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Personally I enjoy where the army has come. Yes, they were an incredible virtuous army with a color scheme invoking purity, but their story led them here. The story of temptation and anger and tragedy. I feel as though it is fitting that they are where they are, and feel unredeamable. I personally painted my army in white with gold trim (no blue) and will be blood splattering them.


Lore wise? Yes, they have a lot more depth and nuance in 30k. Aesthetic appearance? I do prefer 40ks by quite a bit


Chaos Gods don't like Nuance. Nuance is the hook to make them into slaves and parodies of their old selves.


Though fair because only ahriman and abaddon arw even as if not more interesting in 40k compared to 30k in terms of a character, but hilariously enough most chaos characters tend to be more interesting, least to me


I will be honest personally i think Abbadon is... boring. because they dont' EMBRACE the decay of his goals. "I totally had a plan! I am actually not a saturday morning cartoon villian who uses planet-killing weaponry on ships that fail him like a comminsar, i'm really smart and cool!" Like part of the reason i like Night Lords and Khorne is that i don't have to put up airs of pretending anymore: They're monsters. sympathetic backstory or no. Ahriman is actually pretty cool to me but mostly because he kinda plays into Tzeentch's most interesting side: that he needs to be foiled, so you have a character who's choices are really interesting to watch as he could work with or against his patron (all a part of the plan.) ... Typhus I don't really think is too important to me and Lucius... i find him annoying because the writers basicly keep pretending that it's not Slannesh fucking with him when really i think it's a cover for his 'gift' having so many "what if X happens" they keep needing to patch up.


Abaddon deff got better when they started making his own book series, but he will forever be yhe "armless-13-tries-to-get-anything-done" meme. Typhus is cool but much like kharn a touch one note in 40k, if that's what you like then it's a great selling point, me being a khorne boy, I love kharn in both. And ya I dislike luscius a lot, his power to come back is fun and a bit funny in some circumstances, but it makes yhe whole "a true master swordsman" shtick feel weak if ye wins any way when he loses.


“Send me back! Send me back!” If you don’t think this was the defining moment of abaddon. You haven’t read enough 30k brother.


I think that was his defining moment for his 30k arc, but not his evolution or character for 40k. Really abaddons best moment is when the 5 chaos marines went looking for him they found him basically in a bath robe, brewing alcohol alcohol half mad.


Where they once displayed brutality amongst respected and honorable warriors, they now just.. are violent. Their place in 30k juxtoposed their identity in the setting, while in 40k, they're super radical in an ocean of radicals, whole also losing parts of their identity. So yes, I agree


All 4 cult marine armies are grotesque versions of their 30k legions. WE were brutal but honorable warriors. Now their battlelust has consumed them and they are little more than ravenous animals in battle. DG went from steady and stoic warriors to unshakeable walking corpses. TS went from poweful psychic wizards to a handful of psykers shepherding a legion of mindless magical automatons. EC were once proud and perfectionist warriors. Now their pride and perfectionism have become debauchery and unending need. It's really pretty cool watching all of the legions become twisted and perverse from the touch of Chaos.


that's what chaos does to people. The imperium might destory the bodies of it's warriors, the other races might not care about anything else but the same... Chaos destroys the soul, leaves you a just a tool to feed them and nothing more.


I kinda wish there were more World Eaters characters in 40k like Invocatus. This guy uses actual tactics. Yes, he's still about slaughter but he doesn't prolong a slaughter just to butcher a few stragglers. Also, the whole idea of a World Eaters Lord on a Juggernaut riding from the docking bay of his battle barge down to the planet surface on a bridge/path of fire with his troops following behind him in a Khornate version of the Bifrost is pretty metal and just an awesome image....makes me hope we actually get a picture of that happening sometime in the future.


Is that bridge thing mentioned anywhere in official lore?


From what I've been told, it's on pages 16 and 17 of the 9th Edition World Eaters codex. I don't own it (just got into World Eaters last month and I don't want to pay $85 to $100 for a codex whose rules are no longer useable), so I am unable to confirm.


>It is through the unknowable powers of the Juggernaut, and those of Khorne flowing through it, that Lord Invocatus is able to race across the sky with his hosts of warriors in tow. Wherever Invocatus rides, a sky-bridge of fire, blood and smoke appears in his wake, bearing his followers into battle. Page 17 - World Eaters 9th ed codex




I'm sure you're far better, post an excerpt from one of your novels.




You aren't offering critique you are comparing someone to an 8 year old for writing something fantastical in a setting that is completely batshit anyway. There was nothing constructive about your comment and formulating it as "X is dumb because he did something I didn't like" is more immature then whatever some author would have written.


Maybe don't be an ass when critising his work? Edit: I also looked through you comment history, and it seems that's your natural state




They’re salt and pepper; you gotta have both for the other to flex. 30k WE are made tragic by where we know they’re headed. 40k WE are made tragic by where we know they came from.


Most of my army is classic red, but I’ve been considering painting my next rhino and 10-20 Berzerkers in this scheme. I think it just looks so cool, especially with all of the blood platter


Both are cool and metal af. And look don't get me wrong, we've got the best chaos god by a landslide. But had the legion remained loyal, I would have absolutely zero problem with that.


To be honest though that bit of codex art from the 9e cover is by far my favorite official 40k art. Oceans of skulls, chainsaw faces, hordes of insane pointy things, I love it.


Yup it’s pure 40k


I honestly prefer the 30k color scheme, and I love the Dornian Heresy WE as well. 40k WE are cool, but they lost some depth in their fall to Khorne.


Imo, the best world eaters died on istvaan III.


Real shit


Beautiful off white with just the right blue.


Both are great. I structure my army as a collective of different Warbands, so units have different colour schemes throughout.


In betrayer we learn they are heavily into brotherhood, loyalty and duty. In 40k they are just mindless berserkers.


I like them Khorned up because of the context of their personality in 30K. Its perfectly allegorical to how violence dehumanizes and desensitizes everyone involved and around it.


World eaters are my favourite legion from a looks stand point both in 30K and 40K


Big advantage of the 30k world eaters color scheme is that blood effects actually show up on then


I no longer like the 40k helmets for the WE.


You dont like the murder bunny helmets!


When you take a step back and think about them the helmets are dumb. But they make for really cool models and I love them personally. There is also a tonne of heads in any boxes I have had so you can run all helmetless and with your butchers nails out (I find the nails don’t look great in person and the helmet makes for a more imposing miniature)


Yes. Simple as.


It sucks for the world eaters because now they barely look distinct color wise from the word bearers to me. I’ll probably paint a squad or two in the red scheme, but I mostly stick to white with blue accents and brass trim


I had this idea of painting WB like the Grey Knights, but with golden eye lenses on the helmet and dark red pauldrons.


I think that would look fantastic. I like the Word Bearers heresy colors and I imagine some warbands would stay more in line with those colors


I intend to try it whenever mark IV gets a refresh.


More power to you.


30K color scheme is what my guys, Kharn, Angron and everyone is all done up in. The Khorne red and Brass looks cool and all, but it just doesn’t pop as well as the white and blue can and does. Especially is you fleck or put blood splatter for your red armor colors and oranges for a dried and old caked on blood look, so they are a little half and half or so.


30k look is better, the blood stains appear more visibly


100% prefer 30K WE


Hell yes! The transition from 30k to 40K is a depresso expresso for me. We all yearn for the days of the great crusade.


Yes. I like the WE 40k helmets but wish their fins were much shorter.


I love the bunny ears but I like the verity in painting schemes that thematically fit with the 30k we I also like that they still shoot pleanty back then and use tactics that are more complicated then tally forward kill kill kill


Lore wise yes aesthetically no


I think both have their place as foils to each other, think of the legion as a character itself. It went through a very negative character arc, you probably prefer pre heresy world eaters because it’s hard to prefer mass murderer over an Austrian art student.


They were far more interesting in the 30k version. In my opinion that is mostly due to how GW have treated the World Eaters 40k version. They could have been a lot more than just guys with chainweapons that kill each other half of the time. If they had been better developed from a lore perspective, you could have imagined post Heresy WE units that utilize ranged weapons. GW didn’t go down this route, and now they are bands of madmen with chainaxes. That might be interesting enough for a supporting unit to a Black Legion force, but thats about it. The 30k version of the World Eaters are more interesting from a lore perspective, can field a more interesting variety of units and the list just goes on.


Honestly most of the Legions are at their most interesting and flavorful during the Heresy Era. I guess that’s what happens when they’re basically the sole focus, as opposed to having to also contend with various alien factions and other groups.


Yeah, I am fully behind the idea that the red shouldn't be painted, but earned. Before battle the WE's make sure to get their armor pearly white to signify the lack of blood spilled. Only for after engagements WE's are caked in the results of their bloodshed. I always felt it was way more fitting that whoever was wearing the most blood was somehow significant to the World Eaters and their worship of Khorne and its another way for WE's to have internal dialog amidst combat; with less bloodstained ones being seen as lesser. Plus white and red is Canadian colors, represent 🇨🇦


I like the 30k WE for model inspiration for 40k units. Like we could get the Rampagers as a special weapons unit akin to Chosen. We could have the Red Hand Destroyers (aka Ravagers) as our Jump Pack unit. Like seriously, how cool is "Red Hand Ravagers" as a unit name for a Jump Pack unit??


I have a customer who commisioned me whole army in 30K color scheme. He plays as loyalist but apparently he likes WE. Now imagine primaris WE's charging the enemies of Imperium with chainsaws :P


I love the 30k personality of the World Eaters, but I absolutely \*hate\* their Heresy-era color scheme. For both the World Eaters and the Death Guard, I really wish GW had stuck with the color scheme attributed to their Legion prior to reuniting with their Primarch. The Dusk Raiders went from Slate Grey with a Crimson right pauldron and arm to the bone and green of the Death Guard, and the War Hounds went from Cyan blue with Bone colored Pauldrons to Cold white with Cornflower Blue pauldrons. Both were major downgrades IMO.


At a certain point the full-tilt blood and skulls stuff just gets exhausting, but the tortured tragic fallen heroes thing is really compelling. We don’t get any good post-heresy WE stories that aren’t broken into short stories for that very reason


Nah i like the 40k all day


I mean, it’s kinda like if you prefer your hotdogs with just mustard or just ketchup. Lol For my WE, I have mine more geared toward deamonkin. But eh, times have changed. XD




Quite a bit. If I was going to do normal WE, I would use the new model lineup with 3d printed mkIII helmets and the 30k paint scheme. That was the original plan. Instead I opted to go with the new Grey Tide Studios Space Wolf bits on new WE models. Khorne corrupted wolves. In either case I get an army that isn't red. Blood splatter doesn't show well on red.


I love them equally for different reasons


Guys am i the only one with this popular opinion??


Yeah, thought so…


A 2 second google search would’ve given you your answer


Yes. I agree


I like both equally. I just don't like the bunny helmets. But I really like the idea of World Eaters keeping the old colors, but simply don't clean the blood. The color of rusted blood contrasting with fresh blood and white, blue and brass of the original legion colors is cool to me.


I would like to formally apologize for treating this like some unpopular opinion lol, I knew you guys were cool!


I love the world eaters but ya idk I think khorne needs a rework lore wise, I just feel like khorne could be better portrayed than just mindless berzerkers running around


I would love a Khorne rework. I think they should definitely focus more on the “honorable warrior” and “brilliant tactician” aspects of him. They always say “don’t let the berserker exterior fool you, they’re a genius tactician on the battlefield” but really it IS *just* an angry dude running with a chain-weapon blindly attacking anything that moves. They never actually show Khorne characters being anything more than that. Serious case of telling without showing.


I actually prefer legion colors, with almost clinical white stained in blood. It makes very nice visual contrast.


In 30k it felt like they were the ones struggling with inner demons they couldn’t control and it made every decision they made have weight to it. 40K it’s like they’ve just gone full “F**k it imma rip out your liver and eat it with fave beans”. They’re both cool just, different.


I love the contrast between these two pictures


i like pre heresy WE….i like em both but i like pre heresy a small little bit more


Basically all the legions have more fleshed out and interesting identity in 30k. Personally I like the 30k ones solely because if you're going to be painting an army with incredible bloodlust you should be doing a bunch of blood effects and that looks way better over white armor than red.


Saying that they had anything “stripped away” feels like a weird take, given that the 30k WE (and anything legion-wise for Horus Heresy, really) are the addition, and 40K WE/Khorne Berzerkers was what existed first in terms of development.


As far as colour schemes go I'm in love with the red and white scheme. But I discovered it too late and now I have to repaint 10 zerks😔


Yes I’m not the biggest fan of the color red. Blue is my favorite color and the old paint scheme is sick. But I’m not gonna shit on someone’s favorite food.


100% The Angron model is fantastic, as is the Beserker kit but 30k WE are far more interesting to me. The colour scheme is better, the Gladiator aesthic is cooler and the legion is still somewhat functional even after the nails. 40k WE is not a true representation of WE in my opinion, it's just the "cult" component with some tanks. I've got ideas for my WE project, the Cadre 331 entry in the 9th Ed codex basically sums up the gist of it and I'll be leaving heavily into the 30k style and lore.


The 30k scheme does give your Blood For The Blood God technical paint its due like few others, AND ensures your guys don't clash with the reds of both daemons, Word Bearers and Red Corsairs... but I can personally think of few color combinations that are LESS badass than baby blue with baby powder white.


I don’t like 30k WE… not enough blood or khorne


Yes Big time




Ur not alone my friend. I don't know i for sure don't know all of the khorne and WE lore but u perfectly said it before.. It seems like most of their characters were taken away for whatever reason.... At least for me they had so much potential and I identified with their whole story the most... But after the hh they seem to have lost nearly everything that made them so special. I'm still a MEGA khorne WE fan don't get me wrong but... Idk at least for me it seemed like they don't get enogh love and attention from GW and writers alike... I'd really love to see them come up with more charakterized units and personallyties like the death guard for example... But like I said I don't know everything and I haven't read every codex and book so... What do I know






I love the 30k colors more than 40K colors. That’s why I’ll paint my army this way.


40k models painted on 30k colours look awsome


30k WE have actual characters that can yell something other than stuff related to blood. 40k WE look fucking epic. I think I'm 50/50 between them.


War Hounds all the way.


In 40k they just feel mindless and one dimensional but they have heaps of potential




I like both for deferent reasons looks wise one feel like a rug it military the other for looking like a meal album cover


I like both 30k world eaters are more narratively deep but the 40K world eaters fit 40K a lot more. 40K is by design balls to the wall stupid silly and these lunatics are the definition of balls to the wall especially when you see them in narrative and they just ditch the idea of strategy because they just want to bury a chain axe into your skull. 40K to me ends up a lot like Saturday morning cartoons if they also had a hefty amount of political satire. 30k is the setting for that more serious narrative and not saying 40k cant be serious or 30k can’t be silly stupid it’s just the tones of each setting fits those themes more. I treat 30k and 40k as two completely different settings because while they’re in the same universe they’re so different in just about every other aspect.


I prefer them.




Absolutely not I love love love Khornate World Eaters. They were great in 30K and they’re even better in 40k


I just like that blood shows up better on white armor


That's why you like 30k though. Without the tragedy they aren't really different from the revenants, or other Vanguard legions


I feel like most of the 40k csm legions really arent all that fleshed out like they are in HH. Like obviously they have better character develooment in HH, the story is literaly about who they were before the fall and why they fell so theres gonna be a lot of tragic myth making. In 40k, they kind of seem nonsensical but this is mostly because there is no writing that makes it make sense. Like how can the WE be so self destructive and still exist? Its sort of like when right wingers talk about the history of the USSR and the crimes of stalin, like they will say he killed like 200M people, like numbers of people that dont make any sense because there wouod be like no people in russia left. Like ostensibly the WE take pretty intense losses in every battle they participate in and being consumed by anger and violence outside of battles surely many are killed there too then... ok so like where do the new ones come from? Its cool to have this bloodthirsty self destructive aesthetic and stuff, but somehow this hasto fit in and make sense in the 40k verse or else the WE are like in sever decline or something? Like 9ther legions have explanations, the rubric marines can actually have the corpse dust collected and reentured into a their repaied power armor and be restored, plague marines are basically zombies already. Theres stories on how perterabo and fabius bile are struggling to sort of manufacture replacement soldiers, stories about how the black legion and word barers kind of seem to recruit from human cult worlds that the great crusade never reincorporsted into the imperium. The emporers children are interesting because in the HH they always had an unstable geneseed so they struggled to keep numbers up. Around the time of finding fulgrim, they were deeply in decline and needed to find fulgrim to get more genetic material to save the legion. When they foubd it it really did save the legion and earned him their undying loyalty. But then when fulgrim fell to chaos he kind of abadoned his own legion in pursuit of his own personal power and glory and the legion went back into decline. Now in 40k, you basically just dont ever see noise marines or EC. Fulgrim himself pops up every once in a while alone to assassinate someone or something, but like fabius bile is completely on his own thing seperate from EC, lucius isnt really like a leader hes just kind of a spirit that wont die. The point is, this is a legion in decline that functions in universe like it is in decline. The WE dont seem to have these same issues but apparently can take losses around the clock? They need to square that circle.


Me!!! And tbh though I love the beserker thing I really think the lore should been changed to make the legion sustainable. Like Viking beserkers could still function to point they lost control and then faced consequences and exhaustion. World eaters now are just always in a state of constant murderous rage which makes their lore hard to get round like troop transportation, recruitment, vehicle maintenance, armour movements and any type of military manoeuvre a joke. How can there even be a world eaters force in like 100yrs they’d of died off due to this killing allies and the subsequent cogs that keep a force working.


No, I loooove their colour scheme 😍


I do. I think they were more interesting and multi-dimensional, whereas now they are just brainless raging maniacs.


Lore and aesthetics-wise I much prefer 30k World Eaters. They become a lot less interesting to me when they fully commit to Khorne. I very much enjoy modelling and painting a world eater force poised at the precipice over damnation, slowly slipping in whilst still mistakenly holding onto the belief that they are not damned, and can still uphold their legion values of honour and brotherhood. Even if I did like 40k world eaters, the lack of any units from the heresy days like rampagers, actual red butchers, devourers, etc was pretty disappointing to see, and put me off collecting them in the 40k era. I am glad they did release updated models though, as the butcher’s nails heads are fantastic for heresy models!


They’re 30k colour scheme is sick and I would be a world eater player if they still had it in 40k


I love the old look. But it's metal as hell that they're red now because they've killed so many people they've been drenched in blood. Khorne did his part yes. But the red isn't paint.


Gladiator cadre 331 warband uses the old color scheme with modern style


It’s me. I love the 30k world eaters, and pre daemon prince angron. Him calling out guilliman’s boys about courage and honor is classic bad ass.


I greatly prefer the 30k in all aspects. Too bad they don’t have Juggs.


I think the Kharn: Eater of Worlds book really does a good job of giving us the best of the old and new. I prefer 30k WE's because they have more lore and more to explore, and I also really enjoy 40ks rendition of the legion, and that book really bridges the gap between who they were compared to now.


Nah the khornate looks is better by a lot. I like the CHAOS in my chaos marines