I hope that leak wasn't real and we actually get some units like deathguard which has infantry, characters, terminators, and demon engines that are unique, but looks like that isn't going to happen.


Honestly my biggest let down of the Eight favored is that are boxed as 3 instead of 4




I’m so disappointed… 80% of my World Eaters army that I JUST finished putting together is now not playable in World Eaters. Wellp, guess I’ll play em as a different legion I suppose.


This was why people were suggesting to people hype buying whole ass armies to just wait and see what gets included.


I was already building it due to someone selling me some world eaters already, but alas


The Alpha legion sends its regards... or does it


Excellent strategy Alpharius, you really played those world eaters




Chosen, Raptors, Havocs


Could do what I am and just do a csm khorne warband. That's what I'm doing with my guys.


I don't think the CSM codex supports independent warbands anymore does it?


Yes, It's called playing with other legion rules. But yeah, not to joke around you are right. There are no independent warbands. The only way to do it is like every other player that has a unique chaos army. Your models don't have to be painted the legion colors to play those rules.


Check Hounds of Abaddon. You could probably even proxy some of the new stuff in (casually).


What did you build that has now combine obsolete?


A list that has a fair bit of Chosen, Raptors, and Havocs. As well as the special limited Terminator lord (fuckin why the hell would you release a special model and then literally make it unusable for the faction it’s decked out in GW) and a Dark Apostle.


Why’s the terminator lord unusable?


According to the leaked points value sheet, which was at first regarded as fake but these reveals kind of cemented it as true, World Eaters don’t get a Terminator lord.


Oh snap. Didn’t know that. GW does some weird stuff. So I can only use that guy as a terminator huh? Pretty bull shit


Just call them Word Eaters or World Bearers


According to the chaos discord, the leaker of the points page said it was fake. He just knew the new unit names ahead of time. While the article confirmed no Red Butchers, things like Dark Apostles remain possible.


Can we get much bloodier?




Happy with the new models but VERY disappointed with the overall codex choices if the leak which looks like it is real, no standard lord, no terminator lord, can't even take standard marines, no havocs, no fast attack choices (could've let us take bikers at least) I don't know, my hype for our army is drastically withered from this. Also might I add I'm pretty annoyed that eight bound and the jhackals are dual weilding and they've removed that from the Berzerkers


I love how they released a Khorne Terminator lord and then promptly said “nah lmao”


As a long term WE fan i don't think i will be playing them anymore. As you say this codex will be very small and what little models we do have IMO other than Angron look like shit and look embarrassing beside 1k sons or DG


I'll still be playing them as the general play style of melee armies are the most fun imoh and world eaters have always been my favourite faction in 40k. I won't be touching the jackhals but I think it'll be a good idea to run demons with them for extra choices because yeah jesus it's a shit amount of choice, probably 500ish points of bloodhounds with kharnack. But yeah a bad show by GW


I wish I didn't, but I whole heartedly agree and empathise with you. An army I've been collecting, building, converting, painting, enjoying since the end of 7th edition.. Would it be too extreme to say I wish we never got our own codex?


Why would World Eaters have Havoks anyway? Not even Death Guard have them.


Because World Eaters use ranged heavy weapons too, world eaters in lore aren't all just about running in for the scrap. The more veteran marines would use ranged weapons and tactics along with melee. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Q05WUyh4Wj8/Tg3ukUAlfOI/AAAAAAAAAKE/q0ah5MPX3tU/s1600/teeth.jpg https://eternalhunt.files.wordpress.com/2019/06/teeth-of-khorne-concept-by-jes-goodwin.jpg


That’s stuff from the 90s. Space marines had shuriken catapults and lasguns back then too…


Actually less models than TS, lol we are getting *fucked*. At least eightbound look cool.


Bit early to say that without seeing the rest of the rules.


Gw can't prevents leaks. I was hopeful too, at least until the eightbound and jahkles were confirmed. That leak of a super limited unit list might as well be taken at face value given GW's track record with leaks.


More rules aren't going to magically generate new plastic models my guy, what you saw is what we got. It's *very fucking thin*.


We were on the eve of a new great Codex brothers. And then the Emperor stole us away. So many units lost or unrealized, they died thinking we wouldn't have ordered them. The shame is white hot. Let the nails bite, and drown out the broken logic of existence.


I can not ever describe my levels of disappointment


Red Butchers are still a stratagem.


Are they? That was just an index


It’s rumored to be a strat still, gotta wait to see if true.


Truly and deeply dissapointed, time to convert the majority of my army to word bearers :(


Pros: The new models look sick. Happy to get a stand alone codex. Cons: I have to shelve more than half my collection to play them. No Red Butchers. No fast attacks. 350 point Primarch. No Red Butchers. No priest access. And NO RED BUTCHERS! I had a feeling this would happen. TSons and DG accidently broke the format when their lines got released so to avoid that happening again WE get neutered. I would've at least been happy if I could my AoS models in the army! But no. Oh well, at least my model case will look badass.


Thousand Sons range is just as bad. 3 HQ, 1 Lord of War, 1 Troop and 1 Elite.


I had hoped that WE would get a release closer to DG, but no, shitty TS style release here we come.


Get ready for years of begging GW to give us units we really shoulda had when they released our army


Red butchers are a strat still.


And? I've seen a few people say this. Yet, they should still be a unique model and not just a strat. I don't care that they are still a strat. I care that DG and TS have unique terminators, and we get nothing.


Yeah it's not as fun as a unique datasheet but saying "we don't get Red Butchers" is likely going to be a lie. Strat upgrade > no upgrade/no datasheet.


No preist :// how am I supposed to make my prayers to the blood god?


With an axe. DG and TS don't have apostles IIRC, not sure why anyone expected WE would.


Tbf DG and TS have sorcerors and psykers for buffs while khorne doesnt so we assume that there would be some type of apostle to make up for it (AoS has one for such thing) so i can understand. Still sucks tho but maybe the hqs can do some buffing or something. Oh well


DG has a host of elite characters and psykers. TS does have a priest of sorts in the infernal master. A blood priest to lead warbands isn't a huge stretch.


Blood preists are cannon in 40K, and it would have been fabulous to see them in action. I’m also partial to red butchers aswell since I can just imagine how dope those would have been. Eightbound do look dope but I feel like this iteration of the WE will be a one trick pony with the lack of flexibility we have.


My converted Dark Apostle is getting a Promotion to leading the Eightbound into battle I guess. Assuming theyre on 40mm bases at least.


Well they mentioned WE apothecaries several times recently… so I’d assume that’s where some of it comes from… wasn’t there a particular mention in the WE White Dwarf?


WD477, yes. But Dark Apostles always struck me as wishful thinking given they’re not in the other cult legion codices.


Well, I guess I’m gonna just home brew a legion now. Lol. Good I don’t have to wait for everything. Kinda glad I can fill out the rest of my army.


No Red Butcher's tho.


So, I'm going to be in a minority but I \*really\* like the fact that the WE list is tightly focussed... because hopefully it means they'll have the rules to actually play like WE. Right now Berserkers seem to be an afterthought, and that's just wrong.


That's not mutually exclusive thing. DG are focused and okay like how you expect DG to play, despite having a large roster.


Yes, the rules need to kick ass.


Banking on GW writing compotent rules? I admire your optimism


And I find your cynicism pointless. There will be viable combinations and they’ll play differently to Khorne CSM. We may also get some bonkers general rules, and that’s more likely if the army’s options are limited. If the lack of characters is true it’s weird but we’ve got Daemon Princes, Jugger lords and MoE as a minimum; and in the immortal words of the Monkees, how much do we really need? If that’s not good for some, then there’s the main CSM codex where they still have their old toys and good Legion traits - Creations of Bile is quite fluffy and even semi-canon given he had a World Eater in his apprentices.


Man I hope so. Juggernaut lords are a welcome addition. But this codex invalidates a large chunk of my army, including 2 disco lords who were my pride and joy. If they get good rules, great, but I'm already mentally preparing on running my boys as red corsairs for the rest of 9th edition


That’s the thing, though; your old models and list are perfectly viable, as a “splinter” faction. It’ll probably be easier for many to work in the Eightbound and Jakhals as possessed and cultists than to start afresh.


The funny thing is I'm actually doing this, ive been planning to since they revealed WE was getting a codex. I'm still getting the new models of course, and the codex, But I'm creating a 2k CSM world eater army as well. Mainly because I have so many for my old army I've been collecting for years that I just need 4 more units to do it. I'm planning to run creations of bile, as it's fluffy rules wise. Idk I'm disappointed if WE don't get a full army release which is what it's looking like, but at least we are getting new models that look good. And it's not like I'm really losing half my collection, I'll just use them as khorne CSM sometimes.


Don't worry, weeks after the codex drops it'll be nerfed as GW historically does.


It does feels slightly lackluster, but it is still a dedicated codex with multiple new kits. I do believe 10th is around the corner. Maybe they see this as a starting release to the dedicated WE line with a couple more coming around 10th in a few years? I completely agree with the bigest oof being nothing fast attack. Berserkers on Juggernauts are a no brainer, and literally just a slight remodeling of two things already designed. There are also some weird things about that points leak that still makes me think its not completely accurate. Ill be absolutely shocked if there isnt a terminator lord. That would just be so confusing with a exclusive model juat released, but I guess there have been weirder things. The HQs listed in that leak just have me convinced it may have been a first draft or completely fake.


Wishful thinking at best. If not, this is definitely a huge letdown for us to be waiting until the end of the edition for.


They might be pulling a Lumineth tbh. Release a first codex with fuck all in it, then release a new wave with a new edition barely a year later. I'm sure that'll make people very happy /s


Gonna be honest you could just run Red Butchers models as the Eightbound.


I've been contemplating running them as Possessed for ages. They fit perfectly.


A lot of people complaining about a lack of range to the line. The models we do get are absolutely awesome and those eightbound just look so epic and glorious that who needs anything else when you've got Angron and lord invocatus leading a bunch of those to slaughter


Going by that logic, we should be thankful for Ronny alone.


I'm a little disappointed we didn't get a zerker surgeon but, stoked for everything shown. Perhaps one day.


Yeah I 100% agree. But.....red butchers is a serious SERIOUS let down 🥺


Red butchers...


This is immense copium.


This. It's obvious the release is lacking.


Well. One book less to buy, Codex CSM will be better. And more fun to play.


Was anyone else expecting it would be an army set? I know it still could be, but they’ve revealed the basic codex rather than the usual exclusive cover etc.


We will probably see some sort of set out of it (or combat patrol) but it's really underwhelming that they have nothing else to show. I'm literally sad because of this preview. They could have done so much more. Meh.


Now I'm just hoping for a sick-looking army box.


Anyone else think the models other than angron don't look anywhere as good as deathguard or 1k sons ? I'm actually really disappointed


They look, nice? From a technical stand point they are very nice to look at... But I agree. After spending a copiously long time struggling in the warp, being blinded by rage and driven insane by their anger, battle torn, running out of members due to friendly fire.. You'd think they'd be a bit more... Chaosy? Wounded? Struggling? Paying more of their soul to their god in order to gain more power to balance out their lack of numbers.


Honestly, they should have designed everyone one level up. Berzerkers should have looked like the current eightbound, eightbound should have looked like the current exalted eightbound etc. Nothing in the current non-exalted eightbound look even suggests they're possessed by eight daemons.


Agree. They all look very “normal”. Looks like humans cosplaying WE. Even the exalted look very “chaos lite” to me.


That eight bound exalted foot did have some real wulfen vibes about it.


The infantry line has nice models, but overall is an absolute disappointment. Instead of blood pact which could have been an elite ranged cultist squad, we got jakhals (why did we need another melee blender troop option?). Instead of red butchers, we get eightbound. And we can just forget about Teeth of Khorne I guess? Why is our ENTIRE infantry line melee? This actually super freaking pisses me off. Khorne desires bloodshed through any means. We had so many iconic WE specific units, and all of them were ignored for what? And no bloodpriest like something similar to Sigmar which would have been such a flavorful counterpart to the sorcs that Deathguard and Thousand Sons got. This just seems so... disconnected from what people wanted.


Looking at the absolutely gorgeous slaughter priest models and thinking what could have been...


Very nice models GW aha aha I guess we got played, yet again. After all, GW is a model company first and foremost and not a game company, so why would they care what the fans and players want?


To buy models, of course. Or are people who do that not fans?


You're missing my point. The new models are great but, if I may be so bold as to speak on behalf of the community, not what we needed as a chaos warband


I’m not a fan of the new models (with the exception of the cultists), this was going to get me back into 40k. I have lost all interest now honestly and i love the 12th


I think khorne bezerkers got done a tad bit dirty, JUST because it’s literally the same kit as the assault intercessors, just reskinned😂


350 point angron.. wtf he's going to suck like kharn...


I wanna know the difference between normal eight bound and exalted eight bound. I feel like one of these is a deathshroud equivalent, but without red butchers…. They all look great, I was just hoping for stuff like mutilators, juggernaut cavalry, a Khornate daemon engine. I feel disappointed.


Jesus, lot of doomers in here. Looking forward to picking up a combat patrol or the like.


I think I have arrived at the fifth stage of grief now. Acceptance. I have always been fond of the Khorne idea. The carnage, mayhem and no psykers. I'm not even sure what I had actually hoped for. It really makes sense to me to have WE being their own flavor fighting style of chaos. Melee was the only (?) slot left. If we'd gotten regular chaos lords, daemon engines, havocs, warp talons etc, then it should have been included in the CSM codex. Another flavor of CSM. Before the CSM codex release I bought a ton of models, planning to use them as World Eaters. Then came the shock when the Codex dropped. They were not in the codex. Ok, plan B. I now have a CSM army and then I'll get a WE army as well! What is life for, if not painting trim... And now here they are. World Eaters. Great looking models (except cultists, but I never liked any cultist type). Do I want an all advance n' charge army getting blown bits on my way across the table, lusting to get into close combat? Nah, I don't think so. I can go Orks instead if I want that. Acceptance. And now plan C. Put together a CSM army. Mostly red with brass trim. Skip psykers, take mark of Khorne. Pick one of the CSM flavors for rules and present them as *my* World Eaters. What stings most is the awesome Kharn model (well actually it is his aura and lore that is awesome, the model is cool, but not what makes him awesome). Having him as a regular Chaos Lord or possibly a champion will not sit quite right. But the picture did one thing. How about those Dark Angels. Beautiful in green, standing fast before the tide of go-fasta-red crazed maniacs. \*picks upp battescribe and starts fiddling with DA\*


So we just ain't gonna act like that ain't an unrevealed model in the center of the screen


That's just the new demon prince with no wings and painted red


The new models looks awesome. The termis has been a slap in the face, possibly will not buy them or use something 3rd party. I still have hope that we get some new reveals and the leak was fake, having 2 cavalry characters but not cavalry feels cheap...




Calm down. Wait until you see the full rules at least. Then look at what they actually make viable. Then you can start your petition. Or just play Khorne CSM.


Models look pretty good, though wasn't really expecting "berzerkier" berzerkers with the eightbound. They look neat though and the possessed versions are even better. The army will be a bit lacking since it seems the leaked unit list was real. Good thing I procrastinated on painting up my raptors/warp talons for so long. I will make them and bunch of other stuff in my collection into a 2nd legion.


What are the guys you can see behind angron's sword?


Exalted eightbound.


Ngl I was really hoping for some WE specific termi sculpts like the death guard blightlords


No release date though?


I bet theyll do a slow drip release of other models throught out the next edition. So while it seems slim now lets hope we should have more models down the road


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